9 resultados para Negatives externalities
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
This thesis contains three essays on microeconometrics, networks and economic development. In the first two essays I focus on developing country settings (Tanzania and Nepal respectively) to study how rural villagers form their social networks, and how the existence of these informal links impacts their welfare. The third essay focuses on the international trade of arms to investigate whether the political orientation of government in power makes any difference to arms export policy.
In this thesis some of the most important issues presently debated on international sustainability are analysed. The thesis is composed of five independent studies that tackle organically the following issues: the maritime transport externalities, the environmental Kuznets curve, the responsibilities in the carbon dioxide emissions and the integrated approach that have to be used to translate the principles of sustainability into policy. The analysis will be instrumental to demonstrating that sustainability, being a matter of economy, society and environment, requires to be analysed in a transdisciplinary perspective. Using an integrated approach to analyse the relationships between economy and environment, this thesis highlight that sustainability management requires joint economic instruments, integrated analysis, societal behavioural changes as well as responsibilities shifting.
Recently, a rising interest in political and economic integration/disintegration issues has been developed in the political economy field. This growing strand of literature partly draws on traditional issues of fiscal federalism and optimum public good provision and focuses on a trade-off between the benefits of centralization, arising from economies of scale or externalities, and the costs of harmonizing policies as a consequence of the increased heterogeneity of individual preferences in an international union or in a country composed of at least two regions. This thesis stems from this strand of literature and aims to shed some light on two highly relevant aspects of the political economy of European integration. The first concerns the role of public opinion in the integration process; more precisely, how economic benefits and costs of integration shape citizens' support for European Union (EU) membership. The second is the allocation of policy competences among different levels of government: European, national and regional. Chapter 1 introduces the topics developed in this thesis by reviewing the main recent theoretical developments in the political economy analysis of integration processes. It is structured as follows. First, it briefly surveys a few relevant articles on economic theories of integration and disintegration processes (Alesina and Spolaore 1997, Bolton and Roland 1997, Alesina et al. 2000, Casella and Feinstein 2002) and discusses their relevance for the study of the impact of economic benefits and costs on public opinion attitude towards the EU. Subsequently, it explores the links existing between such political economy literature and theories of fiscal federalism, especially with regard to normative considerations concerning the optimal allocation of competences in a union. Chapter 2 firstly proposes a model of citizens’ support for membership of international unions, with explicit reference to the EU; subsequently it tests the model on a panel of EU countries. What are the factors that influence public opinion support for the European Union (EU)? In international relations theory, the idea that citizens' support for the EU depends on material benefits deriving from integration, i.e. whether European integration makes individuals economically better off (utilitarian support), has been common since the 1970s, but has never been the subject of a formal treatment (Hix 2005). A small number of studies in the 1990s have investigated econometrically the link between national economic performance and mass support for European integration (Eichenberg and Dalton 1993; Anderson and Kalthenthaler 1996), but only making informal assumptions. The main aim of Chapter 2 is thus to propose and test our model with a view to providing a more complete and theoretically grounded picture of public support for the EU. Following theories of utilitarian support, we assume that citizens are in favour of membership if they receive economic benefits from it. To develop this idea, we propose a simple political economic model drawing on the recent economic literature on integration and disintegration processes. The basic element is the existence of a trade-off between the benefits of centralisation and the costs of harmonising policies in presence of heterogeneous preferences among countries. The approach we follow is that of the recent literature on the political economy of international unions and the unification or break-up of nations (Bolton and Roland 1997, Alesina and Wacziarg 1999, Alesina et al. 2001, 2005a, to mention only the relevant). The general perspective is that unification provides returns to scale in the provision of public goods, but reduces each member state’s ability to determine its most favoured bundle of public goods. In the simple model presented in Chapter 2, support for membership of the union is increasing in the union’s average income and in the loss of efficiency stemming from being outside the union, and decreasing in a country’s average income, while increasing heterogeneity of preferences among countries points to a reduced scope of the union. Afterwards we empirically test the model with data on the EU; more precisely, we perform an econometric analysis employing a panel of member countries over time. The second part of Chapter 2 thus tries to answer the following question: does public opinion support for the EU really depend on economic factors? The findings are broadly consistent with our theoretical expectations: the conditions of the national economy, differences in income among member states and heterogeneity of preferences shape citizens’ attitude towards their country’s membership of the EU. Consequently, this analysis offers some interesting policy implications for the present debate about ratification of the European Constitution and, more generally, about how the EU could act in order to gain more support from the European public. Citizens in many member states are called to express their opinion in national referenda, which may well end up in rejection of the Constitution, as recently happened in France and the Netherlands, triggering a European-wide political crisis. These events show that nowadays understanding public attitude towards the EU is not only of academic interest, but has a strong relevance for policy-making too. Chapter 3 empirically investigates the link between European integration and regional autonomy in Italy. Over the last few decades, the double tendency towards supranationalism and regional autonomy, which has characterised some European States, has taken a very interesting form in this country, because Italy, besides being one of the founding members of the EU, also implemented a process of decentralisation during the 1970s, further strengthened by a constitutional reform in 2001. Moreover, the issue of the allocation of competences among the EU, the Member States and the regions is now especially topical. The process leading to the drafting of European Constitution (even if then it has not come into force) has attracted much attention from a constitutional political economy perspective both on a normative and positive point of view (Breuss and Eller 2004, Mueller 2005). The Italian parliament has recently passed a new thorough constitutional reform, still to be approved by citizens in a referendum, which includes, among other things, the so called “devolution”, i.e. granting the regions exclusive competence in public health care, education and local police. Following and extending the methodology proposed in a recent influential article by Alesina et al. (2005b), which only concentrated on the EU activity (treaties, legislation, and European Court of Justice’s rulings), we develop a set of quantitative indicators measuring the intensity of the legislative activity of the Italian State, the EU and the Italian regions from 1973 to 2005 in a large number of policy categories. By doing so, we seek to answer the following broad questions. Are European and regional legislations substitutes for state laws? To what extent are the competences attributed by the European treaties or the Italian Constitution actually exerted in the various policy areas? Is their exertion consistent with the normative recommendations from the economic literature about their optimum allocation among different levels of government? The main results show that, first, there seems to be a certain substitutability between EU and national legislations (even if not a very strong one), but not between regional and national ones. Second, the EU concentrates its legislative activity mainly in international trade and agriculture, whilst social policy is where the regions and the State (which is also the main actor in foreign policy) are more active. Third, at least two levels of government (in some cases all of them) are significantly involved in the legislative activity in many sectors, even where the rationale for that is, at best, very questionable, indicating that they actually share a larger number of policy tasks than that suggested by the economic theory. It appears therefore that an excessive number of competences are actually shared among different levels of government. From an economic perspective, it may well be recommended that some competences be shared, but only when the balance between scale or spillover effects and heterogeneity of preferences suggests so. When, on the contrary, too many levels of government are involved in a certain policy area, the distinction between their different responsibilities easily becomes unnecessarily blurred. This may not only leads to a slower and inefficient policy-making process, but also risks to make it too complicate to understand for citizens, who, on the contrary, should be able to know who is really responsible for a certain policy when they vote in national,local or European elections or in referenda on national or European constitutional issues.
The intensity of regional specialization in specific activities, and conversely, the level of industrial concentration in specific locations, has been used as a complementary evidence for the existence and significance of externalities. Additionally, economists have mainly focused the debate on disentangling the sources of specialization and concentration processes according to three vectors: natural advantages, internal, and external scale economies. The arbitrariness of partitions plays a key role in capturing these effects, while the selection of the partition would have to reflect the actual characteristics of the economy. Thus, the identification of spatial boundaries to measure specialization becomes critical, since most likely the model will be adapted to different scales of distance, and be influenced by different types of externalities or economies of agglomeration, which are based on the mechanisms of interaction with particular requirements of spatial proximity. This work is based on the analysis of the spatial aspect of economic specialization supported by the manufacturing industry case. The main objective is to propose, for discrete and continuous space: i) a measure of global specialization; ii) a local disaggregation of the global measure; and iii) a spatial clustering method for the identification of specialized agglomerations.
The focus of this research is to develop and apply an analytical framework for evaluating the effectiveness and practicability of sustainability certification schemes for biofuels, especially in a developing country’s perspective. The main question that drives the research analysis is “Which are the main elements of and how to develop sustainability certification schemes that would be effective and practicable in certifying the contribution of biofuels in meeting the goals Governments and other stakeholders have set up?”. Biofuels have been identified as a promising tool to reach a variety of goals: climate change protection, energy security, agriculture development, and, especially in developing countries, economic development. Once the goals have been identified, and ambitious mandatory targets for biofuels use agreed at national level, concerns have been raised by the scientific community on the negative externalities that biofuels production and use can have at environment, social and economic level. Therefore certification schemes have been recognized as necessary processes to measure these externalities, and examples of such schemes are in effect, or are in a negotiating phase, both at mandatory and voluntary levels. The research focus has emerged by the concern that the ongoing examples are very demanding in terms of compliance, both for those that are subject to certification and those that have to certify, on the quantity and quality of information to be reported. A certification system, for reasons linked to costs, lack of expertise, inadequate infrastructure, absence of an administrative and legislative support, can represent an intensive burden and can act as a serious impediment for the industrial and agriculture development of developing countries, going against the principle of equity and level playing field. While this research recognizes the importance of comprehensiveness and ambition in designing an important tool for the measurement of sustainability effects of biofuels production and use, it stresses the need to focus on the effectiveness and practicability of this tool in measuring the compliance with the goal. This research that falls under the rationale of the Sustainability Science Program housed at Harvard Kennedy School, has as main objective to close the gap between the research and policy makers worlds in the field of sustainability certification schemes for biofuels.
Chapter 1 studies how consumers’ switching costs affect the pricing and profits of firms competing in two-sided markets such as Apple and Google in the smartphone market. When two-sided markets are dynamic – rather than merely static – I show that switching costs lower the first-period price if network externalities are strong, which is in contrast to what has been found in one-sided markets. By contrast, switching costs soften price competition in the initial period if network externalities are weak and consumers are more patient than the platforms. Moreover, an increase in switching costs on one side decreases the first-period price on the other side. Chapter 2 examines firms’ incentives to invest in local and flexible resources when demand is uncertain and correlated. I find that market power of the monopolist providing flexible resources distorts investment incentives, while competition mitigates them. The extent of improvement depends critically on demand correlation and the cost of capacity: under social optimum and monopoly, if the flexible resource is cheap, the relationship between investment and correlation is positive, and if it is costly, the relationship becomes negative; under duopoly, the relationship is positive. The analysis also sheds light on some policy discussions in markets such as cloud computing. Chapter 3 develops a theory of sequential investments in cybersecurity. The regulator can use safety standards and liability rules to increase security. I show that the joint use of an optimal standard and a full liability rule leads to underinvestment ex ante and overinvestment ex post. Instead, switching to a partial liability rule can correct the inefficiencies. This suggests that to improve security, the regulator should encourage not only firms, but also consumers to invest in security.
Oggetto di questa tesi è l’analisi delle modalità di rappresentazione del trauma nel romanzo del Novecento e, in particolare, nelle opere di Samuel Beckett, Georges Perec e Agota Kristof. Fondamento dello studio sarà una disamina dei procedimenti linguistici e narrativi di rappresentazione del trauma nelle prose degli autori citati, al fine tracciare le linee di un’estetica in grado di descrivere le caratteristiche peculiari delle narrazioni in cui la dimensione antinarrativa della memoria traumatica assume il ruolo di principio estetico guida. L’analisi si soffermerà sulla cruciale relazione esistente, in tutti e tre gli autori, tra rappresentazione del trauma e sviluppo di strategie narrativi definibili come “denegative”. L’analisi dei testi letterari è condotta sulla base del corpus critico dei Trauma Studies, dell’ermeneutica della narrazione di stampo ricœuriano e della teoria del linguaggio psicoanalitica e affiancata, ove possibile, da uno studio filologico-genetico dei materiali d’autore. Alla luce di tali premesse, intendo rivalutare il carattere rappresentativo e testimoniale della letteratura del secolo scorso, in contrasto con la consuetudine a vedere nel romanzo novecentesco il trionfo dell’antimimesi e il declino del racconto. Dal momento che le narrazioni traumatiche si costruiscono intorno e attraverso i vuoti di linguaggio, la tesi è che siano proprio questi vuoti linguistici e narrativi (amnesie, acronie, afasie, lapsus, omissioni e mancanze ancora più sofisticate come nel caso di Perec) a rappresentare, in modo mimetico, la realtà apparentemente inaccessibile del trauma. Si tenterà di dimostrare come questi nuovi canoni di rappresentazione non denuncino l’impossibilità del racconto, bensì una sfida al silenzio, celata in più sottili e complesse convenzioni narrative, le quali mantengono un rapporto di filiazione indiretto − per una via che potremmo definire denegativa − con quelle del romanzo tradizionale.
The development of anti-IFNα antibodies is an occurrence described in chronic hepatitis C patients during treatment with Interferonα/PEG-Interferonα. However, its relevance, especially in difficult-to treat patients, has not been defined. Methods: We retrospectively measured the serum levels of anti-IFNα antibodies (baseline and week 12) and IFNα levels (week 12) by ELISA in 76 previous non-responders, and in 14 naive patients treated with Pegylated-IFNα and Ribavirin. A group of 57 healthy donors (HD) was also assessed as control. Positivity to anti-IFNα antibodies was established on the values of HD. Results: Baseline anti-IFNα antibodies were detected in 15.5% of patients and in 7% of HD, with significantly higher concentrations in patients than HD (181.5±389.9 vs 95.9±143.0 ng mL−1, p=0.0023). All positive patients were IFNα-experienced. At week 12, the prevalence of positivity increased to 22.3 and 28.5% in experienced and naïve patients, respectively, and the levels of anti-IFNα antibodies did not differ between the two groups (391±792.3 vs 384.7±662.6 ng mL−1, respectively). IFNα concentrations were significantly lower in antibody-positive patients than in antibody-negatives (988.2±1402 vs 3462±830.8 pg mL−1, p≤0.0001) and the levels of antibodies and IFNα were inversely correlated (r=-0.405, p=0.0001). The antibody-positive population clustered in null responders (67%) and 19/21 patients (90%) did not achieve SVR. Conclusions: The development of anti-IFNα antibodies is a non-negligible occurrence in patients treated with PEG-IFNα, is stable over time, and has a relevant clinical impact when associated with low levels of circulating PEG-IFNα. It should be considered in patients undergoing treatments including PEG-IFNα.
Since its approval by FDA in 2001, capsule endoscopy revolutionized the study of small bowel. One of the main limitations of its diffusion has been the high cost. More recently, a new videocapsule system (OMOM CE) has been developed in China and obtained the CE mark. Its cost is approximately half that of other capsule systems. However, there are few studies regarding the clinical experience with this new videocapsule system and none of them has been performed in the western world. Among the limitations of capsule endoscopy, there is also one linked to the diagnostic yield. The rapid transit of the device in the proximal segments implies a high risk of false negatives; an indirect confirmation of this limit is offered by the poor ability to identify the papilla of Vater. In addition, recent studies show that in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, the negative outcome of capsule endoscopy is correlated to a significant risk of recurrence of anemia in the short term, as well as the presence of small bowel lesions documented by a second capsule endoscopy. It was recently approved the use of a new device called "CapsoCam" (CapsoVision, Inc. Saratoga) characterized by four side cameras that offer a panoramic view of 360 degrees, instead of the front to 160°. Two recent pilot studies showed comparable safety profiles and diagnostic yield with the more standardized capsule. Namely, side vision has made possible a clear visualization of the papilla in 70% of cases. The aim of our study is to evaluate the feasibility and diagnostic yield of these two new devices, which first may allow a reduction in costs. Moreover, their complementary use could lead to a recovery diagnostic in patients with false negative results in an initial investigation.