9 resultados para Cardiac index monitoring
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Scopo dello studio: la cardiomiopatia aritmogena (CA) è conosciuta come causa di morte improvvisa, la sua relazione con lo scompenso cardiaco (SC) è stata scarsamente indagata. Scopo dello studio è la definizione della prevalenza e incidenza dello SC, nonché della fisiopatologia e delle basi morfologiche che conducono i pazienti con CA a SC e trapianto di cuore. Metodi: abbiamo analizzato retrospettivamente 64 pazienti con diagnosi di CA e confrontato i dati clinici e strumentali dei pazienti con e senza SC (NYHA III-IV). Abbiamo analizzato i cuori espiantati dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto presso i centri di Bologna e Padova. Risultati: la prevalenza dello SC alla prima osservazione era del 14% e l’incidenza del 2,3% anno-persona. Sedici pazienti (23%) sono stati sottoposti a trapianto. I pazienti con SC erano più giovani all’esordio dei sintomi (46±16 versus 37±12 anni, p=0.04); il ventricolo destro (VD) era più dilatato e ipocinetico all’ecocardiogramma (RVOT 41±6 versus 37±7 mm, p=0.03; diametro telediastolico VD 38±11 versus 28±8 mm, p=0.0001; frazione di accorciamento 23%±7 versus 32%±11, p= 0.002). Il ventricolo sinistro (VS) era lievemente più dilatato (75±29 ml/m2 versus 60±19, p= 0.0017) e globalmente più ipocinetico (frazione di eiezione = 35%±14 versus 57%±12, p= 0.001). Il profilo emodinamico dei pazienti sottoposti a trapianto era caratterizzato da un basso indice cardiaco (1.8±0.2 l/min/m2) con pressione capillare e polmonare tendenzialmente normale (12±8 mmHg e 26±10 mmHg). L’analisi dettagliata dei 36 cuori dei pazienti trapiantati ha mostrato sostituzione fibro-adiposa transmurale nel VD e aree di fibrosi nel VS. Conclusioni: Nella CA lo SC può essere l’unico sintomo alla presentazione e condurre a trapianto un rilevante sottogruppo di pazienti. Chi sviluppa SC è più giovane, ha un interessamento del VD più severo accanto a un costante interessamento del VS, solo lievemente dilatato e ipocinetico, con sostituzione prevalentemente fibrosa.
Le attuali linee guida stratificano il rischio dei pazienti con ipertensione arteriosa polmonare (IAP) in basso, intermedio e alto (rispettivamente con mortalità a 1 anno <5%, 5-10% e >10%). La maggior parte dei pazienti è però classificata nella categoria intermedia. Per stratificare ulteriormente questi pazienti, abbiamo valutato il ruolo prognostico dello stroke volume index (SVI) misurato al cateterismo cardiaco destro (CCDx) in 725 pazienti naïve da terapia con IAP idiopatica/ereditaria, associata a malattie del tessuto connettivo o cardiopatie congenite. I pazienti sono stati valutati al basale e 3-4 mesi dopo l'inizio della terapia (1° F-UP) con CCDx, livelli plasmatici di peptide natriuretico cerebrale (BNP), test dei 6 minuti (T6M) e classe funzionale OMS. Abbiamo applicato una tabella di rischio semplificata utilizzando i criteri: classe funzionale OMS, T6M, pressione atriale destra o livelli plasmatici di BNP e indice cardiaco (IC) o saturazione di ossigeno venoso misto (SvO2). Le classi di rischio sono state definite come: basso= almeno 3 criteri a basso rischio e nessun criterio ad alto rischio; alto= almeno 2 criteri ad alto rischio inclusi IC o SvO2; intermedio= tutti gli altri casi. Lo SVI, mediante la regressione di Cox, stratifica la prognosi dei pazienti a rischio intermedio al 1° F-UP [p=0.008] ma non al basale [p=0.085]. Considerandone l’ottimale cut-off predittivo (38 ml/m2) i pazienti a rischio intermedio sono ulteriormente classificabili in intermedio-basso e intermedio-alto. Considerando l'effetto dei 3 principali farmaci che agiscono sulla via della prostaciclina in aggiunta alla duplice terapia di combinazione con inibitori della fosfodiesterasi-5 e antagonisti dell'endotelina, i pazienti trattati con epoprostenolo e.v. hanno ottenuto un maggiore miglioramento rispetto ai pazienti trattati con selexipag; col treprostinil s.c. vi è stata una risposta intermedia. Abbiamo quindi proposto un algoritmo di terapia con selexipag in pazienti a rischio intermedio-basso e con prostanoidi parenterali in pazienti a rischio intermedio-alto.
Background e scopo: Tradizionalmente la cardiomiopatia amiloidotica (CA) è stata considerata una cardiomiopatia restrittiva, ma studi recenti hanno evidenziato il ruolo anche della disfuzione sistolica nella sua fisiopatologia. In questo contesto recente, raramente è stato indagato il profilo emodinamico invasivo. Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di caratterizzare il profilo emodinamico, strutturale e funzionale della CA nelle tre principali eziologie (amiloidosi da catene leggere (AL), amiloidosi transtiretino-relata (ATTR) mutata (ATTRm) e ‘wild-type’ (ATTRwt)), valutare le differenze del profilo ecocardiografico ed emodinamico nelle fasi diverse di malattia ed esplorare il ruolo prognostico delle principali variabili cliniche e strumentali nella CA. Metodi e risultati: Abbiamo analizzato retrospettivamente i dati di 224 pazienti con CA (AL, n=93; ATTRm, n=66; ATTRwt, n=65). Rispetto all'ATTRwt, i pazienti con AL presentano un minor interessamento morfologico cardiaco, ma dati emodinamici paragonabili, caratterizzati da elevate pressioni di riempimento biventricolari e riduzione della gittata sistolica. L’ATTRm, nonostante il profilo ecocardiografico analogo all’ATTRwt, mostra un quadro emodinamico migliore. Gli indici di funzione diastolica e sistolica longitudinale del ventricolo sinistro (Vsn) sono alterati fin dagli stadi iniziali della malattia, mentre la frazione di eiezione (FEVsn) rimane preservata nella maggior parte dei pazienti, anche nelle fasi avanzate (FEVsn 50 [37-60]%; FEVsn <40% nel 28% dei pazienti NYHA III / IV). All'analisi multivariata, età, NYHA III/I, eziologia AL, frazione di contrazione miocardica (MCF), indice cardiaco (CI) e pressione atriale destra (RAP) sono indipendentemente associati a eventi clinici avversi. Conclusioni Questo studio conferma la complessa fisiopatologia della CA, in cui la disfunzione diastolica è accompagnata da una funzione sistolica longitudinale anormale sin dalle fasi iniziali della malattia. L'AL e l'ATTRwt, nonostante diversi gradi di alterazioni morfologiche, hanno un profilo emodinamico simile; l'ATTRm, invece, presenta un quadro emodinamico migliore. Tra i parametri strumentali, MCF, CI e RAP emergono come predittori significativi di eventi avversi.
This work is structured as follows: In Section 1 we discuss the clinical problem of heart failure. In particular, we present the phenomenon known as ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony: its impact on cardiac function, the therapy for its treatment and the methods for its quantification. Specifically, we describe the conductance catheter and its use for the measurement of dyssynchrony. At the end of the Section 1, we propose a new set of indexes to quantify the dyssynchrony that are studied and validated thereafter. In Section 2 we describe the studies carried out in this work: we report the experimental protocols, we present and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we report the overall conclusions drawn from this work and we try to envisage future works and possible clinical applications of our results. Ancillary studies that were carried out during this work mainly to investigate several aspects of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) are mentioned in Appendix. -------- Ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony plays a regulating role already in normal physiology but is especially important in pathological conditions, such as hypertrophy, ischemia, infarction, or heart failure (Chapter 1,2.). Several prospective randomized controlled trials supported the clinical efficacy and safety of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with moderate or severe heart failure and ventricular dyssynchrony. CRT resynchronizes ventricular contraction by simultaneous pacing of both left and right ventricle (biventricular pacing) (Chapter 1.). Currently, the conductance catheter method has been used extensively to assess global systolic and diastolic ventricular function and, more recently, the ability of this instrument to pick-up multiple segmental volume signals has been used to quantify mechanical ventricular dyssynchrony. Specifically, novel indexes based on volume signals acquired with the conductance catheter were introduced to quantify dyssynchrony (Chapter 3,4.). Present work was aimed to describe the characteristics of the conductancevolume signals, to investigate the performance of the indexes of ventricular dyssynchrony described in literature and to introduce and validate improved dyssynchrony indexes. Morevoer, using the conductance catheter method and the new indexes, the clinical problem of the ventricular pacing site optimization was addressed and the measurement protocol to adopt for hemodynamic tests on cardiac pacing was investigated. In accordance to the aims of the work, in addition to the classical time-domain parameters, a new set of indexes has been extracted, based on coherent averaging procedure and on spectral and cross-spectral analysis (Chapter 4.). Our analyses were carried out on patients with indications for electrophysiologic study or device implantation (Chapter 5.). For the first time, besides patients with heart failure, indexes of mechanical dyssynchrony based on conductance catheter were extracted and studied in a population of patients with preserved ventricular function, providing information on the normal range of such a kind of values. By performing a frequency domain analysis and by applying an optimized coherent averaging procedure (Chapter 6.a.), we were able to describe some characteristics of the conductance-volume signals (Chapter 6.b.). We unmasked the presence of considerable beat-to-beat variations in dyssynchrony that seemed more frequent in patients with ventricular dysfunction and to play a role in discriminating patients. These non-recurrent mechanical ventricular non-uniformities are probably the expression of the substantial beat-to-beat hemodynamic variations, often associated with heart failure and due to cardiopulmonary interaction and conduction disturbances. We investigated how the coherent averaging procedure may affect or refine the conductance based indexes; in addition, we proposed and tested a new set of indexes which quantify the non-periodic components of the volume signals. Using the new set of indexes we studied the acute effects of the CRT and the right ventricular pacing, in patients with heart failure and patients with preserved ventricular function. In the overall population we observed a correlation between the hemodynamic changes induced by the pacing and the indexes of dyssynchrony, and this may have practical implications for hemodynamic-guided device implantation. The optimal ventricular pacing site for patients with conventional indications for pacing remains controversial. The majority of them do not meet current clinical indications for CRT pacing. Thus, we carried out an analysis to compare the impact of several ventricular pacing sites on global and regional ventricular function and dyssynchrony (Chapter 6.c.). We observed that right ventricular pacing worsens cardiac function in patients with and without ventricular dysfunction unless the pacing site is optimized. CRT preserves left ventricular function in patients with normal ejection fraction and improves function in patients with poor ejection fraction despite no clinical indication for CRT. Moreover, the analysis of the results obtained using new indexes of regional dyssynchrony, suggests that pacing site may influence overall global ventricular function depending on its relative effects on regional function and synchrony. Another clinical problem that has been investigated in this work is the optimal right ventricular lead location for CRT (Chapter 6.d.). Similarly to the previous analysis, using novel parameters describing local synchrony and efficiency, we tested the hypothesis and we demonstrated that biventricular pacing with alternative right ventricular pacing sites produces acute improvement of ventricular systolic function and improves mechanical synchrony when compared to standard right ventricular pacing. Although no specific right ventricular location was shown to be superior during CRT, the right ventricular pacing site that produced the optimal acute hemodynamic response varied between patients. Acute hemodynamic effects of cardiac pacing are conventionally evaluated after stabilization episodes. The applied duration of stabilization periods in most cardiac pacing studies varied considerably. With an ad hoc protocol (Chapter 6.e.) and indexes of mechanical dyssynchrony derived by conductance catheter we demonstrated that the usage of stabilization periods during evaluation of cardiac pacing may mask early changes in systolic and diastolic intra-ventricular dyssynchrony. In fact, at the onset of ventricular pacing, the main dyssynchrony and ventricular performance changes occur within a 10s time span, initiated by the changes in ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony induced by aberrant conduction and followed by a partial or even complete recovery. It was already demonstrated in normal animals that ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony may act as a physiologic modulator of cardiac performance together with heart rate, contractile state, preload and afterload. The present observation, which shows the compensatory mechanism of mechanical dyssynchrony, suggests that ventricular dyssynchrony may be regarded as an intrinsic cardiac property, with baseline dyssynchrony at increased level in heart failure patients. To make available an independent system for cardiac output estimation, in order to confirm the results obtained with conductance volume method, we developed and validated a novel technique to apply the Modelflow method (a method that derives an aortic flow waveform from arterial pressure by simulation of a non-linear three-element aortic input impedance model, Wesseling et al. 1993) to the left ventricular pressure signal, instead of the arterial pressure used in the classical approach (Chapter 7.). The results confirmed that in patients without valve abnormalities, undergoing conductance catheter evaluations, the continuous monitoring of cardiac output using the intra-ventricular pressure signal is reliable. Thus, cardiac output can be monitored quantitatively and continuously with a simple and low-cost method. During this work, additional studies were carried out to investigate several areas of uncertainty of CRT. The results of these studies are briefly presented in Appendix: the long-term survival in patients treated with CRT in clinical practice, the effects of CRT in patients with mild symptoms of heart failure and in very old patients, the limited thoracotomy as a second choice alternative to transvenous implant for CRT delivery, the evolution and prognostic significance of diastolic filling pattern in CRT, the selection of candidates to CRT with echocardiographic criteria and the prediction of response to the therapy.
Concerns over global change and its effect on coral reef survivorship have highlighted the need for long-term datasets and proxy records, to interpret environmental trends and inform policymakers. Citizen science programs have showed to be a valid method for collecting data, reducing financial and time costs for institutions. This study is based on the elaboration of data collected by recreational divers and its main purpose is to evaluate changes in the state of coral reef biodiversity in the Red Sea over a long term period and validate the volunteer-based monitoring method. Volunteers recreational divers completed a questionnaire after each dive, recording the presence of 72 animal taxa and negative reef conditions. Comparisons were made between records from volunteers and independent records from a marine biologist who performed the same dive at the same time. A total of 500 volunteers were tested in 78 validation trials. Relative values of accuracy, reliability and similarity seem to be comparable to those performed by volunteer divers on precise transects in other projects, or in community-based terrestrial monitoring. 9301 recreational divers participated in the monitoring program, completing 23,059 survey questionnaires in a 5-year period. The volunteer-sightings-based index showed significant differences between the geographical areas. The area of Hurghada is distinguished by a medium-low biodiversity index, heavily damaged by a not controlled anthropic exploitation. Coral reefs along the Ras Mohammed National Park at Sharm el Sheikh, conversely showed high biodiversity index. The detected pattern seems to be correlated with the conservation measures adopted. In our experience and that of other research institutes, citizen science can integrate conventional methods and significantly reduce costs and time. Involving recreational divers we were able to build a large data set, covering a wide geographic area. The main limitation remains the difficulty of obtaining an homogeneous spatial sampling distribution.
Objectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) on risky lifestyles, quality of life, psychopathology, psychological distress and well-being, considering the potential moderating role of depression, anxiety and psychosomatic syndromes on lifestyles modification. The influence of CR on cardiac morbidity and mortality was also evaluated. Methods: The experimental group (N=108), undergoing CR, was compared to a control group (N=85) of patients affected by cardiovascular diseases, not undergoing CR, at baseline and at 1-month, 6- and 12-months follow-ups. The assessment included: the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, the structured interview based on Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research (DCPR), GOSPEL questionnaire on lifestyles, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, Symptom Questionnaire, Psychological Well-Being Scale and 14-items Type D Scale. Results: Compared to the control group, CR was associated to: maintenance of the level of physical activity, improvement of correct dietary behaviors and stress management, enhancement of quality of life and sleep; reduction of the most frequently observed psychiatric diagnoses and psychosomatic syndromes at baseline. On the contrary, CR was not found to be associated with: healthy dietary habits, weight loss and improvement on medications adherence. In addition, there were no relevant effects on sub-clinical psychological distress and well-being, except for personal growth and purpose in life (PWB). Also, CR did not seem to play a protective role against cardiac recurrences. The presence of psychosomatic syndromes and depressive disorders was a mediating factor on the modification of specific lifestyles. Conclusions: The findings highlight the need of a psychosomatic assessment and an evaluation of psychological sub-clinical symptomatology in cardiac rehabilitation, in order to identify and address specific factors potentially associated with the clinical course of the heart disease.
Coral reefs are the most biodiverse ecosystems of the ocean and they provide notable ecosystem services. Nowadays, they are facing a number of local anthropogenic threats and environmental change is threatening their survivorship on a global scale. Large-scale monitoring is necessary to understand environmental changes and to perform useful conservation measurements. Governmental agencies are often underfunded and are not able of sustain the necessary spatial and temporal large-scale monitoring. To overcome the economic constrains, in some cases scientists can engage volunteers in environmental monitoring. Citizen Science enables the collection and analysis of scientific data at larger spatial and temporal scales than otherwise possible, addressing issues that are otherwise logistically or financially unfeasible. “STE: Scuba Tourism for the Environment” was a volunteer-based Red Sea coral reef biodiversity monitoring program. SCUBA divers and snorkelers were involved in the collection of data for 72 taxa, by completing survey questionnaires after their dives. In my thesis, I evaluated the reliability of the data collected by volunteers, comparing their questionnaires with those completed by professional scientists. Validation trials showed a sufficient level of reliability, indicating that non-specialists performed similarly to conservation volunteer divers on accurate transects. Using the data collected by volunteers, I developed a biodiversity index that revealed spatial trends across surveyed areas. The project results provided important feedbacks to the local authorities on the current health status of Red Sea coral reefs and on the effectiveness of the environmental management. I also analysed the spatial and temporal distribution of each surveyed taxa, identifying abundance trends related with anthropogenic impacts. Finally, I evaluated the effectiveness of the project to increase the environmental education of volunteers and showed that the participation in STEproject significantly increased both the knowledge on coral reef biology and ecology and the awareness of human behavioural impacts on the environment.
Background and Aims: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Protein induced by vitamin K absence (PIVKA-II) has been proposed as potential screening biomarker for HCC.This study has been designed to evaluate the role of PIVKA-II as diagnostic HCC marker, through the comparison between PIVKA-II and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) serum levels on HCC patients and the two control groupsof patients with liver disease and without HCC. Methods: In an Italian prospective cohort, PIVKA-II levels were assessed on serum samplesby an automated chemiluminescent immunoassay (Abbott ARCHITECT). The study population included 65 patients with HCC (both “de novo” and recurrent), 111 with liver cirrhosis (LC) and 111 with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Results: PIVKA-II levels were increased in patients with HCC (median 63.75, range: 12-2675 mAU/mL) compared to LC (median value: 30.95, range: 11.70–1251mAU / mL, Mann Whitney test p < 0.0001) and CHC (median value: 24.89, range: 12.98-67.68mAU / mL, p < 0.0001).The area under curve (AUC) for PIVKA-II was 0.817 (95% Confidence Interval(CI), 0.752-0.881). At the optimal threshold of 37 mAU / mL, identified by the Youden Index, the sensitivity and specificity were 79% and 76%, respectively. PIVKA-II was a better biomarker than AFP for the diagnosis of HCC, since the AUC for AFP was 0.670 (95% CI 0.585-0.754, p<0.0001) and at the best cutoff of 16.4 ng / mL AFP yielded 98% specificity but only 34% sensitivity. Conclusions:These initial data suggest the potential utility of this tool in the diagnosis of HCC.PIVKA-II alone or in combination may help to an early diagnosis of HCC and a significant optimization of patient management.
The Smart Grid needs a large amount of information to be operated and day by day new information is required to improve the operation performance. It is also fundamental that the available information is reliable and accurate. Therefore, the role of metrology is crucial, especially if applied to the distribution grid monitoring and the electrical assets diagnostics. This dissertation aims at better understanding the sensors and the instrumentation employed by the power system operators in the above-mentioned applications and studying new solutions. Concerning the research on the measurement applied to the electrical asset diagnostics: an innovative drone-based measurement system is proposed for monitoring medium voltage surge arresters. This system is described, and its metrological characterization is presented. On the other hand, the research regarding the measurements applied to the grid monitoring consists of three parts. The first part concerns the metrological characterization of the electronic energy meters’ operation under off-nominal power conditions. Original test procedures have been designed for both frequency and harmonic distortion as influence quantities, aiming at defining realistic scenarios. The second part deals with medium voltage inductive current transformers. An in-depth investigation on their accuracy behavior in presence of harmonic distortion is carried out by applying realistic current waveforms. The accuracy has been evaluated by means of the composite error index and its approximated version. Based on the same test setup, a closed-form expression for the measured current total harmonic distortion uncertainty estimation has been experimentally validated. The metrological characterization of a virtual phasor measurement unit is the subject of the third and last part: first, a calibrator has been designed and the uncertainty associated with its steady-state reference phasor has been evaluated; then this calibrator acted as a reference, and it has been used to characterize the phasor measurement unit implemented within a real-time simulator.