107 resultados para Inteligencia Artificial.
[EN]This paper describes the approach for face detection and selection of frontal views, for further processing. This approach based on color detection and symmetry operator application, is integrated in an Active Vision System o ering promising results just making use of some opportunistic skills.
In this paper we will present Eldi, a mobile robot that has been in daily operation at the Elder Museum of S ien e and Te hnology at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria sin e last De ember. This is an ongoing pro je t that was organized in three di erent stages of whi h only the rst one has been a omplished. The initial phase, termed \The Player", the se ond stage, a tually under development, has been alled "The Ci erone" and in a nal phase, termed \The Vagabond", Eldi will be allowed to move errati ally a ross the Museum...
[EN]In this paper, a basic conceptual architecture aimed at the design of Computer Vision System is qualitatively described. The proposed architecture addresses the design of vision systems in a modular fashion using modules with three distinct units or components: a processing network or diagnostics unit, a control unit and a communications unit. The control of the system at the modules level is designed based on a Discrete Events Model. This basic methodology has been used to design a realtime active vision system for detection, tracking and recognition of people. It is made up of three functional modules aimed at the detection, tracking, recognition of moving individuals plus a supervision module.
[EN]This paper describes an Active Vision System whose design assumes a distinction between fast or reactive and slow or background processes. Fast processes need to operate in cycles with critical timeouts that may affect system stability. While slow processes, though necessary, do not compromise system stability if its execution is delayed. Based on this simple taxonomy, a control architecture has been proposed and a prototype implemented that is able to track people in real-time with a robotic head while trying to identify the target. In this system, the tracking module is considered as the reactive part of the system while person identification is considered a background task.
[EN]Active Vision Systems can be considered as dynamical systems which close the loop around artificial visual perception, controlling camera parameters, motion and also controlling processing to simplify, accelerate and do more robust visual perception. Research and Development in Active Vision Systems [Aloi87], [Bajc88] is a main area of interest in Computer Vision, mainly by its potential application in different scenarios where real-time performance is needed such as robot navigation, surveillance, visual inspection, among many others. Several systems have been developed during last years using robotic-heads for this purpose...
[EN]The work presented in this paper is related to Depth Recovery from Focus The approach starts calibrating focal length of the camera using the Gaussian lens law for the thin lens camera model Two approaches are presented based on the availability of the internal distance of the lens
[EN]The aim of this paper is the detection of non adults in images.
[EN]Can automatic vision systems for pedestrian detection be improved by training them on perceptually-defined ROIs?
[EN]In face recognition, where high-dimensional representation spaces are generally used, it is very important to take advantage of all the available information. In particular, many labelled facial images will be accumulated while the recognition system is functioning, and due to practical reasons some of them are often discarded. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for using this information. The algorithm has the fundamental characteristic of being incremental. On the other hand, the algorithm makes use of a combination of classification results for the images in the input sequence. Experiments with sequences obtained with a real person detection and tracking system allow us to analyze the performance of the algorithm, as well as its potential improvements.
[EN]Enabling natural human-robot interaction using computer vision based applications requires fast and accurate hand detection. However, previous works in this field assume different constraints, like a limitation in the number of detected gestures, because hands are highly complex objects difficult to locate. This paper presents an approach which integrates temporal coherence cues and hand detection based on wrists using a cascade classifier. With this approach, we introduce three main contributions: (1) a transparent initialization mechanism without user participation for segmenting hands independently of their gesture, (2) a larger number of detected gestures as well as a faster training phase than previous cascade classifier based methods and (3) near real-time performance for hand pose detection in video streams.
[EN]Most face recognition systems are based on some form of batch learning. Online face recognition is not only more practical, it is also much more biologically plausible. Typical batch learners aim at minimizing both training error and (a measure of) hypothesis complexity. We show that the same minimization can be done incrementally as long as some form of ”scaffolding” is applied throughout the learning process. Scaffolding means: make the system learn from samples that are neither too easy nor too difficult at each step. We note that such learning behavior is also biologically plausible. Experiments using large sequences of facial images support the theoretical claims. The proposed method compares well with other, numerical calculus-based online learners.
[EN]The classification speed of state-of-the-art classifiers such as SVM is an important aspect to be considered for emerging applications and domains such as data mining and human-computer interaction. Usually, a test-time speed increase in SVMs is achieved by somehow reducing the number of support vectors, which allows a faster evaluation of the decision function. In this paper a novel approach is described for fast classification in a PCA+SVM scenario. In the proposed approach, classification of an unseen sample is performed incrementally in increasingly larger feature spaces. As soon as the classification confidence is above a threshold the process stops and the class label is retrieved...
[EN]In this paper an architecture for an estimator of short-term wind farm power is proposed. The estimator is made up of a Linear Machine classifier and a set of k Multilayer Perceptrons, training each one for a specific subspace of the input space. The splitting of the input dataset into the k clusters is done using a k-means technique, obtaining the equivalent Linear Machine classifier from the cluster centroids...
Programa de doctorado: Tecnología de la Información y sus aplicaciones. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura