149 resultados para Effetti Relativistici in Astrofisica

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters has been observed with different size and properties. Giant radio halos (RH), Mpc-size sources found in merging clusters, and mini halos (MH), 0.1-0.5 Mpc size sources located in relaxed cool-core clusters, are thought to be distinct classes of objects with different formation mechanisms. However, recent observations have revealed the unexpected presence of diffuse emission on Mpc-scales in relaxed clusters that host a central MH and show no signs of major mergers. The study of these sources is still at the beginning and it is not yet clear what could be the origin of their unusual emission. The main goal of this thesis is to test the occurrence of these peculiar sources and investigate their properties using low frequency radio observations. This thesis consists in the study of a sample of 12 cool-core galaxy clusters which present some level of dynamical disturbances on large-scale. The heterogeneity of sources in the sample allowed me to investigate under which conditions a halo-type emission is present in MH clusters; and also to study the connection between AGN bubbles and the local environment. Using high sensitivity LOFAR observations, I have detected large-scale emission in four non-merging clusters, in addition to the central MH. I have constrained for the first time the spectral properties of diffuse emission in these double radio component galaxy clusters, and I have investigated the connection between their thermal and non-thermal emission for a better comprehension of the acceleration mechanism. Furthermore, I derived upper limits to the halo power for the other clusters in the sample, which could present large-scale diffuse emission under the detection threshold. Finally, I have reconstructed the duty-cycle of one of the most powerful AGN known, located at the centre of a galaxy cluster of the sample.


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The presence of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters (GCs) is now well accepted, however, very little is known regarding their origin. In this Thesis, I study how multiple populations formed and evolved by means of customized 3D numerical simulations, in light of the most recent data from spectroscopic and photometric observations of Local and high-redshift Universe. Numerical simulations are the perfect tool to interpret these data: hydrodynamic simulations are suited to study the early phases of GCs formation, to follow in great detail the gas behavior, while N-body codes permit tracing the stellar component. First, we study the formation of second-generation stars in a rotating massive GC. We assume that second-generation stars are formed out of asymptotic giant branch stars (AGBs) ejecta, diluted by external pristine gas. We find that, for low pristine gas density, stars mainly formed out of AGBs ejecta rotate faster than stars formed out of more diluted gas, in qualitative agreement with current observations. Then, assuming a similar setup, we explored whether Type Ia supernovae affect the second- generation star formation and their chemical composition. We show that the evolution depends on the density of the infalling gas, but, in general, an iron spread is developed, which may explain the spread observed in some massive GCs. Finally, we focused on the long-term evolution of a GC, composed of two populations and orbiting the Milky Way disk. We have derived that, for an extended first population and a low-mass second one, the cluster loses almost 98 percent of its initial first population mass and the GC mass can be as much as 20 times less after a Hubble time. Under these conditions, the derived fraction of second-population stars reproduces the observed value, which is one of the strongest constraints of GC mass loss.


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Understanding how Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shape galaxy evolution is a key challenge of modern astronomy. In the framework where black hole (BH) and galaxy growth are linked, AGN feedback must be tackled both at its “causes” (e.g. AGN-driven winds) and its “effects” (alteration of the gas reservoir in AGN hosts). The most informative cosmic time is z~1-3, at the peak of AGN activity and galaxy buildup, the so-called cosmic noon. The aim of this thesis is to provide new insights regarding some key questions that still remain open in this research field: i) What are the properties of AGN-driven sub-pc scale winds at z>1? ii) Are AGN-driven winds effective in influencing the life of galaxies? iii) Do AGN impact directly on star formation (SF) and gas content of their hosts? I first address AGN feedback as “caught in the act” by studying ultra-fast outflows (UFOs), X-ray AGN-driven winds, in gravitationally lensed quasars. I build the first statistically robust sample of high-z AGN, not preselected based on AGN-driven winds. I derive a first estimate of the high-z UFO detection fraction and measure the UFO duty cycle of a single high-z quasar for the first time. I also address the “effects” of AGN feedback on the life of host galaxies. If AGN influence galaxy growth, then they will reasonably impact the molecular gas reservoir first, and SF as a consequence. Through a comparative study of the molecular gas content in cosmic-noon AGN hosts and matched non-active galaxies (i.e., galaxies not hosting an AGN), we find that the host galaxies of more regular AGN (not selected to be the most luminous) are generally similar to non-active galaxies. However, we report on the possibility of a luminosity effect regulating the efficiency by which AGN might impact on galaxy growth.


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Turbulence introduced into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) through cluster merger events transfers energy to non-thermal components (relativistic particles and magnetic fields) and can trigger the formation of diffuse synchrotron radio sources. Owing to their steep synchrotron spectral index, such diffuse sources can be better studied at low radio frequencies. In this respect, the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is revolutionizing our knowledge thanks to its unprecedented resolution and sensitivity below 200 MHz. In this Thesis we focus on the study of radio halos (RHs) by using LOFAR data. In the first part of this work we analyzed the largest-ever sample of galaxy clusters observed at radio frequencies. This includes 309 Planck clusters from the Second Data Release of the LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS-DR2), which span previously unexplored ranges of mass and redshift. We detected 83 RHs, half of which being new discoveries. In 140 clusters we lack a detected RH; for this sub-sample we developed new techniques to derive upper limits to their radio powers. By comparing detections and upper limits, we carried out the first statistical analysis of populations of clusters observed at low frequencies and tested theoretical formation models. In the second part of this Thesis we focused on ultra-steep spectrum radio halos. These sources are almost undetected at GHz frequencies, but are thought to be common at low frequencies. We presented LOFAR observations of two interesting clusters hosting ultra-steep spectrum radio halos. With complementary radio and X-ray observations we constrained the properties and origin of these targets.


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White dwarfs (WDs) are electron-degenerate structures that are commonly assumed to evolve via a pure cooling process, with no stable thermonuclear activity at work. Their cooling rate is adopted as a cosmic chronometer to constrain the age of several Galactic populations, including the disk, Globular Clusters (GCs) and open clusters. This thesis work is aimed at the study of the WD populations in globular clusters and is articulated in two branches. The first was focused on the study of the bright portion of the WD cooling sequence. By analyzing high resolution UV data acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we compared the WD luminosity functions (LFs) in four Galactic GCs (namely M13, M3, NGC6752, and M5) finding an unexpected over-abundance of WDs in M13 and NGC6752 with respect to M3 and M5. Theoretical models suggest that, consistently with the blue-tail horizontal branch (HB) morphology of M13 and NGC6752, this overabundance is due to a population of slowly cooling WDs, i.e., WDs fading more slowly than in a pure cooling process thanks to an extra-energy source provided by stable thermonuclear burning in their residual hydrogen-rich envelope. This is the first empirical evidence of WDs fading at a slower rate than usually assumed, and has a crucial impact on the use of the cooling sequence as a cosmic chronometer. The second branch was focused on the search for the companion star to binary millisecond Pulsars (MSP) in the globular clusters M13 and NGC 6652: the identified companions turned out to be helium-core WDs, and provided a invaluable constraints on the mass of the neutron star and the epoch of the MSP formation.


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The discovery of scaling relations between the mass of the SMBH and some key physical properties of the host galaxy suggests that the growth of the SMBH and that of the galaxy are coupled, with the AGN activity and the star-formation (SF) processes influencing each other. Although the mechanism of this co-evolution are still a matter of debate, all scenarios agree that a key phase of the co-evolution is represented by the obscured accretion phase. This phase is of the co-evolution is the least studied, mostly due to the challenge in detecting and recognizing such obscured AGN. My thesis aims at investigating the AGN-galaxy co-evolution paradigm by identifying and studying AGN in the obscured accretion phase. The study of obscured AGN is key for our understanding of the feedback processes and of the mutual influence of the SF and the AGN activity. Moreover, these obscured and elusive AGN are needed to explain the X-ray background spectrum and to reconcile the measurements and the theoretical prediction of the BH accretion rate density. In this thesis, we firstly investigate the synergies between IR and X-ray missions in detecting and characterizing AGN, with a particular focus on the most obscured ones. We exploited UV/optical emission lines to select high-redshift obscured AGN at the cosmic noon, where the highest SFR density and BH accretion rate density are expected. We provide X-ray spectral analysis and UV-to-far-IR SED-fitting. We show that our samples host a significant fraction of very obscured sources; many of these are highly accreting. Finally, we performe a thoughtful investigation of a galaxy at z~5 with unusual and peculiar features, that lead us to identify a second extremely young population of stars and hidden AGN activity.


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In this Thesis, we present a series of works that encompass the fundamental steps of cosmological analyses based on galaxy clusters, spanning from mass calibration to deriving cosmological constraints through counts and clustering. Firstly, we focus on the 3D two-point correlation function (2PCF) of the galaxy cluster sample by Planck Collaboration XXVII (2016). The masses of these clusters are expected to be underestimated, as they are derived from a scaling relation calibrated through X-ray observations. We derived a mass bias which disagrees with simulation predictions, consistent with what derived by Planck Collaboration VI (2020). Furthermore, in this Thesis we analyse the cluster counts and 2PCF, respectively, of the photometric galaxy cluster sample developed by Maturi et al. (2019), based on the third data release of KiDS (KiDS-DR3, de Jong et al. 2017). We derived constraints on fundamental cosmological parameters which are consistent and competitive, in terms of uncertainties, with other state-of-the-art cosmological analyses. Then, we introduce a novel approach to establish galaxy colour-redshift relations for cluster weak-lensing analyses, regardless of the specific photometric bands in use. This method optimises the selection completeness of cluster background galaxies while maintaining a defined purity threshold. Based on the galaxy sample by Bisigello et al. (2020), we calibrated two colour selections, one relying on the ground-based griz bands, and the other including the griz and Euclid YJH bands. In addition, we present the preliminary work on the weak-lensing mass calibration of the clusters detected by Maturi et al. (in prep.) in the fourth data release of KiDS (KiDS-1000, Kuijken et al. 2019). This mass calibration will enable the cosmological analyses based on cluster counts and clustering, from which we expect remarkable improvements in the results compared to those derived in KiDS-DR3.


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At the center of galaxy clusters, a dramatic interplay known as feedback cycle occurs between the hot intracluster medium (ICM) and the active galactic nucleus (AGN) of the central galaxy. The footprints of this interplay are evident from X-ray observations of the ICM, where X-ray cavities and shock fronts are associated with radio lobe emission tracing energetic AGN outbursts. While such jet activity reduces the efficiency of the hot gas to cool to lower temperatures, residual cooling can generate warm and cold gas clouds around the central galaxy. The condensed gas parcels can ultimately reach the core of the galaxy and be accreted by the AGN. This picture is the result of tremendous advances over the last three decades. Yet, a deeper understanding of the details of how the heating–cooling regulation is achieved and maintained is still missing. In this Thesis, we delve into key aspects of the feedback cycle. To this end, we leverage high-resolution (sub-arcsecond), multifrequency observations (mainly X-ray and radio) of several top-level facilities (e.g., Chandra, JVLA, VLBA, LOFAR). First, we investigate which conditions trigger a feedback response to gas cooling, by studying the properties of clusters where feedback is just about to start. Then, we focus on the details of how the AGN–ICM interaction progresses by examining cavity and shock heating in the cluster RBS797, an exemplary case of the jet feedback paradigm. Furthermore, we explore the importance of shock heating and the coupling of distinct jet power regimes (i.e., FRII, FRI and FR0 radio galaxies) to the environment. Ultimately, as heating models rely on the connection between the direct evidence (the jets) and the smoking gun (the X-ray cavities) of feedback, we examine the cases in which these two are dramatically misaligned.


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La storia naturale dell’epatopatia HCV-relata passa dall’epatite cronica alla cirrosi ed eventualmente all’epatocarcinoma fino ad arrivare alla possibile necessità del trapianto di fegato. HCV non esercita citolisi diretta, pertanto i fattori immunologici giocano il duplice ruolo di determinare l’evoluzione dell’infezione e il danno epatico. All’interno del sistema immunitario esistono linfociti in grado di inibire l’attivazione delle cellule effettrici modulando la risposta immunitaria; la popolazione regolatoria meglio conosciuta è costituita dai cosiddetti T-reg caratterizzati dal fenotipo CD4+CD35hiFoxp3+. Scopo di questo studio è stato determinare fenotipo e funzione dei T-reg, valutandone le correlazioni con caratteristiche cliniche e parametri biochimici e virologici, nelle diverse fasi della malattia epatica da HCV, a partire dall’epatite cronica, passando per la cirrosi, l’epatocarcinoma e terminando con il follow-up post-trapianto di fegato. Sono stati reclutati 80 pazienti con infezione cronica da HCV non in trattamento antivirale, di cui 52 con epatite cronica, 12 con cirrosi e 16 con epatocarcinoma. Di questi, 11 sono andati incontro a trapianto di fegato e sono stati poi seguiti fino a 36 mesi di follow up. Ventinove soggetti avevano transaminasi persistentemente nella norma e 28 mostravano ALT costantemente oltre 2.5x i valori normali. Quaranta donatori di sangue sono stati utilizzati come controlli sani. Marcatori di superficie (CD4, CD25) ed intracellulari (Foxp3) sono stati valutati in citofluorimetria su sangue intero periferico per tutti i soggetti al basale ed ogni 2-4 settimane dopo trapianto. In una quota di pazienti i T-reg sono stati estratti dai linfociti del sangue periferico con metodi immunomagnetici e la loro funzione valutata come percentuale di inibizione di proliferazione e produzione di IFN-γ da parte delle cellule bersaglio CD4+CD25- in esperimenti di co-coltura effettuati al basale e dopo 24-36 settimane dal trapianto. La percentuale di T-reg e l’espressione del Foxp3 sono risultate aumentate nei soggetti con HCV rispetto ai controlli sani, in particolare in coloro con cirrosi, HCC e nei pazienti con transaminasi normali indipendentemente dallo stadio di malattia, correlando inversamente con i livelli di transaminasi e direttamente con il punteggio MELD. La produzione di IFN-γ è incrementata in tutti i pazienti HCV ma efficacemente controllata solamente dai T-reg dei pazienti con transaminasi normali. Dopo il trapianto di fegato, si verifica una precoce e reversibile riduzione delle T-reg circolanti. Alla 24ma e 36ma settimana dal trapianto la percentuale dei T-reg circolanti è sovrapponibile al basale e i loro effetti, sia in termini di proliferazione che di produzione di IFN-γ, sulle cellule bersaglio, già dotate di una ridotta attività intrinseca, appaiono particolarmente incisivi. In conclusione, l’epatopatia cronica da HCV è caratterizzata da una popolazione di T-reg espansa che però, con l’eccezione dei soggetti con transaminasi normali, non appare in grado di limitare il danno epatico immuno-mediato e potrebbe favorire lo sviluppo e la crescita di lesioni tumorali nei pazienti con malattia avanzata. Il trapianto di fegato, probabilmente a causa della terapia immunosoppressiva, si associa ad un marcato e transitorio declino dei T-reg le cui numerosità e funzione vengono completamente recuperate a sei mesi dall’intervento. La migliore conoscenza dei meccanismi alla base delle cinetica e della funzione delle cellule regolatorie potrà fornire utili strumenti per il loro utilizzo come adiuvanti nella terapia dell’epatopatia cronica HCV relata.


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Solo il 60% dei candidati alla resincronizzazione cardiaca risponde in termini di rimodellamento ventricolare inverso che è il più forte predittore di riduzione della mortalità e delle ospedalizzazioni. Due cause possibili della mancata risposta sono la programmazione del dispositivo e i limiti dell’ approccio transvenoso. Nel corso degli anni di dottorato ho effettuato tre studi per ridurre il numero di non responder. Il primo studio valuta il ritardo interventricolare. Al fine di ottimizzare le risorse e fornire un reale beneficio per il paziente ho ricercato la presenza di predittori di ritardo interventricolare diverso dal simultaneo, impostato nella programmazione di base. L'unico predittore è risultato essere l’ intervallo QRS> 160 ms, quindi ho proposto una flow chart per ottimizzare solo i pazienti che avranno nella programmazione ottimale un intervallo interventricolare non simultaneo. Il secondo lavoro valuta la fissazione attiva del ventricolo sinistro con stent. I dislocamenti, la soglia alta di stimolazione del miocardio e la stimolazione del nervo frenico sono tre problematiche che limitano la stimolazione biventricolare. Abbiamo analizzato più di 200 angiografie per vedere le condizioni anatomiche predisponenti la dislocazione del catetere. Prospetticamente abbiamo deciso di utilizzare uno stent per fissare attivamente il catetere ventricolare sinistro in tutti i pazienti che presentavano le caratteristiche anatomiche favorenti la dislocazione. Non ci sono più state dislocazioni, c’è stata una migliore risposta in termini di rimodellamento ventricolare inverso e non ci sono state modifiche dei parametri elettrici del catetere. Il terzo lavoro ha valutato sicurezza ed efficacia della stimolazione endoventricolare sinistra. Abbiamo impiantato 26 pazienti giudicati non responder alla terapia di resincronizzazione cardiaca. La procedura è risultata sicura, il rischio di complicanze è simile alla stimolazione biventricolare classica, ed efficace nell’arrestare la disfunzione ventricolare sinistra e / o migliorare gli effetti clinici in un follow-up medio.


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The correlations between the evolution of the Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies suggests that the SMBH accretion on sub-pc scales (active galactice nuclei, AGN) is linked to the building of the galaxy over kpc scales, through the so called AGN feedback. Most of the galaxy assembly occurs in overdense large scale structures (LSSs). AGN residing in powerful sources in LSSs, such as the proto-brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), can affect the evolution of the surrounding intra-cluster medium (ICM) and nearby galaxies. Among distant AGN, high-redshift radio-galaxies (HzRGs) are found to be excellent BCG progenitor candidates. In this Thesis we analyze novel interferometric observations of the so-called "J1030" field centered around the z = 6.3 SDSS Quasar J1030+0524, carried out with the Atacama large (sub-)millimetre array (ALMA) and the Jansky very large array (JVLA). This field host a LSS assembling around a powerful HzRG at z = 1.7 that shows evidence of positive AGN feedback in heating the surrounding ICM and promoting star-formation in multiple galaxies at hundreds kpc distances. We report the detection of gas-rich members of the LSS, including the HzRG. We showed that the LSS is going to evolve into a local massive cluster and the HzRG is the proto-BCG. we unveiled signatures of the proto-BCG's interaction with the surrounding ICM, strengthening the positive AGN feedback scenario. From the JVLA observations of the "J1030" we extracted one of the deepest extra-galactic radio surveys to date (~12.5 uJy at 5 sigma). Exploiting the synergy with the X-ray deep survey (~500 ks) we investigated the relation of the X-ray/radio emission of a X-ray-selected sample, unveiling that the radio emission is powered by different processes (star-formation and AGN), and that AGN-driven sample is mostly composed by radio-quiet objects that display a significant X-ray/radio correlation.


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In this Thesis we focus on non-standard signatures from CMB polarisation, which might hint at the existence of new phenomena beyond the standard models for Cosmology and Particle physics. With the Planck ESA mission, CMB temperature anisotropies have been observed at the cosmic variance limit, but polarisation remains to be further investigated. CMB polarisation data are important not only because they contribute to provide tighter constraints of cosmological parameters but also because they allow the investigation of physical processes that would be precluded if just the CMB temperature maps were considered. We take polarisation data into account to assess the statistical significance of the anomalies currently observed only in the CMB temperature map and to constrain the Cosmic Birefringence (CB) effect, which is expected in parity-violating extensions of the standard electromagnetism. In particular, we propose a new one-dimensional estimator for the lack of power anomaly capable of taking both temperature and polarisation into account jointly. With the aim of studying the anisotropic CB we develop and perform two different and complementary methods able to evaluate the power spectrum of the CB. Finally, by employing these estimators and methodologies on Planck data we provide new constraints beyond what already known in literature. The measure of CMB polarisation represents a technological challenge and to make accurate estimates, one has to keep an exquisite control of the systematic effects. In order to investigate the impact of spurious signal in forthcoming CMB polarisation experiments, we study the interplay between half-wave plates (HWP) non-idealities and the beams. Our analysis suggests that certain HWP configurations, depending on the complexity of Galactic foregrounds and the beam models, significantly impacts the B-mode reconstruction fidelity and could limit the capabilities of next-generation CMB experiments. We provide also a first study of the impact of non-ideal HWPs on CB.


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This PhD project is aimed at investigating the chemical composition of the stellar populations in the closest satellites of the Milky Way (MW), namely the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud (LMC and SMC, respectively) and the remnant of the Sagittarius (Sgr) dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Their proximity allows us to resolve their individual stars both with spectroscopy and photometry, studying in detail the characteristics of their stellar populations. All these objects are interacting galaxies: LMC and SMC are in an early stage of a minor merger event, and Sgr is being disrupted by the tidal field of the MW. There is a plenty of literature regarding the chemical composition of these systems, however, the extension of these galaxies prevents a complete and homogeneous analysis. Therefore, we homogeneously analysed stellar spectra belonging to MW and its satellites galaxies and we derived their chemical compositions. We highlighted the importance of a homogeneous analysis in the comparison among different galaxies or different samples, to avoid systematics due to different methods or physical assumptions.


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The dynamics and geometry of the material inflowing and outflowing close to the supermassive black hole in active galactic nuclei are still uncertain. X-rays are the most suitable way to study the AGN innermost regions because of the Fe Kα emission line, a proxy of accretion, and Fe absorption lines produced by outflows. Winds are typically classified as Warm Absorbers (slow and mildly ionized) and Ultra Fast Outflows (fast and highly ionized). Transient Obscurers -optically thick winds that produce strong spectral hardening in X-rays, lasting from days to months- have been observed recently. Emission and absorption features vary on time-scales from hours to years, probing phenomena at different distances from the SMBH. In this work, we use time-resolved spectral analysis to investigate the accretion and ejection flows, to characterize them individually and search for correlations. We analyzed XMM-Newtomn data of a set of the brightest Seyfert 1 galaxies that went through an obscuration event: NGC 3783, NGC 3227, NGC 5548, and NGC 985. Our aim is to search for emission/absorption lines in short-duration spectra (∼ 10ks), to explore regions as close as the SMBH as the statistics allows for, and possibly catch transient phenomena. First we run a blind search to detect emission/absorption features, then we analyze their evolution with Residual Maps: we visualize simultaneously positive and negative residuals from the continuum in the time-energy plane, looking for patterns and relative time-scales. In NGC 3783 we were able to ascribe variations of the Fe Kα emission line to absorptions at the same energy due to clumps in the obscurer, whose presence is detected at >3σ, and to determine the size of the clumps. In NGC 3227 we detected a wind at ∼ 0.2c at ∼ 2σ, briefly appearing during an obscuration event.


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A stately fraction of the Universe volume is dominated by almost empty space. Alongside the luminous filamentary structures that make it up, there are vast and smooth regions that have remained outside the Cosmology spotlight during the past decades: cosmic voids. Although essentially devoid of matter, voids enclose fundamental information about the cosmological framework and have gradually become an effective and competitive cosmological probe. In this Thesis work we present fundamental results about the cosmological exploitation of voids. We focused on the number density of voids as a function of their radius, known as void size function, developing an effective pipeline for its cosmological usage. We proposed a new parametrisation of the most used theoretical void size function to model voids identified in the distribution of biased tracers (i.e. dark matter haloes, galaxies and galaxy clusters), a step of fundamental importance to extend the analysis to real data surveys. We then applied our built methodology to study voids in alternative cosmological scenarios. Firstly we exploited voids with the aim of breaking the degeneracies between cosmological scenarios characterised by modified gravity and the inclusion of massive neutrinos. Secondly we analysed voids in the perspective of the Euclid survey, focusing on the void abundance constraining power on dynamical dark energy models with massive neutrinos. Moreover we explored other void statistics like void profiles and clustering (i.e. the void-galaxy and the void-void correlation), providing cosmological forecasts for the Euclid mission. We finally focused on the probe combination, highlighting the incredible potential of the joint analysis of multiple void statistics and of the combination of the void size function with different cosmological probes. Our results show the fundamental role of the void analysis in constraining the fundamental parameters of the cosmological model and pave the way for future studies on this topic.