3 resultados para Lateral Amygdala

em Universidade Federal do Pará


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In the present investigation we mapped the primary visual area of the South American diurnal rodent, Dasyprocta aguti, by standardized electrophysiological mapping techniques. In particular, we performed a series of mapping experiments of the visual streak in the primary visual cortex. We found that the representation of the visual streak in V1 is greatly expanded, the nasal 10 degrees of the visual streak representation occupies ten times more cortical area than equivalent areas in the central or temporal representation. Comparison of these data with those on the density of ganglion cells in the retina at corresponding locations in the visual field reveal a significant mismatch between these two variables. The nasal representation is greatly expanded along the horizontal meridian in V1 as compared to the central and temporal regions whereas the density of ganglion cells decreases with progression along the visual streak from central region towards the nasal or temporal visual field. A review of the available data reveals that all lateral-eyed mammals exhibit a similar mismatch between the retinal and cortical representation of the visual field, and this mismatches is greater in those species with well defined visual streaks such as rabbit and agouti.


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A agenesia dental é a anomalia de número mais freqüente na dentição permanente e o incisivo lateral superior permanente (ILSP) é um dos dentes mais acometidos por essa condição. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da agenesia de ILSP sobre a morfologia dentofacial. A amostra consistiu de 100 telerradiografias da cabeça, em norma lateral, de indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, na fase de dentição permanente, com idades variando de 11 a 25 anos (média de 14.3), que foram divididos em dois grupos pareados individualmente segundo o gênero e a idade: um grupo de 50 casos de agenesia uni ou bilateral de ILSP e outro grupo sem agenesia dental, o grupo controle. As telerradiografias laterais foram traçadas e as medidas angulares e lineares foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, através do teste “t” de Student. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os dois grupos não diferiram significantemente quanto à direção de crescimento facial. A maxila e a mandíbula mostraramse na mesma disposição sagital, quando avaliadas isoladamente em relação à base craniana, e com comprimentos semelhantes nos dois grupos. Entretanto, a convexidade facial mostrou-se significantemente reduzida no grupo com agenesia, medida através do ângulo NAP (P=0.008), bem como a relação maxilo-mandibular entre si, medida pelo ângulo ANB (P=0.017). As alterações mais significantes foram observadas nos incisivos superiores e inferiores, que apresentaram redução significante na inclinação axial e protrusão (P<0.05), com conseqüente aumento do ângulo nasolabial, no grupo com agenesia. Esses resultados permitem concluir que a agenesia de ILSP está associada a alterações na morfologia dentofacial.


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The aim of this work was to isolate and investigate subcortical and cortical lateral interactions involved in flicker perception. We quantified the perceived flicker strength (PFS) in the center of a test stimulus which was simultaneously modulated with a surround stimulus (50% Michelson contrast in both stimuli). Subjects were requested to adjust the modulation depth of a separate matching stimulus that was physically identical to the center of the test stimulus but without the surround. Using LCD goggles, synchronized to the frame rate of a CRT screen, the center and surround could be presented monoptically or dichoptically. In the monoptic condition, center-surround interactions can have both subcortical and cortical origins. In the dichoptic condition, center-surround interactions cannot occur in the retina and the LGN, therefore isolating a cortical mechanism. Results revealed both a strong monoptic (subcortical plus cortical) lateral interaction and a weaker dichoptic (cortical) lateral interaction. Subtraction of the dichoptic from the monoptic data revealed a subcortical mechanism of the lateral interaction. While the modulation of the cortical PFS component showed a low-pass temporal-frequency tuning, the modulation of the subcortical PFS component was maximal at 6 Hz. These findings are consistent with two separate temporal channels influencing the monoptic PFS, each with distinct lateral interactions strength and frequency tuning characteristics. We conclude that both subcortical and cortical lateral interactions modulate flicker perception.