em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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An amperometric glucose biosensor was developed using an anionic clay matrix (LDH) as enzyme support. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was immobilized on a layered double hydroxide Ni/Al-NO3 LDH during the electrosynthesis, which was followed by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA) vapours or with GA and bovine serum albumin (GABSA) to avoid the enzyme release. The electrochemical reaction was carried out potentiostatically, at -0.9V vs. SCE, using a rotating disc Pt electrode to assure homogeneity of the electrodeposition suspension, containing GOx, Ni(NO3)2 and Al(NO3)3 in 0.3 M KNO3. The mechanism responsible of the LDH electrodeposition involves the precipitation of the LDH due to the increase of pH at the surface of the electrode, following the cathodic reduction of nitrates. The Pt surface modified with the Ni/Al-NO3 LDH shows a much reduced noise, giving rise to a better signal to noise ratio for the currents relative to H2O2 oxidation, and a linear range for H2O2 determination wider than the one observed for bare Pt electrodes. We pointed out the performances of the biosensor in terms of sensitivity to glucose, calculated from the slope of the linear part of the calibration curve for enzimatically produced H2O2; the sensitivity was dependent on parameters related to the electrodeposition in addition to working conditions. In order to optimise the glucose biosensor performances, with a reduced number of experimental runs, we applied an experimental design. A first screening was performed considering the following variables: deposition time (30 - 120 s), enzyme concentration (0.5 - 3.0 mg/mL), Ni/Al molar ratio (3:1 or 2:1) of the electrodeposition solution at a total metals concentration of 0.03 M and pH of the working buffer solution (5.5-7.0). On the basis of the results from this screening, a full factorial design was carried out, taking into account only enzyme concentration and Ni/Al molar ratio of the electrosynthesis solution. A full factorial design was performed to study linear interactions between factors and their quadratic effects and the optimal setup was evaluated by the isoresponse curves. The significant factors were: enzyme concentration (linear and quadratic terms) and the interaction between enzyme concentration and Ni/Al molar ratio. Since the major obstacle for application of amperometric glucose biosensors is the interference signal resulting from other electro-oxidizable species present in the real matrices, such as ascorbate (AA), the use of different permselective membranes on Pt-LDHGOx modified electrode was discussed with the aim of improving biosensor selectivity and stability. Conventional membranes obtained using Nafion, glutaraldehyde (GA) vapours, GA-BSA were tested together with more innovative materials like palladium hexacyanoferrate (PdHCF) and titania hydrogels. Particular attention has been devoted to hydrogels, because they possess some attractive features, which are generally considered to favour biosensor materials biocompatibility and, consequently, the functional enzyme stability. The Pt-LDH-GOx-PdHCF hydrogel biosensor presented an anti-interferant ability so that to be applied for an accurate glucose analysis in blood. To further improve the biosensor selectivity, protective membranes containing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were also investigated with the aim of oxidising the interferants before they reach the electrode surface. In such a case glucose determination was also accomplished in real matrices with high AA content. Furthermore, the application of a LDH containing nickel in the oxidised state was performed not only as a support for the enzyme, but also as anti-interferant sistem. The result is very promising and it could be the starting point for further applications in the field of amperometric biosensors; the study could be extended to other oxidase enzymes.


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My research PhD work is focused on the Electrochemically Generated Luminescence (ECL) investigation of several different homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. ECL is a redox induced emission, a process whereby species, generated at electrodes, undergo a high-energy electron transfer reaction to form excited states that emit light. Since its first application, the ECL technique has become a very powerful analytical tool and has widely been used in biosensor transduction. ECL presents an intrinsically low noise and high sensitivity; moreover, the electrochemical generation of the excited state prevents scattering of the light source: for all these characteristics, it is an elective technique for ultrasensitive immunoassay detection. The majority of ECL systems involve species in solution where the emission occurs in the diffusion layer near to the electrode surface. However, over the past few years, an intense research has been focused on the ECL generated from species constrained on the electrode surface. The aim of my work is to study the behavior of ECL-generating molecular systems upon the progressive increase of their spatial constraints, that is, passing from isolated species in solution, to fluorophores embedded within a polymeric film and, finally, to patterned surfaces bearing “one-dimensional” emitting spots. In order to describe these trends, I use different “dimensions” to indicate the different classes of compounds. My thesis was mostly developed in the electrochemistry group of Bologna with the supervision of Prof Francesco Paolucci and Dr Massimo Marcaccio. With their help and also thanks to their long experience in the molecular and supramolecular ECL fields and in the surface investigations using scanning probe microscopy techniques, I was able to obtain the results herein described. Moreover, during my research work, I have established a new collaboration with the group of Nanobiotechnology of Prof. Robert Forster (Dublin City University) where I spent a research period. Prof. Forster has a broad experience in the biomedical field, especially he focuses his research on film surfaces biosensor based on the ECL transduction. This thesis can be divided into three sections described as follows: (i) in the fist section, homogeneous molecular and supramolecular ECL-active systems, either organic or inorganic species (i.e., corannulene, dendrimers and iridium metal complex), are described. Driving force for this kind of studies includes the search for new luminophores that display on one hand higher ECL efficiencies and on the other simple mechanisms for modulating intensity and energy of their emission in view of their effective use in bioconjugation applications. (ii) in the second section, the investigation of some heterogeneous ECL systems is reported. Redox polymers comprising inorganic luminophores were described. In such a context, a new conducting platform, based on carbon nanotubes, was developed aimed to accomplish both the binding of a biological molecule and its electronic wiring to the electrode. This is an essential step for the ECL application in the field of biosensors. (iii) in the third section, different patterns were produced on the electrode surface using a Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. I developed a new methods for locally functionalizing an inert surface and reacting this surface with a luminescent probe. In this way, I successfully obtained a locally ECL active platform for multi-array application.


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The development of safe, high energy and power electrochemical energy-conversion systems can be a response to the worldwide demand for a clean and low-fuel-consuming transport. This thesis work, starting from a basic studies on the ionic liquid (IL) electrolytes and carbon electrodes and concluding with tests on large-size IL-based supercapacitor prototypes demonstrated that the IL-based asymmetric configuration (AEDLCs) is a powerful strategy to develop safe, high-energy supercapacitors that might compete with lithium-ion batteries in power assist-hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The increase of specific energy in EDLCs was achieved following three routes: i) the use of hydrophobic ionic liquids (ILs) as electrolytes; ii) the design and preparation of carbon electrode materials of tailored morphology and surface chemistry to feature high capacitance response in IL and iii) the asymmetric double-layer carbon supercapacitor configuration (AEDLC) which consists of assembling the supercapacitor with different carbon loadings at the two electrodes in order to exploit the wide electrochemical stability window (ESW) of IL and to reach high maximum cell voltage (Vmax). Among the various ILs investigated the N-methoxyethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (PYR1(2O1)TFSI) was selected because of its hydrophobicity and high thermal stability up to 350 °C together with good conductivity and wide ESW, exploitable in a wide temperature range, below 0°C. For such exceptional properties PYR1(2O1)TFSI was used for the whole study to develop large size IL-based carbon supercapacitor prototype. This work also highlights that the use of ILs determines different chemical-physical properties at the interface electrode/electrolyte with respect to that formed by conventional electrolytes. Indeed, the absence of solvent in ILs makes the properties of the interface not mediated by the solvent and, thus, the dielectric constant and double-layer thickness strictly depend on the chemistry of the IL ions. The study of carbon electrode materials evidences several factors that have to be taken into account for designing performing carbon electrodes in IL. The heat-treatment in inert atmosphere of the activated carbon AC which gave ACT carbon featuring ca. 100 F/g in IL demonstrated the importance of surface chemistry in the capacitive response of the carbons in hydrophobic ILs. The tailored mesoporosity of the xerogel carbons is a key parameter to achieve high capacitance response. The CO2-treated xerogel carbon X3a featured a high specific capacitance of 120 F/g in PYR14TFSI, however, exhibiting high pore volume, an excess of IL is required to fill the pores with respect to that necessary for the charge-discharge process. Further advances were achieved with electrodes based on the disordered template carbon DTC7 with pore size distribution centred at 2.7 nm which featured a notably high specific capacitance of 140 F/g in PYR14TFSI and a moderate pore volume, V>1.5 nm of 0.70 cm3/g. This thesis work demonstrated that by means of the asymmetric configuration (AEDLC) it was possible to reach high cell voltage up to 3.9 V. Indeed, IL-based AEDLCs with the X3a or ACT carbon electrodes exhibited specific energy and power of ca. 30 Wh/kg and 10 kW/kg, respectively. The DTC7 carbon electrodes, featuring a capacitance response higher of 20%-40% than those of X3a and ACT, respectively, enabled the development of a PYR14TFSI-based AEDLC with specific energy and power of 47 Wh/kg and 13 kW/kg at 60°C with Vmax of 3.9 V. Given the availability of the ACT carbon (obtained from a commercial material), the PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLCs assembled with ACT carbon electrodes were selected within the EU ILHYPOS project for the development of large-size prototypes. This study demonstrated that PYR1(2O1)TFSI-based AEDLC can operate between -30°C and +60°C and its cycling stability was proved at 60°C up to 27,000 cycles with high Vmax up to 3.8 V. Such AEDLC was further investigated following USABC and DOE FreedomCAR reference protocols for HEV to evaluate its dynamic pulse-power and energy features. It was demonstrated that with Vmax of 3.7 V at T> 30 °C the challenging energy and power targets stated by DOE for power-assist HEVs, and at T> 0 °C the standards for the 12V-TSS and 42V-FSS and TPA 2s-pulse applications are satisfied, if the ratio wmodule/wSC = 2 is accomplished, which, however, is a very demanding condition. Finally, suggestions for further advances in IL-based AEDLC performance were found. Particularly, given that the main contribution to the ESR is the electrode charging resistance, which in turn is affected by the ionic resistance in the pores that is also modulated by pore length, the pore geometry is a key parameter in carbon design not only because it defines the carbon surface but also because it can differentially “amplify” the effect of IL conductivity on the electrode charging-discharging process and, thus, supercapacitor time constant.


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Sensors are devices that have shown widespread use, from the detection of gas molecules to the tracking of chemical signals in biological cells. Single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and graphene based electrodes have demonstrated to be an excellent material for the development of electrochemical biosensors as they display remarkable electronic properties and the ability to act as individual nanoelectrodes, display an excellent low-dimensional charge carrier transport, and promote surface electrocatalysis. The present work aims at the preparation and investigation of electrochemically modified SWCNT and graphene-based electrodes for applications in the field of biosensors. We initially studied SWCNT films and focused on their topography and surface composition, electrical and optical properties. Parallel to SWCNTs, graphene films were investigated. Higher resistance values were obtained in comparison with nanotubes films. The electrochemical surface modification of both electrodes was investigated following two routes (i) the electrografting of aryl diazonium salts, and (ii) the electrophylic addition of 1, 3-benzodithiolylium tetrafluoroborate (BDYT). Both the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the modified electrode surfaces were studied such as the degree of functionalization and their surface composition. The combination of Raman, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, electrochemistry and other techniques, has demonstrated that selected precursors could be covalently anchored to the nanotubes and graphene-based electrode surfaces through novel carbon-carbon formation.