33 resultados para Necessidade de punição

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Um posicionamento filosófico realista que não coloque em dúvida a inteligibilidade do universo ao qual investiga e não se pretenda detentor de qualquer privilégio para alcançar a verdade admite a falibilidade de qualquer representação da realidade, não vendo motivo para fugir ao diálogo com aqueles que propõem explicações diferentes das suas, mesmo que por vezes com elas conflitantes.


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Este artigo descreve o quadro de transformações históricas do Brasil, na segunda metade do século XX, para inserir aí a questão do idoso, numa perspectiva do envelhecimento da população. Situa as mudanças sociais, a perda de poder do idoso, fruto da urbanização e da modernização, com sua estrutura de empregos que transformou o antigo chefe da família extensa no aposentado. Propõe então medidas para recuperação da dignidade dessa importante categoria sociológica, a partir da educação da nova sociedade. Sugere ainda que, para os professores de crianças e adolescentes que receiam lidar com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, talvez um bom caminho para enfrentar a complexa área dos direitos humanos seja trabalhar com seus alunos na valorização da memória do idoso, o que significa ao mesmo tempo fazê-los adquirir conhecimentos e valorizar os mais velhos, reconhecendo-os como titulares de direitos.


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Background and Objectives - There are many questions and opinions about the value of routine preoperative tests as an integral part of the preanesthetic evaluation. Current trends suggest that such tests should be based on detailed clinical and physical evaluation. Since such tests are still routinely performed and questions about their real value still persist, the aim of this study was to assess the value of routine hematocrit (Ht), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine results in patients undergoing elective surgery, to establish when they are needed and aiming at answering such questions. Methods - 1065 patients aged 12 years and above, physical status ASA I, II and III, scheduled for elective surgery were studied. Patients were divided into 7 different age groups with randomized distribution of gender. Ht, Hb, BUN and serum creatinine results, routinely asked by our surgical departments, were observed and analyzed. Variance Analysis was used for each variable, and the Bonferroni Multiple Comparison Test was used to compare group to group. Differences were considered significant when p < 0.05 (5%). Results - For all patients, 4025 laboratory tests were obtained. The number of tests was the same for each group. There were no differences in Ht and Hb values which remained within normal ranges. Considering BUN and serum creatinine, there was a difference between younger and older patients, but the results were normal in all groups. Conclusions - We concluded that mean Ht, Hb, BUN and serum creatinine values in all age groups were all acceptable for surgical patients in general. However, they are barely useful if performed regardless of clinical evaluation. Thus, such preoperative routine tests should be abandoned and the good clinical practice with common sense should prevail in indicating them.


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This paper presents the results of a research where the phenomenon of indiscipline was problematized approaching its possible relationship with the production of gender identities, in and through school. By means of interviews and direct observation, in classes of the 8 th grade of a school was carried out a study about the (male and female) teachers' attitudes towards what they consider their pupils' indiscipline (which are teenagers, about 13 / 14 years old). At the same time it was made an analysis about the practices of school punishment, threreby a listing of the punishments imposed to desobedient students' behavior. This listing came out from consultation to the book of disciplinary records of the students. So it was possible to bring about, among others, some important aspects of this process: a) the coherence (or incoherence) between what teachers consider indiscipline and their actual practices and attitudes towards students' behavior; b) The diferences and analogies among (male and female) teachers'practices and attitudes c) The different ways in which teachers deal with the manifestations of gender and sexuality of the (male and female) students, at the same time associate them to the practices of insubordination and indiscipline; d) the production of identities, distinctions and inequalities of gender and sexuality, thru school practices.


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This study aimed to determine the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop coefficient (Kc) of fertigated sweet pepper, measured over time (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 days after the transplant). The experiment was conducted on a battery of 40 drainage lysimeters, arranged in a 8 x 5 matrix, in the period October/2009 to January/2010, located in the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) Campus in Recife, in a completely randomized factorial scheme 5 x 2, with four replications, being five irrigation depths (80, 90, 100, 110 and 120% of ETc) and two levels of potassium (80 and 120 kg K2O ha-1) where the experimental plot was composed of three plants in each lysimeter. The Mauchly Sphericity Test indicated multivariate variance analysis for the studied variables ETc (mm d-1) and Kc, the variables presented adjustment under quadratic effect of variation on observation times, when the irrigation depths were fixed, and descending linear adjustments under the variation of irrigation depths effect, when the times of observation were fixed in each potassium dose.


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Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and able to generate all cell types of the body, being the most promising cells to the study for regenerative medicine. Following the differentiation path, there are adult stem cells, which are committed with a specific cell lineage, creating limitations on their application. On the extreme opposite of embryonic stem cells there are the induced pluripotent stem cells, originated from a somatic cell after genetic reprogramming. Induced pluripotent stem cells are a recent science discovery and may substitute the use of embryonic stem cells in future research. But with nowadays knowledge, the use of adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells are limited due to high expenses and long time process demand. Moreover, the development achieved on all kinds of stem cells study are, in some part, due to the study of embryonic stem cells, what makes the study of these cell type still mandatory. © Todos os direitos reservados a.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A presente invenção se refere ao uso de compostos derivados ftalimídicos e/ou sulfonamídicos com propriedades doadoras de óxido nítrico, os quais apresentam importantes atividades no aumento da expressão gênica de gama globina e atividades antiinflamatórias e analgésicas, potenciais ao tratamento de doenças hematológicas em que há a necessidade de diminuição dos níveis do fator TNF-<244> e a necessidade de uma fonte exógena de óxido nítrico. Mais particularmente, a presente invenção descreve o uso de tais derivados ftalimídicos e/ou sulfonamídicos para o tratamento de anemia falciforme. A invenção também apresenta como característica inovadora, a descrição de novos derivados ftalimídicos funcionalizados, desenhados a partir dos protótipos talidomida e hidroxiuréia e planejados racionalmente através da estratégia de hibridação molecular para o tratamento das doenças citadas. A invenção apresenta ainda um novo método de obtenção de um derivado sulfonamídico específico que pode ser utilizado na preparação de um medicamento para tratamento de doenças em que há a necessidade de diminuição dos níveis do fator TNF-<244> e a necessidade de uma fonte exógena de óxido nítrico.