11 resultados para Oxidación selectiva

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar as alterações histológicas, histoquímicas e morfométricas das fibras do músculo sóleo de ratos submetidos a um programa de natação, associado ou não à administração do esteróide anabólico decanoato de nandrolona. Foram utilizados 22 ratos Wistar machos, 12 dos quais receberam injeção intramuscular do esteróide (5mg/kg) e 10, óleo mineral (5mg/kg), duas vezes por semana. Os animais foram submetidos a 42 sessões de natação por nove semanas (de segunda a sexta-feira), com aumento progressivo de carga por meio do tempo de natação. Após o sacrifício, o músculo sóleo esquerdo foi retirado, imerso em n-hexana e acondicionado em nitrogênio líquido. Cortes do terço médio desse músculo foram feitos em micrótomo criostato (-20ºC) e corados pela técnica HE e pelo método histoquímico NADH-TR. Os animais submetidos a treinamento físico e a esteróide (TA) ou óleo mineral (TO) apresentaram fibras musculares com maior diâmetro, quando comparados com os animais-controle (NTA e NTO). Não houve diferença significativa entre as medidas das médias dos diâmetros das fibras dos grupos NTA e NTO e entre TA e TO. Nos grupos TA e NTA notou-se acentuado processo de fagocitose, arredondamento e hialinização das fibras musculares. Já nos grupos TA, TO e NTA observou-se perda da atividade enzimática oxidativa. Os resultados sugerem que a natação produz hipertrofia muscular de forma semelhante, tanto no grupo que recebeu esteróide como no que recebeu óleo mineral. No entanto, o grupo que recebeu esteróide apresentou sinais claros de maior degeneração muscular.


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O presente estudo visou avaliar a ingestão alimentar, ganho de peso e metabolismo muscular da glicose em ratos submetidos ao treinamento aeróbio durante recuperação de desnutrição protéica. Para isso, 60 ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos, foram separados nos grupos normoprotéico (NP) e hipoprotéico (HP), de acordo com a dieta NP (17% de proteína) ou HP (6% de proteína), respectivamente, recebida do desmame (21 dias) aos 90 dias de idade. Todos os animais passaram então, a receber a dieta NP e foram submetidos (treinado TRE) ou não (sedentário - SED) ao treinamento físico, que consistiu de corrida em esteira rolante, 25m/min, 50 minutos ao dia, cinco dias na semana, durante 30 dias, compondo os grupos NP-SED, NP-TRE, HP/NP-SED e HP/NP-TRE. Foi avaliado o metabolismo da glicose em fatias de músculo sóleo incubado em presença de insulina (100miU/L) e glicose (5,5mM, contendo [C14] glicose e [H³] 2-deoxiglicose). A ingestão alimentar diária (g/100g de peso corporal) do grupo HP/NP-TRE (24,39 ± 4,07) foi maior do que o grupo HP/NP-SED (21,62 ± 4,69). O ganho de peso (g) foi semelhante nos grupos HP/NP-TRE (203,80 ± 34,03) e HP/NP-SED (214,43 ± 30,54). Não houve diferença entre estes dois grupos quanto aos parâmetros: captação de glicose, oxidação de glicose e síntese de glicogênio pelo músculo sóleo. Desse modo, pudemos concluir que o treinamento aeróbio não teve impacto sobre a recuperação nutricional, visto que não houve diferenças metabólicas ou somáticas entre animais recuperados em presença ou ausência do treinamento.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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INTRODUCTION: Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are frequently used by people whose aim to increase muscle mass to obtain a better performance in sports or improve physical appearance. AAS are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, able to promote muscle fibers hypertrophy, increasing intracellular protein synthesis. L-carnitine is a food supplement used to increase energetic production by means of fat acids oxidation. Although there are several works about physiological properties of these drugs, there are few studies about their mutagenic potential. OBJECTIVES: This work evaluated the clastogenicity and genotoxicity of nandrolone decanoate, testosterone decanoate and L-carnitine, in different treatments through the micronucleus test in polychromatic erythrocytes of Wistar rats. METHODS: The animals were submitted to different concentrations and associations of AAS. The positive control received cyclophosphamide 50 mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection and negative control, one ml of saline solution by gavage. The rats were sacrificed after 36 hours of latest application, having the femurs removed and the bone marrow extracted. Material was homogenized and centrifuged. Button cell was pipetted and transferred to slides, which were stained by Giemsa. 1,000 polychromatic erythrocytes were counted per animal, noting the frequency of micronuclei. RESULTS: The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed, with a significance level of 5%, which demonstrated that nandrolone decanoate - three doses of 0,2 mg/kg and 0,6 mg/kg, eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg, L-carnitine - seven doses of 0,4 ml/250 g and 1,5 ml/250 g, testosterone decanoate - 28 doses of 0,075 mg/kg, nandrolone decanoate - eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg associated to L-carnitine and 1 mL and nandrolone decanoate - eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg associated to testosterone decanoate - eight doses of 7,5 mg/kg, showed mutagenic potential. CONCLUSION: The treatments proved to be clastogenic, not being indicated like ergogenic aid.


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This essay aims to grasp the historical and contemporary issues related to the military personnel who were persecuted, their struggles and motivations over the period 1946-1988. Advocates as hypothesis that its political intervention is a legitimate expression of a presence in the defense of democracy in Brazil. But not only: the militant intervention of this group for national causes also refers to a diagnosis, which represents a challenge to many working groups of the Comissão Nacional da Verdade, especially when taking into account the number of military personnel persecuted or the selective specifi city of the repression that fell on them.


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The demand for cosmetic dentistry, including teeth whitening, has increased in recent years. The home teeth whitening and in-office, are widely used in dental practice. The mechanism by which it works is by oxidation of the chromogenic existing tooth structure. This is an effective and minimally invasive procedure that achieves tooth lighten the color, however, may cause alterations in the enamel surface, such as a dental permeability increase. Another effect caused by this procedure is tooth sensitivity, being the most common side effect, up to 65% of individuals have had a secondary effect at least once during treatment. This sensitivity and gingival irritation caused by bleaching may vary depending on the patient and used bleaching product


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Nanotubes have been subject of studies with regard to their ability to promote differentiation of several cells lines. Nanotubes have been used to increase the roughness of the implant surfaces and to improve bone tissue integration on dental implant. In this study TiO2 nanotube layer prepared by anodic oxidation was evaluated. Nanotube formation was carried out using Glycerol-H2O DI(50-50 v/v)+NH4F(0,5 a 1,5% and 10-30V) for 1-3 hours at 37ºC. After nanostructure formation the topography of surface was observed using field-emission-scanning-microscope (FE-SEM). Contact angle was evaluated on the anodized and non-anodized surfaces using a water contact angle goniometer in sessile drop mode with 5 μL drops. In the case of nanotube formation and no treatment surface were presented 39,1° and 75,9°, respectively. The contact angle describing the wettability of the surface is enhanced, more hydrophilic, on the nanotube surfaces, which can be advantageous for enhancing protein adsorption and cell adhesion.


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The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) leaves flour in beef burger during storage for 120 days. Six hamburger formulations were processed: one control (without the use of additives), four with addition of Moringa leaves flour (0.10, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g/100 g aggregate), and one with addition of synthetic antioxidant Propyl Gallate (0.01 g/100 g aggregate). The products were analyzed for their chemical composition with determinations of moisture, protein, dietary fiber, lipids, ash, carbohydrate, and caloric value after preparation. Microbiological and acceptance testing were performed at the beginning and after 120 days of storage. Determination of pH, instrumental color and lipid oxidation (TBARS) were performed at 1, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of storage. All samples showed physical-chemical and microbiological tests in accordance with the Brazilian legislation. pH measurements were between 5.48 and 5.90; however, the intensity of red has changed according to the treatments and storage periods. The addition of Moringa leaves flour had no antioxidant effect on burgers, but its inclusion not only contributed to the improvement of nutritional quality, but also did not harm product acceptance.


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Vitamin C is vulnerable to oxidative degradation and then the aim of this study was conducting a literature review about quality control of vitamin C in finished products. The conclusion is determined multiple emulsions and products which contain encapsulant materials are able to protect it from oxidation ensuring its efficacy.


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This paper proposes a model of educative content structuring for interactive digital television programs. Its intent was to provide references for collaborative production processes and content organization in learning networks associated with university and educative television broadcasting services. The model defines terms, actors, events, environments, as well as content categories, classes and attributes, indicating criteria for their synchronic or asynchronic association in a dynamic television schedule. The model is presented in both descriptive and visual formats, with the use of conceptual maps. The results indicate that interactive use of digital television in education requires systematic content models covering communitarian participation in both media production and distribution processes, in order to enhance learning instruments beyond vertical, hierarchical and centralized communication sustained by traditional broadcast channels.