13 resultados para Western world
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A obesidade é atualmente um problema de saúde pública que provoca sérias conseqüências sociais, físicas e psicológicas. A etiologia da obesidade não é de fácil identificação, uma vez que a mesma é caracterizada como doença multifatorial de complexa interação entre fatores comportamentais, culturais, genéticos, fisiológicos e psicológicos. Recentes avanços na área de endocrinologia e metabolismo mostram que, diferentemente do que se acreditava há alguns anos, o adipócito sintetiza e libera diversas substâncias, não sendo apenas uma célula armazenadora de energia. Entre as substâncias liberadas pelo adipócito incluem-se a adiponectina, o fator de necrose tumoral-alfa, a interleucina-6 e a leptina. Especificamente, a leptina desempenha importante papel no controle da ingestão alimentar e no controle do peso corporal em mamíferos. Além disso, o hormônio ghrelina, recentemente descoberto, também parece influenciar o metabolismo energético e a obesidade. As alterações que o exercício físico provoca na fisiologia endócrino-metabólica podem contribuir sobremaneira para a prática clínica. Assim, essa revisão abordará os conhecimentos mais recentes sobre a leptina, a ghrelina e o papel dos diferentes tipos de exercício físico sobre estes hormônios. Os trabalhos mostram que a relação entre o exercício físico e a concentração plasmática desses peptídeos ainda não está clara. As razões para isso poderiam ser devidas aos diferentes protocolos de treinamento físico empregados nos estudos. Além disso, diferenças genéticas também podem explicar as discrepâncias entre os resultados obtidos em seres humanos, pois a existência de polimorfismo em alguns genes pode acarretar respostas celulares diferentes frente ao exercício físico.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research focuses on methods and strategies for educational-based digital tools, aimed at the public school. Thus, we present possibilities, and the main actions of the national museum institutions in several online educational services that exemplify some forms of virtual mediation in order to verify the relevance of using these tools. The study discusses the need for museums to follow the advance of new technologies to engage and retain the public school, consisting of a highly connected generation with new technologies. It also brings a brief overview of the evolution of the museum in the Western world and presents the formation and nature of art collections that comprise the Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces of the State of São Paulo, focusing on the management policy of each period, highlighting the educational program and the relationship with the website. As a practical exercise, the research presented suggests applying a form of mediation for the virtual site of Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces to extend relations sector educational institution for the virtual context
Food therapy is one of the five pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which in the East is the first method used to maintain health as well as to prevent injuries and promote healing. The Western world has evolved a lot, but along with this has come a distancing from what is important to health, thinking mainly in practical terms. The increasing number of diseases in animals is opening the eyes of the western world to find ways to work with health through nutrition. Knowing the function, action, energy and classification of food is very important to food therapy and in that, Traditional Chinese Medicine helps us towards greater understanding and a healing veterinary practice
The idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) is one of the major public health problems in the western world. Patients with IDC in functional class IV (New York Health Association - NYHA), even after therapeutic optimization, have high mortality. Stem cell therapy has emerged as a potential therapeutic option for cell death-related heart diseases and several positive effects were assigned to cell therapy in cardiomyopathy. The aim of this study was identify short-term result of cell transplantation in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy patients (IDC) who were treated by transplantation of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC). Intracoronary injections of autologous BMMC were performed in eight patients with severe ventricle dysfunction (mean of left ventricle ejection fraction – LEVF=20.03%), cardiac mass muscle around 156.2 g and NYHA between III and IV grades, other 8 IDC patients received placebo. The IDCs were followed - up for one and two years, by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The results after one year showed significant improvement in LVEF (mean=181.4) and muscle mass increasing (mean=181.4 g), after two years the LVEF continued improving, reaching a mean of 32.69% and the cardiac muscle mass kept stable (mean=179.4 g). Excepted for one patient, all the other had improvement in the NYHA functional class. The placebo group did not show any improvement. We believe that BMMC implant may be a beneficial therapeutic option for IDC patients.
This work has as its theme the multiculturalism, cultural diversity and their reflections in school everyday, more specifically on the interactions between the various subjects and social groups that make up a school and the teacher as mediator of the relationship between these guys. The theme Multiculturalism refers in the first instance, to the theoretical movement beginning in the mid-20th century in the United States and that spreads in the Western world as a way of tackling the conflicts generated depending on the economic issues, policies, and, in particular, cultural-ethnic, in an attempt to combat discrimination and prejudice, given the difficulties of individuals and groups to welcome and socialize with the plurality and cultural differences (SILVA; BRANDIM, 2008).At the same time, multiculturalism refers to cultural studies, through the Centre for Contemporary cultural studies, founded by em1964 Hoggart, and connected to the English language Department of the University of Birmingham in England.In contemporary times, due to the phenomenon of globalization and public policy to challenge prejudice and discrimination the subjects and social groups, regardless of color, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation and nationality, this theme has been recurring in order to recognize plural identities and ensure and directly affects the school as a place of cultural diversity and conflicts generated by the very diversity.The present work aims to analyze and understand how the issue of multiculturalism and cultural diversity in school films. Our study will be based theoretically in Cultural Studies authors and uses the qualitative approach, working with movie content analysis of school, seeking to seize on the same relations of coexistence, conflicts and the mediations of teachers
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article proposes to analyze the results of a research conducted in the São Paulo Immigrants Memorial, whose purpose was to work with an agreement between the state of São Paulo and the Union, according to which the state committed itself to receive, from May 1947 to 1952, immigrants of different European nationalities. Such immigrants had a specific characteristic that conferred them a peculiar status in the eyes of the United Nations, given the fact that they originated from Germany and Austria and where either displaced persons or refugees who could not or did not want to return to their homelands, for several reasons. Italians represented only 0,12% of this group. Italian immigration to Brazil became significant only after 1950, due to the Brazil-Italy immigration agreements.
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) study entitled Suicide Trends in At-Risk Territories (START) is an international multisite initiative that aims to stimulate suicide research and prevention across different areas of the globe. A central component of the study is the development of registration systems for fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Aims: This paper provides an overview of the data collected on suicidal behaviors from the participating locations in the START study. Method: Descriptive statistics on the data are presented in terms of age, sex, and method. Results: Agreater proportion of suicide deaths occurred among males. In all areas except the Philippines more females than males engaged in nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Compared to Australia, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Hong Kong SAR, in the Pacific Islands suicide most often occurs in younger age groups. Results indicate notable variations between countries in choice of method. A greater proportion of suicides occurred by hanging in Pacific Islands, while inhalation of carbon monoxide, use of firearms, ingestion of chemicals and poisons, and drug overdose were the most frequent methods of choice in other areas. Conclusion: The information drawn from this study demonstrates the enormous variation in suicidal behavior across the areas involved in the START Study. Further research is needed to assess the reliability of the established data-recording systems for suicidal behaviors. The baseline data established in START may allow the development of suicide prevention initiatives sensitive to variation in the profile of suicide across different locations. © 2013 Hogrefe Publishing.