107 resultados para Inteligencia Artificial.
[EN]The re-identification problem has been commonly accomplished using appearance features based on salient points and color information. In this paper, we focus on the possibilities that simple geometric features obtained from depth images captured with RGB-D cameras may offer for the task, particularly working under severe illumination conditions. The results achieved for different sets of simple geometric features extracted in a top-view setup seem to provide useful descriptors for the re-identification task, which can be integrated in an ambient intelligent environment as part of a sensor network.
[EN]Detecting people is a key capability for robots that operate in populated environments. In this paper, we have adopted a hierarchical approach that combines classifiers created using supervised learning in order to identify whether a person is in the view-scope of the robot or not. Our approach makes use of vision, depth and thermal sensors mounted on top of a mobile platform.
[EN]The human face provides useful information during interaction; therefore, any system integrating Vision- BasedHuman Computer Interaction requires fast and reliable face and facial feature detection. Different approaches have focused on this ability but only open source implementations have been extensively used by researchers. A good example is the Viola–Jones object detection framework that particularly in the context of facial processing has been frequently used.
[EN]This paper describes a wildfi re forecasting application based on a 3D virtual environment and a fi re simulation engine. A novel open source framework is presented for the development of 3D graphics applications over large geographic areas, off ering high performance 3D visualization and powerful interaction tools for the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) community. The application includes a remote module that allows simultaneous connection of several users for monitoring a real wildfi re event.
[EN]Gender recognition has achieved impressive results based on the face appearance in controlled datasets. Its application in the wild and large datasets is still a challenging task for researchers. In this paper, we make use of classical techniques to analyze their performance in controlled and uncontrolled condition respectively with the LFW and MORPH datasets. For both sets the benchmarking protocol follows the 5-fold cross-validation proposed by the BEFIT challenge.
[EN]The use of new technologies in order to step up the inter- action between humans and machines is the main proof that faces are important in videos. Therefore we suggest a novel Face Video Database for development, testing and veri cation of algorithms related to face- based applications and to facial recognition applications. In addition of facial expression videos, the database includes body videos. The videos are taken by three di erent cameras, working in real time, without vary- ing illumination conditions.
[EN]This paper presents a study on the facial feature detection performance achieved using the Viola-Jones framework. A set of classi- ers using two di erent focuses to gather the training samples is created and tested on four di erent datasets covering a wide range of possibili- ties. The results achieved should serve researchers to choose the classi er that better ts their demands.
[EN]An accurate estimation of the number of people entering / leaving a controlled area is an interesting capability for automatic surveil- lance systems. Potential applications where this technology can be ap- plied include those related to security, safety, energy saving or fraud control. In this paper we present a novel con guration of a multi-sensor system combining both visual and range data specially suited for trou- blesome scenarios such as public transportation. The approach applies probabilistic estimation lters on raw sensor data to create intermediate level hypothesis that are later fused using a certainty-based integration stage. Promising results have been obtained in several tests performed on a realistic test bed scenario under variable lightning conditions.
[EN]OpenCV includes di erent object detectors based on the Viola-Jones framework. Most of them are specialized to deal with the frontal face pattern and its inner elements: eyes, nose, and mouth. In this paper, we focus on the ear pattern detection, particularly when a head pro le or almost pro le view is present in the image. We aim at creating real-time ear detectors based on the general object detection framework provided with OpenCV. After training classi ers to detect left ears, right ears, and ears in general, the performance achieved is valid to be used to feed not only a head pose estimation system but also other applications such as those based on ear biometrics.
[EN]Spoofing identities using photographs is one of the most common techniques to attack 2-D face recognition systems. There seems to exist no comparative stud- ies of di erent techniques using the same protocols and data. The motivation behind this competition is to com- pare the performance of di erent state-of-the-art algo- rithms on the same database using a unique evaluation method. Six di erent teams from universities around the world have participated in the contest.
[EN] This paper analyzes the detection and localization performance of the participating face and eye algorithms compared with the Viola Jones detector and four leading commercial face detectors. Performance is characterized under the different conditions and parameterized by per-image brightness and contrast. In localization accuracy for eyes, the groups/companies focusing on long-range face detection outperform leading commercial applications.
[EN]Low cost real-time depth cameras offer new sensors for a wide field of applications apart from the gaming world. Other active research scenarios as for example surveillance, can take ad- vantage of the capabilities offered by this kind of sensors that integrate depth and visual information. In this paper, we present a system that operates in a novel application context for these devices, in troublesome scenarios where illumination conditions can suffer sudden changes. We focus on the people counting problem with re-identification and trajectory analysis.
[EN]In this paper, we address the challenge of gender classi - cation using large databases of images with two goals. The rst objective is to evaluate whether the error rate decreases compared to smaller databases. The second goal is to determine if the classi er that provides the best classi cation rate for one database, improves the classi cation results for other databases, that is, the cross-database performance.
[EN]In this paper, we experimentally study the combination of face and facial feature detectors to improve face detection performance. The face detection problem, as suggeted by recent face detection challenges, is still not solved. Face detectors traditionally fail in large-scale problems and/or when the face is occluded or di erent head rotations are present. The combination of face and facial feature detectors is evaluated with a public database. The obtained results evidence an improvement in the positive detection rate while reducing the false detection rate. Additionally, we prove that the integration of facial feature detectors provides useful information for pose estimation and face alignment.
[EN]In this paper, we focus on gender recognition in challenging large scale scenarios. Firstly, we review the literature results achieved for the problem in large datasets, and select the currently hardest dataset: The Images of Groups. Secondly, we study the extraction of features from the face and its local context to improve the recognition accuracy. Diff erent descriptors, resolutions and classfii ers are studied, overcoming previous literature results, reaching an accuracy of 89.8%.