30 resultados para Social evolution.
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Scientific research plays a fundamental role in the health and development of any society, since all technological advances depend ultimately on scientific discovery and the generation of wealth is intricately dependent on technological advance. Due to their importance, science and technology generally occupy important places in the hierarchical structure of developed societies, and they receive considerable public and private investment. Publicly funded science is almost entirely devoted to discovery, and it is administered and structured in a very similar way throughout the world. Particularly in the biological sciences, this structure, which is very much centered on the individual scientist and his own hypothesis-based investigations, may not be the best suited for either discovery in the context of complex biological systems, or for the efficient advancement of fundamental knowledge into practical utility. The adoption of other organizational paradigms, which permit a more coordinated and interactive research structure, may provide important opportunities to accelerate the scientific process and further enhance its relevance and contribution to society. The key alternative is a structure that incorporates larger organizational units to tackle larger and more complex problems. One example of such a unit is the research network. Brazil has utilized such networks to great effect in genome sequencing projects, demonstrating their relevance to the Brazilian research community and opening the possibility of their wider utility in the future.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The evolution of eusociality is one of the major transitions in evolution, but the underlying genomic changes are unknown. We compared the genomes of 10 bee species that vary in social complexity, representing multiple independent transitions in social evolution, and report three major findings. First, many important genes show evidence of neutral evolution as a consequence of relaxed selection with increasing social complexity. Second, there is no single road map to eusociality; independent evolutionary transitions in sociality have independent genetic underpinnings. Third, though clearly independent in detail, these transitions do have similar general features, including an increase in constrained protein evolution accompanied by increases in the potential for gene regulation and decreases in diversity and abundance of transposable elements. Eusociality may arise through different mechanisms each time, but would likely always involve an increase in the complexity of gene networks.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The wasps of the genus Polistes have been considered the key to understanding the evolution of social behavior in Hymenoptera. Several studies have shown that the development of organized insect societies was accompanied by the evolution of structures like exocrine glands, which became specialized to perform specific functions. This article investigates the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor. These glands have been studied in depth in social bees, where they occur only in nurses and produce the royal jelly. Our results revealed that these glands basically did not vary among individuals or between sexes. They are constituted by spherical cells, each with a large nucleus and well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretion vesicles are abundant, but lipid droplets were not observed, indicating that these glands may not have a role in pheromone synthesis. Acid phosphatase was detected in lysosomes, and also free in the cytosol, but did not seem to be related with cell death. Thus, our results suggest that the hypopharyngeal glands of P. versicolor may not have a specialized social role, but could produce digestive enzymes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Sexual selection is a crucial element to understand behavioral evolution. Teleost fish have been considered as good models for research on sexual selection in the last decades due to their variety of sexual behavior. Female fish can choose males based on body and behavioral traits, such as body size, body color, ornaments, territorial quality, nest size and courtship behavior. Choices are based upon several types of sensorial inputs, such as visual, chemical, sonorous and electrical signals. Intrasexual selection also acts on females because they can mate with a dominant individual in male-male competitions. For both approaches, there is an expectation regarding the benefits of sexual selection by means of female choice. However, in several cases females do not choose the dominant male. In this mini-review, we present and discuss both intersexual and intrasexual mechanisms of sexual selection in fish and point out that females do not always choose a male for mating.
Os Estágios Supervisionados são disciplinas integradoras entre o conhecimento específico e os conhecimentos pedagógicos. Neste trabalho, apresentamos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com Licenciandos em Química utilizando a Metodologia Investigativa. O objetivo foi buscar as percepções dos sujeitos a respeito da própria aprendizagem e sua transferência ao processo de ensino. Utilizou-se o referencial proposto pela Fenomenologia e Semiótica Social para a análise dos dados. Confirmaram-se o potencial da metodologia no desenvolvimento metacognitivo dos sujeitos e na evolução de suas concepções. Estes valorizam a construção de estratégias de aprendizagem como um processo pessoal e profissional. A reflexão levou-os a reconhecer a complementaridade entre ensinar e aprender, como processos indissociáveis, e geradores de conhecimentos aplicáveis à atividade profissional.
Reproductive castes are compared in species of swarming wasps representing all currently recognized genera of Epiponini (Polistinae). New morphometric data for nine measures of body parts and ovarian data are presented for 13 species. These are integrated with all similarly conducted available studies, giving a total of 30 species. Analysis reveals several syndromes relating reproductive and nonreproductive individuals: no meaningful distinction, physiological differences only, reproductives larger than nonreproductives with intermediate individuals present, reproductives different in shape from nonreproductives with no intermediates, and reproductives smaller in some aspects than nonreproductives. Distribution of these syndromes among species is consistent with phylogenetic relationships derived from other data. Optimizing these syndromes on the cladogram indicates that the basal condition of Epiponini is a casteless society that is not comparable to the primitively social genus Polistes where dominant queens control reproduction. Castes originate several times in Epiponini, with different results in different lineages. The best documented evolutionary sequence passes from casteless societies, to those with reproductives larger, to those with reproductives differing in shape from nonreproductives, to those with reproductives smaller in some measures. This sequence is consistent with Wheeler's theory of the origin of caste through developmental switches, and represents the most thorough test of that theory to date.
Over a 3-year period, all colony foundations of the social wasps Polistes versicolor and Polistes simillimus were registered, and the fate and growth of all colonies were followed. P. simillimus exhibited a greater number of colony-founding attempts, while P. versicolor had a larger number of adult colonies. P. simillimus had greater cell numbers and number of adults produced per colony. P. simillimus reutilized only a small percentage of brood cells for adult production for up to 2 generations, while P. versicolor reutilized a large percentage of brood cells for up to 3 generations. Consequently, cell production was higher in P. simillimus. Because of a high rate of adult production and extensive cell production, we suggest that P. simillimus may demonstrate paragynous social organization, and may demonstrate an intermediate form between polygynous and monogynous Vespidae. Paragynous associations may lead to lower predation pressures and a relative independence of adult production on time.
A recent theory suggests that economic considerations are more important than genetic ones in the emergence and maintenance of social behavior. Evolution of social behavior in wasps, thus, could be based on the development of worker castes, which increase the efficiency of brood care and energy use of the colony. If so, social wasps should collect a larger range of prey, favoring polyethism, as social behavior should increase the adaptive value of social species among wasps by increasing the range of prey accessible. We explored the literature and showed that the Eumeninae, which are mostly solitary, draw prey from significantly fewer orders of arthropods than wasps in the subfamily Vespinae and Polistinae, which are mainly social, supporting the hypothesis that social behavior may have emerged as a more efficient way to feed and care for the young by opening a wider range of food sources, increasing the amount of food and quality of care provided to the young. Two alternative explanations of this data are also discussed.
This study reviews published data on the behavior and natural history of Chartergellus and presents the first observations on social interactions in this genus of tropical swarm-founding wasps. Observations of Chartergellus golfitensis in Costa Rica and C. punctatior in Colombia showed that queens perform a post-oviposition egg-guarding vigil, and a bending display like that characteristic of epiponine social wasps that lack consistent morphological differences between workers and queens and have caste determination in the adult stage. Young, old, and queen (egg-laying) females of C. golfitensis showed small differences that indicate color changes with age, and structural differences that could be due to seasonal or colony-cycle changes in developmental conditions, but do not rule out the possibility of pre-adult caste determination, a phenomenon that needs to be carefully distinguished from pre-adult caste bias. Sexual dimorphism and the behavior of males at the nest in C. golfitensis is described, as well as the aggressive and avoidance behavior of females toward males. Nest structure in both species is as described previously for Chartergellus species, but some anomalies and their possible evolutionary significance are discussed. Cell initiation by an egg-laying queen, a behavior never seen by workers, and by a young female with slightly developed ovaries, may be vestiges of ancestral solitary reproductive traits where developed ovaries are associated with cell construction. © 2010 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica dell'Università, Firenze, Italia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)