19 resultados para breeding systems

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The reproductive biology of shrubs and trees of a preserved savanna (''cerrado'') area in the municipality of Corumbatai São Paulo State, Brazil was studied. The floral sexuality of 135 species were characterized, with 85.2 % hermaphroditic, 9.4 % dioecious, 4.5 % monoecious, and one determine the breeding systems. Nine apomictic species were found, all belonging Melastomataceae. Among the twelve sexual reproducing species, seven (58.3 %) proved to be self-compatible, and five (41.7 %) self-incompatible. Anemophily was found in five species, although pollinations systems were not investigated in other species.


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The eutrophication (cultural or anthropogenic) is induced by man and can have different origins, such as domestic sewage, industrial and agricultural activities, including the effluent still breeding systems of aquatic organisms. The expansion of aquaculture, with production of biomass and increase of nutrients in water may cause acceleration of productivity of algae, changing the ecology of aquatic systems. In addition, these waste water may present a risk to health through the transfer of pathogens from manure, plant residues, composted material, among others that are major sources of organic waste in some farming systems. Depending on the trophic level of fish ponds, which are dynamic environments, different planktonic species with short reproductive cycle and adapted to the changes contained in these systems can appear in high abundance. Water quality in the systems for raising fish is related to several factors, such as water source, management (liming, fertilizing, cleaning), cultivated species and quantity and composition of exogenous food. In order to minimize environmental impacts, there are techniques to improve the quality of water in fish farming systems and thus satisfactory answers can be obtained through the application of management practices. This paper aims to review the subject that deals with changes in water quality resulting from the activity of freshwater fish culture in Brazil. Search also recommend techniques of good management practices to minimize the impact generated by the activity.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da inclusão de enzima e simbiótico nas rações de frangos de corte criados nos sistemas convencional e alternativo sobre o desempenho, rendimento de carcaça, cortes e gordura abdominal e também avaliar economicamente o uso destes aditivos em ambos os sistemas de criação. Foram utilizados 720 pintos machos Cobb, com um dia de idade, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 2x3, com dois sistemas de criação: convencional (com promotor de crescimento) e alternativo (sem promotor de crescimento) e três aditivos: sem outro aditivo (SA), com simbiótico (SI) e com enzima + simbiótico (SIE), com 4 repetições de 30 aves cada. Aos 42 dias de idade, o fator de produção (FP) foi menor (P<0,05) para aves SA (324), quando comparadas às tratadas com SI (334) e SIE (337). Aves criadas no sistema convencional apresentaram maior (P<0,05) FP (338), quando comparadas às do sistema de criação alternativo (325). No sistema alternativo, a conversão alimentar foi melhor (P<0,05) para aves SI (1,77), quando comparadas às SIE (1,82) e SA (1,85). O uso de SI e SIE favorece o desempenho dos frangos aos 42 dias de idade e não influencia o rendimento de carcaça, cortes e gordura abdominal, tanto no sistema convencional como no alternativo, sendo que estes aditivos aumentam os custos de produção em ambos os sistemas. O sistema alternativo de criação proporciona maior retorno econômico, apesar do menor fator de produção.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da linhagem, do sistema de criação e do sexo sobre o peso vivo, o rendimento de carcaça e de pernas e os aspectos morfológicos das fibras musculares esqueléticas do músculo flexor longo do hálux de frangos de corte. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 2 x 2, ou seja, quatro linhagens (Ross-308, Pescoço Pelado Label Rouge, Caipirinha e Paraíso Pedrês), dois sistemas de criação (confinamento e semiconfinamento) e dois sexos, com duas repetições por tratamento, sendo que cada ave retirada ao acaso aos 56 dias de idade foi considerada uma unidade experimental, totalizando 64 aves. A linhagem Ross apresentou maior peso vivo e maiores pesos de carcaça, de pernas, de carne de penas e do músculo flexor longo do hálux e maiores rendimentos de carcaça e de carnes de pernas que as outras linhagens. A maior massa muscular das aves selecionadas para alta taxa de crescimento está relacionada ao aumento na área dos três tipos de fibras musculares (SO, FOG e FG). Machos apresentaram maior massa muscular e musculatura mais glicolítica que fêmeas. O sistema de semiconfinamento alterou a composição de fibras musculares esqueléticas dos machos, tornando-a mais oxidativa, porém, esse efeito não foi observado nas fêmeas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study of the reproductive biology of B. chinensis (L.) DC. (Iridaceae) was realized comprising floral biology and breeding systems. The floral biology studies included analyses of nectar production, occurence of osmophores, corolla pigments, ultraviolet reflexion and absortion patterns, viability of pollen, pollinators and flower visitors. The breeding systems were studied taking into account the results of manual pollinators tests. B. chinensis is self-compatible bul cross-pollination is more frequent. The effective pollinators are Plebeia droryana (Friese, 1906) (45,7%), Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793) (27,3%), Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811) (9,3%). Others insects visitors are considered nectar and pollen thieves. The flowering begins generally in January and February. The complete reproductive cicle, as here considered, begining with floral bud production ending with development of mature fruits, lasts January to June. Seed dispersion is ornitocoric.


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Seventy beef males of three breeding systems (BS), straightbreds Charolais (Ch) and Nellore (Ne), G1 crossbreds: 1/2 Ch + 1/2 Ne (1/2 Ch) and 1/2 Ne + 1/2 Ch (1/2 Ne) and G2 crossbreds: 3/4 Ch + 1/4 Ne (3/4 Ch) and 3/4 Ne + 1/4 Ch (3/4 Ne) were used. The number of animals by genetic group was, respectively, 15, 12,8, 12,14 and 9. Thirty-five males were castrated (C) at seven months and 35 were kept intact (1). The animals were feedlot finished from 20 to 24 months. The longissimus dorsi muscle was used for the meat evaluation. No significant interaction was observed between genetic composition and sexual condition, for the variables studied. The I males displayed meat with darker color (3.05 vs. 3.78 points) with less amount of marbling (4.26 vs. 5.75 points) and less amount of ether extract (1.73 vs. 2.88%). However they presented larger (66.03 vs. 60.50 cm(2)) longissimus dorsi area and meat with better palatability, juiciness and tenderness. Ch animals had larger longissimus dorsi than the Ne. In the G I group, the 1/2 Ch meat showed larger amount of marbling and ether extract and less cooking losses than the 1/2 Ne meat. Between G2 animals, the 3/4 Ne showed meat with larger thawing losses and larger amount of ether extract. In G1 animals meat, the heterosis level reached 18.54% for longissimus dorsiarea, 28.10% for ether extract and 64.01% for amount of marbling. In G2, the heterosis was -17.30% for lean texture and 10.40% for longissimus dorsi area.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to investigate epidemiological and clinical aspects of beef cattle mortalities caused by botulism, a syndrome popularly known as doença da vaca caída, studies were carried out in 32 naturally affected 4 to 9 year old cows, 27 belonging to the Nellore breed and 5 to crossbred Nellore, all from 27 farms located in municipalities near Botucatu, State of São Paulo. The epidemiological and clinical features were based, respectively, on the farm and herd managements, and on the general physical examination of the cows. Mouse bioassay and complement microfixation tests were performed to detect the presence of botulinum toxins in liver samples. The results showed that the disease occurs in beef cattle of range breeding systems, reared under inadequate mineral nutrition and deficient health management. Pregnant and milking cows represented the group at risk, and the incidence was higher during the rainy season (December to March), with morbidity and mortality rates of 3,2 ± 3,6%. Clinical examination revealed cows with no alterations of vital signs, behavior, visual and auditory acuities and skin sensation; but revealed ruminal hypomotility, anorexia, dehydration, flaccid para or tetraparesis with permanent recumbency, and a paretic or paralytic tongue. The diagnosis of botulism, involving type C and D toxins, was consistent with the epidemiological and clinical findings.


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A long-standing interest in cactus taxonomy has existed since the Linnaean generation, but an appreciation of the reproductive biology of cacti started early in the 1900s. Numerous studies indicate that plant reproductive traits provide valuable systematic information. Despite the extensive reproductive versatility and specializations in breeding systems coupled with the striking floral shapes, the reproductive biology of the Cactaceae has been investigated in approximately 10% of its species. Hence, the systematic value of architectural design and organization of internal floral parts has remained virtually unexplored in the family. This study represents the most extensive survey of flower and nectary morphology in the Cactaceae focusing on tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae (subfamily Cactoideae). Our objectives were (1) to conduct comparative morphological analyses of flowers and floral nectaries and (2) to compare nectar solute concentration in these two tribes consisting of holo- and semi-epiphytic species. Flower morphology, nectary types, and sugar concentration of nectar have strong taxonomic implications at the tribal, generic and specific levels. Foremost, three types of nectaries were found, namely chamber nectary (with the open and diffuse subtypes), furrow nectary (including the holder nectary subtype), and annular nectary. All Hylocereeae species possess chamber nectaries, in which the nectarial tissue has both trichomes and stomata. The Rhipsalideae are distinguished by two kinds of floral nectaries: furrow and annular, both nectary types with stomata only. The annular nectary type characterizes the genus Rhipsalis. Nectar concentration is another significant taxonomic indicator separating the Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae and establishing trends linked to nectar sugar concentration and amount of nectar production in relation to flower size. There is an inverse relationship between flower size and amount of nectar production in the smaller Rhipsalideae flowers, in which nectar concentration is more than two-fold higher despite the smaller volume of nectar produced when compared to the large Hylocereeae flowers. Variability of nectary morphology and nectar concentration was also evaluated as potential synapomorphic characters in recent phylogenies of these tribes. In conclusion, our data provide strong evidence of the systematic value of floral nectaries and nectar sugar concentration in the Cactaceae, particularly at different taxonomic levels in the Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae. © 2013 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)