90 resultados para Obstetrical nursing. Humanization of Assistance. Humanizing delivery
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Drug delivery systems based on natural polysaccharides, such as chitosan (CS) and pectin (PC), rather than on synthetic polymers, have been widely studied. Some reasons for that are low toxicity and costs and high biodegradability of the formers. A multiparticulate system based on CS and PC was developed in our laboratories, including the addition of an enteric polymer, cellulose acetate phtalate (CAP). Such improvement promoted stronger gastric and enteric resistances, as assessed in vitro, making the systems more selective to enzymatic degradation in the colon. Although in vitro dissolution tests can simulate some properties concerning the gastrointestinal transit (GT), collaborating to characterize the systems behavior in the biological fluids, frequently they do not result in satisfactory in vitro/in vivo correlations. The objective of this work was to follow in vivo the GT of the particles developed by means of AC biosusceptometry (ACB), a non-invasive and of low cost methodology. The particles containing ferrite in powder form were prepared by complex coacervation using an ideal 3:1:1 mass ratio for PC:CS:CAP. The magnetic particles were administered to healthy volunteers by oral route. The GT was monitored by using multi-sensor ACB system and the signal acquisition was performed every IS min until the colonic region was reached. By means of ACB technique, it was possible to acquiring images generated by the magnetic particles within the whole gastrointestinal tract including the colonic region. Variable particles transit times were observed among the volunteers, but without interference on the mapping of the particles until the colonic region. The particles were able to produce magnetic field strong enough to generate signals adequate for mapping the particles. The results suggest that integral particles reached the colon, after they resisted against gastric and enteric media. Studies associating transit time and in vivo drug release are in development in order to confirm the efficiency of the systems.
Objectives To consensually validate the operational definitions of the nursing diagnoses activity intolerance, excessive fluid volume, and decreased cardiac output in patients with decompensated heart failure. Method Consensual validation was performed in two stages: analogy by similarity of defining characteristics, and development of operational definitions and validation with experts. Results A total of 38 defining characteristics were found. Operational definitions were developed and content-validated. One hundred percent of agreement was achieved among the seven experts after five rounds. Ascites was added in the nursing diagnosis excessive fluid volume. Conclusion The consensual validation improves interpretation of human response, grounding the selection of nursing interventions and contributing to improved nursing outcomes. Implications for Practice Support the assessment of patients with decompensated heart failure. Objetivos Realizar a validacAo consensual das definicoes operacionais dos diagnosticos de enfermagem Intolerancia a atividade, Volume de liquidos excessivo e Debito cardiaco diminuido em pacientes com insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada. Metodo ValidacAo consensual em duas etapas: Analogia de semelhanca das caracteristicas definidoras e desenvolvimento de definicoes operacionais e validacAo com expertst. Resultados Foram encontradas 38 caracteristicas definidoras para os diagnosticos de enfermagem. Suas definicoes operacionais foram desenvolvidas e seu conteudo validado. Os resultados mostram que houve 100% de concordancia entre os sete experts apos cinco rodada. As definicoes operacionais foram classificadas com base no nivel de concordanica. Ascite foi acrescentada ao diagnostico Volume de liquidos excessivo. ConclusAo A validacAo consensual melhora a interpretacAo das respostas humanas, embasando a selecAo de intervencoes de enfermagem e contribuindo para melhorar os resultados. Implicacoes Para A Pratica Apoio a avaliacAo dos pacientes com insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada.
O artigo discute as práticas de assistência, políticas, estratégias e ações governamentais formalizadas para a saúde do idoso, visto que, embora o tema humanização se faça presente em várias discussões e que, inclusive, tornou-se diretriz da tão aclamada Política Nacional de Humanização, esses pacientes enfrentam, ainda, vários obstáculos para assegurar alguma assistência à saúde. À desinformação e ao desrespeito aos cidadãos da terceira idade somam-se a precariedade de investimentos públicos para atendimento às necessidades específicas dessa população, a falta de instalações adequadas, a carência de programas específicos e de recursos humanos. Dessa forma, faremos uma reflexão sobre a humanização na assistência à saúde focada nessa população, primeiramente fazendo um resgate da humanização nos diversos cenários do setor saúde, considerando a valorização dos diferentes sujeitos implicados nesse processo, para que o cuidado dessa especial e crescente fatia da população seja realizado de forma humanizada, visto ser este um paciente especial que requer um atendimento diferenciado.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
The study aimed to investigate social representations of the terms diabetes and diabetic foot in different populations. Participants were divided into groups: diabetics (GD); non- diabetics (GN); and non-diabetic healthcare professionals (GP). Personal data were collected, and subjects answered two questions that were expected to evoke five words that came to mind when they thought of diabetes and then diabetic foot. The evoked material was analyzed with the software Ensemble de Programmes Permettant l'Analyse dês Èvocations. A total of 161 subjects participated, including GD (n = 72) with a mean age of 56.12 ± 5.49 years; GN (n = 38) with a mean age of 54.29 ± 7.91 years; and GP (n = 51) with 34.95 ± 7.52 years. The term diabetes evoked 297 words in GD, 172 in GN, and 235 words in GP. The term diabetic foot evoked 180 words in GD, 90 in GN, and 236 in GP. The groups proved to be anxious for more information, thus confirming the need for awareness-raising and educational programs on diabetes, covering comprehensive issues concerning the disease.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a percepção do idoso quanto ao cuidado humanizado na atenção básica de saúde, com enfoque sobre os aspectos do atendimento ambulatorial que interferem na qualidade do atendimento. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo do tipo transversal, abrangendo todas as unidades básicas de saúde de um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo, por meio de entrevistas dirigidas aos idosos que frequentavam essas unidades. O instrumento utilizado foi desenvolvido pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), que, em busca de maior objetividade para a avaliação da qualidade do cuidado à saúde, propôs o conceito de responsividade, para referir-se aos elementos não diretamente ligados ao estado de saúde, e sim aos envolvidos no atendimento acolhedor e resolutivo com responsabilidade e vínculo. Dessa forma, os domínios de responsividade avaliados foram: pronta atenção, dignidade, comunicação, autonomia, escolha dos profissionais, confidencialidade e estrutura física e conforto. Os resultados foram analisados através do software Epi Info 3.5.2. Verificou-se que alguns domínios da atenção em saúde, altamente valorizados pelos idosos, tiveram desempenho bem inferior, como: Autonomia, em que apenas 54,4% tiveram liberdade para tomar decisões sobre sua saúde ou tratamento; e Comunicação, em que 67,6% não obtiveram informações sobre outros tipos de tratamentos ou exames e 79,2% não tiveram oportunidade para esclarecimentos quanto às dúvidas sobre o tratamento. Sugere-se, portanto, mudanças nos serviços de atenção básica à saúde prestados, principalmente quando se trata de idosos, uma população especial que necessita receber uma assistência diferenciada.
Humanization at dental care is highly important due to uneven relation between scientific / technical advances in dentistry and thequality of human contact. The dental treatment goes beyond the field of scientific knowledge. Therefore, the dental treatment requiresbalance among technical skill, scientific training, and humanist vision of health promotion. Contemporarily, humanization is understoodas tripod based on user's rights, dental practice and organization of a humanized model. Curriculum integration of ethical, humanistic,scientific and technical contents is an important and current challenge on teaching / learning process for professionals at Dentistry. Thispaper aims to, guided by the literature review, to present some considerations on human care in dentistry, with emphasis on theimportance of professional /patient relationship for promoting oral health. It is suggested that dentists reflect on the urgent need ontheoretical basis of humanization and patient-professional relationship for health care.Descriptors: Humanization of Assistance; Dental Staff
Objective. To asses fairy tales reading as a humanization strategy of hospitalized children care. Methodology. Qualitative study in which data was collected from: fairy tales reading: individual interview, questionnaire, drawings and stories created by the children. Results. During reading sessions, improvement in the children’s reactions was seen: They were more focused, participative, enthusiastic and happy; those accompanying the children liked and accepted this intervention. Data analysis collected from Interviews, questionnaires, narratives and drawings, showed results in favor of the tales reading practice. Conclusion. The humanization strategy of care supported by fairy tales reading, had a positive impact in the children’s admission to the hospital.
A cross-sectional study was performed to analyze obstetric and neonatal results of planned home births assisted by obstetric nurses in the city of Florianepolis, Southern Brazil. Data collected from the medical records of 100 parturient women cared for between 2005 and 2009 indicated 11 hospital transfers, nine of which underwent a Cesarean section. The majority of women who had a home birth showed normal fetal heart beat (94.0%) and progress on the partogram (61.0%), vertical water delivery was the position most frequently chosen (71.9%), newborns had an Apgar score >= 7 at five minutes (98.9%), episiotomy was performed in 1.0%, and 49.4% did not need perineal suturing. Outcomes indicated that planned home birth is safe.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conventionally, pharmaceutical substances are administered orally because the gastrointestinal tract possesses the appropriate features for drug absorption. Nevertheless, the gastrointestinal tract physiology is complex and influenced by many factors. These factors must be completely understood for the optimization of oral drug delivery systems. Although in vitro tests provide information about release and drug absorption profiles, in vivo studies are essential, due to the biological variability. Several techniques have been employed in an attempt to conveniently characterize the behavior of solid dosage forms in vivo. The noninvasive biomagnetic technique of alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) has been used in studies focusing on gastrointestinal motility and, more recently, to evaluate the performance of magnetic dosage forms. This article will discuss the main characteristics of AC biosusceptometry and its applicability for determination of the relationship between the human gastrointestinal tract and orally administered pharmaceutical dosage forms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The humanization of childbirth implies the understanding of this event as an important experience, and requires the redefinition of human relationships from the review of the assistance project, the understanding of pregnant women condition and human rights. To evaluate child birth assistance using a score that was developed by Botucatu Cuesta Regional Management and Jurumirim Valley Collegiates. This is an epidemiological, descriptive study that is inserted in the field of evaluation of services, programs or health projects. The data has been obtained by direct observation of deliveries, emphasizing the humane care. Results: Approximately one third of the women gave birth in a tertiary hospital (34.1%) and it was their first babies (33%).24.8% of the women received prenatal care in high-risk services. 67.1% of the births were normal, and 84.7% had no companions in the delivery room. In 47.1% of the cases the delivery was performed by obstetrician who used anesthesia in 44.7% and episiotomy in 48.2% of the deliveries. More than half of the newborns were attended by the pediatrician in the delivery room and had a delivery graph completed. Although the present study shows that 67.1% of the births were normal, caesarean rate can be considered excessive, as the WHO points out that c-sections above 15% are unlikely to be justifiable. It is important to emphasize that the Ministry of Health has to have a commitment with all women to promote safe motherhood, even in cases when the pregnancy involves a risk for both the mother and the fetus. It is noteworthy that the created score allowed us to assess variables related to the humanization of childbirth and only average and quite similar situations among the three services were evidenced. We hope that with this study, managers and professionals that work in this area can be subsidized in order to offer effective humane assistance and quality service in the delivery