11 resultados para Cutting temperature modeling
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The object of the present study is the process of gas transport in nano-sized materials, i.e. systems having structural elements of the order of nanometers. The aim of this work is to advance the understanding of the gas transport mechanism in such materials, for which traditional models are not often suitable, by providing a correct interpretation of the relationship between diffusive phenomena and structural features. This result would allow the development new materials with permeation properties tailored on the specific application, especially in packaging systems. The methods used to achieve this goal were a detailed experimental characterization and different simulation methods. The experimental campaign regarded the determination of oxygen permeability and diffusivity in different sets of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings prepared via sol-gel technique. The polymeric samples coated with these hybrid layers experienced a remarkable enhancement of the barrier properties, which was explained by the strong interconnection at the nano-scale between the organic moiety and silica domains. An analogous characterization was performed on microfibrillated cellulose films, which presented remarkable barrier effect toward oxygen when it is dry, while in the presence of water the performance significantly drops. The very low value of water diffusivity at low activities is also an interesting characteristic which deals with its structural properties. Two different approaches of simulation were then considered: the diffusion of oxygen through polymer-layered silicates was modeled on a continuum scale with a CFD software, while the properties of n-alkanthiolate self assembled monolayers on gold were analyzed from a molecular point of view by means of a molecular dynamics algorithm. Modeling transport properties in layered nanocomposites, resulting from the ordered dispersion of impermeable flakes in a 2-D matrix, allowed the calculation of the enhancement of barrier effect in relation with platelets structural parameters leading to derive a new expression. On this basis, randomly distributed systems were simulated and the results were analyzed to evaluate the different contributions to the overall effect. The study of more realistic three-dimensional geometries revealed a prefect correspondence with the 2-D approximation. A completely different approach was applied to simulate the effect of temperature on the oxygen transport through self assembled monolayers; the structural information obtained from equilibrium MD simulations showed that raising the temperature, makes the monolayer less ordered and consequently less crystalline. This disorder produces a decrease in the barrier free energy and it lowers the overall resistance to oxygen diffusion, making the monolayer more permeable to small molecules.
Hydrothermal fluids are a fundamental resource for understanding and monitoring volcanic and non-volcanic systems. This thesis is focused on the study of hydrothermal system through numerical modeling with the geothermal simulator TOUGH2. Several simulations are presented, and geophysical and geochemical observables, arising from fluids circulation, are analyzed in detail throughout the thesis. In a volcanic setting, fluids feeding fumaroles and hot spring may play a key role in the hazard evaluation. The evolution of the fluids circulation is caused by a strong interaction between magmatic and hydrothermal systems. A simultaneous analysis of different geophysical and geochemical observables is a sound approach for interpreting monitored data and to infer a consistent conceptual model. Analyzed observables are ground displacement, gravity changes, electrical conductivity, amount, composition and temperature of the emitted gases at surface, and extent of degassing area. Results highlight the different temporal response of the considered observables, as well as the different radial pattern of variation. However, magnitude, temporal response and radial pattern of these signals depend not only on the evolution of fluid circulation, but a main role is played by the considered rock properties. Numerical simulations highlight differences that arise from the assumption of different permeabilities, for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Rock properties affect hydrothermal fluid circulation, controlling both the range of variation and the temporal evolution of the observable signals. Low temperature fumaroles and low discharge rate may be affected by atmospheric conditions. Detailed parametric simulations were performed, aimed to understand the effects of system properties, such as permeability and gas reservoir overpressure, on diffuse degassing when air temperature and barometric pressure changes are applied to the ground surface. Hydrothermal circulation, however, is not only a characteristic of volcanic system. Hot fluids may be involved in several mankind problems, such as studies on geothermal engineering, nuclear waste propagation in porous medium, and Geological Carbon Sequestration (GCS). The current concept for large-scale GCS is the direct injection of supercritical carbon dioxide into deep geological formations which typically contain brine. Upward displacement of such brine from deep reservoirs driven by pressure increases resulting from carbon dioxide injection may occur through abandoned wells, permeable faults or permeable channels. Brine intrusion into aquifers may degrade groundwater resources. Numerical results show that pressure rise drives dense water up to the conduits, and does not necessarily result in continuous flow. Rather, overpressure leads to new hydrostatic equilibrium if fluids are initially density stratified. If warm and salty fluid does not cool passing through the conduit, an oscillatory solution is then possible. Parameter studies delineate steady-state (static) and oscillatory solutions.
This thesis tackles the problem of the automated detection of the atmospheric boundary layer (BL) height, h, from aerosol lidar/ceilometer observations. A new method, the Bayesian Selective Method (BSM), is presented. It implements a Bayesian statistical inference procedure which combines in an statistically optimal way different sources of information. Firstly atmospheric stratification boundaries are located from discontinuities in the ceilometer back-scattered signal. The BSM then identifies the discontinuity edge that has the highest probability to effectively mark the BL height. Information from the contemporaneus physical boundary layer model simulations and a climatological dataset of BL height evolution are combined in the assimilation framework to assist this choice. The BSM algorithm has been tested for four months of continuous ceilometer measurements collected during the BASE:ALFA project and is shown to realistically diagnose the BL depth evolution in many different weather conditions. Then the BASE:ALFA dataset is used to investigate the boundary layer structure in stable conditions. Functions from the Obukhov similarity theory are used as regression curves to fit observed velocity and temperature profiles in the lower half of the stable boundary layer. Surface fluxes of heat and momentum are best-fitting parameters in this exercise and are compared with what measured by a sonic anemometer. The comparison shows remarkable discrepancies, more evident in cases for which the bulk Richardson number turns out to be quite large. This analysis supports earlier results, that surface turbulent fluxes are not the appropriate scaling parameters for profiles of mean quantities in very stable conditions. One of the practical consequences is that boundary layer height diagnostic formulations which mainly rely on surface fluxes are in disagreement to what obtained by inspecting co-located radiosounding profiles.
We have modeled various soft-matter systems with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The first topic concerns liquid crystal (LC) biaxial nematic (Nb) phases, that can be possibly used in fast displays. We have investigated the phase organization of biaxial Gay-Berne (GB) mesogens, considering the effects of the orientation, strength and position of a molecular dipole. We have observed that for systems with a central dipole, nematic biaxial phases disappear when increasing dipole strength, while for systems characterized by an offset dipole, the Nb phase is stabilized at very low temperatures. In a second project, in view of their increasing importance as nanomaterials in LC phases, we are developing a DNA coarse-grained (CG) model, in which sugar and phosphate groups are represented with Lennard-Jones spheres, while bases with GB ellipsoids. We have obtained shape, position and orientation parameters for each bead, to best reproduce the atomistic structure of a B-DNA helix. Starting from atomistic simulations results, we have completed a first parametrization of the force field terms, accounting for bonded (bonds, angles and dihedrals) and non-bonded interactions (H-bond and stacking). We are currently validating the model, by investigating stability and melting temperature of various sequences. Finally, in a third project, we aim to explain the mechanism of enantiomeric discrimination due to the presence of a chiral helix of poly(gamma-benzyl L-glutamate) (PBLG), in solution of dimethylformamide (DMF), interacting with chiral or pro-chiral molecules (in our case heptyl butyrate, HEP), after tuning properly an atomistic force field (AMBER). We have observed that DMF and HEP molecules solvate uniformly the PBLG helix, but the pro-chiral solute is on average found closer to the helix with respect to the DMF. The solvent presents a faster isotropic diffusion, twice as HEP, also indicating a stronger interaction of the solute with the helix.
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels generally produce electricity in the 6% to 16% efficiency range, the rest being dissipated in thermal losses. To recover this amount, hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems (PVT) have been devised. These are devices that simultaneously convert solar energy into electricity and heat. It is thus interesting to study the PVT system globally from different point of views in order to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of this technology and its possible uses. In particular in Chapter II, the development of the PVT absorber numerical optimization by a genetic algorithm has been carried out analyzing different internal channel profiles in order to find a right compromise between performance and technical and economical feasibility. Therefore in Chapter III ,thanks to a mobile structure built into the university lab, it has been compared experimentally electrical and thermal output power from PVT panels with separated photovoltaic and solar thermal productions. Collecting a lot of experimental data based on different seasonal conditions (ambient temperature,irradiation, wind...),the aim of this mobile structure has been to evaluate average both thermal and electrical increasing and decreasing efficiency values obtained respect to separate productions through the year. In Chapter IV , new PVT and solar thermal equation based models in steady state conditions have been developed by software Dymola that uses Modelica language. This permits ,in a simplified way respect to previous system modelling softwares, to model and evaluate different concepts about PVT panel regarding its structure before prototyping and measuring it. Chapter V concerns instead the definition of PVT boundary conditions into a HVAC system . This was made trough year simulations by software Polysun in order to finally assess the best solar assisted integrated structure thanks to F_save(solar saving energy)factor. Finally, Chapter VI presents the conclusion and the perspectives of this PhD work.
During the last decade peach and nectarine fruit have lost considerable market share, due to increased consumer dissatisfaction with quality at retail markets. This is mainly due to harvesting of too immature fruit and high ripening heterogeneity. The main problem is that the traditional used maturity indexes are not able to objectively detect fruit maturity stage, neither the variability present in the field, leading to a difficult post-harvest management of the product and to high fruit losses. To assess more precisely the fruit ripening other techniques and devices can be used. Recently, a new non-destructive maturity index, based on the vis-NIR technology, the Index of Absorbance Difference (IAD), that correlates with fruit degreening and ethylene production, was introduced and the IAD was used to study peach and nectarine fruit ripening from the “field to the fork”. In order to choose the best techniques to improve fruit quality, a detailed description of the tree structure, of fruit distribution and ripening evolution on the tree was faced. More in details, an architectural model (PlantToon®) was used to design the tree structure and the IAD was applied to characterize the maturity stage of each fruit. Their combined use provided an objective and precise evaluation of the fruit ripening variability, related to different training systems, crop load, fruit exposure and internal temperature. Based on simple field assessment of fruit maturity (as IAD) and growth, a model for an early prediction of harvest date and yield, was developed and validated. The relationship between the non-destructive maturity IAD, and the fruit shelf-life, was also confirmed. Finally the obtained results were validated by consumer test: the fruit sorted in different maturity classes obtained a different consumer acceptance. The improved knowledge, leaded to an innovative management of peach and nectarine fruit, from “field to market”.
In this Thesis a series of numerical models for the evaluation of the seasonal performance of reversible air-to-water heat pump systems coupled to residential and non-residential buildings are presented. The exploitation of the energy saving potential linked to the adoption of heat pumps is a hard task for designers due to the influence on their energy performance of several factors, like the external climate variability, the heat pump modulation capacity, the system control strategy and the hydronic loop configuration. The aim of this work is to study in detail all these aspects. In the first part of this Thesis a series of models which use a temperature class approach for the prediction of the seasonal performance of reversible air source heat pumps are shown. An innovative methodology for the calculation of the seasonal performance of an air-to-water heat pump has been proposed as an extension of the procedure reported by the European standard EN 14825. This methodology can be applied not only to air-to-water single-stage heat pumps (On-off HPs) but also to multi-stage (MSHPs) and inverter-driven units (IDHPs). In the second part, dynamic simulation has been used with the aim to optimize the control systems of the heat pump and of the HVAC plant. A series of dynamic models, developed by means of TRNSYS, are presented to study the behavior of On-off HPs, MSHPs and IDHPs. The main goal of these dynamic simulations is to show the influence of the heat pump control strategies and of the lay-out of the hydronic loop used to couple the heat pump to the emitters on the seasonal performance of the system. A particular focus is given to the modeling of the energy losses linked to on-off cycling.
Air pollution is one of the greatest health risks in the world. At the same time, the strong correlation with climate change, as well as with Urban Heat Island and Heat Waves, make more intense the effects of all these phenomena. A good air quality and high levels of thermal comfort are the big goals to be reached in urban areas in coming years. Air quality forecast help decision makers to improve air quality and public health strategies, mitigating the occurrence of acute air pollution episodes. Air quality forecasting approaches combine an ensemble of models to provide forecasts from global to regional air pollution and downscaling for selected countries and regions. The development of models dedicated to urban air quality issues requires a good set of data regarding the urban morphology and building material characteristics. Only few examples of air quality forecast system at urban scale exist in the literature and often they are limited to selected cities. This thesis develops by setting up a methodology for the development of a forecasting tool. The forecasting tool can be adapted to all cities and uses a new parametrization for vegetated areas. The parametrization method, based on aerodynamic parameters, produce the urban spatially varying roughness. At the core of the forecasting tool there is a dispersion model (urban scale) used in forecasting mode, and the meteorological and background concentration forecasts provided by two regional numerical weather forecasting models. The tool produces the 1-day spatial forecast of NO2, PM10, O3 concentration, the air temperature, the air humidity and BLQ-Air index values. The tool is automatized to run every day, the maps produced are displayed on the e-Globus platform, updated every day. The results obtained indicate that the forecasting output were in good agreement with the observed measurements.
The microstructure of 6XXX aluminum alloys deeply affects mechanical, crash, corrosion and aesthetic properties of extruded profiles. Unfortunately, grain structure evolution during manufacturing processes is a complex phenomenon because several process and material parameters such as alloy chemical composition, temperature, extrusion speed, tools geometries, quenching and thermal treatment parameters affect the grain evolution during the manufacturing process. The aim of the present PhD thesis was the analysis of the recrystallization kinetics during the hot extrusion of 6XXX aluminum alloys and the development of reliable recrystallization models to be used in FEM codes for the microstructure prediction at a die design stage. Experimental activities have been carried out in order to acquire data for the recrystallization models development, validation and also to investigate the effect of process parameters and die design on the microstructure of the final component. The experimental campaign reported in this thesis involved the extrusion of AA6063, AA6060 and AA6082 profiles with different process parameters in order to provide a reliable amount of data for the models validation. A particular focus was made to investigate the PCG defect evolution during the extrusion of medium-strength alloys such as AA6082. Several die designs and process conditions were analysed in order to understand the influence of each of them on the recrystallization behaviour of the investigated alloy. From the numerical point of view, innovative models for the microstructure prediction were developed and validated over the extrusion of industrial-scale profiles with complex geometries, showing a good matching in terms of the grain size and surface recrystallization prediction. The achieved results suggest the reliability of the developed models and their application in the industrial field for process and material properties optimization at a die-design stage.
The coastal ocean is a complex environment with extremely dynamic processes that require a high-resolution and cross-scale modeling approach in which all hydrodynamic fields and scales are considered integral parts of the overall system. In the last decade, unstructured-grid models have been used to advance in seamless modeling between scales. On the other hand, the data assimilation methodologies to improve the unstructured-grid models in the coastal seas have been developed only recently and need significant advancements. Here, we link the unstructured-grid ocean modeling to the variational data assimilation methods. In particular, we show results from the modeling system SANIFS based on SHYFEM fully-baroclinic unstructured-grid model interfaced with OceanVar, a state-of-art variational data assimilation scheme adopted for several systems based on a structured grid. OceanVar implements a 3DVar DA scheme. The combination of three linear operators models the background error covariance matrix. The vertical part is represented using multivariate EOFs for temperature, salinity, and sea level anomaly. The horizontal part is assumed to be Gaussian isotropic and is modeled using a first-order recursive filter algorithm designed for structured and regular grids. Here we introduced a novel recursive filter algorithm for unstructured grids. A local hydrostatic adjustment scheme models the rapidly evolving part of the background error covariance. We designed two data assimilation experiments using SANIFS implementation interfaced with OceanVar over the period 2017-2018, one with only temperature and salinity assimilation by Argo profiles and the second also including sea level anomaly. The results showed a successful implementation of the approach and the added value of the assimilation for the active tracer fields. While looking at the broad basin, no significant improvements are highlighted for the sea level, requiring future investigations. Furthermore, a Machine Learning methodology based on an LSTM network has been used to predict the model SST increments.
The design process of any electric vehicle system has to be oriented towards the best energy efficiency, together with the constraint of maintaining comfort in the vehicle cabin. Main aim of this study is to research the best thermal management solution in terms of HVAC efficiency without compromising occupant’s comfort and internal air quality. An Arduino controlled Low Cost System of Sensors was developed and compared against reference instrumentation (average R-squared of 0.92) and then used to characterise the vehicle cabin in real parking and driving conditions trials. Data on the energy use of the HVAC was retrieved from the car On-Board Diagnostic port. Energy savings using recirculation can reach 30 %, but pollutants concentration in the cabin builds up in this operating mode. Moreover, the temperature profile appeared strongly nonuniform with air temperature differences up to 10° C. Optimisation methods often require a high number of runs to find the optimal configuration of the system. Fast models proved to be beneficial for these task, while CFD-1D model are usually slower despite the higher level of detail provided. In this work, the collected dataset was used to train a fast ML model of both cabin and HVAC using linear regression. Average scaled RMSE over all trials is 0.4 %, while computation time is 0.0077 ms for each second of simulated time on a laptop computer. Finally, a reinforcement learning environment was built in OpenAI and Stable-Baselines3 using the built-in Proximal Policy Optimisation algorithm to update the policy and seek for the best compromise between comfort, air quality and energy reward terms. The learning curves show an oscillating behaviour overall, with only 2 experiments behaving as expected even if too slow. This result leaves large room for improvement, ranging from the reward function engineering to the expansion of the ML model.