21 resultados para Short food supply chains
Characteristics of modern food demand force retailers to acquire more information about product process along the food supply chain to ensure that product are in accordance with consumer preference. Therefore, the product process involves more information flows between buyer and supplier which requires collaborative efforts. These changes translate into several studies on the inter-organizational relationship in agri-food systems. Studies on inter-organizational relationships have been conducted in various academic disciplines, including sociology, psychology, law, economics, marketing, management, and combination of these. Inter-organizational relationships is an interaction between organizations which involved firms horizontally, as well as, vertically. In this study we deal with vertical, buyer-seller relationship which are sometimes referred to chain relationships. We define vertical business relationship in the agriculture-food based sector as “agri-food chain relationships”. The focus is on sustainable inter-organizational relationships in a way that they can be scientifically investigated. We study characteristics which ensure that a relationship is long-lasting and rewarding for all involved parties in the sardinian dairy. We test the theoretical model using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that the most important determinant for the relationships is technology and the price isn’t significant for the relationship governance.
Ogni anno in Europa milioni di tonnellate di cibo vengono gettate via. Una stima pubblicata dalla Commissione europea afferma che, nei 27 Stati membri, 89 milioni di tonnellate di cibo, o di 179 kg pro capite, vengono scartati. Lo spreco si verifica lungo tutta la catena di agro alimentare; la riduzione dei rifiuti alimentari è diventata una delle priorità dell'agenda europea. La ricerca si concentra su un caso studio, Last Minute Market, un progetto di recupero di sprechi alimentari. L'impatto di questo progetto dal punto di vista economico e ambientale è già stato calcolato. Quello che verrà analizzato è l'impatto di questa iniziativa sulla comunità e in particolare sul capitale sociale, definito come "l'insieme di norme e reti che consentono l'azione collettiva". Obiettivo del presente lavoro è, quindi, quello di eseguire, attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario a diversi stakeholder del progetto, un’analisi confrontabile con quella del 2009 e di verificare a distanza di cinque anni, se l'iniziativa Last Minute Market abbia prodotto una crescita di capitale sociale nella comunità interessata da questa iniziativa. Per riassumere l’influenza del progetto sul capitale sociale in un indice sintetico, viene calcolato quello che verrà chiamato indice di "affidabilità del progetto" (definito in statistica, la "capacità di un prodotto, un sistema o un servizio di fornire le prestazioni richieste, per un certo periodo di tempo in condizioni predeterminate").
Negli ultimi anni lo spreco alimentare ha assunto un’importanza crescente nel dibattito internazionale, politico ed accademico, nel contesto delle tematiche sulla sostenibilità dei modelli di produzione e consumo, sull’uso efficiente delle risorse e la gestione dei rifiuti. Nei prossimi anni gli Stati Membri dell’Unione Europea saranno chiamati ad adottare specifiche strategie di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari all’interno di una cornice di riferimento comune. Tale cornice è quella che si va delineando nel corso del progetto Europeo di ricerca “FUSIONS” (7FP) che, nel 2014, ha elaborato un framework di riferimento per la definizione di “food waste” allo scopo di armonizzare le diverse metodologie di quantificazione adottate dai paesi membri. In questo scenario, ai fini della predisposizione di un Piano Nazionale di Prevenzione degli Sprechi Alimentari per l’Italia, il presente lavoro applica per la prima volta il “definitional framework” FUSIONS per l’analisi dei dati e l’identificazione dei principali flussi nei diversi anelli della filiera e svolge un estesa consultazione degli stakeholder (e della letteratura) per identificare le possibili misure di prevenzione e le priorità di azione. I risultati ottenuti evedenziano (tra le altre cose) la necessità di predisporre e promuovere a livello nazionale l’adozione di misure uniformi di quantificazione e reporting; l’importanza del coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nel contesto di una campagna nazionale di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari; l’esigenza di garantire una adeguata copertura economica per le attività di pianificazione e implementazione delle misure di prevenzione da parte degli enti locali e di un coordinamento a livello nazionale della programmazione regionale; la necessità di una armonizzazione/semplificazione del quadro di riferimento normativo (fiscale, igienico-sanitario, procedurale) che disciplina la donazione delle eccedenze alimentari; l’urgenza di approfondire il fenomeno degli sprechi alimentari attraverso la realizzazione di studi di settore negli stadi a valle della filiera.
Smart Farming Technologies (SFT) is a term used to define the set of digital technologies able not only to control and manage the farm system, but also to connect it to the many disruptive digital applications posed at multiple links along the value chain. The adoption of SFT has been so far limited, with significant differences at country-levels and among different types of farms and farmers. The objective of this thesis is to analyze what factors contributes to shape the agricultural digital transition and to assess its potential impacts in the Italian agri-food system. Specifically, this overall research objective is approached under three different perspectives. Firstly, we carry out a review of the literature that focuses on the determinants of adoption of farm-level Management Information Systems (MIS), namely the most adopted smart farming solutions in Italy. Secondly, we run an empirical analysis on what factors are currently shaping the adoption of SFT in Italy. In doing so, we focus on the multi-process and multi-faceted aspects of the adoption, by overcoming the one-off binary approach often used to study adoption decisions. Finally, we adopt a forward-looking perspective to investigate what the socio-ethical implications of a diffused use of SFT might be. On the one hand, our results indicate that bigger, more structured farms with higher levels of commercial integration along the agri-food supply chain are those more likely to be early adopters. On the other hand, they highlight the need for the institutional and organizational environment around farms to more effectively support farmers in the digital transition. Moreover, the role of several other actors and actions are discussed and analyzed, by highlighting the key role of specific agri-food stakeholders and ad-hoc policies, with the aim to propose a clearer path towards an efficient, fair and inclusive digitalization of the agrifood sector.
Modern food systems are characterized by a high energy intensity as well as by the production of large amounts of waste, residuals and food losses. This inefficiency presents major consequences, in terms of GHG emissions, waste disposal, and natural resource depletion. The research hypothesis is that residual biomass material could contribute to the energetic needs of food systems, if recovered as an integrated renewable energy source (RES), leading to a sensitive reduction of the impacts of food systems, primarily in terms of fossil fuel consumption and GHG emissions. In order to assess these effects, a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) has been conducted to compare two different food systems: a fossil fuel-based system and an integrated system with the use of residual as RES for self-consumption. The food product under analysis has been the peach nectar, from cultivation to end-of-life. The aim of this LCA is twofold. On one hand, it allows an evaluation of the energy inefficiencies related to agro-food waste. On the other hand, it illustrates how the integration of bioenergy into food systems could effectively contribute to reduce this inefficiency. Data about inputs and waste generated has been collected mainly through literature review and databases. Energy balance, GHG emissions (Global Warming Potential) and waste generation have been analyzed in order to identify the relative requirements and contribution of the different segments. An evaluation of the energy “loss” through the different categories of waste allowed to provide details about the consequences associated with its management and/or disposal. Results should provide an insight of the impacts associated with inefficiencies within food systems. The comparison provides a measure of the potential reuse of wasted biomass and the amount of energy recoverable, that could represent a first step for the formulation of specific policies on the integration of bioenergies for self-consumption.
The great challenges of today pose great pressure on the food chain to provide safe and nutritious food that meets regulations and consumer health standards. In this context, Risk Analysis is used to produce an estimate of the risks to human health and to identify and implement effective risk-control measures. The aims of this work were 1) describe how QRA is used to evaluate the risk for consumers health, 2) address the methodology to obtain models to apply in QMRA; 3) evaluate solutions to mitigate the risk. The application of a QCRA to the Italian milk industry enabled the assessment of Aflatoxin M1 exposure, impact on different population categories, and comparison of risk-mitigation strategies. The results highlighted the most sensitive population categories, and how more stringent sampling plans reduced risk. The application of a QMRA to Spanish fresh cheeses evidenced how the contamination of this product with Listeria monocytogenes may generate a risk for the consumers. Two risk-mitigation actions were evaluated, i.e. reducing shelf life and domestic refrigerator temperature, both resulting effective in reducing the risk of listeriosis. A description of the most applied protocols for data generation for predictive model development, was provided to increase transparency and reproducibility and to provide the means to better QMRA. The development of a linear regression model describing the fate of Salmonella spp. in Italian salami during the production process and HPP was described. Alkaline electrolyzed water was evaluated for its potential use to reduce microbial loads on working surfaces, with results showing its effectiveness. This work showed the relevance of QRA, of predictive microbiology, and of new technologies to ensure food safety on a more integrated way. Filling of data gaps, the development of better models and the inclusion of new risk-mitigation strategies may lead to improvements in the presented QRAs.