331 resultados para Metallurgia delle polveri calibratura sinterizzazione


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Objectives: Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the etiological agent of Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) and it is also associated with two B cell lymphoproliferative diseases: primary effusion lymphoma (PEL), and the plasmablastic form of multicentric Castelman’s disease (MCD). HHV-8 establishes persistent infection in the host with tropism for multiple cell types. In KS patients, the virus is found in tumor-spindle cells, peripheral blood monocytes, endothelial progenitor circulating cells, T and B lymphocytes. Peripheral B cells represent one of the major virus reservoir, but the consequences of HHV-8 infection of these cells have been poorly characterized. Therefore, in this study the frequency, the immunophenotypic profile and the functional activity of different peripheral B cell subsets in patients with classic KS (cKS) was analysed in order to identify potential alterations of these cells. The classic variant of KS is ideal to perform such studies, as it lacks confounding factors such as HIV or EBV infection and immunosuppression. Methods: Whole-blood samples from patients with the classical form of KS (cKS) (n=62) and healthy age and sex-matched seronegative controls (HSN) (n=43) were analyzed by multiparametric flow-cytometry to determine the frequency of B cells and their subpopulations, as well as their surface expression of immunoglobulins and activation markers. Results: The frequency of circulating B cells was significantly higher in cKS patients than in controls. In particular, the analysis of the B cell subsets revealed a higher frequency of naïve B cells (CD19+CD27-), among which transitional CD19+CD38highCD5+ and pre-naïve (CD27-CD38intCD5+ ) B cells demonstrated an expansion. Memory B cells (CD19+CD27+) did not differ between the two study groups, except from a higher frequency of CD19+CD27+IgM+IgD+ B cells, the typical phenotype of marginal zone (MZ) B cells, in cKS patients. The characterization of membrane surface activation markers showed lower levels of the activation marker HLA-DR only on CD27- B cells, while CD80 and CD86 were less represented in all the the B cells from cKS patients. Moreover, B cells from cKS patients were smaller and with less granules than the ones from controls. Conclusion: Taken together, these results clearly indicate that circulating B cells are altered in patients with cKS, showing an expansion of the immature phenotypes. These B cell alterations may be due to an indirect viral effect rather than to a direct one: the cytokines expressed in the microenvironment typical of cKS may cause a faster release of immature cells from the bone marrow and a lower grade of peripheral differentiation, as already suggested for other chronic viral infections such as HIV and HCV. Further studies will be necessary to understand how these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of KS and, eventually, to the different clinical evolution of the disease.


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Scopo della presente ricerca era quello di approfondire il ruolo dei Sirfidi afidifagi ponendo particolare attenzione alle interazioni multitrofiche e all'effetto del paesaggio sul popolamento di Sirfidi. Larve e pupe di Sirfidi sono state monitorate in siti a diverso impatto antropico, in particolare in monocolture di mais e frumento ed in aree a maggiore diversità. La percentuale di parassitizzazione è risultata significativamente maggiore in aree a maggiore semplificazione, in particolare nei campi di mais. Anche la tipologia dei parassitoidi di Sirfidi è risultata diversa: mentre Pachyneuron (Encyrtidae) è il parassitoide chiave nel mais, in altri siti i Diplazontini (Ichneumonidae) sono risultati più frequenti. La distribuzione spaziale di Sirfidi ed altri predatori/parassitoidi afidifagi è stata analizzata in campi di mais e frumento dal 2007 al 2009. I pattern di distribuzione spaziale e temporale sembrano tali da impedire la sovrapposizione degli afidifagi favorendo una partizione di nicchia. Il popolamento di Sirfidi in un'area rurale caratterizzata da forte ricchezza in elementi di naturalità è stata analizzata per tre anni consecutivi, permettendo il ritrovamento di specie molto rare come Criorhina pachymera. Ai dati ottenuti è stato applicato Syrph the Net per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione del sito; è stata riscontrata una percentuale elevata di specie osservate ma non attese confermando come questo parametro può essere molto utile nella valutazione del paesaggio soprattutto in ambienti rurali. Infine Syrph the Net è stato applicato al popolamento di Sirfidi della provincia di Ferrara confermando l'utilità di questa tecnica per la valutazione della conservazione degli habitat anche in comprensori molto ampi.


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Il progetto propone uno studio per verificare la fattibilita' di un piano territoriale (ideato per il bacino del Po ma di fatto estendibile a tutti i bacini fluviali) per la creazione di una filiera di colture bioenergetiche (biomasse) che, trasportate per mezzo della navigazione fluviale (uno dei mezzi di trasporto a minore emissione di CO2), alimentino una o piu' centrali a nuova tecnologia che associno alla produzione di calore (teleriscaldamento e raffreddamento) e di energia la separazione dei fumi. La CO2 catturata dalla crescita delle biomasse e recuperata dalla combustione, puo' quindi essere segregata nel sottosuolo di aree costiere subsidenti contrastando il fenomeno dell’abbassamento del suolo. Ricavando benefici in tutti i passaggi di attuazione del piano territoriale (lancio dell'agricoltura bioenergetica, rilancio della navigazione a corrente libera, avvio di una economia legata alla logistica del trasporto e dello stoccaggio delle biomasse, generazione di energia pulita, lotta alla subsidenza) il progetto, di fatto, consente di catturare ingenti quantitativi di CO2 dall'atmosfera e di segregarli nel sottosuolo, riducendo l'effetto serra. Nel corso del Dottorato e' stata sviluppata una metodologia di valutazione della sostenibilita' economica ed ambientale del progetto ad un bacino fluviale, che consta di una modulistica di raccolta dei dati di base e di una procedura informatizzata di analisi.


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Sebbene Anarsia lineatella sia un fitofago ormai da anni introdotto e diffuso in Italia, ancora poco si conosce circa le sue abitudini riproduttive. In considerazione della elevata dannosità di A. lineatella nei pescheti del nord Italia e delle scarse conoscenze sulla sua biologia, si è evidenziata la necessità di approfondire la conoscenza di questo fitofago. Pertanto gli scopi di questa ricerca hanno riguardato l’approfondimento delle conoscenze sui sistemi di comunicazione intraspecifici utilizzati da A. lineatella; la valutazione dell’efficacia di diverse miscele di feromone sintetico, in laboratorio utilizzando anche densità diverse di popolazioni di anarsia e in campo utilizzando gabbie di accoppiamento appositamente costruite, posizionate in frutteti a conduzione biologica nel nord Italia e messe a confronto con gabbie che utilizzavano come fonte attrattiva femmine vergini di tre giorni di età. Sono state condotte prove sul comportamento di maschi di A. lineatella di differenti età in risposta al feromone emesso da femmine vergini di tre giorni di età e al feromone emesso da erogatori di materiale plastico contenenti differenti miscele di feromone sintetico. Sono stati condotti studi per verificare l’influenza del contenuto di alcol ((E)5-10:OH) nella miscela feromonica sulla capacità di inibizione degli accoppiamenti, sottoponendo gli insetti a differenti concentrazioni di feromone in modo da verificare eventuali differenze di attività delle diverse miscele, differenze che emergerebbero con evidenza maggiore alle minori concentrazioni. Alcune prove sono state effettuate anche con differenti densità di popolazione, poiché una maggiore densità di popolazione determina una maggiore probabilità di accoppiamento, evidenziando più chiaramente i limiti di efficacia della miscela utilizzata. Inoltre sono state effettuate prove di campo per confrontare due modelli di erogatore per la confusione sessuale di anarsia contenenti miscele con differenti percentuali di alcol Inoltre, poiché nei pescheti la presenza di A. lineatella è pressoché sempre associata a quella di Cydia molesta e l’applicazione del metodo della confusione deve spesso essere applicato per controllare entrambi gli insetti, può risultare vantaggioso disporre di un unico erogatore contenente entrambi i feromoni; è stato quindi valutato un erogatore contenente una miscela dei due feromoni per verificare eventuali interazioni che possano ridurre l’efficacia.


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This study focus on pathologies - caused by impoverished uranium and other heavy-metals’ nanoparticles environmental pollution - developed in international military personnel deployed in critical areas; the pathologies are then placed in a general and chronological schema. This study shows an impressive collection of data on impoverished uranium characteristics and its employment in civil and military context and a map of impoverished uranium most polluted areas. The studies on this subject commissioned by two Italian Parliamentary Court of Inquiry and by other nations are then analyzed. Further etiopathogenetic hypothesis are assessed – as multivaccination – comparing vaccination protocols adopted by different NATO nations and their possible effects. Finally the study defines the objectives and the operational protocols of an ongoing epidemiological serial prospective study (time-frame scheduled of 30 years) on military personnel deployed in critical areas for the possible presence of genotoxic agents.


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The thesis studies the economic and financial conditions of Italian households, by using microeconomic data of the Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) over the period 1998-2006. It develops along two lines of enquiry. First it studies the determinants of households holdings of assets and liabilities and estimates their correlation degree. After a review of the literature, it estimates two non-linear multivariate models on the interactions between assets and liabilities with repeated cross-sections. Second, it analyses households financial difficulties. It defines a quantitative measure of financial distress and tests, by means of non-linear dynamic probit models, whether the probability of experiencing financial difficulties is persistent over time. Chapter 1 provides a critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature on the estimation of assets and liabilities holdings, on their interactions and on households net wealth. The review stresses the fact that a large part of the literature explain households debt holdings as a function, among others, of net wealth, an assumption that runs into possible endogeneity problems. Chapter 2 defines two non-linear multivariate models to study the interactions between assets and liabilities held by Italian households. Estimation refers to a pooling of cross-sections of SHIW. The first model is a bivariate tobit that estimates factors affecting assets and liabilities and their degree of correlation with results coherent with theoretical expectations. To tackle the presence of non normality and heteroskedasticity in the error term, generating non consistent tobit estimators, semi-parametric estimates are provided that confirm the results of the tobit model. The second model is a quadrivariate probit on three different assets (safe, risky and real) and total liabilities; the results show the expected patterns of interdependence suggested by theoretical considerations. Chapter 3 reviews the methodologies for estimating non-linear dynamic panel data models, drawing attention to the problems to be dealt with to obtain consistent estimators. Specific attention is given to the initial condition problem raised by the inclusion of the lagged dependent variable in the set of explanatory variables. The advantage of using dynamic panel data models lies in the fact that they allow to simultaneously account for true state dependence, via the lagged variable, and unobserved heterogeneity via individual effects specification. Chapter 4 applies the models reviewed in Chapter 3 to analyse financial difficulties of Italian households, by using information on net wealth as provided in the panel component of the SHIW. The aim is to test whether households persistently experience financial difficulties over time. A thorough discussion is provided of the alternative approaches proposed by the literature (subjective/qualitative indicators versus quantitative indexes) to identify households in financial distress. Households in financial difficulties are identified as those holding amounts of net wealth lower than the value corresponding to the first quartile of net wealth distribution. Estimation is conducted via four different methods: the pooled probit model, the random effects probit model with exogenous initial conditions, the Heckman model and the recently developed Wooldridge model. Results obtained from all estimators accept the null hypothesis of true state dependence and show that, according with the literature, less sophisticated models, namely the pooled and exogenous models, over-estimate such persistence.


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Il presente lavoro, partendo dal tema della responsabilità sociale d’impresa (RSI), intesa come forma d’integrazione della sfera economica con le altre sfere sociali, si concentra poi sulle politiche di welfare aziendale (dimensione interna della RSI) a sostegno dell’articolazione delle responsabilità familiari e lavorative dei dipendenti. La ricerca empirica riguarda tre aziende all’interno delle quali è stata analizzata la cultura organizzativa, il pacchetto di misure di welfare family friendly implementato, l’impatto dei diversi dispositivi sulla vita personale, familiare e lavorativa dei dipendenti. Le conclusioni sono dedicate all’analisi delle configurazioni emergenti dei contratti lavorativi come contratti relazionali.


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Il progetto prevede l’applicazione dell’analisi del ciclo di vita al sistema integrato di raccolta, riciclaggio e smaltimento dei rifiuti urbani e assimilati. La struttura di una LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) è determinata dalla serie di norme UNI EN ISO 14040 e si può considerare come “un procedimento oggettivo di valutazione dei carichi energetici e ambientali relativi a un processo o un’attività, effettuato attraverso l’identificazione dell’energia e dei materiali usati e dei rifiuti rilasciati nell’ambiente. La valutazione include l’intero ciclo di vita del processo o attività, comprendendo l’estrazione e il trattamento delle materie prime, la fabbricazione, il trasporto, la distribuzione, l’uso, il riuso, il riciclo e lo smaltimento finale”. Questa definizione si riassume nella frase “ from cradle to grave” (dalla culla alla tomba). Lo scopo dello studio è l’applicazione di una LCA alla gestione complessiva dei rifiuti valutata in tre territori diversi individuati presso tre gestori italiani. Due di questi si contraddistinguono per modelli di raccolta con elevati livelli di raccolta differenziata e con preminenza del sistema di raccolta domiciliarizzato, mentre sul territorio del terzo gestore prevale il sistema di raccolta con contenitori stradali e con livelli di raccolta differenziata buoni, ma significativamente inferiori rispetto ai Gestori prima descritti. Nella fase iniziale sono stati individuati sul territorio dei tre Gestori uno o più Comuni con caratteristiche abbastanza simili come urbanizzazione, contesto sociale, numero di utenze domestiche e non domestiche. Nella scelta dei Comuni sono state privilegiate le realtà che hanno maturato il passaggio dal modello di raccolta a contenitori stradali a quello a raccolta porta a porta. Attuata l’identificazione delle aree da sottoporre a studio, è stato realizzato, per ognuna di queste aree, uno studio LCA dell’intero sistema di gestione dei rifiuti, dalla raccolta allo smaltimento e riciclaggio dei rifiuti urbani e assimilati. Lo studio ha posto anche minuziosa attenzione al passaggio dal sistema di raccolta a contenitori al sistema di raccolta porta a porta, evidenziando il confronto fra le due realtà, nelle fasi pre e post passaggio, in particolare sono stati realizzati tre LCA di confronto attraverso i quali è stato possibile individuare il sistema di gestione con minori impatti ambientali.


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In order to improve the animal welfare, the Council Directive 1999/74/EC (defining minimum standards for the welfare of laying hens) will ban conventional cage systems since 2012, in favour of enriched cages or floor systems. As a consequence an increased risk of bacterial contamination of eggshell is expected (EFSA, 2005). Furthermore egg-associated salmonellosis is an important public health problem throughout the world (Roberts et al., 1994). In this regard the introduction of efficient measures to reduce eggshell contamination by S. Enteritidis or other bacterial pathogens, and thus to prevent any potential or additional food safety risk for Human health, may be envisaged. The hot air pasteurization can be a viable alternative for the decontamination of the surface of the egg shell. Few studies have been performed on the decontamination power of this technique on table eggs (Hou et al, 1996; James et al., 2002). The aim of this study was to develop innovative techniques to remove surface contamination of shell eggs by hot air under natural or forced convection. Initially two simplified finite element models describing the thermal interaction between the air and egg were developed, respectively for the natural and forced convection. The numerical models were validated using an egg simulant equipped by type-K thermocouple (Chromel/Alumel). Once validated, the models allowed the selection of a thermal cycle with an inner temperature always lower than 55°C. Subsequently a specific apparatus composed by two hot air generators, one cold air generator and rolling cylinder support, was built to physically condition the eggs. The decontamination power of the thermal treatments was evaluated on shell eggs experimentally inoculated with either Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and on shell eggs containing only the indigenous microflora. The applicability of treatments was further evaluated by comparing quality traits of treated and not treated eggs immediately after the treatment and after 28 days of storage at 20°C. The results showed that the treatment characterized by two shots of hot air at 350°C for 8 sec, spaced by a cooling interval of 32 (forced convection), reduce the bacterial population of more than 90% (Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes). No statistically significant results were obtained comparing E. coli treated and not treated eggs as well as indigenous microflora treated and not treated eggs. A reduction of 2.6 log was observed on Salmonella enteritidis load of eggs immediately after the treatment in oven at 200°C for 200 minutes (natural convection). Furthermore no detrimental effects on quality traits of treated eggs were recorded. These results support the hot air techniques for the surface decontamination of table eggs as an effective industrial process.


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Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are leading pathogens of implant-related infections. This study aimed at investigating the diverse distribution of different bacterial pathogen factors in most prevalent S. aureus and S. epidermidis strain types causing orthopaedic implant infections. In this study the presence both of the ica genes, encoding for biofilm exopolysaccharide production, and the insertion sequence IS256, a mobile element frequently associated to transposons, was investigated in relationship with the prevalence of antibiotic resistance among Staphylococcus epidermidis strains. The investigation was conducted on 70 clinical isolates derived from orthopaedic implant infections. Among the clinical isolates investigated a dramatic high level of association was found between the presence of ica genes as well as of IS256 and multiple resistance to all the antibiotics tested. Noteworthy, a striking full association between the presence of IS256 and resistance to gentamicin was found, being none of the IS256-negative strain resistant to this antibiotic. This association is probably because of the link of the corresponding aminoglycoside-resistance genes, and IS256, often co-existing within the same staphylococcal transposon. Moreover we investigated the prevalence of aac(6’)-Ie-aph(2’’), aph (3’) IIIa, and ant(4’) genes, encoding for the three forms of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AME), responsible for resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics. All isolates were characterized by automated ribotyping, so that the presence of antibiotic resistance determinants was investigated in strains exhibiting different ribopatterns. Interestingly, combinations of coexisting AME genes appeared to be typical of specific ribopatterns. 200 S. aureus isolates, categorized into ribogroups by automated ribotyping, i.e. rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, were screened for the presence of a panel of adhesins genes, accessory gene regulatory (agr) polymorphisms and toxins. For many ribogroups, characteristic tandem genes arrangements could be identified. Surprisingly, the isolates of the most prevalent cluster, enlisting 27 isolates, were susceptible to almost all antibiotics and never possessed the lukD/lukE gene, thus suggesting the role of factors other than antibiotic resistance and the here investigated toxins in driving the major epidemic clone to the larger success. Afterwards, .in the predominant S. aureus cluster, the bbp gene encoding bone sialoprotein-binding protein appeared a typical virulence trait, found in 93% of the isolates. Conversely, the bbp gene was identified in just 10% of the remaining isolates of the collection. In this cluster, co-presence of bbp with the cna gene encoding collagen adhesin was a pattern consistently observed. These findings indicate a crucial role of both these adhesins, able to bind the most abundant bone proteins, in the pathogenesis of orthopaedic implant infections, there where biomaterials interface bone tissues. Moreover a PCR screening for the ebpS gene, conducted on over two hundred S. aureus clinical isolates from implant related infections revealed the detection of six strains exhibiting an altered amplicon size, shorter than expected. In order to elucidate the sequence changes present in these gene variants, the trait comprised between the primers was analyzed in all six isolates bearing the modification and in four isolates exhibiting the regular amplicon size. From nucleotide translation, the corresponding encoded protein was found to lack an entire peptide segment of 60 amino acids. These variants, missing an entire hydrophobic region, could actually facilitate current structural studies, helping to assess whether the absent domain is strictly necessary for a functional adhesin conformation and its contribution to the topology of the protein. This study suggests that epidemic clones appear to pursue different survival strategies, where adhesins, when present, exhibit diverse importance as virulence factors. A practical message arising from the present study is that strategies for the prevention and treatment of implant orthopaedic infections should target adhesins conjointly present in epidemic clones. Furthermore, the choice of reference strains for testing the anti-infective properties of biomaterials should focus on a selection of the most prevalent clones as they exhibit distinct profiles of adhesins.


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Cyclooxygenase-2/Carbonic anhydrase-IX up-regulation promotes invasive potential and hypoxia survival in colorectal cancer cells Purpose: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is a major mediator of inflammation, playing a pivotal role in colorectal carcinogenesis. Hypoxia is an universal hallmark of solid tumour in vivo. This investigation was prompted by the observation that in colorectal cancer cells the expression of COX-2 protein is positively correlated with that of the hypoxia survival gene Carbonic Anhydrase-IX (CA-IX). Experimental Design: Since COX-2 gene expression and activity is increased in hypoxia, and that CA-IX is expressed also in normoxia in colorectal cancer cells, we tested the hypothesis that COX-2 activity in normoxia, as well as in hypoxia may be functionally linked to that of CA-IX gene. We investigated the role of COX-2 and CA-IX in colorectal cancer cell lines. In this regard, we performed RNA interference to knockdown COX-2 gene in vitro and immunohistochemistry to evaluate the protein expression of COX-2 and CA-IX in human colon cancer tissue specimens ex vivo. Results: We found that COX-2, by PGE2 production, controls CA-IX gene expression in an ERK dependent manner. In line with this finding, we also showed that the COX-2 inhibition by a specific short harpin COX-2 RNA (shCOX-2) or by a specific drug (SC-236), down-regulated CA-IX expression in colon cancer cells. We then exposed colon cancer cells to hypoxia stimuli and found that COX-2/CA-IX interplay promoted hypoxia survival. Moreover, we also report that COX-2/CA-IX interplay triggers Matrix Metalloproteinase 2/9 (MMP-2/9) activation and enhances the invasiveness of colorectal cancer cells. Thus given our above observations, we found that CA-IX and COX-2 protein expressions correlate with more aggressive stage colorectal cancer tissues ex vivo. Conclusions: Taken together these data indicate that COX-2/CA-IX interplay promotes an aggressive phenotype (hypoxia survival and invasiveness) which can be modulated in vitro by COX-2 selective inhibition and which may play a role in determining the biological aggressiveness of colorectal tumours. Moreover, in vitro and ex vivo data also suggest that the signatures of inflammation (COX-2) and hypoxia (CA-IX) may be difficult to be disentangled in colon cancer, being both responsible for the up-regulation of the same pathways.