250 resultados para Architectural Studio


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Una breve introduzione sulla storia del mosaico: dalle origine alle sue evoluzione tipologiche e tecnologiche nel tempo, di come si organizzavano le antiche botteghe del mosaico e le suddivisione dei compiti tra il pictor imaginarius, pictor parietarius e il musivarius (la gerarchia) all’interno di essi; la tecniche esecutiva per la messa in opera dei mosaici pavimentali romani. Visto che i mosaici si trovano a Suasa, quindi è stata riassunta la storia della città romana di Suasa con le sua varie fase edilizie, con maggior approfondimenti per gli edifici che presentano pavimentazione a mosaico: in primo luogo è la domus dei Coiedii contenente più di diciotto pavimenti in opus tessellatum. Il secondo è quello del così detto Edificio 4 (ancora inedito e di incerta natura e destinazione) portato in luce solo parzialmente con due settore a mosaico. Successivamente è stato effettuato in maniera dettagliata lo studio dello stato di conservazione dei vani musivi che sono state oggetto in senso stretto dei varie interventi conservativi, sia nella domus dei Coiedii (vano AU, oecus G e vano BB) che in Edificio 4 (vano A e vano D), evidenziando così le diverse morfologie di degrado in base “Normativa UNI 11176/2006 con l’aiuto della documentazione grafica ed fotografica. Un ampio e complessivo studio archeometrico-tecnologico dei materiali impiegati per la realizzazione dei musaici a Suasa (tessere e malte) presso i laboratori del CNR di Faenza.. Sono stati prelevati complessivamente 90 campione da tredici vani musivi di Suasa, di cui 28 campione di malte, comprese tra allettamento e di sottofondo,42 tessere lapidee e 20 tessere vitree; questi ultimi appartengono a sette vani della domus. Durante l’operazione del prelevo, è stato presso in considerazione le varie tipologie dei materiali musivi, la cromia ed le morfologie di degrado che erano presente. Tale studio ha lo scopo di individuare la composizione chimico-mineropetrografico, le caratteristiche tessiturali dei materiali e fornire precisa informazione sia per fine archeometrici in senso stretto (tecnologie di produzione, provenienza, datazione ecc.), che come supporto ai interventi di conservazione e restauro. Infine si è potuto costruire una vasta banca dati analitici per i materiali musivi di Suasa, che può essere consultata, aggiornata e confrontata in futuro con altri materiali proveniente dalla stessa province e/o regione. Applicazione dei interventi conservativi: di manutenzione, pronto intervento e di restauro eseguiti sui vani mosaicati di Suasa che presentavano un pessimo stato di conservazione e necessitavano l’intervento conservativo, con la documentazione grafica e fotografica dei varie fase dell’intervento. In particolare lo studio dei pregiatissimi materiali marmorei impiegati per la realizzazione dell’opus sectile centrale (sala G) nella domus dei Coiedii, ha portato alla classificazione e alla schedatura di sedici tipi di marmi impiegati; studio esteso poi al tessellato che lo circonda: studio del andamento, tipologie dei materiali, dei colore, dimensione delle tessere, interstizio ecc., ha permesso con l’utilizzo delle tavole tematiche di ottenere una chiara lettura per l’intero tessellato, di evidenziare così, tutti gli interventi antiche e moderni di risarciture, eseguiti dal II sec. d.C. fio ad oggi. L’aspetto didattico (teorico e pratico) ha accompagnato tutto il lavoro di ricerca Il lavoro si qualifica in conclusione come un esempio assai significativo di ricerca storicoiconografiche e archeometriche, con risultati rilevanti sulle tecnologie antiche e sui criteri di conservazione più idonei.


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Dendritic Cells (DCs) derived from human blood monocytes that have been nurtured in GM-CSF and IL-4, followed by maturation in a monocyte-conditioned medium, are the most potent APCs known. These DCs have many features of primary DCs, including the expression of molecules that enhance antigen capture and selective receptors that guide DCs to and from several sites in the body, where they elicit the T cell mediated immune response. For these features, immature DCs (iDC) loaded with tumor antigen and matured (mDC) with a standard cytokine cocktail, are used for therapeutic vaccination in clinical trials of different cancers. However, the efficacy of DCs in the development of immunocompetence is critically influenced by the type (whole lysate, proteins, peptides, mRNA), the amount and the time of exposure of the tumor antigens used for loading in the presentation phase. The aim of the present study was to create instruments to acquire more information about DC antigen uptake and presentation mechanisms to improve the clinical efficacy of DCbased vaccine. In particular, two different tumor antigen were studied: the monoclonal immunoglobulin (IgG or IgA) produced in Myeloma Multiple, and the whole lysate obtained from melanoma tissues. These proteins were conjugated with fluorescent probe (FITC) to evaluate the kinetic of tumor antigen capturing process and its localization into DCs, by cytofluorimetric and fluorescence microscopy analysis, respectively. iDC pulsed with 100μg of IgG-FITC/106 cells were monitored from 2 to 22 hours after loading. By the cytofluorimetric analysis it was observed that the monoclonal antibody was completely captured after 2 hours from pulsing, and was decreased into mDC in 5 hours after maturation stimulus. To monitor the lysate uptake, iDC were pulsed with 80μg of tumor lysate/106 cells, then were monitored in the 2h to 22 hours interval time after loading. Then, to reveal difference between increasing lysate concentration, iDC were loaded with 20-40-80-100-200-400μg of tumor lysate/106 cells and monitored at 2-4-8-13h from pulsing. By the cytofluorimetric analysis, it was observed that, the 20-40-80-100μg uptake, after 8 hours loading was completed reaching a plateau phase. For 200 and 400μg the mean fluorescence of cells increased until 13h from pulsing. The lysate localization into iDC was evaluated with conventional and confocal fluorescence microscopy analysis. In the 2h to 8h time interval from loading an intensive and diffuse fluorescence was observed within the cytoplasmic compartment. Moreover, after 8h, the lysate fluorescence appeared to be organized in a restricted cloudy-shaded area with a typical polarized aspect. In addition, small fluorescent spots clearly appeared with an increment in the number and fluorescence intensity. The nature of these spot-like formations and cloudy area is now being investigated detecting the colocalization of the fluorescence lysate and specific markers for lysosomes, autophagosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and MHCII positive vesicles.


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The aim of our work was to study the molecular mechanisms involved in symptoms appearance of plants inoculated either with a virus or with a virus-satellite complex. In the first case, we tried to set up a reliable method for an early identification of PVYNTN strains present in Italy and causing potato tuber necrosis. This, to prevent their spread in the field and to avoid severe yield losses, especially in seed potato production. We tried to localize the particular genomic region responsible for tuber necrosis. To this purpose, we carried out RT-PCR experiments using various primer combinations, covering PVY genomic regions larger than those previously used by other authors. As the previous researchers, though, we were not able to differentiate all NTN from others PVY strains. This probably because of the frequent virus variability, due to both genomic mutations and possible recombination events among different strains. In the second case, we studied the influence of Y-sat (CaRNA5 satellite) on symptoms of CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) in Nicotiana benthamiana plants: strong yellowing appearance instead of simple mosaic. Wang et al (2004), inoculating the same infectious complex on tobacco plants transformed with a viral suppressor of plant silencing (HC-PRO), did not experience the occurrence of yellowing anymore and, therefore, hypotesized that changes in symptoms were due to plant post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) mechanism. In our case, inoculation of N. benthamiana plants transformed with another PTGS viral suppressor (p19), and other plants defective for RNA polymerase 6 (involved in systemic silencing), still resulted in yellowing appearance. This, to our opinion, suggests that in our system another possible mechanism is involved.


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This research investigated someone of the main problems connected to the application of Tissue Engineering in the prosthetic field, in particular about the characterization of the scaffolding materials and biomimetic strategies adopted in order to promote the implant integration. The spectroscopic and thermal analysis techniques were usefully applied to characterize the chemico-physical properties of the materials such as – crystallinity; – relative composition in case of composite materials; – Structure and conformation of polymeric and peptidic chains; – mechanism and degradation rate; – Intramolecular and intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, aliphatic interactions). This kind of information are of great importance in the comprehension of the interactions that scaffold undergoes when it is in contact with biological tissues; this information are fundamental to predict biodegradation mechanisms and to understand how chemico-physical properties change during the degradation process. In order to fully characterize biomaterials, this findings must be integrated by information relative to mechanical aspects and in vitro and in vivo behavior thanks to collaborations with biomedical engineers and biologists. This study was focussed on three different systems that correspond to three different strategies adopted in Tissue Engineering: biomimetic replica of fibrous 3-D structure of extracellular matrix (PCL-PLLA), incorporation of an apatitic phase similar to bone inorganic phase to promote biomineralization (PCL-HA), surface modification with synthetic oligopeptides that elicit the interaction with osteoblasts. The characterization of the PCL-PLLA composite underlined that the degradation started along PLLA fibres, which are more hydrophylic, and they serve as a guide for tissue regeneration. Moreover it was found that some cellular lines are more active in the colonization of the scaffold. In the PCL-HA composite, the weight ratio between the polymeric and the inorganic phase plays an essential role both in the degradation process and in the biomineralization of the material. The study of self-assembling peptides allowed to clarify the influence of primary structure on intermolecular and intermolecular interactions, that lead to the formation of the secondary structure and it was possible to find a new class of oligopeptides useful to functionalize materials surface. Among the analytical techniques used in this study, Raman vibrational spectroscopy played a major role, being non-destructive and non-invasive, two properties that make it suitable to degradation studies and to morphological characterization. Also micro-IR spectroscopy was useful in the comprehension of peptide structure on oxidized titanium: up to date this study was one of the first to employ this relatively new technique in the biomedical field.


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We observed 82 healthy subjects, from both sexes, aged between 19 and 77 years. All subjects performed two different tests: for being scientifically acknowledged, the first one was used as a reference and it was a stress test (CPX). During the entire test, heart rate and gas exchange were recorded continuously; the second, the actual object of this study, was a submaximal test (TOP). Only heart rate was recorded continuously. The main purpose was to determinate an index of physical fitness as result of TOP. CPX test allowed us to individuate anaerobic threshold. We used an incremental protocol of 10/20 Watt/min, different by age. For our TOP test we used an RHC400 UPRIGHT BIKE, by Air Machine. Each subject was monitored for heart frequency. After 2 minutes of resting period there was a first step: 3 minutes of pedalling at a constant rate of 60 RPM, (40 watts for elder subjects and 60 watts for the younger ones). Then, the subject was allowed to rest for a recovery phase of 5 minutes. Third and last step consisted of 3 minutes of pedalling again at 60 RPM but now set to 60 watts for elder subjects and 80 watts for the young subjects. Finally another five minutes of recovery. A good correlation was found between TOP and CPX results especially between punctua l heart rate reserve (HRR’) and anaerobic threshold parameters such as Watt, VO2, VCO2 . HRR’ was obtained by subtracting maximal heart rate during TOP from maximal theoretic heart rate (206,9-(0,67*age)). Data were analyzed through cluster analysis in order to obtain 3 homogeneous groups. The first group contains the least fit subjects (inactive, women, elderly). The other groups contain the “average fit” and the fittest subjects (active, men, younger). Concordance between test resulted in 83,23%. Afterwards, a linear combinations of the most relevant variables gave us a formula to classify people in the correct group. The most relevant result is that this submaximal test is able to discriminate subjects with different physical condition and to provide information (index) about physical fitness through HRR’. Compared to a traditional incremental stress test, the very low load of TOP, short duration and extended resting period, make this new method suitable to very different people. To better define the TOP index, it is necessary to enlarge our subject sample especially by diversifying the age range.


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Beet soil-borne mosaic virus (BSBMV) and Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) are members of Benyvirus genus. BSBMV has been reported only in the United States while BNYVV has a worldwide distribution. Both viruses are vectored by Polymyxa betae, possess similar host ranges, particles number and morphology. Both viruses are not serologically related but have similar genomic organizations. Field isolates consist of four RNA species but some BNYVV isolates contain a fifth RNA. RNAs 1 and 2 are essential for infection and replication while RNAs 3 and 4 play important roles on plant and vector interactions, respectively. Nucleotide and amino acid analyses revealed BSBMV and BNYVV are different enough to be classified in two different species. Additionally in BNYVV/BSBMV mixed infections, a competition was previous described in sugar beet, where BNYVV infection reduces BSBMV accumulation in both susceptible and resistant cultivars. Considering all this observations we hypothesized that BNYVV and BSBMV crossed study, exploiting their similarities and divergences, can improve investigation of molecular interactions between sugar beets and Benyviruses. The main achievement of our research is the production of a cDNA biologically active clones collection of BNYVV and BSBMV RNAs, from which synthetic copies of both Benyviruses can be transcribed. Moreover, through recombination experiments we demonstrated, for the first time, the BNYVV RNA 1 and 2 capability to trans-replicate and encapsidate BSBMV RNA 3 and 4, either the BSBMV RNA 1 and 2 capability to replicate BNYVV RNA2 in planta. We also demonstrated that BSBMV RNA3 support long-distance movement of BNYVV RNA 1 and 2 in B. macrocarpa and that 85 foreign sequence as p29HA, GFP and RFP, are successfully expressed, in C. quinoa, by BSBMV RNA3 based replicon (RepIII) also produced by our research. These results confirm the close correlation among the two viruses. Interestingly, the symptoms induced by BSBMV RNA-3 on C. quinoa leaves are more similar to necrotic local lesions caused by BNYVV RNA-5 p26 than to strongly chlorotic local lesions or yellow spot induced by BNYVV RNA- 3 encoded p25. As previous reported BSBMV p29 share 23% of amino acid sequence identity with BNYVV p25 but identity increase to 43% when compared with sequence of BNYVV RNA-5 p26. Based on our results the essential sequence (Core region) for the longdistance movement of BSBMV and BNYVV in B. macrocarpa, is not only carried by RNA3s species but other regions, perhaps located on the RNA 1 and 2, could play a fundamental role in this matter. Finally a chimeric RNA, composed by the 5’ region of RNA4 and 3’ region of RNA3 of BSBMV, has been produced after 21 serial mechanically inoculation of wild type BSBMV on C. quinoa plants. Chimera seems unable to express any protein, but it is replicated and transcript in planta. It could represent an important tool to study the interactions between Benyvirus and plant host. In conclusion different tools, comprising a method to study synthetic viruses under natural conditions of inoculum through P. Betae, have been produced and new knowledge are been acquired that will allow to perform future investigation of the molecular interactions between sugar beets and Benyviruses.


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L’argomento della presente tesi di dottorato riguarda lo studio clinico del trapianto di cellule staminali emopoietiche aploidentiche nelle patologie oncoematologiche. Nel periodo di tempo compreso tra 1/12/2005 ed il 30/10/2007 sono stati arruolati 10 pazienti (6 LAM, 3 LAL, 1 LMC in crisi blastica mieloide) nell’ambito di uno studio clinico che prevedeva il trapianto di midollo osseo aploidentico per pazienti affetti da patologia oncoematologica in prima o successiva recidiva, per i quali non fosse disponibile un donatore di midollo osseo consanguineo o da banca. Lo schema di condizionamento al trapianto di midollo osseo utilizzato era il seguente: Fludarabina 150/m2, Busulfano orale 14mg/kg, Tiothepa 10mg/kg e Ciclofosfamide 160mg/kg. Per la profilassi della malattia da trapianto contro l’ospite è stata somministrata timoglobulina antilinfocitaria (ATG) al dosaggio complessivo di 12.5 mg/kg, short course metotrexate (+1, +3 e +11), cortisone e ciclosporina con tapering precoce al + 60. I pazienti hanno reinfuso una megadose di cellule CD34+ mediana pari a 12.8x106/kg. Tre pazienti non sono valutabili per l’attecchimento a causa di rigetto (1/3) o morte precoce (2/3). Sette pazienti sono valutabili per l’attecchimento; per questi pazienti il tempo mediano a 500 PMN/mmc e a 20 x 109/l piastrine è stato rispettivamente di 17 e 20 giorni. Quattro pazienti su 7 hanno svillupato una Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD) acuta di grado II-IV, mentre soltanto 1/7 ha sviluppato una GVHD cronica. Sette pazienti su 10 trapiantati hanno ottenuto una remissione completa successivamente al trapianto. Di questi, attualmente 2 pazienti sono vivi in remissione completa, mentre gli altri 5 sono ricaduti e successivamente deceduti. In conclusione, il trapianto aploidentico è una procedura fattibile ed efficace. Tale procedura è in grado di garantire un 20% di lungo sopravviventi in un setting di pazienti a prognosi estremamente infausta.


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L’infezione da virus dell’ epatite E (HEV) nei suini e nell’uomo è stata segnalata in diversi Paesi. Nei suini, il virus causa infezioni asintomatiche, mentre nell’uomo è responsabile di epidemie di epatite ad andamento acuto nei Paesi a clima tropicale o subtropicale con condizioni igieniche scadenti, di casi sporadici in quelli sviluppati. HEV è stato isolato anche in diversi animali e l’analisi nucleotidica degli isolati virali di origine animale ha mostrato un elevato grado di omologia con i ceppi di HEV umani isolati nelle stesse aree geografiche, avvalorando l’ipotesi che l'infezione da HEV sia una zoonosi. In America del Sud HEV suino è stato isolato per la prima volta in suini argentini nel 2006, mentre solo dal 1998 esistono dati sull’ infezione da HEV nell’uomo in Bolivia. In questa indagine è stato eseguito uno studio di sieroprevalenza in due comunità rurali boliviane e i risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli dello studio di sieroprevalenza sopra menzionato condotto in altre zone rurali della Bolivia. Inoltre, mediante Nested RT-PCR, è stata verificata la presenza di HEV nella popolazione umana e suina. La sieroprevalenza per anticorpi IgG anti-HEV è risultata pari al 6,2%, molto simile a quella evidenziata nello studio precedente. La prevalenza maggiore (24%) si è osservata nei soggetti di età compresa tra 41 e 50 anni, confermando che l’ infezione da HEV è maggiore fra i giovani-adulti. La ricerca di anticorpi anti HEV di classe IgM eseguita su 52 sieri ha fornito 4 risultati positivi. Il genoma virale è stato identificato in uno dei 22 pool di feci umane e l'esame virologico di 30 campioni individuali fecali e 7 individuali di siero ha fornito rispettivamente risultati positivi in 4/30 e 1/7. La Nested RT-PCR eseguita sui 22 pool di feci suine ha dato esito positivo in 7 pool. L’analisi delle sequenze genomiche di tutti gli amplificati ha consentito di stabilire che gli isolati umani appartenevano allo stesso genotipo III di quelli suini e presentavano con questi una elevata omologia aminoacidica (92%).