4 resultados para Antigens, CD -- immunology

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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This PhD thesis discusses the rationale for design and use of synthetic oligosaccharides for the development of glycoconjugate vaccines and the role of physicochemical methods in the characterization of these vaccines. The study concerns two infectious diseases that represent a serious problem for the national healthcare programs: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections. Both pathogens possess distinctive carbohydrate structures that have been described as suitable targets for the vaccine design. The Group A Streptococcus cell membrane polysaccharide (GAS-PS) is an attractive vaccine antigen candidate based on its conserved, constant expression pattern and the ability to confer immunoprotection in a relevant mouse model. Analysis of the immunogenic response within at-risk populations suggests an inverse correlation between high anti-GAS-PS antibody titres and GAS infection cases. Recent studies show that a chemically synthesized core polysaccharide-based antigen may represent an antigenic structural determinant of the large polysaccharide. Based on GAS-PS structural analysis, the study evaluates the potential to exploit a synthetic design approach to GAS vaccine development and compares the efficiency of synthetic antigens with the long isolated GAS polysaccharide. Synthetic GAS-PS structural analogues were specifically designed and generated to explore the impact of antigen length and terminal residue composition. For the HIV-1 glycoantigens, the dense glycan shield on the surface of the envelope protein gp120 was chosen as a target. This shield masks conserved protein epitopes and facilitates virus spread via binding to glycan receptors on susceptible host cells. The broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody 2G12 binds a cluster of high-mannose oligosaccharides on the gp120 subunit of HIV-1 Env protein. This oligomannose epitope has been a subject to the synthetic vaccine development. The cluster nature of the 2G12 epitope suggested that multivalent antigen presentation was important to develop a carbohydrate based vaccine candidate. I describe the development of neoglycoconjugates displaying clustered HIV-1 related oligomannose carbohydrates and their immunogenic properties.


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The association between celiac disease (CD) and dental enamel defects (DED) is well known. AIM: This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of DED in CD children and to specifically find a possible correlation between DED and gluten exposure period, CD clinical forms, HLA class II haplotype. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was designed as a matched case-control study: 374 children were enrolled (187 celiac and 187 non celiac). Data about age at CD diagnosis, CD clinical form and HLA haplotype were recorded. RESULTS: DED were detected in 87 celiac subject while no dental lesions were found in the remaining 100 patients; in 187 healthy controls enamel lesion were significantly less frequent (5.3 % versus 46.5% ; p<0.005).We found a correlation between DED and gluten exposure period, since among CD patients the mean age at CD diagnosis was significantly (p= 0.0004) higher in the group with DED (3.41± 1.27) than without DED (1.26± 0.7). DED resulted more frequent in atypical and silent forms than in the typical one. The presence of HLA DR 52-53 and DQ7 antigens significantly increased the risk of DED (p=0.0017). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed a possible correlation between CD clinical form, age at CD diagnosis, HLA antigens and DED. The origin of DED in CD children is due to multifactorial events and further studies are needed to investigate other determinants.


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Numerose evidenze sperimentali hanno dimostrato il contributo delle cellule staminali di derivazione midollare nei processi di rigenerazione epatica dopo danno tissutale. E’ cresciuto pertanto l’interesse sul loro potenziale impiego in pazienti con cirrosi. Questo studio si propone di valutare la fattibilità e la sicurezza della reinfusione intraepatica di cellule staminali midollari autologhe CD133+ in 12 pazienti con insufficienza epatica terminale definita da un punteggio di Model for End Stage of Liver Disease (MELD) compreso tra 17 e 25. L’efficacia in termini di funzionalità epatica rappresenta un obiettivo secondario. Previa mobilizzazione nel sangue periferico mediante somministrazione di granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alla dose di 7,5 mcg/Kg/b.i.d. e raccolta per leucoaferesi, le cellule CD133+ altamente purificate vengono reinfuse in arteria epatica a partire da 5x104/Kg fino a 1x106/kg. Nei tre giorni successivi si somministra G-CSF per favorire l’espansione e l’attecchimento delle cellule. Durante la mobilizzazione, la reinfusione e nei 12 mesi successivi i pazienti sono sottoposti a periodici controlli clinici, laboratoristici e strumentali e ad attenta valutazione di effetti collaterali. Lo studio è tuttora in corso e ad oggi, 11 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a reinfusione e 4 hanno completato i 12 mesi di follow-up. Il G-CSF è stato ben tollerato e ha consentito di ottenere una buona espansione cellulare. Dopo la reinfusione sono stati documentati un ematoma inguinale e due episodi transitori di encefalopatia portosistemica. Durante il follow-up 4 pazienti sono stati trapiantati e 2 sono morti. Non è stata osservata alcuna modificazione significativa degli indici di funzione epatica. Questi risultati preliminari confermano la possibilità di mobilizzare e reinfondere un numero adeguato di cellule staminali di derivazione midollare in pazienti con malattia epatica in stadio terminale.


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This PhD thesis is focused on the study of the molecular variability of some specific proteins, part of the outer membrane of the pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, and described as protective antigens and important virulence factors. These antigens have been employed as components of the vaccine developed by Novartis Vaccines against N. meningitidis of serogroup B, and their variability in the meningococcal population is a key aspect when the effect of the vaccine is evaluated. The PhD project has led to complete three major studies described in three different manuscritps, of which two have been published and the third is in preparation. The thesis is structured in three main chapters, each of them dedicated to the three studies. The first, described in Chapter 1, is specifically dedicated to the analysis of the molecular conservation of meningococcal antigens in the genomes of all species classified in the genus Neisseria (Conservation of Meningococcal Antigens in the Genus Neisseria. A. Muzzi et al.. 2013. mBio 4 (3)). The second study, described in Chapter 2, focuses on the analysis of the presence and conservation of the antigens in a panel of bacterial isolates obtained from cases of the disease and from healthy individuals, and collected in the same year and in the same geographical area (Conservation of fHbp, NadA, and NHBA in carrier and pathogenic isolates of Neisseria meningitidis collected in the Czech Republic in 1993. A. Muzzi et al.. Manuscript in preparation). Finally, Chapter 3 describes the molecular features of the antigens in a panel of bacterial isolates collected over a period of 50 years, and representatives of the epidemiological history of meningococcal disease in the Netherlands (An Analysis of the Sequence Variability of Meningococcal fHbp, NadA and NHBA over a 50-Year Period in the Netherlands. S. Bambini et al.. 2013. PloS one e65043).