9 resultados para Allograft
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Regulatory T cells (Treg) actively regulate alloimmune responses and promote transplantation tolerance. Polyclonal anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), a widely used induction therapy in clinical organ transplantation, depletes peripheral T cells. However, resistance to tolerance induction is seen with certain T cell depleting strategies and is attributed to alterations in the balance of naïve, memory and regulatory T cells. Here we report a novel reagent, murine ATG (mATG), depletes T cells but preferentially spares CD25+ natural Tregs which limit skewing of T cell repertoire toward T-effector-memory (Tem) phenotype among the recovering T cells. T-cell depletion with mATG combined with CTLA4Ig and Sirolimus synergize to prolong graft survival by tipping the Treg/Tem balance further in favor of Tregs by preserving Tregs, facilitating generation of new Tregs by a conversion mechanism and limiting Tem expansion in response to alloantigen and homeostatic proliferation. These results provide the rationale for translating such novel combination therapies to promote tolerance in primate and human organ transplantation.
Lung transplantation is a widely accepted therapeutic option for end stage lung disease. Clinical outcome is yet challenged by primary graft failure responsible for the majority of the early mortality, by chronic allograft dysfunction and chronic rejection accounting for more than 30% of deaths after the third postoperative year. Pulmonary surfactant proteins (SP) A, B, C and D are one of the first host defense mechanisms the lung can mount. SP-A in particular, produced by the type II pneumocytes, is active in the innate and adaptive immune system being an opsonin, but also regulating the macrophage and lymphocyte response. The main hypothesis for this project is that pulmonary surfactant protein A polymorphism may determine the early and long term lung allograft survival. Of note SP-A biologic activity seems to be genetically determined and SP-A polymorphisms have been associated to various lung disease. The two SP-A genes SP-A1 and SP-A2 have several polymorphisms within the coding region, SP-A1 (6A, 6A2-20), and SP-A2(1A, 1A0-13). The SP-A gene expression is regulated by cAMP, TTF-1 and glucocorticoids. In vitro studies have indicated that SP-A1 and SP-A2 gene variants may have a variable response to glucocorticoids. We proposed to determine if SP-A gene polymorphism predicts primary graft dysfunction and/or chronic lung allograft dysfunction and if SP-A may serve as a biomarker of lung allograft dysfunction. We also proposed to study the interaction between immunosuppressive drugs and SP-A expression and determine whether this is dependent on SP-A polymorphisms. This study will generate novel information improving our understanding of lung allograft dysfunction. It is conceivable that the information will stimulate the interest for a multi centre study to investigate if SP-A polymorphism may be integrated in the donor lung selection criteria and/or to implement post transplant tailored immunosuppression.
Tumors involving bone and soft tissues are extremely challenging situations. With the recent advances of multi-modal treatment, not only the type of surgery has moved from amputation to limb-sparing procedures, but also the survivorship has improved considerably and reconstructive techniques have the goal to allow a considerably higher quality of life. In bone reconstruction, tissue engineering strategies are the main area of research. Re-vascularization and re-vitalisation of a massive allograft would considerably improve the outcome of biological reconstructions. Using a rabbit animal model, in this study we showed that, by implanting a vascular pedicle inside a weight bearing massive cortical allograft, the bone regeneration inside the allograft was higher compared to the non-vascularized implants, given the patency of the vascular pedicle. Improvement in the animal model and the addition of Stem Cells and Growth factors will allow a further improvement in the results. In soft tissue tumors, free and pedicled flaps have been proven to be of great help as reconstruction strategies. In this study we analyzed the functional and overall outcome of 14 patients who received a re-innervated vascularized flap. We have demonstrated that the use of the innovative technique of motor re-innervated muscular flaps is effective when the resection involves important functional compartments of the upper or lower limb, with no increase of post-operative complications. Although there was no direct comparison between this type of reconstruction and the standard non-innervated reconstruction, we underlined the remarkable high overall functional scores and patient satisfaction following this procedure.
Critical lower limb ischemia is a severe disease. A common approach is infrainguinal bypass. Synthetic vascular prosthesis, are good conduits in high-flow low-resistance conditions but have difficulty in their performance as small diameter vessel grafts. A new approach is the use of native decellularized vascular tissues. Cell-free vessels are expected to have improved biocompatibility when compared to synthetic and are optimal natural 3D matrix templates for driving stem cell growth and tissue assembly in vivo. Decellularization of tissues represent a promising field for regenerative medicine, with the aim to develop a methodology to obtain small-diameter allografts to be used as a natural scaffold suited for in vivo cell growth and pseudo-tissue assembly, eliminating failure caused from immune response activation. Material and methods. Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells isolated from human umbilical cord tissue were expanded in advanced DMEM. Immunofluorescence and molecular characterization revealed a stem cell profile. A non-enzymatic protocol, that associate hypotonic shock and low-concentration ionic detergent, was used to decellularize vessel segments. Cells were seeded cell-free scaffolds using a compound of fibrin and thrombin and incubated in DMEM, after 4 days of static culture they were placed for 2 weeks in a flow-bioreactor, mimicking the cardiovascular pulsatile flow. After dynamic culture, samples were processed for histological, biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Discussion. Histology showed that the dynamic culture cells initiate to penetrate the extracellular matrix scaffold and to produce components of the ECM, as collagen fibres. Sirius Red staining showed layers of immature collagen type III and ultrastructural analysis revealed 30 nm thick collagen fibres, presumably corresponding to the immature collagen. These data confirm the ability of cord-derived cells to adhere and penetrate a natural decellularized tissue and to start to assembly into new tissue. This achievement makes natural 3D matrix templates prospectively valuable candidates for clinical bypass procedures
INTRODUCTION. Late chronic allograft disfunction (CAD) is one of the more concerning issues in the management of patients (pts) with renal transplant (tx). Humoral immune response seems to play an important role in CAD pathogenesis. AIM OF THE STUDY. To identify the causes of late chronic allograft disfunction. METHODS. This study (march 2004-august 2011) enrolled pts who underwent renal biopsy (BR) because of CAD (increase of creatininemia (s-Cr) >30% and/or proteinuria >1g/day at least one year after tx). BR were classified according to 1997/2005 Banff classification. Histological evaluation of C4d (positive if >25%), glomerulitis, tubulitis, intimal arteritis, atrophy/fibrosis and arteriolar-hyalinosis were performed. Ab anti-HLA research at BR was an inclusion criteria. Pts were divided into two groups: with or without transplant glomerulopathy (CTG). RESULTS. Evaluated BR: 93/109. BR indication: impaired s-Cr (52/93), proteinuria (23/93), both (18/93). Time Tx-BR: 7.4±6.3 yrs; s-Cr at BR: 2.7±1.4 mg/dl. CTG group(n=49) not-CTG group(n=44) p Time tx-BR (yrs) 9.3±6.7 5.3±5.2 0.002 Follow-up post-BR (yrs) 2.7±1.8 4.1±1.4 0.0001 s-Cr at BR (mg/dl) 2.9±1.3 2.4±1.5 NS Rate (%) of pts: Proteinuria at BR 61% 25% 0.0004 C4d+ 84% 25% <0.0001 Ab anti-HLA+ 71% 30% 0.0001 C4d+ and/or Ab antiHLA 92% 43% 0.0001 Glomerulitis 76% 16% <0.0001 Tubulitis 6% 32% 0.0014 Intimal arteritis 18% 0% 0.002 Arteriolar hyalinosis 65% 50% NS Atrophy/fibrosis 80% 77% NS Graft survival 45% 86% 0.00005 Histological Diagnosis: CTG group (n=49:Chronic rejection 94%;IgA recurrence + humoral activity 4%;IIA acute rejection + humoral activity 2%. Not-CTG group (n=44: GN recurrence 27%;IF/TA 23%; acute rejection 23%;BKV nephritis 9%; mild not specific alterations 18%. CONCLUSIONS: CTG is the morphological lesion mainly related to CAD. In the 92% of the cases it is associated with markers of immunological activity. It causes graft failure within five years after diagnosis in 55% of pts.
Pancreatic islet transplantation represents a fascinating procedure that, at the moment, can be considered as alternative to standard insulin treatment or pancreas transplantation only for selected categories of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Among the factors responsible for leading to poor islet engraftment, hypoxia plays an important role. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were recently used in animal models of islet transplantation not only to reduce allograft rejection, but also to promote revascularization. Currently adipose tissue represents a novel and good source of MSCs. Moreover, the capability of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) to improve islet graft revascularization was recently reported after hybrid transplantation in mice. Within this context, we have previously shown that hyaluronan esters of butyric and retinoic acids can significantly enhance the rescuing potential of human MSCs. Here we evaluated whether ex vivo preconditioning of human ASCs (hASCs) with a mixture of hyaluronic (HA), butyric (BU), and retinoic (RA) acids may result in optimization of graft revascularization after islet/stem cell intrahepatic cotransplantation in syngeneic diabetic rats. We demonstrated that hASCs exposed to the mixture of molecules are able to increase the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), as well as the transcription of angiogenic genes, including VEGF, KDR (kinase insert domain receptor), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Rats transplanted with islets cocultured with preconditioned hASCs exhibited a better glycemic control than rats transplanted with an equal volume of islets and control hASCs. Cotransplantation with preconditioned hASCs was also associated with enhanced islet revascularization in vivo, as highlighted by graft morphological analysis. The observed increase in islet graft revascularization and function suggests that our method of stem cell preconditioning may represent a novel strategy to remarkably improve the efficacy of islets-hMSCs cotransplantation.
Il rachide è stato suddiviso in tre colonne da Denis: anteriore e centrale comprendono la metà anteriore del corpo vertebrale, la metà posteriore e l’inizio dei peduncoli, mentre la colonna posteriore comprende l’arco e i peduncoli stessi. In caso di resezione o lesione della colonna anteriore e media è indicata la ricostruzione. Diverse tecniche e materiali possono essere usati per ricostruire il corpo vertebrale. Innesti vascolarizzati, autograft, allograft sono stati usati, così come impianti sintetici di titanio o materiale plastico come il PEEK (Poly etere etere ketone). Tutti questi materiali hanno vantaggi e svantaggi in termini di proprietà intrinseche, resistenza meccanica, modulo di elasticità, possibilità di trasmissione malattie, capacità di fondersi con l’osso ospite o meno. Le soluzioni più usate sono le cage in titanio o carbonio, il PMMA ( Poli methil metacrilato), gli innesti ossei massivi. Si è effettuato uno studio di coorte retrospettivo paragonando due gruppi di pazienti oncologici spinali trattati da due chirurghi esperti in un centro di riferimento, con vertebrectomia e ricostruzione della colonna anteriore: un gruppo con cage in carbonio o titanio, l’altro gruppo con allograft massivo armato di innesto autoplastico o mesh in titanio. Si sono confrontati i risultati in termini di cifosi segmenterai evolutiva, fusione ossea e qualità di vita del paziente. Il gruppo delle cage in carbonio / titanio ha avuto risultati leggermente migliori dal punto di vista biomeccanico ma non statisticamente significativo, mentre dal punto di vista della qualità di vita i risultati sono stati migliori nel gruppo allograft. Non ci sono stati fallimenti meccanici della colonna anteriore in entrambi i gruppi, con un Fu tra 12 e 60 mesi. Si sono paragonati anche i costi delle due tecniche. In conclusione l’allogar è una tecnica sicura ed efficace, con proprietà meccaniche solide, soprattutto se armato con autograft o mesi in titanio.
Solid organ transplantation (SOT) is considered the treatment of choice for many end-stage organ diseases. Thus far, short term results are excellent, with patient survival rates greater than 90% one year post-surgery, but there are several problems with the long term acceptance and use of immunosuppressive drugs. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation (HSCT) concerns the infusion of haematopoietic stem cells to re-establish acquired and congenital disorders of the hematopoietic system. The main side effect is the Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD) where donor T cells can cause pathology involving the damage of host tissues. Patients undergoing acute or chronic GvHD receive immunosuppressive regimen that is responsible for several side effects. The use of immunosuppressive drugs in the setting of SOT and GvHD has markedly reduced the incidence of acute rejection and the tissue damage in GvHD however, the numerous adverse side effects observed boost the development of alternative strategies to improve the long-term outcome. To this effect, the use of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) as a cellular therapy is an attractive approach for autoimmunity disease, GvHD and limiting immune responses to allograft after transplantation. Treg have a pivotal role in maintaining peripheral immunological tolerance, by preventing autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. Results of my thesis provide the characterization and cell processing of Tregs from healthy controls and patients in waiting list for liver transplantation, followed by the development of an efficient expansion-protocol and the investigation of the impact of the main immunosuppressive drugs on viability, proliferative capacity and function of expanded cells after expansion. The conclusion is that ex vivo expansion is necessary to infuse a high Treg dose and although many other factors in vivo can contribute to the success of Treg therapy, the infusion of Tregs during the administration of the highest dose of immunosuppressants should be carefully considered.
The aim of the Research of this Ph D Project is to improve the medical management after surgery for advanced heart failure, both after left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) implantation, and after heart transplantation in the long-term. Regarding heart transplantation (HTx), the Research Project is focused on diagnostics, classification, prevention and treatment of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV), and on treatment of post-HTx cancers; the results are presented in the first part of this Thesis. In particular, the main aspect investigated are the prognostic role of information derived from coronary angiography, coronary tomography and intravascular ultrasound, and the different sensitivity of these techniques in predicting outcomes and in diagnosing CAV. Moreover, the role of mTOR inhibitors on CAV prevention or treatment is investigated, both alone and in combination with different anti-CMV prevention strategies, as well as the impact of mTOR inhibitors on clinical outcomes in the long term. Regarding LVAD, the main focus is on the role of transthoracic echocardiography in the management of patients with a continuous-flow, centrifugal, intrapericardial pump (HVAD, Heartware); this section is reported in the second part of this Thesis. The main aspects investigated are the use of echocardiography in patients with HVAD device and its interaction with the information derived from pump curves' analysis in predicting aortic valve opening status, a surrogate of the condition of support provided by the LVAD.