135 resultados para neutroni simulazione scintillatori geant4 nucleare LNL lengnaro infn
Many energetic and environmental evaluations need appropriate meteorological data, as input to analysis and prevision softwares. In Italy there aren't adeguate meteorological data because, in many cases, they are incomplete, incorrect and also very expensive for a long-term analysis (that needs multi-year data sets). A possible solution to this problem is the use of a Typical Meteorological Year (TRY), generated for specific applications. Nowadays the TRYs have been created, using statistical criteria, just for the analysis of solar energy systems and for predicting the thermal performance of buildings, applying it also to the study of photovoltaic plants (PV), though not specifically created for this type of application. The present research has defined the methodology for the creation of TRYs for different applications. In particular TRYs for environmental and wind plant analysis have been created. This is the innovative aspect of this research, never explored before. In additions, the methodology of the generation for the PV TRYs has been improved. The results are very good and the TRYs generated for these applications are adeguate to characterize the climatic condition of the place over a long period and can be used for energetic and environmental studies.
Abstract. This thesis presents a discussion on a few specific topics regarding the low velocity impact behaviour of laminated composites. These topics were chosen because of their significance as well as the relatively limited attention received so far by the scientific community. The first issue considered is the comparison between the effects induced by a low velocity impact and by a quasi-static indentation experimental test. An analysis of both test conditions is presented, based on the results of experiments carried out on carbon fibre laminates and on numerical computations by a finite element model. It is shown that both quasi-static and dynamic tests led to qualitatively similar failure patterns; three characteristic contact force thresholds, corresponding to the main steps of damage progression, were identified and found to be equal for impact and indentation. On the other hand, an equal energy absorption resulted in a larger delaminated area in quasi-static than in dynamic tests, while the maximum displacement of the impactor (or indentor) was higher in the case of impact, suggesting a probably more severe fibre damage than in indentation. Secondly, the effect of different specimen dimensions and boundary conditions on its impact response was examined. Experimental testing showed that the relationships of delaminated area with two significant impact parameters, the absorbed energy and the maximum contact force, did not depend on the in-plane dimensions and on the support condition of the coupons. The possibility of predicting, by means of a simplified numerical computation, the occurrence of delaminations during a specific impact event is also discussed. A study about the compressive behaviour of impact damaged laminates is also presented. Unlike most of the contributions available about this subject, the results of compression after impact tests on thin laminates are described in which the global specimen buckling was not prevented. Two different quasi-isotropic stacking sequences, as well as two specimen geometries, were considered. It is shown that in the case of rectangular coupons the lay-up can significantly affect the damage induced by impact. Different buckling shapes were observed in laminates with different stacking sequences, in agreement with the results of numerical analysis. In addition, the experiments showed that impact damage can alter the buckling mode of the laminates in certain situations, whereas it did not affect the compressive strength in every case, depending on the buckling shape. Some considerations about the significance of the test method employed are also proposed. Finally, a comprehensive study is presented regarding the influence of pre-existing in-plane loads on the impact response of laminates. Impact events in several conditions, including both tensile and compressive preloads, both uniaxial and biaxial, were analysed by means of numerical finite element simulations; the case of laminates impacted in postbuckling conditions was also considered. The study focused on how the effect of preload varies with the span-to-thickness ratio of the specimen, which was found to be a key parameter. It is shown that a tensile preload has the strongest effect on the peak stresses at low span-to-thickness ratios, leading to a reduction of the minimum impact energy required to initiate damage, whereas this effect tends to disappear as the span-to-thickness ratio increases. On the other hand, a compression preload exhibits the most detrimental effects at medium span-to-thickness ratios, at which the laminate compressive strength and the critical instability load are close to each other, while the influence of preload can be negligible for thin plates or even beneficial for very thick plates. The possibility to obtain a better explanation of the experimental results described in the literature, in view of the present findings, is highlighted. Throughout the thesis the capabilities and limitations of the finite element model, which was implemented in an in-house program, are discussed. The program did not include any damage model of the material. It is shown that, although this kind of analysis can yield accurate results as long as damage has little effect on the overall mechanical properties of a laminate, it can be helpful in explaining some phenomena and also in distinguishing between what can be modelled without taking into account the material degradation and what requires an appropriate simulation of damage. Sommario. Questa tesi presenta una discussione su alcune tematiche specifiche riguardanti il comportamento dei compositi laminati soggetti ad impatto a bassa velocità. Tali tematiche sono state scelte per la loro importanza, oltre che per l’attenzione relativamente limitata ricevuta finora dalla comunità scientifica. La prima delle problematiche considerate è il confronto fra gli effetti prodotti da una prova sperimentale di impatto a bassa velocità e da una prova di indentazione quasi statica. Viene presentata un’analisi di entrambe le condizioni di prova, basata sui risultati di esperimenti condotti su laminati in fibra di carbonio e su calcoli numerici svolti con un modello ad elementi finiti. È mostrato che sia le prove quasi statiche sia quelle dinamiche portano a un danneggiamento con caratteristiche qualitativamente simili; tre valori di soglia caratteristici della forza di contatto, corrispondenti alle fasi principali di progressione del danno, sono stati individuati e stimati uguali per impatto e indentazione. D’altro canto lo stesso assorbimento di energia ha portato ad un’area delaminata maggiore nelle prove statiche rispetto a quelle dinamiche, mentre il massimo spostamento dell’impattatore (o indentatore) è risultato maggiore nel caso dell’impatto, indicando la probabilità di un danneggiamento delle fibre più severo rispetto al caso dell’indentazione. In secondo luogo è stato esaminato l’effetto di diverse dimensioni del provino e diverse condizioni al contorno sulla sua risposta all’impatto. Le prove sperimentali hanno mostrato che le relazioni fra l’area delaminata e due parametri di impatto significativi, l’energia assorbita e la massima forza di contatto, non dipendono dalle dimensioni nel piano dei provini e dalle loro condizioni di supporto. Viene anche discussa la possibilità di prevedere, per mezzo di un calcolo numerico semplificato, il verificarsi di delaminazioni durante un determinato caso di impatto. È presentato anche uno studio sul comportamento a compressione di laminati danneggiati da impatto. Diversamente della maggior parte della letteratura disponibile su questo argomento, vengono qui descritti i risultati di prove di compressione dopo impatto su laminati sottili durante le quali l’instabilità elastica globale dei provini non è stata impedita. Sono state considerate due differenti sequenze di laminazione quasi isotrope, oltre a due geometrie per i provini. Viene mostrato come nel caso di provini rettangolari la sequenza di laminazione possa influenzare sensibilmente il danno prodotto dall’impatto. Due diversi tipi di deformate in condizioni di instabilità sono stati osservati per laminati con diversa laminazione, in accordo con i risultati dell’analisi numerica. Gli esperimenti hanno mostrato inoltre che in certe situazioni il danno da impatto può alterare la deformata che il laminato assume in seguito ad instabilità; d’altra parte tale danno non ha sempre influenzato la resistenza a compressione, a seconda della deformata. Vengono proposte anche alcune considerazioni sulla significatività del metodo di prova utilizzato. Infine viene presentato uno studio esaustivo riguardo all’influenza di carichi membranali preesistenti sulla risposta all’impatto dei laminati. Sono stati analizzati con simulazioni numeriche ad elementi finiti casi di impatto in diverse condizioni di precarico, sia di trazione sia di compressione, sia monoassiali sia biassiali; è stato preso in considerazione anche il caso di laminati impattati in condizioni di postbuckling. Lo studio si è concentrato in particolare sulla dipendenza degli effetti del precarico dal rapporto larghezza-spessore del provino, che si è rivelato un parametro fondamentale. Viene illustrato che un precarico di trazione ha l’effetto più marcato sulle massime tensioni per bassi rapporti larghezza-spessore, portando ad una riduzione della minima energia di impatto necessaria per innescare il danneggiamento, mentre questo effetto tende a scomparire all’aumentare di tale rapporto. Il precarico di compressione evidenzia invece gli effetti più deleteri a rapporti larghezza-spessore intermedi, ai quali la resistenza a compressione del laminato e il suo carico critico di instabilità sono paragonabili, mentre l’influenza del precarico può essere trascurabile per piastre sottili o addirittura benefica per piastre molto spesse. Viene evidenziata la possibilità di trovare una spiegazione più soddisfacente dei risultati sperimentali riportati in letteratura, alla luce del presente contributo. Nel corso della tesi vengono anche discussi le potenzialità ed i limiti del modello ad elementi finiti utilizzato, che è stato implementato in un programma scritto in proprio. Il programma non comprende alcuna modellazione del danneggiamento del materiale. Viene però spiegato come, nonostante questo tipo di analisi possa portare a risultati accurati soltanto finché il danno ha scarsi effetti sulle proprietà meccaniche d’insieme del laminato, esso possa essere utile per spiegare alcuni fenomeni, oltre che per distinguere fra ciò che si può riprodurre senza tenere conto del degrado del materiale e ciò che invece richiede una simulazione adeguata del danneggiamento.
The fundamental goal of this thesis is the determination of the isospin dependence of the Ar+Ni fusion-evaporation cross section. Three Ar isotope beams, with energies of about 13AMeV, have been accelerated and impinged onto isotopically enriched Ni targets, in order to produce Pd nuclei, with mass number varying from 92 to 104. The measurements have been performed by the high performance 4pi detector INDRA, coupled with the magnetic spectrometer VAMOS. Even if the results are very preliminary, the obtained fusion-evaporation cross sections behaviour gives a hint at the possible isospin dependence of the fusion-evaporation cross sections.
Questo lavoro ha come obiettivo l’utilizzo del Geographical Information System (GIS) per effettuare analisi di sicurezza, monitoraggio e valutazioni di impatto ambientale. Oggi, la totalità delle operazioni GIS possono essere svolte con software open source e in questa sedi si è scelto di utilizzare il GIS GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) disponibile nei termini della GNU public license (GPL), mostrando l’usabilità e le notevoli potenzialità di tale software, nonché la qualità dei prodotti ottenibili, mai inferiori ai prodotti e agli strumenti messi a disposizione dai più radicati e diffusi programmi proprietari. Nel capitolo 4, vedremo l’applicazione all’analisi delle conseguenze di ipotetici incidenti, durante le operazioni di dismissione dell’impianto di processamento del combustibile nucleare, di Bosco Marengo (AL). Nel capitolo 5, vedremo applicazioni nel campo del monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria tramite analisi di immagini satellitari.
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation techniques are becoming very common in the Medical Physicists community. MC can be used for modeling Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and for dosimetry calculations. 188Re, is a promising candidate for radiotherapeutic production and understanding the mechanisms of the radioresponse of tumor cells "in vitro" is of crucial importance as a first step before "in vivo" studies. The dosimetry of 188Re, used to target different lines of cancer cells, has been evaluated by the MC code GEANT4. The simulations estimate the average energy deposition/per event in the biological samples. The development of prototypes for medical imaging, based on LaBr3:Ce scintillation crystals coupled with a position sensitive photomultiplier, have been studied using GEANT4 simulations. Having tested, in the simulation, surface treatments different from the one applied to the crystal used in our experimental measurements, we found out that the Energy Resolution (ER) and the Spatial Resolution (SR) could be improved, in principle, by machining in a different way the lateral surfaces of the crystal. We have then studied a system able to acquire both echographic and scintigraphic images to let the medical operator obtain the complete anatomic and functional information for tumor diagnosis. The scintigraphic part of the detector is simulated by GEANT4 and first attempts to reconstruct tomographic images have been made using as method of reconstruction a back-projection standard algorithm. The proposed camera is based on slant collimators and LaBr3:Ce crystals. Within the Field of View (FOV) of the camera, it possible to distinguish point sources located in air at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. In particular conditions of uptake, tumor depth and dimension, the preliminary results show that the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) values obtained are higher than the standard detection limit.
Several activities were conducted during my PhD activity. For the NEMO experiment a collaboration between the INFN/University groups of Catania and Bologna led to the development and production of a mixed signal acquisition board for the Nemo Km3 telescope. The research concerned the feasibility study for a different acquisition technique quite far from that adopted in the NEMO Phase 1 telescope. The DAQ board that we realized exploits the LIRA06 front-end chip for the analog acquisition of anodic an dynodic sources of a PMT (Photo-Multiplier Tube). The low-power analog acquisition allows to sample contemporaneously multiple channels of the PMT at different gain factors in order to increase the signal response linearity over a wider dynamic range. Also the auto triggering and self-event-classification features help to improve the acquisition performance and the knowledge on the neutrino event. A fully functional interface towards the first level data concentrator, the Floor Control Module, has been integrated as well on the board, and a specific firmware has been realized to comply with the present communication protocols. This stage of the project foresees the use of an FPGA, a high speed configurable device, to provide the board with a flexible digital logic control core. After the validation of the whole front-end architecture this feature would be probably integrated in a common mixed-signal ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The volatile nature of the configuration memory of the FPGA implied the integration of a flash ISP (In System Programming) memory and a smart architecture for a safe remote reconfiguration of it. All the integrated features of the board have been tested. At the Catania laboratory the behavior of the LIRA chip has been investigated in the digital environment of the DAQ board and we succeeded in driving the acquisition with the FPGA. The PMT pulses generated with an arbitrary waveform generator were correctly triggered and acquired by the analog chip, and successively they were digitized by the on board ADC under the supervision of the FPGA. For the communication towards the data concentrator a test bench has been realized in Bologna where, thanks to a lending of the Roma University and INFN, a full readout chain equivalent to that present in the NEMO phase-1 was installed. These tests showed a good behavior of the digital electronic that was able to receive and to execute command imparted by the PC console and to answer back with a reply. The remotely configurable logic behaved well too and demonstrated, at least in principle, the validity of this technique. A new prototype board is now under development at the Catania laboratory as an evolution of the one described above. This board is going to be deployed within the NEMO Phase-2 tower in one of its floors dedicated to new front-end proposals. This board will integrate a new analog acquisition chip called SAS (Smart Auto-triggering Sampler) introducing thus a new analog front-end but inheriting most of the digital logic present in the current DAQ board discussed in this thesis. For what concern the activity on high-resolution vertex detectors, I worked within the SLIM5 collaboration for the characterization of a MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor) device called APSEL-4D. The mentioned chip is a matrix of 4096 active pixel sensors with deep N-well implantations meant for charge collection and to shield the analog electronics from digital noise. The chip integrates the full-custom sensors matrix and the sparsifification/readout logic realized with standard-cells in STM CMOS technology 130 nm. For the chip characterization a test-beam has been set up on the 12 GeV PS (Proton Synchrotron) line facility at CERN of Geneva (CH). The collaboration prepared a silicon strip telescope and a DAQ system (hardware and software) for data acquisition and control of the telescope that allowed to store about 90 million events in 7 equivalent days of live-time of the beam. My activities concerned basically the realization of a firmware interface towards and from the MAPS chip in order to integrate it on the general DAQ system. Thereafter I worked on the DAQ software to implement on it a proper Slow Control interface of the APSEL4D. Several APSEL4D chips with different thinning have been tested during the test beam. Those with 100 and 300 um presented an overall efficiency of about 90% imparting a threshold of 450 electrons. The test-beam allowed to estimate also the resolution of the pixel sensor providing good results consistent with the pitch/sqrt(12) formula. The MAPS intrinsic resolution has been extracted from the width of the residual plot taking into account the multiple scattering effect.
L'attività di ricerca descritta in questa tesi fornisce linee guida per la progettazione di arti protesici inferiori, con particolare riferimento alla progettazione di protesi a basso costo. La necessità di efficienti protesi a basso costo risulta infatti sentita nei Paesi in via di sviluppo ma anche dalle fasce meno abbienti dei paesi occidentali. Al fine di comprendere le strategie adottate dall'apparato locomotorio per muoversi con le protesi sono analizzati il cammino fisiologico, le protesi presenti sul mercato ed infine le modalità con cui le loro prestazioni sono valutate. Con il presente lavoro, dopo aver osservato la presenza di una scarsa strutturazione della metodologia di progettazione che riguarda specialmente il settore del basso costo, si propone una metodologia il più possibile oggettiva e ripetibile tesa ad individuare quali sono gli aspetti essenziali di una protesi per garantire al paziente una buona qualità di vita. Solo questi aspetti dovranno essere selezionati al fine di ottenere la massima semplificazione della protesi e ridurre il più possibile i costi. Per la simulazione delle attività di locomozione, in particolare del cammino, è stato elaborato un apposito modello spaziale del cammino. Il modello proposto ha 7 membri rigidi (corrispondenti a piedi, tibie, femori e bacino) e 24 gradi di libertà. Le articolazioni e l'appoggio dei piedi al suolo sono modellati con giunti sferici. La pianta del piede consente tre possibili punti di appoggio. I criteri di realizzazione delle simulazioni possono comprendere aspetti energetici, cinematici e dinamici considerati come obiettivo dall'apparato locomotorio. In questa tesi vengono trattati in particolare gli aspetti cinematici ed è mostrata un'applicazione della procedura nella quale vengono dapprima identificati i riferimenti fisiologici del cammino e quindi simulato il cammino in presenza di una menomazione al ginocchio (eliminazione della flessione in fase di appoggio). Viene quindi lasciato a sviluppi futuri il completamento della procedura e la sua implementazione in un codice di calcolo.
In this thesis, the field of study related to the stability analysis of fluid saturated porous media is investigated. In particular the contribution of the viscous heating to the onset of convective instability in the flow through ducts is analysed. In order to evaluate the contribution of the viscous dissipation, different geometries, different models describing the balance equations and different boundary conditions are used. Moreover, the local thermal non-equilibrium model is used to study the evolution of the temperature differences between the fluid and the solid matrix in a thermal boundary layer problem. On studying the onset of instability, different techniques for eigenvalue problems has been used. Analytical solutions, asymptotic analyses and numerical solutions by means of original and commercial codes are carried out.
The research activity described in this thesis is focused mainly on the study of finite-element techniques applied to thermo-fluid dynamic problems of plant components and on the study of dynamic simulation techniques applied to integrated building design in order to enhance the energy performance of the building. The first part of this doctorate thesis is a broad dissertation on second law analysis of thermodynamic processes with the purpose of including the issue of the energy efficiency of buildings within a wider cultural context which is usually not considered by professionals in the energy sector. In particular, the first chapter includes, a rigorous scheme for the deduction of the expressions for molar exergy and molar flow exergy of pure chemical fuels. The study shows that molar exergy and molar flow exergy coincide when the temperature and pressure of the fuel are equal to those of the environment in which the combustion reaction takes place. A simple method to determine the Gibbs free energy for non-standard values of the temperature and pressure of the environment is then clarified. For hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and several hydrocarbons, the dependence of the molar exergy on the temperature and relative humidity of the environment is reported, together with an evaluation of molar exergy and molar flow exergy when the temperature and pressure of the fuel are different from those of the environment. As an application of second law analysis, a comparison of the thermodynamic efficiency of a condensing boiler and of a heat pump is also reported. The second chapter presents a study of borehole heat exchangers, that is, a polyethylene piping network buried in the soil which allows a ground-coupled heat pump to exchange heat with the ground. After a brief overview of low-enthalpy geothermal plants, an apparatus designed and assembled by the author to carry out thermal response tests is presented. Data obtained by means of in situ thermal response tests are reported and evaluated by means of a finite-element simulation method, implemented through the software package COMSOL Multyphysics. The simulation method allows the determination of the precise value of the effective thermal properties of the ground and of the grout, which are essential for the design of borehole heat exchangers. In addition to the study of a single plant component, namely the borehole heat exchanger, in the third chapter is presented a thorough process for the plant design of a zero carbon building complex. The plant is composed of: 1) a ground-coupled heat pump system for space heating and cooling, with electricity supplied by photovoltaic solar collectors; 2) air dehumidifiers; 3) thermal solar collectors to match 70% of domestic hot water energy use, and a wood pellet boiler for the remaining domestic hot water energy use and for exceptional winter peaks. This chapter includes the design methodology adopted: 1) dynamic simulation of the building complex with the software package TRNSYS for evaluating the energy requirements of the building complex; 2) ground-coupled heat pumps modelled by means of TRNSYS; and 3) evaluation of the total length of the borehole heat exchanger by an iterative method developed by the author. An economic feasibility and an exergy analysis of the proposed plant, compared with two other plants, are reported. The exergy analysis was performed by considering the embodied energy of the components of each plant and the exergy loss during the functioning of the plants.