5 resultados para Deep well water
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
La tesi consiste in un commento scientifico ai versi 703-1089 del VI libro di Lucrezio, dove sono discussi vari mirabilia della natura (le piene estive del Nilo, i luoghi Averni, l’escursione termica dei pozzi, alcune fonti prodigiose e il magnete). Nell’introduzione, si traccia una rapida panoramica del VI libro per contestualizzare al suo interno il passo oggetto del commento; ci si concentra, poi, sul significato della meraviglia e del meraviglioso nell’opera, anche a confronto con la tradizione paradossografica. Seguono il testo, corredato di un sintetico apparato critico, e la traduzione. Nel commento, che intende valorizzare il côté letterario, filosofico e scientifico dell’opera, sono affrontati i più rilevanti problemi testuali ed esegetici, oltre a questioni di ordine grammaticale, linguistico, stilistico e metrico. Chiudono il lavoro due appendici di natura critico-testuale.
Quasars and AGN play an important role in many aspects of the modern cosmology. Of particular interest is the issue of the interplay between AGN activity and formation and evolution of galaxies and structures. Studies on nearby galaxies revealed that most (and possibly all) galaxy nuclei contain a super-massive black hole (SMBH) and that between a third and half of them are showing some evidence of activity (Kormendy and Richstone, 1995). The discovery of a tight relation between black holes mass and velocity dispersion of their host galaxy suggests that the evolution of the growth of SMBH and their host galaxy are linked together. In this context, studying the evolution of AGN, through the luminosity function (LF), is fundamental to constrain the theories of galaxy and SMBH formation and evolution. Recently, many theories have been developed to describe physical processes possibly responsible of a common formation scenario for galaxies and their central black hole (Volonteri et al., 2003; Springel et al., 2005a; Vittorini et al., 2005; Hopkins et al., 2006a) and an increasing number of observations in different bands are focused on collecting larger and larger quasar samples. Many issues remain however not yet fully understood. In the context of the VVDS (VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey), we collected and studied an unbiased sample of spectroscopically selected faint type-1 AGN with a unique and straightforward selection function. Indeed, the VVDS is a large, purely magnitude limited spectroscopic survey of faint objects, free of any morphological and/or color preselection. We studied the statistical properties of this sample and its evolution up to redshift z 4. Because of the contamination of the AGN light by their host galaxies at the faint magnitudes explored by our sample, we observed that a significant fraction of AGN in our sample would be missed by the UV excess and morphological criteria usually adopted for the pre-selection of optical QSO candidates. If not properly taken into account, this failure in selecting particular sub-classes of AGN could, in principle, affect some of the conclusions drawn from samples of AGN based on these selection criteria. The absence of any pre-selection in the VVDS leads us to have a very complete sample of AGN, including also objects with unusual colors and continuum shape. The VVDS AGN sample shows in fact redder colors than those expected by comparing it, for example, with the color track derived from the SDSS composite spectrum. In particular, the faintest objects have on average redder colors than the brightest ones. This can be attributed to both a large fraction of dust-reddened objects and a significant contamination from the host galaxy. We have tested these possibilities by examining the global spectral energy distribution of each object using, in addition to the U, B, V, R and I-band magnitudes, also the UV-Galex and the IR-Spitzer bands, and fitting it with a combination of AGN and galaxy emission, allowing also for the possibility of extinction of the AGN flux. We found that for 44% of our objects the contamination from the host galaxy is not negligible and this fraction decreases to 21% if we restrict the analysis to a bright subsample (M1450 <-22.15). Our estimated integral surface density at IAB < 24.0 is 500 AGN per square degree, which represents the highest surface density of a spectroscopically confirmed sample of optically selected AGN. We derived the luminosity function in B-band for 1.0 < z < 3.6 using the 1/Vmax estimator. Our data, more than one magnitude fainter than previous optical surveys, allow us to constrain the faint part of the luminosity function up to high redshift. A comparison of our data with the 2dF sample at low redshift (1 < z < 2.1) shows that the VDDS data can not be well fitted with the pure luminosity evolution (PLE) models derived by previous optically selected samples. Qualitatively, this appears to be due to the fact that our data suggest the presence of an excess of faint objects at low redshift (1.0 < z < 1.5) with respect to these models. By combining our faint VVDS sample with the large sample of bright AGN extracted from the SDSS DR3 (Richards et al., 2006b) and testing a number of different evolutionary models, we find that the model which better represents the combined luminosity functions, over a wide range of redshift and luminosity, is a luminosity dependent density evolution (LDDE) model, similar to those derived from the major Xsurveys. Such a parameterization allows the redshift of the AGN density peak to change as a function of luminosity, thus fitting the excess of faint AGN that we find at 1.0 < z < 1.5. On the basis of this model we find, for the first time from the analysis of optically selected samples, that the peak of the AGN space density shifts significantly towards lower redshift going to lower luminosity objects. The position of this peak moves from z 2.0 for MB <-26.0 to z 0.65 for -22< MB <-20. This result, already found in a number of X-ray selected samples of AGN, is consistent with a scenario of “AGN cosmic downsizing”, in which the density of more luminous AGN, possibly associated to more massive black holes, peaks earlier in the history of the Universe (i.e. at higher redshift), than that of low luminosity ones, which reaches its maximum later (i.e. at lower redshift). This behavior has since long been claimed to be present in elliptical galaxies and it is not easy to reproduce it in the hierarchical cosmogonic scenario, where more massive Dark Matter Halos (DMH) form on average later by merging of less massive halos.
In order to protect river water quality, highly affected in urban areas by continuos as intermittent immissions, it is necessary to adopt measures to intercept and treat these polluted flows. In particular during rain events, river water quality is affected by CSOs activation. Built in order to protect the sewer system and the WWTP by increased flows due to heavy rains, CSOs divert excess flows to the receiving water body. On the basis of several scientific papers, and of direct evidences as well, that demonstrate the detrimental effect of CSOs discharges, also the legislative framework moved towards a stream standard point of view. The WFD (EU/69/2000) sets new goals for receiving water quality, and groundwater as well, through an integrated immission/emissions phylosophy, in which emission limits are associated with effluent standards, based on the receiving water characteristics and their specific use. For surface waters the objective is that of a “good” ecological and chemical quality status. A surface water is defined as of good ecological quality if there is only slight departure from the biological community that would be expected in conditions of minimal anthropogenic impact. Each Member State authority is responsible for preparing and implementing a River Basin Management Plan to achieve the good ecological quality, and comply with WFD requirements. In order to cope with WFD targets, and thus to improve urban receiving water quality, a CSOs control strategy need to be implemented. Temporarily storing the overflow (or at least part of it) into tanks and treating it in the WWTP, after the end of the storm, showed good results in reducing total pollutant mass spilled into the receiving river. Italian State Authority, in order to comply with WFD statements, sets general framework, and each Region has to adopt a Water Remediation Plan (PTA, Piano Tutela Acque), setting goals, methods, and terms, to improve river water quality. Emilia Romagna PTA sets 25% reduction up to 2008, and 50% reduction up to 2015 fo total pollutants masses delivered by CSOs spills. In order to plan remediation actions, a deep insight into spills dynamics is thus of great importance. The present thesis tries to understand spills dynamics through a numerical and an experimental approach. A four months monitoring and sampling campaign was set on the Bologna sewer network, and on the Navile Channel, that is the WWTP receiving water , and that receives flows from up to 28 CSOs during rain events. On the other hand, the full model of the sewer network, was build with the commercial software InfoWorks CS. The model was either calibrated with the data from the monitoring and sampling campaign. Through further model simulations interdependencies among masses spilled, rain characteristics and basin characteristics are looked for. The thesis can be seen as a basis for further insighs and for planning remediation actions.
Ground-based Earth troposphere calibration systems play an important role in planetary exploration, especially to carry out radio science experiments aimed at the estimation of planetary gravity fields. In these experiments, the main observable is the spacecraft (S/C) range rate, measured from the Doppler shift of an electromagnetic wave transmitted from ground, received by the spacecraft and coherently retransmitted back to ground. If the solar corona and interplanetary plasma noise is already removed from Doppler data, the Earth troposphere remains one of the main error sources in tracking observables. Current Earth media calibration systems at NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) stations are based upon a combination of weather data and multidirectional, dual frequency GPS measurements acquired at each station complex. In order to support Cassini’s cruise radio science experiments, a new generation of media calibration systems were developed, driven by the need to achieve the goal of an end-to-end Allan deviation of the radio link in the order of 3×〖10〗^(-15) at 1000 s integration time. The future ESA’s Bepi Colombo mission to Mercury carries scientific instrumentation for radio science experiments (a Ka-band transponder and a three-axis accelerometer) which, in combination with the S/C telecommunication system (a X/X/Ka transponder) will provide the most advanced tracking system ever flown on an interplanetary probe. Current error budget for MORE (Mercury Orbiter Radioscience Experiment) allows the residual uncalibrated troposphere to contribute with a value of 8×〖10〗^(-15) to the two-way Allan deviation at 1000 s integration time. The current standard ESA/ESTRACK calibration system is based on a combination of surface meteorological measurements and mathematical algorithms, capable to reconstruct the Earth troposphere path delay, leaving an uncalibrated component of about 1-2% of the total delay. In order to satisfy the stringent MORE requirements, the short time-scale variations of the Earth troposphere water vapor content must be calibrated at ESA deep space antennas (DSA) with more precise and stable instruments (microwave radiometers). In parallel to this high performance instruments, ESA ground stations should be upgraded to media calibration systems at least capable to calibrate both troposphere path delay components (dry and wet) at sub-centimetre level, in order to reduce S/C navigation uncertainties. The natural choice is to provide a continuous troposphere calibration by processing GNSS data acquired at each complex by dual frequency receivers already installed for station location purposes. The work presented here outlines the troposphere calibration technique to support both Deep Space probe navigation and radio science experiments. After an introduction to deep space tracking techniques, observables and error sources, in Chapter 2 the troposphere path delay is widely investigated, reporting the estimation techniques and the state of the art of the ESA and NASA troposphere calibrations. Chapter 3 deals with an analysis of the status and the performances of the NASA Advanced Media Calibration (AMC) system referred to the Cassini data analysis. Chapter 4 describes the current release of a developed GNSS software (S/W) to estimate the troposphere calibration to be used for ESA S/C navigation purposes. During the development phase of the S/W a test campaign has been undertaken in order to evaluate the S/W performances. A description of the campaign and the main results are reported in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 presents a preliminary analysis of microwave radiometers to be used to support radio science experiments. The analysis has been carried out considering radiometric measurements of the ESA/ESTEC instruments installed in Cabauw (NL) and compared with the requirements of MORE. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the results obtained and defines some key technical aspects to be evaluated and taken into account for the development phase of future instrumentation.
Hydrothermal fluids are a fundamental resource for understanding and monitoring volcanic and non-volcanic systems. This thesis is focused on the study of hydrothermal system through numerical modeling with the geothermal simulator TOUGH2. Several simulations are presented, and geophysical and geochemical observables, arising from fluids circulation, are analyzed in detail throughout the thesis. In a volcanic setting, fluids feeding fumaroles and hot spring may play a key role in the hazard evaluation. The evolution of the fluids circulation is caused by a strong interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal systems. A simultaneous analysis of different geophysical and geochemical observables is a sound approach for interpreting monitored data and to infer a consistent conceptual model. Analyzed observables are ground displacement, gravity changes, electrical conductivity, amount, composition and temperature of the emitted gases at surface, and extent of degassing area. Results highlight the different temporal response of the considered observables, as well as the different radial pattern of variation. However, magnitude, temporal response and radial pattern of these signals depend not only on the evolution of fluid circulation, but a main role is played by the considered rock properties. Numerical simulations highlight differences that arise from the assumption of different permeabilities, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Rock properties affect hydrothermal fluid circulation, controlling both the range of variation and the temporal evolution of the observable signals. Low temperature fumaroles and low discharge rate may be affected by atmospheric conditions. Detailed parametric simulations were performed, aimed to understand the effects of system properties, such as permeability and gas reservoir overpressure, on diffuse degassing when air temperature and barometric pressure changes are applied to the ground surface. Hydrothermal circulation, however, is not only a characteristic of volcanic system. Hot fluids may be involved in several mankind problems, such as studies on geothermal engineering, nuclear waste propagation in porous medium, and Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS). The current concept for large-scale GCS is the direct injection of supercritical carbon dioxide into deep geological formations which typically contain brine. Upward displacement of such brine from deep reservoirs driven by pressure increases resulting from carbon dioxide injection may occur through abandoned wells, permeable faults or permeable channels. Brine intrusion into aquifers may degrade groundwater resources. Numerical results show that pressure rise drives dense water up to the conduits, and does not necessarily result in continuous flow. Rather, overpressure leads to new hydrostatic equilibrium if fluids are initially density stratified. If warm and salty fluid does not cool passing through the conduit, an oscillatory solution is then possible. Parameter studies delineate steady-state (static) and oscillatory solutions.