12 resultados para Diffusion in liquids
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
In this work a multidisciplinary study of the December 26th, 2004 Sumatra earthquake has been carried out. We have investigated both the effect of the earthquake on the Earth rotation and the stress field variations associated with the seismic event. In the first part of the work we have quantified the effects of a water mass redistribution associated with the propagation of a tsunami wave on the Earth’s pole path and on the length-of-day (LOD) and applied our modeling results to the tsunami following the 2004 giant Sumatra earthquake. We compared the result of our simulations on the instantaneous rotational axis variations with some preliminary instrumental evidences on the pole path perturbation (which has not been confirmed yet) registered just after the occurrence of the earthquake, which showed a step-like discontinuity that cannot be attributed to the effect of a seismic dislocation. Our results show that the perturbation induced by the tsunami on the instantaneous rotational pole is characterized by a step-like discontinuity, which is compatible with the observations but its magnitude turns out to be almost one hundred times smaller than the detected one. The LOD variation induced by the water mass redistribution turns out to be not significant because the total effect is smaller than current measurements uncertainties. In the second part of this work of thesis we modeled the coseismic and postseismic stress evolution following the Sumatra earthquake. By means of a semi-analytical, viscoelastic, spherical model of global postseismic deformation and a numerical finite-element approach, we performed an analysis of the stress diffusion following the earthquake in the near and far field of the mainshock source. We evaluated the stress changes due to the Sumatra earthquake by projecting the Coulomb stress over the sequence of aftershocks taken from various catalogues in a time window spanning about two years and finally analyzed the spatio-temporal pattern. The analysis performed with the semi-analytical and the finite-element modeling gives a complex picture of the stress diffusion, in the area under study, after the Sumatra earthquake. We believe that the results obtained with the analytical method suffer heavily for the restrictions imposed, on the hypocentral depths of the aftershocks, in order to obtain the convergence of the harmonic series of the stress components. On the contrary we imposed no constraints on the numerical method so we expect that the results obtained give a more realistic description of the stress variations pattern.
Although rational models of formal planning have been seriously criticized by strategy literature, they not only remain a widely used organizational practice in private firms, but they have increasingly been entering public, professional organizations too, as part of public sector managerial reforms. This research addresses this apparent paradox, exploring the meaning of formal planning in public sector professional work. Curiously, this is an issue that remains under-investigated in the literature: the long debate on formal planning in strategy research devoted scant attention to its diffusion in the public sector, and public sector studies have scrutinized the introduction of other management tools in professional work, but very limitedly formal planning itself. In fact, little is known on the actual meaning of formal planning in public, professional services. This research is based upon a case of adoption of formal planning tools in a public hospital. Embracing a discourse analytical lens, it examines which formal planning discourse entered professional work, to what extent, and how professionals interpret it and engage with it in their practice. The analysis uncovers dynamics of social construction of meaning where, eventually, a formal planning discourse both shapes and is shaped by professional practice. In particular, it is found that formal planning rationality largely penetrated professional work, but not to the detriment of professional values. Morevover, formal planning ‘fails’ as a tool for rational decision making, but it takes up a knowledge work and a social value in professional work, as a tool for explicitation of action courses and for dialogue between otherwise more disconnected parts of the organization.
La presente tesi si propone di trattare il soggetto della screendance, giovane disciplina in continua definizione nata combinando cinema e coreografia, da una prospettiva alternativa, coerente con le ultime trasformazioni sociali. La ricerca, suddivisa in quattro parti, inizia da una ricognizione critica sulla terminologia utilizzata per indicare la screendance nel suo sviluppo storico in Europa e in Cina durante il XX secolo. Adoperando una metodologia basata sugli strumenti della storiografia comparativa, vengono utilizzati come chiavi di lettura i due concetti taoisti di xiang o visione e xing o forma, l’uno riferito al contesto culturale, storico e artistico di una data società umana in un dato periodo storico, e l’altro alludente alle forme artistiche specifiche definite da quei principi. Nel focalizzarsi sul confronto tra i differenti sviluppi della screendance nel corso del XX secolo in Europa e in Cina, nella seconda parte, la tesi affronta una comparazione diacronica delle trasformazioni di xiang delle due aree geografiche, insieme a una comparazione sincronica delle xing, rendendo più evidenti analogie e divergenze di numerosi case studies occidentali e cinesi. Uno sguardo sul panorama europeo, attento alle differenze nella disseminazione della screendance attraverso i festival in Gran Bretagna, Francia, Belgio e Italia, costituisce il focus della terza parte. Con la quarta ed ultima parte, la tesi riserva ampio spazio alla disamina della situazione contemporanea della screendance, seguendone la diffusione negli ultimi quattro decenni attraverso i festival e, più recentemente, i nuovi canali social di creazione e condivisione di contenuti video, e prospettando un futuro in cui la realtà della screendance europea e quella cinese potranno confrontare le proprie identità culturali. Il ricco apparato documentario include un elenco dei festival di screendance europei e cinesi, e una serie di interviste inedite ai maggiori operatori e professionisti del settore, italiani ed europei.
This work deals with the theory of Relativity and its diffusion in Italy in the first decades of the XX century. Not many scientists belonging to Italian universities were active in understanding Relativity, but two of them, Max Abraham and Tullio Levi-Civita left a deep mark. Max Abraham engaged a substantial debate against Einstein between 1912 and 1914 about electromagnetic and gravitation aspects of the theories. Levi-Civita played a fundamental role in giving Einstein the correct mathematical instruments for the General Relativity formulation since 1915. This work, which doesn't have the aim of a mere historical chronicle of the events, wants to highlight two particular perspectives: on one hand, the importance of Abraham-Einstein debate in order to clarify the basis of Special Relativity, to observe the rigorous logical structure resulting from a fragmentary reasoning sequence and to understand Einstein's thinking; on the other hand, the originality of Levi-Civita's approach, quite different from the Einstein's one, characterized by the introduction of a method typical of General Relativity even to Special Relativity and the attempt to hide the two Einstein Special Relativity postulates.
La tesi riguarda la concessione di spazi di proprietà pubblica a privati, intesi come singole persone o enti, quali ad esempio i collegi, da parte delle autorità cittadine. Le fonti a disposizione per indagare tale pratica burocratica sono quasi totalmente di natura epigrafica, per lo più attestanti l’espressione locus datus decreto decurionum, variamente abbreviata, o formule similari. Questo aspetto della vita civica è stata cursoriamente oggetto di studio in diversi contributi, ma si tratta di articoli che circoscrivono il tema, analizzandolo in relazione a ristrette aree geografiche, oppure considerandone determinati aspetti (ad esempio l’ambito sacro o quello funerario). Si è perciò ritenuto utile proseguire questa linea di ricerca affrontando uno studio di più ampio raggio, che comprenda la documentazione epigrafica dell’intero territorio italico (costituito dalle undici regioni augustee ad esclusione di Roma), per tutte le tipologie testuali (iscrizioni sacre, funerarie, onorarie, su opera pubblica, exempla decreti), allo scopo di formulare osservazioni più precise e puntuali sulla procedura burocratica in esame, pur con tutti i limiti noti a chi affronti questo genere di indagine. Tra le conclusioni raggiunte, è emerso come durante il I-II sec. d.C. vi fosse la tendenza a concedere, sporadicamente, dei loca sepulturae extraurbani a membri delle famiglie delle élites cittadine, anche donne e fanciulli, mentre il foro e le altre aree pubbliche interne alla città erano soprattutto utilizzate direttamente dai decurioni per l’elevazione di dediche e statue. Nel corso del II sec. d.C., con massima diffusione nell’età antonina e poi in quella severiana, prese invece piede l’uso privato a scopo onorario degli spazi pubblici siti all’interno delle città, ovvero in aree prima pressoché precluse all’intervento di singoli cittadini: familiari e liberti, collegi e altri organismi commissionavano statue dedicate prevalentemente agli amministratori locali, magistrati cittadini spesso divenuti anche cavalieri.
Il presente lavoro di tesi mira a ricostruire lo scenario evolutivo della responsabilità patrimoniale del debitore, a partire dai principi generali sanciti dall'art. 2740 c.c. sino al diffondersi, sempre più dilagante negli anni più recenti, del fenomeno dei patrimoni separati, il quale ha contribuito a quella che è stata definita da autorevole dottrina l’“erosione” del carattere universale della responsabilità patrimoniale. In questa prospettiva, la ricerca condotta dall'autore si propone il duplice obiettivo di dimostrare, da un lato, l’ormai sostanziale ribaltamento del rapporto regola(garanzia generica)–eccezione(separazione patrimoniale) previsto dalla norma succitata, e, dall’altro, il ridimensionamento del valore della riserva di legge imposta dal secondo comma dell’art. 2740 c.c. con riguardo all’individuazione e alla disciplina dei patrimoni separati, dovuto all’affermarsi di forme di segregazione di carattere generale e flessibile ed al conseguente potenziamento del ruolo assunto dall’autonomia privata nel campo della separazione patrimoniale. Al perseguimento di tale obiettivo si aggiunge, inoltre, una valutazione dei nuovi orizzonti del fenomeno della separazione patrimoniale e, in particolare, dei segnali di apertura del nostro ordinamento all’adozione di una regolamentazione interna del trust, i cui vantaggi e la cui compatibilità con il nostro sistema giuridico vengono dimostrati attraverso il confronto con la disciplina dell'istituto in esame nell’ordinamento inglese.
Italy has a preeminent rank in kiwifruit industry, being the first exporter and the second largest producer after China. However, in the last years kiwifruit yields and the total cultivated area considerably decreased, due to the pandemic spread of the bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa). Several climatic conditions and cultural practices affect the development of the bacterial canker. This research work focused on the impact of agricultural practices and microclimate conditions on the incidence and epidemiology of Psa in the orchard. Therefore, the effect of fertilization, irrigation, use of bio-regulators, rootstock, training system and pruning were examined. The effect of different tunnel systems was analyzed as well, to study the plant-pathogen interaction. Considering the importance of insects as vectors in other pathosystems, the role of Metcalfa pruinosa in the spread of the bacterial canker was investigated in controlled conditions. In addition, quality and storage properties of fruits from infected plants were assessed. The study of all these aspects of the agronomic practices is useful to define a strategy to limit the bacterial diffusion in the orchard. Overall, excess nitrogen fertilization, water stress, stagnant water supplies, pruning before summer and the high number of Metcalfa pruinosa increased the Psa incidence. In contrast, tunnel covers may be useful for the control of the disease, with special attention to the kind of material.
Although its great potential as low to medium temperature waste heat recovery (WHR) solution, the ORC technology presents open challenges that still prevent its diffusion in the market, which are different depending on the application and the size at stake. Focusing on the micro range power size and low temperature heat sources, the ORC technology is still not mature due to the lack of appropriate machines and working fluids. Considering instead the medium to large size, the technology is already available but the investment is still risky. The intention of this thesis is to address some of the topical themes in the ORC field, paying special attention in the development of reliable models based on realistic data and accounting for the off-design performance of the ORC system and of each of its components. Concerning the “Micro-generation” application, this work: i) explores the modelling methodology, the performance and the optimal parameters of reciprocating piston expanders; ii) investigates the performance of such expander and of the whole micro-ORC system when using Hydrofluorocarbons as working fluid or their new low GWP alternatives and mixtures; iii) analyzes the innovative ORC reversible architecture (conceived for the energy storage), its optimal regulation strategy and its potential when inserted in typical small industrial frameworks. Regarding the “Industrial WHR” sector, this thesis examines the WHR opportunity of ORCs, with a focus on the natural gas compressor stations application. This work provides information about all the possible parameters that can influence the optimal sizing, the performance and thus the feasibility of installing an ORC system. New WHR configurations are explored: i) a first one, relying on the replacement of a compressor prime mover with an ORC; ii) a second one, which consists in the use of a supercritical CO2 cycle as heat recovery system.
The growing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and its harmful consequences has led the scientific community to direct its efforts towards sustainable processes. Among the possible approaches, the use of CO2 and alternative solvents are two strategies that are having widespread diffusion. In this work the reuse of CO2 is expressed by using it as a reaction reagent and as trigger to change the physical properties of a catalyst thus facilitating its recovery. As regards the CO2 use as reagent, two catalytic systems have been developed for the conversion of CO2 and epoxides into cyclic carbonates, used in the synthesis of polymers and as aprotic solvents. Homogeneous catalysts made by choline-based eutectic mixtures and heterogeneous catalysts made from biopolymers and waste pyrolysis have been synthesized and tested on this reaction. The carbonate interchange reaction (CIR) of a diol with a linear carbonate (as dimethyl carbonate) is an interesting alternative, for the synthesis of cyclic carbonates; as the second application of CO2 as polarity trigger, it was used for catalyst recovery. In fact DBU, here used as catalyst, is part of the so called “switchable solvents”: they can pass from a less-polar to a more-polar form (and from being soluble to non-soluble in the reaction mixture) when reacting with CO2 in presence of water or alcohols. Also in this case, heterogeneous catalysts made from biopolymers and waste pyrolysis have been synthesized and tested on CIR. As for the use of alternative solvents, this work focuses on the use of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs). They are a new generation of solvents composed by a mixture of two or more substances, liquid at room temperature, and non-volatile. New and biobased DESs were here used: i) as reaction media to carry out chemoenzymatic epoxidation; ii) in the extraction of astaxanthin from microalgae culture.
Our study focused on Morocco investigating the dissemination of PBs amongst farmers belonging to the first pillar of the GMP, located in the Fès-Meknès region. As well as to assess how innovation adoption is influenced by the network of relationships that various farmers are involved in. We adopted an “ego network” approach to identify the primary stakeholders responsible for the diffusion of PBs. We collected data through “face-to-face” interviews with 80 farmers in April and May 2021. The data were processed with the aim of: 1) analysing the total number of main and specific topics discussed between egos and egos’ alters regarding the variation of some egos attributes; 2) analysing egos’ network characteristics using E-Net software, and 3) identifying the significant variables that influence farmers to access knowledge, use and reuse of PBs a Binary Logistic Regression (LR) was applied. The first result disclosed that the main PBs topics discussed were technical positioning, the need to use PBs, knowledge of PBs, and organic PBs. We noted that farmers have specific features: they have a high school diploma and a bachelor's degree; they are specialised in fruits and cereals farming, and they are managers and members of a professional organisation. The second result showed results of SNA: 1) PBs seem to become generally a common argument for farmers who have already exchanged fertiliser information with their alters; 2) we disclosed a moderate heterogeneity in the networks, farmers have access to information mainly from acquaintances and professionals, and 3) we revealed that networks have a relatively low density and alters are not tightly connected to each other. Farmers have a brokerage position in the networks controlling the flow of information about the PBs. LR revealed that both the farmers’ attributes and the networks’ characteristics influence growers to know, use and reuse PBs.
Smart Farming Technologies (SFT) is a term used to define the set of digital technologies able not only to control and manage the farm system, but also to connect it to the many disruptive digital applications posed at multiple links along the value chain. The adoption of SFT has been so far limited, with significant differences at country-levels and among different types of farms and farmers. The objective of this thesis is to analyze what factors contributes to shape the agricultural digital transition and to assess its potential impacts in the Italian agri-food system. Specifically, this overall research objective is approached under three different perspectives. Firstly, we carry out a review of the literature that focuses on the determinants of adoption of farm-level Management Information Systems (MIS), namely the most adopted smart farming solutions in Italy. Secondly, we run an empirical analysis on what factors are currently shaping the adoption of SFT in Italy. In doing so, we focus on the multi-process and multi-faceted aspects of the adoption, by overcoming the one-off binary approach often used to study adoption decisions. Finally, we adopt a forward-looking perspective to investigate what the socio-ethical implications of a diffused use of SFT might be. On the one hand, our results indicate that bigger, more structured farms with higher levels of commercial integration along the agri-food supply chain are those more likely to be early adopters. On the other hand, they highlight the need for the institutional and organizational environment around farms to more effectively support farmers in the digital transition. Moreover, the role of several other actors and actions are discussed and analyzed, by highlighting the key role of specific agri-food stakeholders and ad-hoc policies, with the aim to propose a clearer path towards an efficient, fair and inclusive digitalization of the agrifood sector.
The introduction of molecular criteria into the classification of diffuse gliomas has added interesting practical implications to glioma management. This has created a new clinical need for correlating imaging characteristics with glioma genotypes, also known as radiogenomics or imaging genomics. Whilst many studies have primarily focused on the use of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for radiogenomics purposes, conventional MRI sequences still remain the reference point in the study and characterization of brain tumours. Moreover, a different approach may rely on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) usage, which is considered a “conventional” sequence in line with recently published directions on glioma imaging. In a non-invasive way, it can provide direct insight into the microscopic physical properties of tissues. Considering that Isocitrate-Dehydrogenase gene mutations may reflect alterations in metabolism, cellularity, and angiogenesis, which may manifest characteristic features on an MRI, the identification of specific MRI biomarkers could be of great interest in managing patients with brain gliomas. My study aimed to evaluate the presence of specific MRI-derived biomarkers of IDH molecular status through conventional MRI and DWI sequences.