302 resultados para histopathological alterations

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The effect of oestradiol on the intact and castrated adult gerbil prostate was evaluated by focussing on stromal and epithelial disorders, and hormonal receptor immunoreactivity. The experimental animals were studied by histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, morphometric-stereological analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Epithelial alterations in the oestradiol-treated animals were frequent, with an increase in epithelial cell height, areas of intense dysplasia and hyperplasia and formation of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Another aspect that did not depend on the presence of testosterone was the arrangement of the fibrillar and non-fibrillar elements of the extracellular matrix among smooth muscle cells (SMC), suggesting a possible role of these cells in rearrangement and synthesis of these components, after oestrogenic treatment. In the castrated animals, an accumulation of extracellular matrix elements under the epithelium was evident, while in the intact animals the same compounds were dispersed and scarce. In the groups of intact and castrated animals, SMC and fibroblasts exhibited a secretory phenotype, which was accentuated after oestradiol administration. There was an increase of the immunoreactivity to alpha-oestrogen and androgen receptors in hyperplastic areas compared to normal epithelium, revealing the involvement of these steroid receptors in the hyperplasia and PIN development.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cinco jumentos, adultos foram infectados experimentalmente com cepa brasileira de Trypanosoma evansi, isolada de um cão naturalmente infectado, com o intuito de observar as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas e histopatológicas durante a evolução da enfermidade. O curso da infecção experimental foi de 145 dias. Análise hematológica dos jumentos infectados revelou declínio nos valores de hemoglobina, hematócrito e contagem total de eritrócitos. Notou-se anemia após sucessivos picos de parasitemia. Análise bioquímica indicou aumento dos níveis de índice ictérico, globulinas séricas e diminuição dos valores séricos de albumina e glicose. Todos os jumentos infectados apresentaram aumento do baço e de sua polpa branca, aumento de linfonodos mediastínicos e congestão pulmonar. Meningoencefalite foi o principal achado histopatológico. em algumas áreas do pedículo cerebelar foram observadas desmielinização, além de vacuolização do neurópilo. O estudo mostrou que jumentos infectados com a cepa brasileira do T. evansi desenvolveram doença crônica.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever eventuais alterações histopatológicas no sistema reprodutor (testículo e epidídimo) de cães machos experimentalmente infectados com Toxoplasma gondii. Para tal, 10 animais sorologicamente negativos para T. gondii foram selecionados e distribuídos em três grupos experimentais: GI - três cães inoculados com 2,0 x 10(5) oocistos da cepa P, GII - três cães infectados com 1,0 x 10(6) taquizoítos da cepa RH e GIII - quatro cães mantidos como controle. Pesquisa de anticorpos (IFI) contra T. gondii foi realizada. A infecção por T. gondii confirmou-se pela soroconversão de todos os machos infectados a partir do 7° e do 14° dia pós-inoculação (DPI) para cães que receberam taquizoítos e oocistos respectivamente. Decorridos 70DPI, realizou-se, em todos os cães, orquiectomia, e amostras (testículo e epidídimo) foram coletadas e processadas histologicamente para leitura em microscópio óptico. As seguintes alterações foram diagnosticadas: infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear leve e moderado em epidídimo, edema celular moderado, degeneração hidrópica e fibrose intersticial moderada em túbulos seminíferos. Os resultados histopatológicos do presente trabalho, aliados ao isolamento do T. gondii em fragmentos de testículo e epidídimo pela imunoistoquímica, juntamente com os resultados encontrados na literatura por outros autores em diferentes tecidos, permitem inferir que as alterações encontradas nos cães infectados com o respectivo protozoário são sugestivas de infecção toxoplásmica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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PURPOSE: To investigate and compare the biocompatibility of two types of Ferrara intracorneal ring segment: with and without chondroitin sulfate coating by clinical and histopathological evaluation. METHODS: A randomized experimental study was carried out on thirty right-eye corneas from 30 Norfolk albino rabbits allocated into two experimental groups: Group G1 - implanted with Ferrara intracorneal ring segment without coating (FICRS) and Group G2 - implanted with Ferrara intracorneal ring segment with chondroitin sulfate coating (FICRS-CS). Left eyes formed the control group. Clinical parameters analyzed were: presence of edema, vascularization, infection and ring extrusion one, 30, and 60 days after surgery. Histopathological parameters analyzed were: number of corneal epithelial layers over and adjacent to the ring, presence of spongiosis, hydropic degeneration, basement membrane thinning, inflammatory cells, neovascularization and pseudocapsule formation. RESULTS: At clinical examination 60 days after implant, edema, vascularization and extrusion were observed respectively in 20%, 26.7%, 6.7% of FICRS corneas and in 6.7%, 6.7%, and 0% of FICRS-CS corneas. Histopathological evaluation showed epithelial-layer reduction from 5 (5;6) to 3 (3;3) with FICRS and from 5 (5;5) to 4 (3;5) with FICRS-CS in the region over the ring. Epithelial spongiosis, hydropic degeneration, and basement membrane thinning were present in 69.2%, 53.8%, and 69.2% of FICRS and in 73.3%, 73.3%, and 46.7% with FICRS-CS, respectively. Vascularization was present in 38.5% of FICRS and 13.3% with FICRS-CS, inflammatory cells in 75% of FICRS and 33.3% with FICRS-CS, and pseudocapsule in 66.7% of FICRS and 93.3% with FICRS-CS. Giant cells occurred only in the FICRS-CS group (20%). CONCLUSION: Ferrara intracorneal rings coated with chondroitin sulfate (FICRS-CS) caused lower frequency of clinical and histopathological alterations than Ferrara intracorneal rings without the coating (FICRS), demonstrating higher biocompatibility of the FICRS-CS.


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Objectives: To determine the effects of ultrasound therapy on the femur and tibia growth in young rats. Method: Four-week-old male Ratus Norvegicus totaling 115 animals, divided into four groups, were submitted to ultrasound therapy (0.8 MHz, fixed tube head, continuous pulse, for 10 minutes, once a day, ten times) on the medial face of the right knee, with powers of 0.0 W/cm2 (group 31), 0.5 W/cm2 (group G2), 1.0 W/cm2 (group G3), and 1.5 W/cm2 (group G4). Histological slides of the epiphysis, growth plate and metaphysis and the femoral and tibial length measurements were studied in the sixth, thirteenth and twenty-sixth weeks of life. The data were submitted to factorial analysis of variance according to a one-way layout. Results: No statistically significant bone growth alteration was established between any of the three treated groups and the control group. However, alterations in femoral and tibial growth suggesting a decrease in G4 in relation to 02 and G3 were noted. In G4, histopathological alterations, such as cellular necrosis and post-necrosis bone neoformation were found. Conclusion: According to this study, no statistical evidence of bone growth stimulus or inhibition resulting from the application of ultrasound therapy was found when comparing the treated groups with the control group. Histological alterations regarded as pathological were only observed in G4. Also, smaller significant bone growth was found in G4 compared to G2 and G3. Level of Evidence: Level II, cross-sectional study.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Single high doses of estrogen (35 mg/kg body weight) were administered to young rats aiming to exacerbate its effects on germ cell populations. The short-term (1 week) and medium-term (7 weeks) consequences of this estrogenic treatment (ET) on the testis were evaluated using light and electron microscopies, quantitative methods and TUNEL reaction. Short-term ET led to 50% atrophy of the testis, however, in the medium term the gonado-somatic index was recovered. No histopathological alterations were found at seminiferous epithelium except for short-term severe degeneration of elongated spermatids (EL) and low frequency of these cells in both time intervals. Two morphologically distinct patterns of degeneration were observed: (1) clusters of EL which were TUNEL-negative and exhibited bizarre appearance and nuclear fragmentation, (2) isolated apoptotic EL within the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells (SC). Both degenerative phenomena were more frequent in stages III - VIII of seminiferous cycle, whereas at stages I and II only coiling of flagellum was observed. One week after ET, small amounts of EL were detected in stages IX - XII, suggesting spermiation failure. Signs of functional SC damage such as an accumulation of myelin-like inclusions in their cytoplasm were observed in the short but not medium-term. However, the apoptotic rates still remained five times higher and the number of elongated spermatids was three-fold lower. Our data indicate that exposure to a high dose of estrogen around puberty has stage-specific effects on the testis and causes massive degeneration of elongated spermatids. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O fígado desempenha uma função central no metabolismo devido à sua interposição entre o trato digestivo e a circulação geral do organismo. Ele é também o principal órgão envolvido na biotransformação de substâncias exógenas (xenobióticos), com capacidade de converter compostos hidrofóbicos em hidrossolúveis, mais facilmente eliminados pelo organismo. O gossipol é uma substância fenólica tóxica presente na semente de algodão (Gossypium sp). Com o objetivo de estudar os mecanismos envolvidos na hepatotoxicidade do gossipol avaliou-se os seus efeitos no sistema antioxidante do fígado de ratos no que diz respeito ao estresse oxidativo e aspectos histopatológicos. Foram utilizados ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, separados em dois grupos, sendo que um recebeu óleo de canola (veículo, grupo Controle) e o outro recebeu gossipol na dosagem de 40 mg/kg de peso vivo do animal por 15 dias (grupo Tratado). O tratamento com gossipol promoveu alterações na atividade sérica das enzimas marcadoras de dano hepático e um significativo estresse oxidativo caracterizado pela diminuição nos níveis da glutationa reduzida (GSH) e consequente aumento da glutationa oxidada (GSSG), incluindo, ainda, danos à membrana plasmática e de organelas demonstrados pela peroxidação lipídica. O resultado da avaliação histopatológica demonstrou degeneração dos hepatócitos.


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The antiulcerogenic activity of trans-dehydrocrotonin (DHC), a nor-clerodane diterpene isolated from Croton cajucara Benth. ( Euphorbiaceae), and its subacute ( 35 days) toxicity were studied in mice and rats, respectively. For the antiulcerogenic tests, models of gastric ulcers induced in mice by ethanol/HCl or stress were used. In both models, an oral dose of DHC ( 100 mg/kg) significantly reduced (P< 0.01) the formation of gastric lesions. DHC was also tested for its ability to scavenge free radicals, but no such action was observed in rat liver mitochondria. To assess the subacute toxicity, rats were treated orally with DHC (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) for 5 weeks. A significant increase in liver weight was observed in male and female rats at highest doses, whereas a significant reduction in plasma alkaline phosphatase and cholesterol levels and an increase in gamma glutamyl transpeptidase were observed only at the highest dose ( 100 mg/kg) in female rats. DHC caused histopathological alterations in the liver that included a turbid tumefaction, microvacuolar degeneration and nuclear alterations. Despite the beneficial antiulcerogenic activity of DHC, our results suggest that the long-term use of this compound may induce liver damage.


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The experiment was conducted to evaluate pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) protein in broiler chicks (up to 28 days of age) feeding, as compared to soybean (Glycine mar) protein, In the experiment the effects of temperature and autoclaving on antinutritional factors on pigeon pea meal were studied. Temperatures of 100, 110 e 120 degrees C and times of autoclaving of 10, 20 and 30 minutes were applied using a two-way factorial design, replicated in four times. Underheating and overheating during the process of inactivation of proteases inhibiting were evaluated by ureatic activity and protein solubility analysis, after the grains were dried and ground. After 28 days, the best time of autoclaving was 20 minutes (p<,05) irrespectively of temperature, which lead to a lower feed consuption. There were no histopathological alterations in kidney, liver, pancreas, heart and intestines of the broilers.


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Risk assessments suggest that intermediate and long-term exposure to triazine herbicides and its metabolites through water can cause severe damage to human health. The objective of this study was to investigate the possible effects of atrazine on Wistar rats submitted to subacute treatment. For this purpose, the activity of catalase and alanine aminotransferase was quantified, and the effect of the herbicide on cell membranes was examined based on the measurement of lipid peroxidation and consequent formation of malondialdehyde and on the mRNA expression of antioxidant enzymes (Mn-superoxide dismutase [SOD] and GSTM1) and connexins. In addition, we evaluated histopathological alterations in the liver, cellular expression of SOD and glutathione (GST), activation of heat shock proteins (HSPs) by immunohistochemistry, and the induction of apoptosis. The genotoxic potential of the herbicide was investigated by the micronucleus test in bone marrow smears. Adult male Wistar rats were treated with an aqueous solution of atrazine at a concentration of 400 mg/kg/day, by gavage, for 14 consecutive days. Control groups were also included. The results showed an increase of catalase levels and maintenance of the expression of antioxidant enzymes (SOD and GST). In addition, lipid peroxidation, hepatic tissue degeneration, activation of HSP90, increased levels of connexin mRNA, and genotoxicity were observed. In conclusion, atrazine induced early hepatic oxidative stress that triggered defense mechanisms to maintain the morphophysiological integrity of the liver. Further studies are needed to better understand the effects of this herbicide on human health. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to characterize the histopathological alterations and to detect, by immunohistochemistry, the presence of amastigote forms of Leishmania in CNS tissue of dogs with and without neurological clinical signs of the disease. Two groups of animals were used: the first was composed of 18 dogs with visceral leishmaniasis without clinical evidence of neurological involvement, and the second, composed of 21 dogs with visceral leishmaniasis and neurological symptoms. The most frequent histopathological alterations found in the CNS of dogs of both groups were neuronal degeneration with neuronophagia, gliosis, leptomeningitis, vascular congestion, presence of perivascular lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and areas of focal microhemorrhage. Antigen labeling for whole forms of Leishmania amastigotes was not observed in any fragment of the CNS of the dogs of either groups; however, most of them presented labeling of blood vessels walls, which suggests the presence of circulating parasite antigens.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)