40 resultados para Praça Olavo Bilac - PA

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Letras - IBILCE


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS


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Ps-graduao em Cincias Sociais - FFC


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Among the popular poets from the northeastern backlands who criticized the governmental measures of the republican government, the figure of Leandro Gomes de Barros has highlighted. His satire extends to the representatives of the government in the context of the First Republic, striking politicians, bachelors, priests, colonels and oligarchs. We show here the biographical traces of the poet and a stretch from my Doctoral Thesis in which Leandro satirizes the bourgeois-militarist speech from Olavo Bilac.


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In the early decades of Brazilian Republic, didactic literature played an important role in contributing to the spirit of national integration, as Jos Verssimo recommended. But, in addition to fighting the parochialism of different regions of the vast country, didactic literary works intended to combat the foreign threat represented by uncontrolled immigration and the economic and military imperialism. Brief analysis of Contos Ptrios (1894) and A Ptria Brasileira (1909), written by Olavo Bilac and Coelho Neto, and Porque Me Ufano do Meu Pas (1901), by earl of Afonso Celso, aims to reveal some of the resources used by the authors to elicit the feeling of brotherhood, solidarity and collective bond among Brazilian children, driving away threats that hung over the country. It also indicates that the interpretation of the national past, from which came the heroes, martyrs and leaders to be worshiped and imitated by children, radically opposed the monarchist Afonso Celso and the republicans Bilac and Coelho Neto.


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Poesias (1888), Olavo Bilacs first book, contains Via Lctea, a collection of sonnets of love that, in frank rupture with the romantic sentimentalism, is characterized by neoclassical moderation and contention. Universalizing treatment of the themes results in concealment of the particular circumstances in which the poems were composed. It is intended in these few pages to evidence the links between these texts and known episodes of the courtship of the poet and Amlia de Oliveira, the sister of Alberto de Oliveira, with the goal of providing an understanding of Via Lctea as a love diary in which the painful stations of a frustrated passion were registered.


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We can notice in Brazilian literature both past and contemporary the presence of the historical novel in its several modalities which include traditional models but also contemporary formulations that break old models with irreverence. Among them are the historiographical metafictions (Hutcheon, 1991), which propose the rereading not only of history but also of literature itself. Therefore, in the large number of historical characters which are fictionalized by contemporary Brazilian historical novel in the last decades, this essay intends to discuss how Ana Miranda engages in reading the history of Brazilian literature through fiction in three of her novels. The first is Boca do inferno (1989), whose protagonists are two of the main representatives of Brazilian colonial barroque, Father Antnio Vieira and poet Gregrio de Matos. Following the chronological order of protagonist writers, the next novel to be discussed is Dias & dias (2002), whose action is centered in Gonalves Dias, a well known poet of national Romanticism. The third is A ltima quimera (1995), which makes an outline of Brazilian literature at the beginning of the 20th century, dealing with Augusto dos Anjos and Olavo Bilac. By inverting some traditional viewpoints, Ana Miranda proposes, as in a palimpsest, the rereading and discussion of the national literary cnon and its construction.


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A Praça XV de Novembro, implantada em meados do sculo XIX, tem grande valor histrico-cultural, alm de se constituir em uma das principais reas verdes do centro da cidade de Ribeiro Preto. Visando ao conhecimento detalhado da vegetao para fins de orientao do manejo e conservao dessa rea, foi feito um levantamento quali-quantitativo e fitossociolgico das rvores e palmeiras da praça. Foram medidas altura e Dimetro Altura do Peito (DAP) e identificados todos os indivduos de porte arbreo (rvores e palmeiras) presentes na Praça, em nvel de espcie. A praça ocupa uma rea de 15.456,00 m, onde foram amostradas 42 espcies distribudas por 19 famlias, num total de 161 indivduos. Apesar de o local apresentar arborizao com alto ndice de diversidade de espcies (Shannon-Weaver de 3,14), os exemplares necessitam de maior ateno quanto a problemas ligados fitossanidade e podas adequadas, fazendo que resulte em espao seguro para os frequentadores e em boa qualidade paisagstica.


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A gas chromatographic method to determine caprolactam in multilayer PA-6 films used for meat foodstuffs and cheese was developed and validated. A wide linear range (0.8-400 mu g/ml), RSD <= 4.1% and recovery higher than 90.0% were obtained for the chromatographic system, while precision and accuracy of the method showed RSD <= 3.8%, recovery from 95.5-100.0% and LOQ of 32 mu g/g. Irradiated (3, 7 and 12 kGy) and non-irradiated commercial films were analyzed. Most of them increased caprolactam levels with the increase of irradiation doses. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oficinas para professores do ensino fundamental foram organizadas com a finalidade de elaborar uma Proposta de Educao Ambiental em uma praça pblica no centro histrico da cidade de Botucatu, no estado de So Paulo. Tais oficinas basearam-se em informaes sobre o municpio e informaes botnicas da Praça Rubio Jnior, em Botucatu, no mbito da Educao Ambiental. O resultado foi uma proposta de Educao Ambiental para a praça com a participao efetiva dos professores, em que foi possvel resgatar a histria da cidade e seus aspectos scio-econmicos. Foi tambm demarcada uma trilha ecolgica nessa praça utilizando-se as plantas presentes no local, as quais foram previamente identificadas. O trabalho com os professores durante a oficina mostrou-se de fundamental importncia para a formao desses profissionais e tambm estimulou seu interesse a respeito da histria local. Essa abordagem, articulada com a diversidade cultural local, enriqueceu a proposta de E. A. e trouxe benefcios para a prtica educativa.


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O objetivo deste artigo apresentar um perfil das praças que cerraram fileira na polcia de So Paulo entre 1868 e 1896. A partir de dados biogrficos - altura, idade, local de nascimento, cor da pele, ofcio anterior, situao familiar - buscamos identificar, na base da pirmide hierrquica, pistas sobre o processo de formao do aparato policial paulista; ao mesmo tempo em que pretendemos traar um recorte da populao - pobre e masculina - num perodo de crise do escravismo, de inflexo do sistema de mo-de-obra, de incorporao de um importante contingente estrangeiro, e de mudana do paradigma poltico no pas.