6 resultados para Non banking finance companies,
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In my PhD thesis I propose a Bayesian nonparametric estimation method for structural econometric models where the functional parameter of interest describes the economic agent's behavior. The structural parameter is characterized as the solution of a functional equation, or by using more technical words, as the solution of an inverse problem that can be either ill-posed or well-posed. From a Bayesian point of view, the parameter of interest is a random function and the solution to the inference problem is the posterior distribution of this parameter. A regular version of the posterior distribution in functional spaces is characterized. However, the infinite dimension of the considered spaces causes a problem of non continuity of the solution and then a problem of inconsistency, from a frequentist point of view, of the posterior distribution (i.e. problem of ill-posedness). The contribution of this essay is to propose new methods to deal with this problem of ill-posedness. The first one consists in adopting a Tikhonov regularization scheme in the construction of the posterior distribution so that I end up with a new object that I call regularized posterior distribution and that I guess it is solution of the inverse problem. The second approach consists in specifying a prior distribution on the parameter of interest of the g-prior type. Then, I detect a class of models for which the prior distribution is able to correct for the ill-posedness also in infinite dimensional problems. I study asymptotic properties of these proposed solutions and I prove that, under some regularity condition satisfied by the true value of the parameter of interest, they are consistent in a "frequentist" sense. Once I have set the general theory, I apply my bayesian nonparametric methodology to different estimation problems. First, I apply this estimator to deconvolution and to hazard rate, density and regression estimation. Then, I consider the estimation of an Instrumental Regression that is useful in micro-econometrics when we have to deal with problems of endogeneity. Finally, I develop an application in finance: I get the bayesian estimator for the equilibrium asset pricing functional by using the Euler equation defined in the Lucas'(1978) tree-type models.
This thesis is dedicated to the analysis of non-linear pricing in oligopoly. Non-linear pricing is a fairly predominant practice in most real markets, mostly characterized by some amount of competition. The sophistication of pricing practices has increased in the latest decades due to the technological advances that have allowed companies to gather more and more data on consumers preferences. The first essay of the thesis highlights the main characteristics of oligopolistic non-linear pricing. Non-linear pricing is a special case of price discrimination. The theory of price discrimination has to be modified in presence of oligopoly: in particular, a crucial role is played by the competitive externality that implies that product differentiation is closely related to the possibility of discriminating. The essay reviews the theory of competitive non-linear pricing by starting from its foundations, mechanism design under common agency. The different approaches to model non-linear pricing are then reviewed. In particular, the difference between price and quantity competition is highlighted. Finally, the close link between non-linear pricing and the recent developments in the theory of vertical differentiation is explored. The second essay shows how the effects of non-linear pricing are determined by the relationship between the demand and the technological structure of the market. The chapter focuses on a model in which firms supply a homogeneous product in two different sizes. Information about consumers' reservation prices is incomplete and the production technology is characterized by size economies. The model provides insights on the size of the products that one finds in the market. Four equilibrium regions are identified depending on the relative intensity of size economies with respect to consumers' evaluation of the good. Regions for which the product is supplied in a single unit or in several different sizes or in only a very large one. Both the private and social desirability of non-linear pricing varies across different equilibrium regions. The third essay considers the broadband internet market. Non discriminatory issues seem the core of the recent debate on the opportunity or not of regulating the internet. One of the main questions posed is whether the telecom companies, owning the networks constituting the internet, should be allowed to offer quality-contingent contracts to content providers. The aim of this essay is to analyze the issue through a stylized two-sided market model of the web that highlights the effects of such a discrimination over quality, prices and participation to the internet of providers and final users. An overall welfare comparison is proposed, concluding that the final effects of regulation crucially depend on both the technology and preferences of agents.
Le ragioni della delocalizzazione sono molteplici e di differente natura. Si delocalizza, in primo luogo, per ragioni di stampo economico, finanziario eccetera, ma questa spinta naturale alla delocalizzazione è controbilanciata, sul piano strettamente tributario, dall’esigenza di preservare il gettito e da quella di controllare la genuinità della delocalizzazione medesima. E’ dunque sul rapporto tra “spinte delocalizzative” dell’impresa, da un lato, ed esigenze “conservative” del gettito pubblico, dall’altro, che si intende incentrare il presente lavoro. Ciò alla luce del fatto che gli strumenti messi in campo dallo Stato al fine di contrastare la delocalizzazione (più o meno) artificiosa delle attività economiche devono fare i conti con i principi comunitari introdotti con il Trattato di Roma e tratteggiati negli anni dalla giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia. In quest’ottica, la disciplina delle CFC costituisce un ottimo punto di partenza per guardare ai fenomeni di produzione transnazionale della ricchezza e agli schemi di ordine normativo preposti alla tassazione di codesta ricchezza. Ed infatti, le norme sulle CFC non fanno altro che omogeneizzare un sistema che, altrimenti, sarebbe lasciato alla libera iniziativa degli uffici fiscali. Tale “normalizzazione”, peraltro, giustifica le esigenze di apertura che sono incanalate nella disciplina degli interpelli disapplicativi. Con specifico riferimento alla normativa CFC, assumono particolare rilievo la libertà di stabilimento ed il principio di proporzionalità anche nella prospettiva del divieto di abuso del diritto. L’analisi dunque verterà sulla normativa CFC italiana con l’intento di comprendere se codesta normativa, nelle sue diverse sfaccettature, possa determinare situazioni di contrasto con i principi comunitari. Ciò anche alla luce delle recenti modifiche introdotte dal legislatore con il d.l. 78/2009 in un quadro normativo sempre più orientato a combattere le delocalizzazioni meramente fittizie.
This dissertation assesses the impact of the EU Directive on Bank Recovery and Resolution (BRRD) on bank corporate governance and investigates a fundamental question. Can the resolution framework for distressed banks enhance the quality of banks’ decision making? According to the Directive, the Resolution Authority can impose losses on bank’s creditors in case of distress through a bail-in. Bail-inable creditors become residual claimants of the bank, contingent on its distress. The first part of the dissertation establishes an analytical framework for bank governance, starting from the problem of what can be defined as “good governance” in banking. The dissertation hypothesizes that governance regulation represents a necessary link between the incentives of corporate constituencies and the goals of substantive regulation. The second part builds upon this analytical framework and carries out a positive analysis encompassing three channels of debt governance; namely, price internalisation of risk; contractual arrangements and the discrete impact of different type of creditors. The existence of a resolution framework should incentivise bail-inable creditors to better discipline the borrowing bank; yet, the design of both the capital and resolution regulation largely foreclose such possibility to creditors. Against this backdrop, the third part of the dissertation moves to normative considerations. The approach to this normative part combines and complements the study of cash flow rights of the management with the study of the voting rights to bail-inable creditors. On the cash flow side, the dissertation proposes to include bail-inable debt as part of the variable remuneration for bank risk-takers. On the voting right, the proposal is to grant a limited basket of ex-ante governance rights to bail-inable creditors. Such a unified approach is rather uncommon in the literature, where cash flow rights and voting rights are often approached separately whereas those complement each other in the dissertation.
La scomposizione dei servizi finanziari rappresenta un processo in essere da diverso tempo, che tuttavia ha subito una significativa accelerazione negli ultimi anni, a causa di alcuni fattori, tra cui l’incremento degli scambi commerciali conseguente alla globalizzazione, la crescente finanziarizzazione dell’economia e, da ultimo, l’avvento di Internet, che ha progressivamente cannibalizzato i canali tradizionali del commercio e della finanza. In questo contesto hanno assunto un rilievo crescente, da un lato, la concentrazione degli intermediari finanziari, i quali, aumentando le proprie dimensioni, mirano a beneficiare dei rendimenti di scala crescenti tipici del settore in cui operano, dall’altro, la specializzazione degli operatori, anche non finanziari, che, al fine di aumentare la propria efficienza e diminuire i costi di produzione, si focalizzano su singoli processi o sottoprocessi dei servizi finanziari tradizionali, talvolta innovandoli o creandoli ex novo allo scopo di conquistare quote di mercato. Di fronte a tutto ciò, l’applicazione dell’esenzione IVA rappresenta una sfida per gli interpreti del diritto, in quanto, derogando al principio cardine della neutralità dell’IVA, può divenire o costituire già ora un fattore distorsivo del mercato, alterando la parità di condizioni in cui dovrebbero operare gli intermediari finanziari ed influenzando le scelte organizzative dei medesimi, a discapito dell’efficienza cui dovrebbero fisiologicamente tendere in condizioni di libera concorrenza.
On May 25, 2018, the EU introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that offers EU citizens a shelter for their personal information by requesting companies to explain how people’s information is used clearly. To comply with the new law, European and non-European companies interacting with EU citizens undertook a massive data re-permission-request campaign. However, if on the one side the EU Regulator was particularly specific in defining the conditions to get customers’ data access, on the other side, it did not specify how the communication between firms and consumers should be designed. This has left firms free to develop their re-permission emails as they liked, plausibly coupling the informative nature of these privacy-related communications with other persuasive techniques to maximize data disclosure. Consequently, we took advantage of this colossal wave of simultaneous requests to provide insights into two issues. Firstly, we investigate how companies across industries and countries chose to frame their requests. Secondly, we investigate which are the factors that influenced the selection of alternative re-permission formats. In order to achieve these goals, we examine the content of a sample of 1506 re-permission emails sent by 1396 firms worldwide, and we identify the dominant “themes” characterizing these emails. We then relate these themes to both the expected benefits firms may derive from data usage and the possible risks they may experience from not being completely compliant to the spirit of the law. Our results show that: (1) most firms enriched their re-permission messages with persuasive arguments aiming at increasing consumers’ likelihood of relinquishing their data; (2) the use of persuasion is the outcome of a difficult tradeoff between costs and benefits; (3) most companies acted in their self-interest and “gamed the system”. Our results have important implications for policymakers, managers, and customers of the online sector.