21 resultados para OpenFOAM, diesel, banco di flussaggio, open source


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The new generation of multicore processors opens new perspectives for the design of embedded systems. Multiprocessing, however, poses new challenges to the scheduling of real-time applications, in which the ever-increasing computational demands are constantly flanked by the need of meeting critical time constraints. Many research works have contributed to this field introducing new advanced scheduling algorithms. However, despite many of these works have solidly demonstrated their effectiveness, the actual support for multiprocessor real-time scheduling offered by current operating systems is still very limited. This dissertation deals with implementative aspects of real-time schedulers in modern embedded multiprocessor systems. The first contribution is represented by an open-source scheduling framework, which is capable of realizing complex multiprocessor scheduling policies, such as G-EDF, on conventional operating systems exploiting only their native scheduler from user-space. A set of experimental evaluations compare the proposed solution to other research projects that pursue the same goals by means of kernel modifications, highlighting comparable scheduling performances. The principles that underpin the operation of the framework, originally designed for symmetric multiprocessors, have been further extended first to asymmetric ones, which are subjected to major restrictions such as the lack of support for task migrations, and later to re-programmable hardware architectures (FPGAs). In the latter case, this work introduces a scheduling accelerator, which offloads most of the scheduling operations to the hardware and exhibits extremely low scheduling jitter. The realization of a portable scheduling framework presented many interesting software challenges. One of these has been represented by timekeeping. In this regard, a further contribution is represented by a novel data structure, called addressable binary heap (ABH). Such ABH, which is conceptually a pointer-based implementation of a binary heap, shows very interesting average and worst-case performances when addressing the problem of tick-less timekeeping of high-resolution timers.


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Over the last 60 years, computers and software have favoured incredible advancements in every field. Nowadays, however, these systems are so complicated that it is difficult – if not challenging – to understand whether they meet some requirement or are able to show some desired behaviour or property. This dissertation introduces a Just-In-Time (JIT) a posteriori approach to perform the conformance check to identify any deviation from the desired behaviour as soon as possible, and possibly apply some corrections. The declarative framework that implements our approach – entirely developed on the promising open source forward-chaining Production Rule System (PRS) named Drools – consists of three components: 1. a monitoring module based on a novel, efficient implementation of Event Calculus (EC), 2. a general purpose hybrid reasoning module (the first of its genre) merging temporal, semantic, fuzzy and rule-based reasoning, 3. a logic formalism based on the concept of expectations introducing Event-Condition-Expectation rules (ECE-rules) to assess the global conformance of a system. The framework is also accompanied by an optional module that provides Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (PILP). By shifting the conformance check from after execution to just in time, this approach combines the advantages of many a posteriori and a priori methods proposed in literature. Quite remarkably, if the corrective actions are explicitly given, the reactive nature of this methodology allows to reconcile any deviations from the desired behaviour as soon as it is detected. In conclusion, the proposed methodology brings some advancements to solve the problem of the conformance checking, helping to fill the gap between humans and the increasingly complex technology.


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Coastal flooding poses serious threats to coastal areas around the world, billions of dollars in damage to property and infrastructure, and threatens the lives of millions of people. Therefore, disaster management and risk assessment aims at detecting vulnerability and capacities in order to reduce coastal flood disaster risk. In particular, non-specialized researchers, emergency management personnel, and land use planners require an accurate, inexpensive method to determine and map risk associated with storm surge events and long-term sea level rise associated with climate change. This study contributes to the spatially evaluation and mapping of social-economic-environmental vulnerability and risk at sub-national scale through the development of appropriate tools and methods successfully embedded in a Web-GIS Decision Support System. A new set of raster-based models were studied and developed in order to be easily implemented in the Web-GIS framework with the purpose to quickly assess and map flood hazards characteristics, damage and vulnerability in a Multi-criteria approach. The Web-GIS DSS is developed recurring to open source software and programming language and its main peculiarity is to be available and usable by coastal managers and land use planners without requiring high scientific background in hydraulic engineering. The effectiveness of the system in the coastal risk assessment is evaluated trough its application to a real case study.


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La tesi propone un approccio semiotico ai videogiochi e indaga le relazioni tra videogioco, memoria e senso, a partire dall’analisi di un ampio corpus di videogiochi, trasversale rispetto ai generi. Il lavoro intende mostrare la proficuità di un incontro tra semiotica e videogiochi sotto un duplice punto di vista: da un lato i videogiochi, in quanto oggetti “nuovi”, rappresentano un buon banco di prova per la teoria e la metodologia semiotica; dall’altro lato la semiotica permette di comprendere meglio i videogiochi, ricostruendo i meccanismi semiotici che contribuiscono a generare gli effetti di senso tipici di questa forma testuale (es. immersività, interattività, flusso…). Il lavoro si propone quindi il duplice obiettivo di individuare le peculiarità del videogioco in quanto oggetto di analisi semiotica (cap. 1) e i meccanismi che in diversi generi videoludici portano alla creazione di effetti di senso peculiari e alla costruzione di una nuova memoria (capp. 3, 4, 5). Il primo capitolo è dedicato a una riflessione teorica e metodologica che intende preparare il campo per l’analisi, provando a “testare” modelli, concetti e strumenti più o meno assestati con lo scopo di riconoscere lo statuto semiotico dei videogiochi e di individuare il modo migliore per analizzarli semioticamente. Inoltre nel cap. 1 si affrontano, ancora in un’ottica generale, le dinamiche tra memoria del gioco e memoria del giocatore e l’importanza dei processi di apprendimento per l’interpretazione videoludica. Gli ultimi tre capitoli sono invece dedicati ai risultati delle analisi, condotte su un corpus ampio di videogiochi, affiancato da un corpus “di controllo” costituito da video di partite concrete, immagini user-generated, interfacce fisiche di gioco e “discorsi su” i videogiochi inseriti nel corpus principale. Il terzo capitolo individua i meccanismi semiotici che contribuiscono a costruire, de-costruire e ricostruire l’identità del giocatore nel corso della partita. Il quarto capitolo affronta la relazione tra tempo del gioco e tempo del giocatore, concentrandosi sulle modalità di configurazione del tempo in atto nei diversi generi videoludici. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato all’approfondimento di un aspetto particolare della testualità videoludica: la capacità dei videogiochi di generare esperienze embodied, cioè esperienze ‘incarnate’ e ‘situate’.


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Come si evince dal titolo della tesi, la ricerca effettuata dal presente candidato nel corso del dottorato di ricerca ha avuto ad oggetto lo studio della materia relativa ai trasporti nell’ambito di diversi sistemi giuridici europei, con particolare attenzione ai risvolti di carattere pratico che l’interpretazione delle normative uniformi poteva produrre nell’ambito delle diverse giurisdizioni nonché alle diverse impostazioni e alla variegata gamma di soluzioni interpretative che nell’ambito di problemi simili possono essere adottate a seconda che una stessa questione venga discussa in un ordinamento piuttosto che in un altro. Dall’avvento del trasporto marittimo di containers alla necessità di disciplinare l’intera materia attraverso una normativa multimodale il passo è estremamente breve, posto che, proprio in considerazione delle caratteristiche proprie del trasporto containerizzato, gli aventi diritto al carico sono principalmente interessati al completamente del trasferimento door-to-door inteso nella sua globalità, piuttosto che al buon esito del trasporto sulla singola tratta marittima. Il progetto di revisione delle Regole dell’Aja-Visby adottato dall’United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Uncitral) e il Comité Maritime International (CMI) costituisce per definizione un progetto limitato ad un trasporto multimodale comprendente necessariamente una tratta marittima, ma rappresenta comunque un interessante banco di prova per valutare la funzionalità di strumenti di recente impiego, come ad esempio i cosiddetti e-documents, concetto peraltro già inserito nel progetto UNCITRAL, anche se con scarsi elementi di reale novità rispetto alla tradizionale disciplina relativa ai documenti cartacei. Proprio la parte relativa ai documenti e titoli di viaggio merita particolare attenzione soprattutto in riferimento alle problematiche connesse al traffico containerizzato, con particolare riferimento al concetto di transhipment, e alla conseguente necessità che la polizza garantisca al legittimo portatore una copertura completa sull’intero viaggio della merce, oltre a dargli la possibilità di individuare agevolmente la propria controparte contrattuale, e cioè il vettore.


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The aim of this work is to present various aspects of numerical simulation of particle and radiation transport for industrial and environmental protection applications, to enable the analysis of complex physical processes in a fast, reliable, and efficient way. In the first part we deal with speed-up of numerical simulation of neutron transport for nuclear reactor core analysis. The convergence properties of the source iteration scheme of the Method of Characteristics applied to be heterogeneous structured geometries has been enhanced by means of Boundary Projection Acceleration, enabling the study of 2D and 3D geometries with transport theory without spatial homogenization. The computational performances have been verified with the C5G7 2D and 3D benchmarks, showing a sensible reduction of iterations and CPU time. The second part is devoted to the study of temperature-dependent elastic scattering of neutrons for heavy isotopes near to the thermal zone. A numerical computation of the Doppler convolution of the elastic scattering kernel based on the gas model is presented, for a general energy dependent cross section and scattering law in the center of mass system. The range of integration has been optimized employing a numerical cutoff, allowing a faster numerical evaluation of the convolution integral. Legendre moments of the transfer kernel are subsequently obtained by direct quadrature and a numerical analysis of the convergence is presented. In the third part we focus our attention to remote sensing applications of radiative transfer employed to investigate the Earth's cryosphere. The photon transport equation is applied to simulate reflectivity of glaciers varying the age of the layer of snow or ice, its thickness, the presence or not other underlying layers, the degree of dust included in the snow, creating a framework able to decipher spectral signals collected by orbiting detectors.