29 resultados para New venture development

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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With the business environments no longer confined to geographical borders, the new wave of digital technologies has given organizations an enormous opportunity to bring together their distributed workforce and develop the ability to work together despite being apart (Prasad & Akhilesh, 2002). resupposing creativity to be a social process, the way that this phenomenon occurs when the configuration of the team is substantially modified will be questioned. Very little is known about the impact of interpersonal relationships in the creativity (Kurtzberg & Amabile, 2001). In order to analyse the ways in which the creative process may be developed, we ought to be taken into consideration the fact that participants are dealing with a quite an atypical situation. Firstly, in these cases socialization takes place amongst individuals belonging to a geographically dispersed workplace, where interpersonal relationships are mediated by the computer, and where trust must be developed among persons who have never met one another. Participants not only have multiple addresses and locations, but above all different nationalities, and different cultures, attitudes, thoughts, and working patterns, and languages. Therefore, the central research question of this thesis is as follows: “How does the creative process unfold in globally distributed teams?” With a qualitative approach, we used the case study of the Business Unit of Volvo 3P, an arm of Volvo Group. Throughout this research, we interviewed seven teams engaged in the development of a new product in the chassis and cab areas, for the brands Volvo and Renault Trucks, teams that were geographically distributed in Brazil, Sweden, France and India. Our research suggests that corporate values, alongside with intrinsic motivation and task which lay down the necessary foundations for the development of the creative process in GDT.


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The purpose of this research is to contribute to the literature on organizational demography and new product development by investigating how diverse individual career histories impact team performance. Moreover we highlighted the importance of considering also the institutional context and the specific labour market arrangements in which a team is embedded, in order to interpret correctly the effect of career-related diversity measures on performance. The empirical setting of the study is the videogame industry, and the teams in charge of the development of new game titles. Video games development teams are the ideal setting to investigate the influence of career histories on team performance, since the development of videogames is performed by multidisciplinary teams composed by specialists with a wide variety of technical and artistic backgrounds, who execute a significant amounts of creative thinking. We investigate our research question both with quantitative methods and with a case study on the Japanese videogame industry: one of the most innovative in this sector. Our results show how career histories in terms of occupational diversity, prior functional diversity and prior product diversity, usually have a positive influence on team performance. However, when the moderating effect of the institutional setting is taken in to account, career diversity has different or even opposite effect on team performance, according to the specific national context in which a team operates.


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Our research asked the following main questions: how the characteristics of professionals service firms allow them to successfully innovate in exploiting through exploring by combining internal and external factors of innovation and how these ambidextrous organisations perceive these factors; and how do successful innovators in professional service firms use corporate entrepreneurship models in their new service development processes? With a goal to shed light on innovation in professional knowledge intensive business service firms’ (PKIBS), we concluded a qualitative analysis of ten globally acting law firms, providing business legal services. We analyse the internal and factors of innovation that are critical for PKIBS’ innovation. We suggest how these firms become ambidextrous in changing environment. Our findings show that this kind of firms has particular type of ambidexterity due to their specific characteristics. As PKIBS are very dependant on its human capital, governance structure, and the high expectations of their clients, their ambidexterity is structural, but also contextual at the same time. In addition, we suggest 3 types of corporate entrepreneurship models that international PKIBS use to enhance innovation in turbulent environments. We looked at how law firms going through turbulent environments were using corporate entrepreneurship activities as a part of their strategies to be more innovative. Using visual mapping methodology, we developed three types of innovation patterns in the law firms. We suggest that corporate entrepreneurship models depend on successful application of mainly three elements: who participates in corporate entrepreneurship initiatives; what are the formal processes that enhances these initiatives; and what are the policies applied to this type of behaviour.


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The original idea of the thesis draws on interrelated assumptions: 1) among the tools used, in the markets for technology, for the acquisition of external knowledge, the licensing agreements are acknowledged as one of the most important contractual mechanisms; 2) the liabilities of newness and the liabilities of smallness force new venture to strongly rely on external knowledge sources. Albeit the relevance of this topic, little attention has been paid so far to its investigation, especially in the licensing context; 3) nowadays there is an increasing trend in licensing practices, but the literature on markets for technology focuses almost exclusively on the incentives and rationales that foster firms’ decisions to trade their technologies, under-investigating the role of the acquiring firm, the licensee, overlooking the demand side of the market. Therefore, the thesis investigates the inward licensing phenomenon within the context of new ventures. The main questions that new venture licensee has to address if it decides to undertake an inward licensing strategy, can be summarized as follows: 1) Is convenient for a new venture to choose, as initial technology strategy, the implementation of an inward licensing ? 2) Does this decision affect its survival probabilities? 3) Does the age, at which a new venture becomes a licensee, affect its innovative capabilities? Is it better to undertake a licensing-in strategy soon after founding or to postpone this strategy until the new venture has accumulated significant resources? The findings suggest that new ventures licensees survive less than their non-licensee counterparts; the survival rates are directly connected to the time taken by firms to reach the market;being engaged in licensing-in deals some years after its inception allows a new venture licensee to increase its subsequent capacity to produce innovations.


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The doctoral research project "Audiovisuals and Social Networks: Text and Experiences 2007-2010" is mainly based on the analysis of the international audiovisuals landscape and of the promotional strategies of these products in Social Networks environment. The aim is to understand what kind of changes we can find about the concept of "text", users and marketing. The thesis is focused not just on Social Network marketing but also on new media development, such as Social TV and mobile.


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Background. Clinical significance of multifocal pulmonary neuroendocrine proliferations (MNEP), including tumorlets and pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia, in association with Typical Carcinoid (TC), is still debated. Methods. A large retrospective series of TC with long-term follow-up data prospectively collected from two institutions was evaluated. Recurrence or new TC development was followed-up. Patients with TC alone and MNEP+TC were compared. Results. 234 TC patients undergone surgery were included: 41 MNEP+TC (17.5%) and 193 TC alone (82.5%). In the MNEP+TC group older age (p<0.001), peripheral tumors (p=0.0032), smaller tumor size (p=0.011) and lymph-nodal spread (p=0.02) were observed in comparison with TC group. Relapses occurred in 8 patients (19.5%) in the MNEP+TC group and in 7 (3.6%) of the TC group. The 10-years progression-free survival were 96.1% in TC and 83.8% in MNEP+TC (p<0.001). After matching, in 36 pairs of patients a significantly higher 5-years progression-free survival was calculated for TC group (p<0.01). Furthermore the odds of belonging to MNEP+TC group was higher with work-related exposure to inhalant agents (p=0.008), asthma/bronchitis (p=0.002), emphysema, fibrosis and inflammatory status (p=0.032), micronodules on the chest CT scan and respiratory insufficiency (p=0.036). Conclusions. The identification of MNEP requires careful pathological examination and postoperative follow-up. MNEP seems to be an adverse prognostic factor in patients with synchronous TC. Therefore, suspicion of MNEP during the pre-operative assessment should not be underestimated, enabling changes in the surgical strategy.


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In recent years, vehicle acoustics have gained significant importance in new car development: increasingly advanced infotainment systems for spatial audio and sound enhancement algorithms have become the norm in modern vehicles. In the past, car manufacturers had to build numerous prototypes to study the sound behaviour inside the car cabin or the effect of new algorithms under development. Nowadays, advanced simulation techniques can reduce development costs and time. In this work, after selecting the reference test vehicle, a modern luxury sedan equipped with a high-end sound system, two independent tools were developed: a simulation tool created in the Comsol Multiphysics environment and an auralization tool developed in the Cycling ‘74 MAX environment. The simulation tool can calculate the impulse response and acoustic spectrum at a specific position inside the cockpit. Its input data are the vehicle’s geometry, acoustic absorption parameters of materials, the acoustic characteristics and position of loudspeakers, and the type and position of virtual microphones (or microphone arrays). The simulation tool can also provide binaural impulse responses thanks to Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) and an innovative algorithm able to compute the HRTF at any distance and angle from the head. Impulse responses from simulations or acoustic measurements inside the car cabin are processed and fed into the auralization tool, enabling real-time interaction by applying filters, changing the channels gain or displaying the acoustic spectrum. Since the acoustic simulation of a vehicle involves multiple topics, the focus of this work has not only been the development of two tools but also the study and application of new techniques for acoustic characterization of the materials that compose the cockpit and the loudspeaker simulation. Specifically, three different methods have been applied for material characterization through the use of a pressure-velocity probe, a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV), and a microphone array.


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This Doctoral Dissertation is triggered by an emergent trend: firms are increasingly referring to investments in corporate venture capital (CVC) as means to create new competencies and foster the search for competitive advantage through the use of external resources. CVC is generally defined as the practice by non-financial firms of placing equity investments in entrepreneurial companies. Thus, CVC can be interpreted (i) as a key component of corporate entrepreneurship - acts of organizational creation, renewal, or innovation that occur within or outside an existing organization– and (ii) as a particular form of venture capital (VC) investment where the investor is not a traditional and financial institution, but an established corporation. My Dissertation, thus, simultaneously refers to two streams of research: corporate strategy and venture capital. In particular, I directed my attention to three topics of particular relevance for better understanding the role of CVC. In the first study, I moved from the consideration that competitive environments with rapid technological changes increasingly force established corporations to access knowledge from external sources. Firms, thus, extensively engage in external business development activities through different forms of collaboration with partners. While the underlying process common to these mechanisms is one of knowledge access, they are substantially different. The aim of the first study is to figure out how corporations choose among CVC, alliance, joint venture and acquisition. I addressed this issue adopting a multi-theoretical framework where the resource-based view and real options theory are integrated. While the first study mainly looked into the use of external resources for corporate growth, in the second work, I combined an internal and an external perspective to figure out the relationship between CVC investments (exploiting external resources) and a more traditional strategy to create competitive advantage, that is, corporate diversification (based on internal resources). Adopting an explorative lens, I investigated how these different modes to renew corporate current capabilities interact to each other. More precisely, is CVC complementary or substitute to corporate diversification? Finally, the third study focused on the more general field of VC to investigate (i) how VC firms evaluate the patent portfolios of their potential investee companies and (ii) whether the ability to evaluate technology and intellectual property varies depending on the type of investors, in particular for what concern the distinction between specialized versus generalist VCs and independent versus corporate VCs. This topic is motivated by two observations. First, it is not clear yet which determinants of patent value are primarily considered by VCs in their investment decisions. Second, VCs are not all alike in terms of technological experiences and these differences need to be taken into account.


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This artwork reports on two different projects that were carried out during the three years of Doctor of the Philosophy course. In the first years a project regarding Capacitive Pressure Sensors Array for Aerodynamic Applications was developed in the Applied Aerodynamic research team of the Second Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy, and in collaboration with the ARCES laboratories of the same university. Capacitive pressure sensors were designed and fabricated, investigating theoretically and experimentally the sensor’s mechanical and electrical behaviours by means of finite elements method simulations and by means of wind tunnel tests. During the design phase, the sensor figures of merit are considered and evaluated for specific aerodynamic applications. The aim of this work is the production of low cost MEMS-alternative devices suitable for a sensor network to be implemented in air data system. The last two year was dedicated to a project regarding Wireless Pressure Sensor Network for Nautical Applications. Aim of the developed sensor network is to sense the weak pressure field acting on the sail plan of a full batten sail by means of instrumented battens, providing a real time differential pressure map over the entire sail surface. The wireless sensor network and the sensing unit were designed, fabricated and tested in the faculty laboratories. A static non-linear coupled mechanical-electrostatic simulation, has been developed to predict the pressure versus capacitance static characteristic suitable for the transduction process and to tune the geometry of the transducer to reach the required resolution, sensitivity and time response in the appropriate full scale pressure input A time dependent viscoelastic error model has been inferred and developed by means of experimental data in order to model, predict and reduce the inaccuracy bound due to the viscolelastic phenomena affecting the Mylar® polyester film used for the sensor diaphragm. The development of the two above mentioned subjects are strictly related but presently separately in this artwork.


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Within the stone monumental artefacts artistic fountains are extremely favorable to formation of biofilms, giving rise to biodegradation processes related with physical-chemical and visual aspect alterations, because of their particular exposure conditions. Microbial diversity of five fountains (two from Spain and three from Italy) was investigated. It was observed an ample similarity between the biodiversity of monumental stones reported in literature and that one found in studied fountains. Mechanical procedures and toxic chemical products are usually employed to remove such phototrophic patinas. Alternative methods based on natural antifouling substances are recently experimented in the marine sector, due to their very low environmental impact and for the bio settlement prevention on partially immersed structures of ships. In the present work groups of antibiofouling agents (ABAs) were selected from literature for their ability to interfere, at molecular level, with the microbial communication system “quorum sensing”, inhibiting the initial phase of biofilm formation. The efficacy of some natural antibiofoulants agents (ABAs) with terrestrial (Capsaicine - CS, Cinnamaldehyde - CI) and marine origin (Zosteric Acid - ZA, poly-Alkyl Pyridinium Salts – pAPS and Ceramium botryocarpum extract - CBE), incorporated into two commercial coatings (Silres BS OH 100 - S and Wacker Silres BS 290 - W) commonly used in stone conservation procedures were evaluated. The formation of phototrophic biofilms in laboratory conditions (on Carrara marble specimens and Sierra Elvira stone) and on two monumental fountains (Tacca’s Fountain 2 - Florence, Italy and Fountain from Patio de la Lindaraja - Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain) has been investigated in the presence or absence of these natural antifouling agents. The natural antibiofouling agents, at tested concentrations, demonstrated a certain inhibitory effect. The silane-siloxane based silicone coating (W) mixing with ABAs was more suitable with respect to ethyl silicate coating (S) and proved efficacy against biofilm formation only when incompletely cured. The laboratory results indicated a positive action in inhibiting the patina formation, especially for poly-alkyl pyridinium salts, zosteric acid and cinnamaldehyde, while on site tests revealed a good effect for zosteric acid.


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This study aims at providing a theoretical framework encompassing the two approaches towards entrepreneurial opportunity (opportunity discovery and opportunity creation) by outlining a trajectory from firm creation to capability development, to firm performance in the short term (firm survival) and the medium/long term (growth rate). A set of empirically testable hypotheses is proposed and tested by performing qualitative analyses on interviews on a small sample of entrepreneurs and event history analysis on a large sample of firms founded in the United States in 2004.


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The following Ph.D work was mainly focused on catalysis, as a key technology, to achieve the objectives of sustainable (green) chemistry. After introducing the concepts of sustainable (green) chemistry and an assessment of new sustainable chemical technologies, the relationship between catalysis and sustainable (green) chemistry was briefly discussed and illustrated via an analysis of some selected and relevant examples. Afterwards, as a continuation of the ongoing interest in Dr. Marco Bandini’s group on organometallic and organocatalytic processes, I addressed my efforts to the design and development of novel catalytic green methodologies for the synthesis of enantiomerically enriched molecules. In the first two projects the attention was focused on the employment of solid supports to carry out reactions that still remain a prerogative of omogeneous catalysis. Firstly, particular emphasis was addressed to the discovery of catalytic enantioselective variants of nitroaldol condensation (commonly termed Henry reaction), using a complex consisting in a polyethylene supported diamino thiopene (DATx) ligands and copper as active species. In the second project, a new class of electrochemically modified surfaces with DATx palladium complexes was presented. The DATx-graphite system proved to be efficient in promoting the Suzuki reaction. Moreover, in collaboration with Prof. Wolf at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver), cyclic voltammetry studies were reported. This study disclosed new opportunities for carbon–carbon forming processes by using heterogeneous, electrodeposited catalyst films. A straightforward metal-free catalysis allowed the exploration around the world of organocatalysis. In fact, three different and novel methodologies, using Cinchona, Guanidine and Phosphine derivatives, were envisioned in the three following projects. An interesting variant of nitroaldol condensation with simple trifluoromethyl ketones and also their application in a non-conventional activation of indolyl cores by Friedel-Crafts-functionalization, led to two novel synthetic protocols. These approaches allowed the preparation of synthetically useful trifluoromethyl derivatives bearing quaternary stereocenters. Lastly, in the sixth project the first γ-alkylation of allenoates with conjugated carbonyl compounds was envisioned. In the last part of this Ph.D thesis bases on an extra-ordinary collaboration with Prof. Balzani and Prof. Gigli, I was involved in the synthesis and characterization of a new type of heteroleptic cyclometaled-Ir(III) complexes, bearing bis-oxazolines (BOXs) as ancillary ligands. The new heteroleptic complexes were fully characterized and in order to examine the electroluminescent properties of FIrBOX(CH2), an Organic Light Emitting Device was realized.


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The purpose of this Thesis is to develop a robust and powerful method to classify galaxies from large surveys, in order to establish and confirm the connections between the principal observational parameters of the galaxies (spectral features, colours, morphological indices), and help unveil the evolution of these parameters from $z \sim 1$ to the local Universe. Within the framework of zCOSMOS-bright survey, and making use of its large database of objects ($\sim 10\,000$ galaxies in the redshift range $0 < z \lesssim 1.2$) and its great reliability in redshift and spectral properties determinations, first we adopt and extend the \emph{classification cube method}, as developed by Mignoli et al. (2009), to exploit the bimodal properties of galaxies (spectral, photometric and morphologic) separately, and then combining together these three subclassifications. We use this classification method as a test for a newly devised statistical classification, based on Principal Component Analysis and Unsupervised Fuzzy Partition clustering method (PCA+UFP), which is able to define the galaxy population exploiting their natural global bimodality, considering simultaneously up to 8 different properties. The PCA+UFP analysis is a very powerful and robust tool to probe the nature and the evolution of galaxies in a survey. It allows to define with less uncertainties the classification of galaxies, adding the flexibility to be adapted to different parameters: being a fuzzy classification it avoids the problems due to a hard classification, such as the classification cube presented in the first part of the article. The PCA+UFP method can be easily applied to different datasets: it does not rely on the nature of the data and for this reason it can be successfully employed with others observables (magnitudes, colours) or derived properties (masses, luminosities, SFRs, etc.). The agreement between the two classification cluster definitions is very high. ``Early'' and ``late'' type galaxies are well defined by the spectral, photometric and morphological properties, both considering them in a separate way and then combining the classifications (classification cube) and treating them as a whole (PCA+UFP cluster analysis). Differences arise in the definition of outliers: the classification cube is much more sensitive to single measurement errors or misclassifications in one property than the PCA+UFP cluster analysis, in which errors are ``averaged out'' during the process. This method allowed us to behold the \emph{downsizing} effect taking place in the PC spaces: the migration between the blue cloud towards the red clump happens at higher redshifts for galaxies of larger mass. The determination of $M_{\mathrm{cross}}$ the transition mass is in significant agreement with others values in literature.


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Flicker is a power quality phenomenon that applies to cycle instability of light intensity resulting from supply voltage fluctuation, which, in turn can be caused by disturbances introduced during power generation, transmission or distribution. The standard EN 61000-4-15 which has been recently adopted also by the IEEE as IEEE Standard 1453 relies on the analysis of the supply voltage which is processed according to a suitable model of the lamp – human eye – brain chain. As for the lamp, an incandescent 60 W, 230 V, 50 Hz source is assumed. As far as the human eye – brain model is concerned, it is represented by the so-called flicker curve. Such a curve was determined several years ago by statistically analyzing the results of tests where people were subjected to flicker with different combinations of magnitude and frequency. The limitations of this standard approach to flicker evaluation are essentially two. First, the provided index of annoyance Pst can be related to an actual tiredness of the human visual system only if such an incandescent lamp is used. Moreover, the implemented response to flicker is “subjective” given that it relies on the people answers about their feelings. In the last 15 years, many scientific contributions have tackled these issues by investigating the possibility to develop a novel model of the eye-brain response to flicker and overcome the strict dependence of the standard on the kind of the light source. In this light of fact, this thesis is aimed at presenting an important contribution for a new Flickermeter. An improved visual system model using a physiological parameter that is the mean value of the pupil diameter, has been presented, thus allowing to get a more “objective” representation of the response to flicker. The system used to both generate flicker and measure the pupil diameter has been illustrated along with all the results of several experiments performed on the volunteers. The intent has been to demonstrate that the measurement of that geometrical parameter can give reliable information about the feeling of the human visual system to light flicker.