62 resultados para Industrialization


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The development of the agricultural area in central and northern Argentina was analysed in a recent ECLAC study. More than 80% by volume of the country's agricultural exports pass through the ports in this area. Exports by the agroindustrial complex account for 58% of the total value of Argentine sales.It is known that investments in infrastructure generally help to reduce the costs of enterprises and to enhance productivity. The main idea presented in this study is that investments in transport infrastructure are a necessary condition for the productive development of a region, especially in relation to external trade through ports and navigable waterways.In the case of Argentina, a positive relationship has been observed between the development of port and waterway services (with reduced costs and operating times, improved reliability and new services), and expansion of the agricultural border, growth of productivity and agricultural production, and its industrialization.


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This paper analyzes Joan Robinson's growth model and then adapts it in order to provide an explanatory taxonomy of Growth Eras. The Growth Eras or Ages were for Robinson a way to provide logical connections between output growth, capital accumulation, the degree of thriftiness, the real wage and illustrate a catalogue of growth possibilities. This modified taxonomy follows the spirit of Robinson's work, but it takes different theoretical approaches. which imply that some of the classifications do not fit perfectly the ones here suggested. Latin America has moved from a Golden Age in the 1950s and 1960s to a Leaden Age in the 1980s, having two traverse periods, one of which the process of growth and industrialization accelerated in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which is referred to as a Galloping Platinum Age, an one in which a process of deindustrialization and reprimarization and maquilization of the productive structure took place, starting in the 1990s, which could be referred as the Creeping Platinum Age.


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The Latin American economy during 1984: a preliminary overview / Enrique V. Iglesias / The transnational corporations and Latin America’s international trade / Eugenio Lahera. -- The subsidiary role of direct foreign investment in industrialization: the Colombian manufacturing sector / Michael Mortimore. -- Stabilization and adjustment policies in the southern cone, 1974-1983 / Joseph Ramos. -- Rural development and urban food programming / Manuel Figueroa L. -- Dependent societies and crisis in Latin America: the challenges of social and political transformation / Germán W. Rama and Enzo Faletto. -- Culture, discourse (self-expression) and social development in the Caribbean / Jean Casimir. -- Legal aspects of the Latin American public debt: relations with the commercial banks / Gonzalo Biggs.


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Over the past two years the global economy has experienced substantial economic turmoil, resulting in severe economic contraction. While there has been a recent return to growth, this situation has impacted all economic sectors worldwide. In the highly tourism-dependent region of the Caribbean, the impact of the global economic crisis has been most notable on the tourism sector, which, from the early 1990s, became the key driver of economic growth for the region. The eventual emergence of this sector reflects an economic development history which was previously underpinned by the export of agricultural commodities, and subsequently by the adoption of the import substitution industrialization model as promulgated by Arthur Lewis. This was further stimulated by spectacular economic contraction in Caribbean economies during the 1980s as a result of changes in the global terms of trade for commodities, generally low levels of competitiveness for manufactured goods, as well as weak institutional and governance frameworks. Ultimately, many economies began to reflect fiscal and balance of payments constraints. By the end of the 1990s, too, evidence of declining competitiveness even in the tourism sector began to become apparent particularly when evaluated under the framework of the Butler Tourism Area Life- Cycle (TALC) model. The recent economic crisis, therefore, provides an opportunity to reflect on the overall approach to economic development in the Caribbean, and to assess the implications of the region’s response to the crisis. This analysis makes the case for the future development of the sector to be based on two broad strategies. The first is to deepen the integration of the tourism sector into the broader economy through the diversification of the regional tourism product, as well as the enhancement of linkages with other sectors, while the second is to expand the tourism sector into a total service economy through the introduction of new services. Considering linkages, the development of clusters and value chains to support the tourism sector is identified with respect to agriculture and food, handicraft, and furnishings. Among the new services identified are education, wellness, yachting and boating, financial services, and information and communications technologies (ICT). This overall strategy is deemed to be better suited to the macroeconomic realities of the Caribbean, where high labour costs and other structural rigidities require a high-valued specialty tourism product in order to sustain the sector’s global competitiveness.


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En el actual contexto de globalización económica, el tema de la inserción internacional de la región cobra una renovada importancia. La presente publicación, la segunda de la colección “Páginas Selectas de la CEPAL”, contiene extractos de documentos publicados desde 2010 y que abordan diversos aspectos de dicha temática. Entre éstos se destacan la participación regional en las cadenas mundiales y regionales de valor, la irrupción de China como un socio comercial crecientemente influyente, los logros y desafíos pendientes del proceso de integración regional en su vertiente económica y comercial, y las posibles implicancias para América Latina y el Caribe de las negociaciones comerciales megarregionales actualmente en curso. Como trasfondo de todos los textos seleccionados se encuentra el vínculo entre la participación regional en el comercio internacional y el logro de un crecimiento inclusivo. Este último se entiende como un crecimiento capaz de contribuir a la reducción de la heterogeneidad estructural mediante un aumento del empleo, la productividad y el ingreso, mejorando el bienestar de la mayoría y reduciendo la desigualdad


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Edición realizada con motivo del proyecto "Raúl Prebisch y los desafíos del Desarrollo del siglo XXI"


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La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, aprobada en septiembre de 2015 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, establece una visión transformadora hacia la sostenibilidad económica, social y ambiental de los 193 Estados Miembros que la suscribieron y será la guía de referencia para el trabajo de la institución en pos de esta visión durante los próximos 15 años. Esta nueva hoja de ruta presenta una oportunidad histórica para América Latina y el Caribe, ya que incluye temas altamente prioritarios para la región, como la reducción de la desigualdad en todas sus dimensiones, un crecimiento económico inclusivo con trabajo decente para todos, ciudades sostenibles y cambio climático, entre otros. El conocimiento de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) asociados a esta Agenda ayuda a evaluar el punto de partida de los países de la región y a analizar y formular los medios para alcanzar esta nueva visión del desarrollo sostenible, que se expresó de manera colectiva y quedó plasmada en la Agenda 2030. Los ODS también son una herramienta de planificación para los países, tanto a nivel nacional como local. Gracias a su visión a largo plazo, constituirán un apoyo para cada país en su senda hacia un desarrollo sostenido, inclusivo y en armonía con el medio ambiente, a través de políticas públicas e instrumentos de presupuesto, monitoreo y evaluación. La Agenda 2030 es una agenda civilizatoria, que pone la dignidad y la igualdad de las personas en el centro. Al ser ambiciosa y visionaria, requiere de la participación de todos los sectores de la sociedad y del Estado para su implementación. Por lo tanto, se invita a los representantes de los Gobiernos, la sociedad civil, el ámbito académico y el sector privado a apropiarse de esta ambiciosa agenda, a debatirla y a utilizarla como una herramienta para la creación de sociedades inclusivas y justas, al servicio de las personas de hoy y de futuras generaciones.


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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the 193 Member States of the United Nations at the General Assembly in September 2015, outlines a transformative vision for economic, social and environmental development and will guide the work of the Organization towards this vision for the next 15 years. This new road map presents a historic opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean, since it addresses some of the region’s most urgent priorities, such as reducing inequality in all its dimensions, promoting inclusive economic growth with decent work for all, creating sustainable cities and addressing climate change. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) associated with the Agenda help the region’s countries to gauge the starting point from which they set out towards this new, collective vision of sustainable development set forth in the 2030 Agenda and to analyse and craft the means of its implementation. The SDGs also represent a planning tool for the countries at the national and local levels. With their long-term approach, they offer support for each country on its path towards sustained, inclusive and environmentally friendly development, through the formulation of public policies and budget, monitoring and evaluation instruments. The 2030 Agenda is a civilizing agenda that places dignity and equality at the centre. At once far-sighted and ambitious, its implementation will require the engagement of all sectors of society and of the State. Accordingly, the representatives of governments, civil society, academic institutions and the private sector are invited to take ownership of this ambitious agenda, to discuss and embrace it as a tool for the creation of inclusive, fair societies that serve the citizens of today as well as future generations.