7 resultados para Spatial variability.

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN]Spatial variability of wave energy resource around the coastal waters of the Canary Archipelago is assessed by using a long-term data set derived by means of hindcasting techniques. Results revea( the existence of large differences in the energetic content available in different zones of the archipelago, mainly during spring and autumn. Areas with a higher wave power leve( are the north edge of Lanzarote, western side of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, north and northwest in La Palma and El Hierro, as well as the north coast of Tenerife. The available energy potential slightly decreases in the north side of Gran Canaria and La Gomera.


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In October 1991, the horizontal distribution of invertebrate larvae was studied in the waters surrounding the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). The cruise was typified by the presence of three recurrent mesoscale hydrographic structures: a cyclonic eddy southwest of the island, a warm lee region downstream of the island and the offshore boundary of an upwelling filament from the African coast reaching the southeast of the island. Decapod larvae were the most abundant group. In general, a rather high spatial variability was found. The horizontal distribution of the invertebrate larvae groups showed that the highest values of abundance occurred in an elongated zone around the island oriented in the overall direction of flow, leeward and windward of the island, while the lowest values occurred off the eastern and western flanks of the islands. On the other hand, Stomatopoda and Mollusca larvae showed a distribution associated with the boundary of the upwelling filament and decapod larvae of pelagic species were distributed around the eddy structure. Our results suggest specific retention mechanisms for the larvae of neritic invertebrate populations that are related to the particular physical oceanography around Gran Canaria. Se estudió la distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) en octubre de 1991. La campaña se caracterizó por la presencia de tres fenómenos oceanográficos de mesoescala recurrentes: un remolino ciclónico al suroeste de la isla, la estela cálida a sotavento de la misma y el borde de un filamento proveniente del afloramiento africano situado al sureste de Gran Canaria. Las larvas de crustáceos decápodos fueron las más abundantes. En general, las larvas de los diferentes taxa estudiados mostraron una gran variabilidad en cuanto a su distribución espacial. La distribución horizontal de las larvas de los diferentes grupos de invertebrados mostró que las densidades más altas se registraban alrededor de la isla en la banda cercana y orientada hacia el suroeste, en la dirección del flujo, mientras que los valores más bajos se encontraron en el norte y en los flancos este y oeste de la isla. Por otro lado, las larvas de estomatópodos y moluscos presentaron una distribución asociada al frente del filamento, mientras que las larvas de decápodos pelágicos se distribuyeron en torno al remolino ciclónico. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de mecanismos de retención específicos para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones insulares, relacionados con los procesos físicos de mesoescala predominantes


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En este trabajo se presentan algunos resultados obtenidos del análisis de la variabilidad de la altura de la superficie del mar a partir de las anomalías del nivel del mar proporcionadas por los datos del altímetro a bordo del satélite ERS-2. La finalidad del estudio has sido la determinación de la variación estacional que las estructuras oceanográficas mesoescalares presentan en las proximidades del archipiélago canario durante el año 1998. En esta zona, caracterizada por la generación de remolinos ciclónicos y anticiclónicos al sur de las islas debida a la perturbación que experimenta la corriente de Canarias a su paso por los canales entre las islas, y por los filamentos de agua fría procedente del afloramiento, el altímetro se muestra como una herramienta importante en la detección y posterior análisis de estas estructuras oceanográficas. Los resultados muestran que la variabilidad espacial y temporal del nivel del mar es máxima en el segundo semestre del año, y ésta se centra, fundamentalmente, en una estrecha banda situada al sudoeste del archipiélago. ABSTRACT: Some results obtained from the analysis of the sea surface height variability using sea level anomalies given by ERS-2 altimeter data are shown in this work. The aim of the study is to work out the seasonal variations of the mesoscale oceanographic features that appear in the vicinity of the Canary Archipelago during 1998 year. This area is characterized by cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies southward of the islands, which are generated by the interference suffered by the Canary Current through the canals between the islands, and also owing to cold water filaments coming from the Upwelling. The altimeter demonstrates to be an important tool in the detection and posterior analysis of these features. The results show that the temporal and spatial variability of the sea level is associated, fundamentally, to a narrow band located to the southwest of the archipelago, and which has been clearly seen with greater intensity during the periods of summer and autumn of 1998.


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[EN] Precipitation and desert dust event occurrence time series measured in the Canary Islands region are examined with the primary intention of exploring their scaling characteristics as well as their spatial variability in terms of the islands topography and geographical orientation. In particular, the desert dust intrusion regime in the islands is studied in terms of its relationship with visibility. Analysis of dust and rainfall events over the archipelago exhibits distributions in time that obey power laws. Results show that the rain process presents a high clustering and irregular pattern on short timescales and a more scattered structure for long ones. In contrast, dustiness presents a more uniform and dense structure and, consequently, a more persistent behaviour on short timescales. It was observed that the fractal dimension of rainfall events shows an important spatial variability, which increases with altitude, as well as towards northern latitudes and western longitudes.


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[EN]We have studied the short-term variability -at temporal scale of days and spatial scale of 5 km- of the hydrographic field, organic and inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll and picoplanktonic abundances, across a 40 Km section crossing a frontal system south of Gran Canaria, where anticyclonic eddies in early-stages of formation and convergent fronts have been widely reported in the past. Each cruise consisted in a 3-4 daily-repeated section, and was carried out at the same period of the year (May) during two consecutive years (2011 and 2012). The main goal of our study was to analyze the picoplankton response to short-term variability at scales not considered in regular oceanographic samplings, even in regions with complex hydrographic fields.


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[EN] The 70 km of white sandy beaches of Boa Vista island in Cape Verde harbours one of the largest rookeries of the endangered loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta. From middle June to early October, approximately 2000 to 4000 females lay up to 20000 nests annually. However, female beach selection, nesting success and nest density strongly varies among beaches and spatial patterns of nest abundance and distribution are relatively constant among seasons. The numbers of nesting activities and nests have been recorded along all beaches of the island during four nesting seasons (2007-2010)