119 resultados para Reactive programming Asynchronous stream ReactiveX RxJS RxPHP
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
An approach for solving reactive power planning problems is presented, which is based on binary search techniques and the use of a special heuristic to obtain a discrete solution. Two versions were developed, one to run on conventional (sequential) computers and the other to run on a distributed memory (hypercube) machine. This latter parallel processing version employs an asynchronous programming model. Once the set of candidate buses has been defined, the program gives the location and size of the reactive sources needed(if any) in keeping with operating and security constraints.
Deterministic Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch problem has been extensively studied, such that the demand power and the availability of shunt reactive power compensators are known and fixed. Give this background, a two-stage stochastic optimization model is first formulated under the presumption that the load demand can be modeled as specified random parameters. A second stochastic chance-constrained model is presented considering uncertainty on the demand and the equivalent availability of shunt reactive power compensators. Simulations on six-bus and 30-bus test systems are used to illustrate the validity and essential features of the proposed models. This simulations shows that the proposed models can prevent to the power system operator about of the deficit of reactive power in the power system and suggest that shunt reactive sourses must be dispatched against the unavailability of any reactive source. © 2012 IEEE.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Optimised placement of control and protective devices in distribution networks allows for a better operation and improvement of the reliability indices of the system. Control devices (used to reconfigure the feeders) are placed in distribution networks to obtain an optimal operation strategy to facilitate power supply restoration in the case of a contingency. Protective devices (used to isolate faults) are placed in distribution systems to improve the reliability and continuity of the power supply, significantly reducing the impacts that a fault can have in terms of customer outages, and the time needed for fault location and system restoration. This paper presents a novel technique to optimally place both control and protective devices in the same optimisation process on radial distribution feeders. The problem is modelled through mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) with real and binary variables. The reactive tabu search algorithm (RTS) is proposed to solve this problem. Results and optimised strategies for placing control and protective devices considering a practical feeder are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper presents a comparison of reactive power support in distribution networks provided by switched Capacitor Banks (CBs) and Distributed Generators (DGs). Regarding switched CBs, a Tabu Search metaheuristic algorithm is developed to determine their optimal operation with the objective of reducing the power losses in the lines on the system, while meeting network constraints. on the other hand, the optimal operation of DGs is analyzed through an evolutionary Multi-Objective (MO) programming approach. The objectives of such approach are the minimization of power losses and operation cost of the DGs. The comparison of the reactive power support provided by switched CBs and DGs is carried out using a modified IEEE 34 bus distribution test system.
A combined methodology consisting of successive linear programming (SLP) and a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) solves the reactive planning problem. The problem is divided into operating and planning subproblems; the operating subproblem, which is a nonlinear, ill-conditioned and nonconvex problem, consists of determining the voltage control and the adjustment of reactive sources. The planning subproblem consists of obtaining the optimal reactive source expansion considering operational, economical and physical characteristics of the system. SLP solves the optimal reactive dispatch problem related to real variables, while SGA is used to determine the necessary adjustments of both the binary and discrete variables existing in the modelling problem. Once the set of candidate busbars has been defined, the program implemented gives the location and size of the reactive sources needed, if any, to maintain the operating and security constraints.
In this paper a heuristic technique for solving simultaneous short-term transmission network expansion and reactive power planning problem (TEPRPP) via an AC model is presented. A constructive heuristic algorithm (CHA) aimed to obtaining a significant quality solution for such problem is employed. An interior point method (IPM) is applied to solve TEPRPP as a nonlinear programming (NLP) during the solution steps of the algorithm. For each proposed network topology, an indicator is deployed to identify the weak buses for reactive power sources placement. The objective function of NLP includes the costs of new transmission lines, real power losses as well as reactive power sources. By allocating reactive power sources at load buses, the circuit capacity may increase while the cost of new lines can be decreased. The proposed methodology is tested on Garver's system and the obtained results shows its capability and the viability of using AC model for solving such non-convex optimization problem. © 2011 IEEE.
The optimal reactive dispatch problem is a nonlinear programming problem containing continuous and discrete control variables. Owing to the difficulty caused by discrete variables, this problem is usually solved assuming all variables as continuous variables, therefore the original discrete variables are rounded off to the closest discrete value. This approach may provide solutions far from optimal or even unfeasible solutions. This paper presents an efficient handling of discrete variables by penalty function so that the problem becomes continuous and differentiable. Simulations with the IEEE test systems were performed showing the efficiency of the proposed approach. © 1969-2012 IEEE.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper, the optimal reactive power planning problem under risk is presented. The classical mixed-integer nonlinear model for reactive power planning is expanded into two stage stochastic model considering risk. This new model considers uncertainty on the demand load. The risk is quantified by a factor introduced into the objective function and is identified as the variance of the random variables. Finally numerical results illustrate the performance of the proposed model, that is applied to IEEE 30-bus test system to determine optimal amount and location for reactive power expansion.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente trabalho avaliou a PCR na detecção de leptospiras em sêmen e urina de dez touros sorologicamente reagentes, comparando seus resultados com aqueles obtidos por outras técnicas de diagnóstico. Foram realizadas duas colheitas de materiais em dias alternados. As amostras de sêmen e de urina foram separadas em alíquotas para visualização direta em microscopia de campo escuro, inoculação em hamsters (apenas para o sêmen), isolamento em meio de cultura e PCR. Nenhum hamster apresentou positividade na prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM); fragmentos de rins e fígado desses animais foram utilizados para a tentativa de isolamento em meio de cultura, sendo positivo o cultivo a partir do rim de hamster inoculado com semen de um touro, e do fígado de hamsters inoculados com o semen de três touros. O isolamento em meio de cultura foi negativo para todas as amostras de sêmen, mas foi positivo para cinco amostras de urina. Na PCR não houve resultado positivo para as amostras de sêmen, e apenas uma amostra de urina apresentou resultado positivo, sendo coincidente com uma das culturas positivas. Não foi possível visualizar leptospiras em nenhuma das amostras por exame direto em microscopia de campo escuro.