em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The present work aims for investigate the influence of electrospun Nylon 6,6 nanofibrous mat on the behavior of composite laminates. The main idea is that nanofibrous interleaved into particular ply-to-ply interfaces of a laminate can lead to significant improvements of mechanical properties and delamination/damage resistance. Experimental campaigns were performed to investigate how nanofibers affect both the static and dynamic behavior of the laminate in which they are interleaved. Fracture mechanics tests were initially performed on virgin and 8 different configuration of nanomodified specimens. The purposes of this first step of the work are to understand which geometrical parameters of the nanointerleave influence the behavior of the laminate and, to find the optimal architecture of the nanofibrous mat in order to obtain the best reinforcement. In particular, 3 morphological parameters are investigated: nanofibers diameter, nanofibers orientation and thickness of the reinforce. Two different values for each parameter have been used, and it leads to 8 different configurations of nanoreinforce. Acoustic Emission technique is also used to monitor the tests. Once the optimum configuration has been found, attention is focused on the mechanism of reinforce played by the nanofibers during static and dynamic tests. Low velocity impacts and free decay tests are performed to attest the effect of nanointerlayers and the reinforce mechanism during the dynamic loads. Bump tests are performed before and after the impact on virgin and two different nanomodified laminates configurations. The authors focused their attention on: vibrational behavior, low velocity impact response and post-impact vibration behavior of the nano-interleaved laminates with respect to the response of non-nanomodified ones. Experiments attest that nanofibers significantly strength the delamination resistance of the laminates and increase some mechanical properties. It is demonstrated that the nanofibers are capable to continue to carry on the loads even when the matrix around them is broken.


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This PhD Thesis is focused on the development of fibrous polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering applications and on the improvement of scaffold biomimetic properties. Scaffolds were fabricated by electrospinning, which allows to obtain scaffolds made of polymeric micro or nanofibers. Biomimetism was enhanced by following two approaches: (1) the use of natural biopolymers, and (2) the modification of the fibers surface chemistry. Gelatin was chosen for its bioactive properties and cellular affinity, however it lacks in mechanical properties. This problem was overcome by adding poly(lactic acid) to the scaffold through co-electrospinning and mechanical properties of the composite constructs were assessed. Gelatin effectively improves cell growth and viability and worth noting, composite scaffolds of gelatin and poly(lactic acid) were more effective than a plain gelatin scaffold. Scaffolds made of pure collagen fibers were fabricated. Modification of collagen triple helix structure in electrospun collagen fibers was studied. Mechanical properties were evaluated before and after crosslinking. The crosslinking procedure was developed and optimized by using - for the first time on electrospun collagen fibers - the crosslinking reactant 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether, with good results in terms of fibers stabilization. Cell culture experiments showed good results in term of cell adhesion and morphology. The fiber surface chemistry of electrospun poly(lactic acid) scaffold was modified by plasma treatment. Plasma did not affect thermal and mechanical properties of the scaffold, while it greatly increased its hydrophilicity by the introduction of carboxyl groups at the fiber surface. This fiber functionalization enhanced the fibroblast cell viability and spreading. Surface modifications by chemical reactions were conducted on electrospun scaffolds made of a polysophorolipid. The aim was to introduce a biomolecule at the fiber surface. By developing a series of chemical reactions, one oligopeptide every three repeating units of polysophorolipid was grafted at the surface of electrospun fibers.


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A major weakness of composite materials is that low-velocity impact, introduced accidentally during manufacture, operation or maintenance of the aircraft, may result in delaminations between the plies. Therefore, the first part of this study is focused on mechanics of curved laminates under impact. For this aim, the effect of preloading on impact response of curved composite laminates is considered. By applying the preload, the stress through the thickness and curvature of the laminates increased. The results showed that all impact parameters are varied significantly. For understanding the contribution rate of preloading and pre-stress on the obtained results another test is designed. The interesting phenomenon is that the preloading can decrease the damaged area when the curvature of the both specimens is the same. Finally the effect of curvature type, concave and convex, is investigated under impact loading. In the second part, a new composition of nanofibrous mats are developed to improve the efficiency of curved laminates under impact loading. Therefore, at first some fracture tests are conducted to consider the effect of Nylon 6,6, PCL, and their mixture on mode I and mode II fracture toughness. For this goal, nanofibers are electrospun and interleaved between mid-plane of laminate composite to conduct mode I and mode II tests. The results shows that efficiency of Nylon 6,6 is better than PCL in mode II, while the effect of PCL on fracture toughness of mode I is more. By mixing these nanofibers the shortage of the individual nanofibers is compensated and so the Nylon 6,6/PCL nanofibers could increased mode I and II fracture toughness. Then all these nanofibers are used between all layers of composite layers to investigate their effect on damaged area. The results showed that PCL could decrease the damaged area about 25% and Nylon 6,6 and mixed nanofibers about 50%.


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Tissue engineering is a discipline that aims at regenerating damaged biological tissues by using a cell-construct engineered in vitro made of cells grown into a porous 3D scaffold. The role of the scaffold is to guide cell growth and differentiation by acting as a bioresorbable temporary substrate that will be eventually replaced by new tissue produced by cells. As a matter or fact, the obtainment of a successful engineered tissue requires a multidisciplinary approach that must integrate the basic principles of biology, engineering and material science. The present Ph.D. thesis aimed at developing and characterizing innovative polymeric bioresorbable scaffolds made of hydrolysable polyesters. The potentialities of both commercial polyesters (i.e. poly-e-caprolactone, polylactide and some lactide copolymers) and of non-commercial polyesters (i.e. poly-w-pentadecalactone and some of its copolymers) were explored and discussed. Two techniques were employed to fabricate scaffolds: supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) foaming and electrospinning (ES). The former is a powerful technology that enables to produce 3D microporous foams by avoiding the use of solvents that can be toxic to mammalian cells. The scCO2 process, which is commonly applied to amorphous polymers, was successfully modified to foam a highly crystalline poly(w-pentadecalactone-co-e-caprolactone) copolymer and the effect of process parameters on scaffold morphology and thermo-mechanical properties was investigated. In the course of the present research activity, sub-micrometric fibrous non-woven meshes were produced using ES technology. Electrospun materials are considered highly promising scaffolds because they resemble the 3D organization of native extra cellular matrix. A careful control of process parameters allowed to fabricate defect-free fibres with diameters ranging from hundreds of nanometers to several microns, having either smooth or porous surface. Moreover, versatility of ES technology enabled to produce electrospun scaffolds from different polyesters as well as “composite” non-woven meshes by concomitantly electrospinning different fibres in terms of both fibre morphology and polymer material. The 3D-architecture of the electrospun scaffolds fabricated in this research was controlled in terms of mutual fibre orientation by properly modifying the instrumental apparatus. This aspect is particularly interesting since the micro/nano-architecture of the scaffold is known to affect cell behaviour. Since last generation scaffolds are expected to induce specific cell response, the present research activity also explored the possibility to produce electrospun scaffolds bioactive towards cells. Bio-functionalized substrates were obtained by loading polymer fibres with growth factors (i.e. biomolecules that elicit specific cell behaviour) and it was demonstrated that, despite the high voltages applied during electrospinning, the growth factor retains its biological activity once released from the fibres upon contact with cell culture medium. A second fuctionalization approach aiming, at a final stage, at controlling cell adhesion on electrospun scaffolds, consisted in covering fibre surface with highly hydrophilic polymer brushes of glycerol monomethacrylate synthesized by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Future investigations are going to exploit the hydroxyl groups of the polymer brushes for functionalizing the fibre surface with desired biomolecules. Electrospun scaffolds were employed in cell culture experiments performed in collaboration with biochemical laboratories aimed at evaluating the biocompatibility of new electrospun polymers and at investigating the effect of fibre orientation on cell behaviour. Moreover, at a preliminary stage, electrospun scaffolds were also cultured with tumour mammalian cells for developing in vitro tumour models aimed at better understanding the role of natural ECM on tumour malignity in vivo.


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In recent years, nanotechnologies have led to the production of materials with new and sometimes unexpected qualities through the manipulation of nanoscale components. This research aimed primarily to the study of the correlation between hierarchical structures of hybrid organic-inorganic materials such as conductive polymer composites (CPCs). Using a bottom-up methodology, we could synthesize a wide range of inorganic nanometric materials with a high degree of homogeneity and purity, such as thiol capped metal nanoparticles, stoichiometric geomimetic chrysotile nanotubes and metal dioxide nanoparticles. It was also possible to produce inorganic systems formed from the interaction between the synthesized materials. These synthesized materials and others like multiwalled carbon nanotubes and grapheme oxide were used to produce conductive polymer composites. Electrospinning causes polymer fibers to become elongated using an electric field. This technique was used to produce fibers with a nanometric diameter of a polymer blend based on two different intrinsically conducting polymers polymers (ICPs): polyaniline (PANI) and poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). Using different materials as second phase in the initial electrospun polymer fibers caused significant changes to the material hierarchical structure, leading to the creation of CPCs with modified electrical properties. Further study of the properties of these new materials resulted in a better understanding of the electrical conductivity mechanisms in these electrospun materials.


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This PhD work was aimed to design, develop, and characterize gelatin-based scaffolds, for the repair of defects in the muscle-skeletal system. Gelatin is a biopolymer widely used for pharmaceutical and medical applications, thanks to its biodegradability and biocompatibility. It is obtained from collagen via thermal denaturation or chemical-physical degradation. Despite its high potential as biomaterial, gelatin exhibits poor mechanical properties and a low resistance in aqueous environment. Crosslinking treatment and enrichment with reinforcement materials are thus required for biomedical applications. In this work, gelatin based scaffolds were prepared following three different strategies: films were prepared through the solvent casting method, electrospinning technique was applied for the preparation of porous mats, and 3D porous scaffolds were prepared through freeze-drying. The results obtained on films put into evidence the influence of pH, crosslinking and reinforcement with montmorillonite (MMT), on the structure, stability and mechanical properties of gelatin and MMT/gelatin composites. The information acquired on the effect of crosslinking in different conditions was utilized to optimize the preparation procedure of electrospun and freeze-dried scaffolds. A successful method was developed to prepare gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds electrospun from acetic acid/water solution and stabilized with a non-toxic crosslinking agent, genipin, able to preserve their original morphology after exposure to water. Moreover, the co-electrospinning technique was used to prepare nanofibrous scaffolds at variable content of gelatin and polylactic acid. Preliminary in vitro tests indicated that the scaffolds are suitable for cartilage tissue engineering, and that their potential applications can be extended to cartilage-bone interface tissue engineering. Finally, 3D porous gelatin scaffolds, enriched with calcium phosphate, were prepared with the freeze-drying method. The results indicated that the crystallinity of the inorganic phase influences porosity, interconnectivity and mechanical properties. Preliminary in vitro tests show good osteoblast response in terms of proliferation and adhesion on all the scaffolds.


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Biodegradable polymers for short time applications have attracted much interest all over the world. The reason behind this growing interest is the incompatibility of the polymeric wastes with the environment where they are disposed after usage. Synthetic aliphatic polyesters represent one of the most economically competitive biodegradable polymers. In addition, they gained considerable attention as they combine biodegradability and biocompatibility with interesting physical and chemical properties. In this framework, the present research work focused on the modification by reactive blending and polycondensation of two different aliphatic polyesters, namely poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and poly(butylene 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylate) (PBCE). Both are characterized by good thermal properties, but their mechanical characteristics do not fit the requirements for applications in which high flexibility is requested and, moreover, both show slow biodegradation rate. With the aim of developing new materials with improved characteristics with respect to the parent homopolymers, novel etheroatom containing PBS and PBCE-based fully aliphatic polyesters and copolyesters have been therefore synthesized and carefully characterized. The introduction of oxygen or sulphur atoms along the polymer chains, by acting on chemical composition or molecular architecture, tailored solid-state properties and biodegradation rate: type and amount of comonomeric units and sequence distribution deeply affected the material final properties owing, among all, to the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratio and to the different ability of the polymer to crystallize. The versatility of the synthesized copolymers has been well proved: as a matter of fact these polymers can be exploited both for biomedical and ecological applications. Feasibility of 3D electrospun scaffolds has been investigated, biocompatibility studies and controlled release of a model molecule showed good responses. As regards ecological applications, barrier properties and eco-toxicological assessments have been conducted with outstanding results. Finally, the ability of the novel polyesters to undergo both hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation has been demonstrated under physiological and environmental conditions.


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The functionalization of substrates through the application of nanostructured coatings allows to create new materials, with enhanced properties. In this work, the development of self-cleaning and antibacterial textiles, through the application of TiO2 and Ag based nanostructured coatings was carried out. The production of TiO2 and Ag functionalized materials was achieved both by the classical dip-padding-curing method and by the innovative electrospinning process to obtain nanofibers doped with nano-TiO2 and nano-Ag. In order to optimize the production of functionalized textiles, the study focused on the comprehension of mechanisms involved in the photocatalytic and antibacterial processes and on the real applicability of the products. In particular, a deep investigation on the relationship between nanosol physicochemical characteristics, nanocoating properties and their performances was accomplished. Self-cleaning textiles with optimized properties were obtained by properly purifying and applying commercial TiO2 nanosol while the studies on the photocatalytic mechanism operating in self-cleaning application demonstrated the strong influence of hydrophilic properties and of interaction surface/radicals on final performance. Moreover, a study about the safety in handling of nano-TiO2 was carried out and risk remediation strategies, based on “safety by design” approach, were developed. In particular, the coating of TiO2 nanoparticles by a SiO2 shell was demonstrated to be the best risk remediation strategy in term of biological response and preserving of photoreactivity. The obtained results were confirmed determining the reactive oxygen species production by a multiple approach. Antibacterial textiles for biotechnological applications were also studied and Ag-coated cotton materials, with significant anti-bacterial properties, were produced. Finally, composite nanofibers were obtained merging biopolymer processing and sol-gel techniques. Indeed, electrospun nanofibers embedded with TiO2 and Ag NPs, starting from aqueous keratin based formulation were produced and the photocatalytic and antibacterial properties were assessed. The results confirmed the capability of electrospun keratin nanofibers matrix to preserve nanoparticle properties.