13 resultados para mercado de deuda pública
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Este trabalho faz parte da pesquisa nacional interinstitucional, intitulada “Análise das conseqüências de parcerias firmadas entre municípios brasileiros e a Fundação Ayrton Senna para a oferta educacional”, financiada pelo CNPq. Esse estudo analisa o Programa Gestão Nota 10, implementado nos municípios de Cárceres, Teresina, Altamira, São José dos Pinhais, Sapiranga, São José do Rio Preto e as possíveis alterações do Plano de Carreira Docente. Para isso serão analisados trabalhos escritos sobre o referente tema, além de documentos oferecidos pelos órgãos públicos dos municípios analisados. O marco teórico para essa pesquisa é a crise do capital que entre suas estratégias de superação o Neoliberalismo e a Reforma do Estado, há qual propõem a descentralização de serviços, que antes eram do Estado, incluindo a sociedade civil organizada e o chamado “Terceiro Setor”. Outra imposição dessa reforma foi à introdução do quase-mercado na gestão pública. Esse tipo de gestão oferece diretrizes padrão, nas quais há o desenvolvimento de metas para alcance de índices elevados, assim os municípios, caso cumpram com essas diretrizes, são gratificados e recebem algum tipo de premiação, desenvolvendo a competitividade entre os educadores. Este trabalho apresenta o convênio de sistemas de ensino público com o Instituto Ayrton Senna, como uma forma de materialização dessas políticas, e as implicações para as alterações no Plano de Carreira Docente.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Discussing skill issues is dealing with what is most recent and usual in the field of education. Skill teaching has already entered the classroom, influenced teachers's vocabulary and has been a fixture in the educational projects and curriculum proposals. But in what aspect is pedagogy focused on skills different from other pedagogical theories to become so fundamental to schooling? Why do governments increasingly adopt skill teaching as a strategy and as goals of state education? Somehow we will treat these questions by looking at the concrete fundamentals of Skill Pedagogy Skill, its philosophical, political and economic bases to enable its incorporation into contemporary school practice.
Using data collected in nine countries - Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Poland, Russian Federation, Finland, Germany and the USA - through the World Values Survey, the article analyses the validity of four variables with a supposed potential to evaluate the legitimacy level of the private sector vis-à-vis the public sector. This analysis in undertaken in the context of the discussions on the future of market reforms that were implemented in several countries in the past 20 years. The investigation adopted a two level strategy: first, the aggregated frequencies for the nine countries were analyzed, followed by a bivariate analysis aimed at verifying the internal consistency of the variables. The article concludes that the four variables under consideration do not compose a valid dimension capable of assessing the legitimacy of the public sector versus the private sector.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
This paper analyses how innovations and educational reforms affect curricular construction at public schools. It aims at reflecting if the Curricular Proposal for the state of São Paulo preserves the autonomy and identity of schools, if it respects their pedagogical political project, without attempting to homogenize them; how it changes every‐day school life, teacher’s practices, interpersonal relationships and power relations. We depart from the presupposition that this proposal adopts principles of the educational reforms started in the middle of the 90s, such as: adoption of national guidelines; introduction of market mechanisms, generating the fragility of teachers’ representation and their de‐ professionalization; relativity of the State’s role; stimuli to partnerships between public and private institutions in the fields of administration, allocation of financial resources for teaching and implementation of external evaluating systems. At the same time, official discourse highlights decentralization, democratic administration, community participation. Some of these principles are recurrent in curriculum reforms: emphasis on the knowledge society, pedagogy of competencies and of learning to learn. In this way, we understand that the proposal aims at homogenizing school knowledge and curriculum practices, representing the notion of curriculum as product. We consider that the novelty and relevance of implemented measures demand further research, and that will be implemented by the author in 2010.
Principalmente a partir do final da década de 1990, com as crises internacionais que afetaram especialmente os países em desenvolvimento, passou-se a designar maior importância a temas como dívida pública, sua gestão e o desenvolvimento do mercado de títulos públicos. Nos últimos dezesseis anos da economia brasileira observamos diferentes momentos da situação do endividamento público. O crescimento da relação dívida pública/PIB e a piora da sua composição (em relação aos indexadores) são características do período de governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), enquanto o decréscimo da dívida pública em relação ao PIB, assim como a melhora de seu perfil, foram características presentes durante o governo de Luis Inácio “Lula” da Silva (2003-2010). É importante destacar que o cenário da economia mundial, em cada um dos períodos citados, influenciou diretamente na execução da política econômica, e, portanto, na gestão da dívida pública
Proteins of animal origin are among the most consumed foods in the world, this scenario highlights the pig production, providing much of the daily protein intake worldwide. Brazil has significant numbers in the production and export of pork to stand among the first in the world marker. Several diseases such as brucellosis, can configure a threat to this sector. Brucellosis in pigs is an important disease and zoonosis once it is the cause of great economic losses by making the species vulnerable to sanitary barriers as well as putting at risk the health of attendants of farms, slaughterhouses employees and consumers. Pigs slaughtered in slaughterhouses approved by competent organs guarentee the safety of employees, in the flowchart of slaughter, and consumers, but illegal slaughterhouses pose risk to public health
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Introduction: The evaluation of the perception of graduates is an essential strategy to support the political project educational in universities. Objective: This study aimed to verify the perception of dentists which are working in the labor market, about the difficulties of professional insertion after the graduation, positives and negatives aspects and suggestions regarding the training received. Methodology: This is a qualitative survey conducted with graduates of the years 2000 to 2010, of dentistry course from a Brazilian Public University. A self-administered questionnaire was sent by mail/email to all graduates in the period. The data were transcribed and subjected to content analysis, divided into pre-analysis, characterized by carefully reading floating, material exploration, guidelines for finding the analysis itself. Result: The categories related to the difficulties in early life were: getting a job/workplace, adequate working conditions and low pay, insecurity and confrontation obtained the academic and lack of administrative experience. The perceived positive aspects for the training were: good infrastructure and reputation of the university, integrating teaching-research, teacher-student relationship. The negative aspects comprised the following categories: administrative preparation, lack of integration between content theoretical/ practical, concepts used in the labor market. The suggestions presented are consistent with the difficulties to the beginning of professional life and the negative aspects. Conclusion: The professionals have faced the saturation of the labor market and different reality from those found in academic life. Despite the positive aspects, graduates suggest changes in the course conducted.