140 resultados para duração de brilho solar
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The wide territorial extension of Brazil derails the installation and maintenance of instruments for measuring solar radiation, which makes necessary the development and application of models that are able to estimate reliable and sufficient data for many different activities that use such data. And these, in most cases, are estimated from the Ångström equation. Based on this model, this project aimed to estimate the global solar radiation at Presidente Prudente-SP, Brazil, using daily data from 1999 to 2007. The solar radiation data have been extracted from the paper tapes of actinograph bi-metallic (Robitsch) daily records at the meteorological station in the Faculty of Science and Technology, UNESP. These tapes were scanned, resulting in digital images with x and y coordinates pairs (x = time; y = solar radiation, cal/min.cm²). The daily global solar radiation is the area under the curve of the image. This value has been calculated by computer algorithms. After the acquisition and calculation of the values needed to develop the Ångström equation have been determined the constants a and b, using linear regression between the values of Rg/R0 (solar radiation/solar radiation on a horizontal surface at the top of atmosphere), as ordered, and n/N (number of hours of sunshine/day length in hours) as abscissa. The slope of the line will be the constant b and the linear coefficient, the constant a. The estimated results were compared to the observed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, realizing that the models can be accepted. So, the equation to aim the solar global radiation is: Rg = R0 (0,2662+0,3592 n/N)
O crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma planta dependem da intensidade, qualidade e duração da radiação solar. Por esse fator ser de importância vital às plantas, o presente trabalho objetivou fazer uma avaliação sobre sua variação, bem como sobre a sua disponibilidade no interior do ambiente protegido durante o ciclo do tomateiro nas estações verão-outono em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido de janeiro a junho de 2003 no Campus da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (latitude 31°52'S; longitude 52°21'W e altitude de 13m), em estufa plástica disposta no sentido Leste-Oeste, com área de 180m². A cultivar utilizada foi Flora-dade, semeada em 24/01/03, transplantada no dia 28/02/03, sendo a última colheita em 12/06/03. Avaliou-se a radiação solar global externa (Rgext) e interna (Rgint), transmitância, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) e o albedo da cultura a partir de sensores eletrônicos conectados a um datalloger. Durante o ciclo da cultura, o total de Rgext foi 1161,21MJ m-2, enquanto a Rgint foi 881,85MJ m-2. A Rgint e a RFA apresentaram valores médios diários de 8,5MJ m-2 dia-1 e 3,4MJ m-2 dia-1, respectivamente. A transmitância média da cobertura plástica à radiação solar global foi de 76%. O albedo médio diário da cultura foi 0,23, com albedo de 0,17 nos estádios iniciais, 0,26 no período de máximo crescimento e 0,23 no final do ciclo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The amount of solar energy made available for the production of a sabid seed varied as a function of the time of the year, the face of the plant in which, the position in the plant on which and the position in the pod in which it was produced.Variation in solar energy availability as a consequence of the time of the year was a direct consequence of latitude. At 21degrees5'22 S the highest amounts of Global Solar Radiation (GSR) reaching the site where the experiment was conducted took place during the months from November through February. During these months there were no marked differences between any two of the amounts of GSR reaching faces North (N), South (S), West (W) East (E). From February through November (period during which the sabid plants of this study flowered and the resulting seeds matured and were harvested) the total GSR's were the lowest and marked differences were found between faces N and S, with face N receiving much more GSR than face S. During that period, faces W and E received practically the same amount of GSR and it was much less than that received by face N and much more than the one received by face S.The amount of biological energy made available for the development of a seed seemed also to vary according to a dry matter partitioning strategy by the plant -the central third of the plant seemed to be the one receiving the highest amounts of energy, followed either by the upper or the lower third of the plant- it was not very clear which third of the plant immediately followed the central one. The partitioning of biological energy at the pod level also seemed to follow a strategy by which the central seeds would be the ones to receive more, followed by the proximal seeds and these by the distal ones.This availability of energy seemed to have a direct effect on seed size, weight and on the percentage of seeds which showed a degree of dormancy deep enough to prevent their germinating under the conditions of a standard germination test.The implications of these results for the improvement of methods for the overcoming of dormancy of sabia seeds are discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho objetivou determinar o tempo mínimo necessário à realização do teste de germinação para sementes de B. brizantha cv. Marandu, o método de superação de dormência e a condição de temperatura que proporcionem a maior germinação no menor tempo. Numa primeira etapa, realizou-se o teste de germinação em trinta lotes de sementes, sob duas condições de temperaturas (15-35ºC e 20-35ºC), avaliadas em conjunto com três métodos para a superação de dormência (H2SO4, KNO3 e Controle), constituindo seis tratamentos. Realizaram-se contagens diárias da germinação para a determinação da data mais apropriada para o término do teste. Na segunda etapa, realizaram-se testes de germinação em oito lotes de diferentes níveis de vigor, utilizando-se os mesmos seis tratamentos e com encerramento do teste nas datas definidas na primeira etapa. Conclui-se que, para o teste de germinação de B. brizantha, a escarificação com H2SO4 e a temperatura de 20-35ºC são tratamentos que resultam na maior germinação em um menor tempo, possibilitando o encerramento do teste aos 11 dias após a semeadura.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Statistics equations and validations with groups of annual and monthly data were evaluated for global, direct and diffuse solar radiation components incident on the tilted surface to 12.85, 22.85 and 32.85 degrees with the face North, in climate and geographical conditions of Botucatu, SP. It was employed the fractions of three components of extraterrestrial radiation in correlation with the coefficient clearness index horizontal plane, in a database of April/1998 to December/2007, whose measures at different periods in three inclinations, however concomitant to the horizontal plane. Increasing the angle of the surface led to increased scattering of the daily values of clearness index for inclined and horizontal surfaces. In annual groups, the lower performances were observed in the estimation of inclined daily diffuse radiation, with maximum Root Mean Square Error to 3.89 MJ m(-2) d(-1) (43.65%) and adjustments around 62%. In estimates of global and direct components of solar radiation on inclined planes, both annual and monthly equations can be applied, with performance dependents to climatic conditions.
In the relative positioning, even considering that part of the errors due to ionosphere is canceled with the double-difference observations, strong ionospheric effects can occur in maximum solar activity period. However, in minimum solar activity period, the ionospheric effects decrease significantly and therefore an improvement of the relative positioning performance takes place. In this paper we aim at showing that improvement for the scientific and GPS community users. So, have been experiments by using GPS data of two stations of the Brazilian Network for Continuous Monitoring of GPS, forming a baseline of 430 km. The processing were use accomplished with interval of two hours, and only L1 carrier data have been used. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out from the discrepancies between the "true" coordinates and corresponding ones obtained in the processing. In maximum solar activity period the discrepancy value reached 25 m. on the other hand, in minimum solar activity period, the discrepancy value reached 5,5 m. It is important to emphasize that the majority of the discrepancy values didn't exceed 0,50 m, and in some cases only reached 0,10 m. This shows the increase of application possibilities of the relative positioning using single-frequency GPS receivers in minimum solar activity period.
One of the main drawbacks of the GPS accuracy for L1 users is the error due to ionosphere. This error depends on the total electron content presents in the ionosphere, as well as of the carrier frequency. Some models have been developed to correct GPS observables of the systematic error due to the ionosphere. The model more known and used is the Klobuchar model, which corrected 50-60% of the ionospheric error approximately. Alternatively, IGS (International GNSS Service) also has developed a model called Global Ionospheric Map (GIM). These maps, in format IONEX, are available in the site of the IGS, and one of the applications of them is to correct the GPS observables of the error due to ionosphere. This work aims at evaluating the quality of GPS point positioning using the IGS ionospheric model in the southerm region of Brazil. Tests carried out had shown an average improvement in the horizontal and vertical determination of 44% and 77%, respectively, when GIM is used in the point positioning.
The ionosphere is a major source of systematic error in the GPS observables. As this error is directly proportional to the TEC (Total Electron Content), the quality of GPS positioning (especially with single frequency receivers) can be significantly affected by regular changes of TEC. The ionosphere factor is even more relevant in the Brazilian region, where ionospheric phenomena, such as the Equatorial Anomaly, intensify these variations. Taking the above mentioned factors into account, experiments were conducted in this research to evaluate the daily and seasonal behavior of the TEC and the point positioning with GPS (single frequency) in periods of high and low solar activity in the Brazilian region. The results showed a direct correlation between the decrease in electrons density in the ionosphere (period of low solar activity) and improvement in positioning accuracy, as well as a large influence of Equatorial Anomaly on the results of point positioning.