85 resultados para Natural Killer T Cells

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The number and activity of natural killer (NK) cells were studied in 20 patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), 15 uncomplicated pregnant women and 16 healthy non-pregnant women, All the pregnant women were primigravidae and were evaluated during the third trimester of gestation. Peripheral blood NK cells were detected with monoclonal antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence and cytotoxic activity was measured using a single-cell assay against K562 target cells. Hypertensive pregnant women had an increased number of circulating NK cells associated with a significant decrease of NK activity, the cytotoxic activity was significantly lower in normal pregnant and PIH women when compared with non-pregnant controls. The onset of immature NK cells in peripheral blood and the impairment of their cytotoxic activity in PIH patients may be associated with hormones and immunosuppressive substances produced by tissues occurring at the maternal-fetal interface.


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The number and activity of natural killer (NK) cells were studied in 34 untreated patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, 20 with the chronic form of the disease and 14 with the acute form. NK cells were detected with monoclonal antibody Leu-11c and the cytotoxic activity was measured using a single cell assay against K562 target cells. Both groups of patients had an increased number of circulating NK cells, their cytotoxic activity being significantly lower than in the healthy controls. These findings may be of importance in the immunological disturbances associated with paracoccidioidomycosis since NK cells exert important immune effector functions and may play a role in resistance against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.


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In the present work, we studied the effects of two titanocenes, biscyclopentadienyidichlorotitanium IV, (DDCT) and its derivative, biscyclopentadienylditiocianatetitanium IV (BCDT), on the activity of natural killer (NK) cells in Ehrlich ascites tumour (EAT)-bearing BALB/c mice. In order to investigate a more direct effect of these compounds on NK cell function, we performed experiments with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, which exhibit a normal NK cell response in the absence of T and B cells. The treatment consisted of intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of 15 mg/kg/day of DDCT for 2 days or 10 mg/kg/day of BCDT for 3 days. In addition, to verify whether the effects produced by the titanocenes were compound specific or related to a direct antitumour effect, we also investigated the effects of a 3-day treatment with 100 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide cyclophosphamide on NK cell activity. Our results demonstrated that, in BALB/c and SCID mice, NK cell function declined to subnormal levels after inoculation of the tumour. In these animals, although treatment with DDCT and BCDT significantly enhanced NK cell function, only DDCT restored NK cell activity to normal values in all stages studied. Conversely, treatment with cyclophosphamide reduced NK cell function in nontumour bearing SCID mice and was also unable to restore the decreased NK activity of tumour-bearing SCID mice, thus demonstrating that the enhancement of NK cell function by titanocenes is compound specific. The same effect of cyclophosphamide was observed with BALB/c mice. In the present study, the up-modulatory effects of these two compounds on NK cell function reveal a new aspect of the mechanism of antitumoural action of titanocenes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study aimed to estimate the number of CD8(+) T and natural killer (NK) infiltrating cells and the expression of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta1) in chemically induced neoplasms in an initiation-promotion bioassay for carcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were treated with N-nitrosodiethylamine, N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine, dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine, and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine for 4 weeks. Two groups were subsequently exposed through diet to phenobarbital (0.05%) or 2-acetylaminofluorene (0.01%) for 25 weeks. An untreated group was used as a control. Immune cells and cytokines were immunohistochemically evaluated in neoplasms and in surrounding normal tissues at the liver, kidneys, lung, and small and large intestines. When compared to the respective normal tissues, an increased number of NK cells was verified infiltrating the colon, lung, and kidney neoplasms, while the number of CD8+ T cells decreased in the intestine and lung neoplasms. Expression of IL-10 was found mainly in kidney tumors. TGF-beta1 was expressed mainly in the liver and kidneys tumors. The results indicate that the differential occurrence of immune cells between neoplastic and normal tissues could be dependent upon tumor microenvironment.


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In this work we have demonstrated the effects of oral administration of Chlorella vulgaris (CV) on Natural Killer cells (NK) activity of mice infected with a sublethal dose of viable Listeria monocytogenes. The treatment with C. vulgaris produced a significant increase on NK cells activity in normal (non-infected) animals compared to the animals that received only vehicle (water) (p < 0.0001). Similarly, the infection alone produced a significant increase on NK cells activity, which was observed at 48 and 72 hours after the inoculation of L. monocytogenes. Moreover, when CV was administered in infected animals, there was an additional increase in NK cells activity which was significantly higher than that found in the infected groups (p < 0.0001) CV treatment (50 and 500mg/Kg) of mice infected with a dose of 3x105 bacteria/animal, which was lethal for all the non- treated controls, produced a dose-response protection which led to a 20% and 55% survival, respectively (p < 0.0001).


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Natural killer cells constitute a population of lymphocytes able to non-specifically destroy virus-infected and some kinds of tumor cells. Since this lytic activity was shown by non-immunized animals the phenomenon is denominated natural killer (NK) activity and contrasts with specific cytotoxicity performed by cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) because it does not depends on MHC-restricted peptides recognition. In fact, the main feature of most functional receptors of NK cells (NKRs) is their ability to be inhibited by different kinds of class I MHC antigens. In the middle of the 1950's, Burnet & Thomas forged the concept of tumor immunosurveillance and NK cells can be considered one of the main figures in this phenomenon both for effector and regulatory functions. In the present review the early studies on the biology of NK cells were revisited and both their antitumor activity and dependence on the activation by cytokines are discussed.


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Natural killer (NK) cell activity was evaluated after the initiation and promotion steps in a medium-term multi-organ bioassay for carcinogenesis. NK cell activity was assessed in vitro by Cr-51 release assay at the 4th and 30th weeks of the experiment. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN drinking water), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU i.p.), dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine (DHPN drinking water) and N,N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH s.c.) at subcarcinogenic doses for 4 weeks (DMBDD initiation). One group was evaluated at the 4th week and the other was maintained without any further treatment until the 30th week. Two initiated groups were exposed through the diet to 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) or phenobarbital (PB), from the 6th until the 30th week, Five additional groups were studied to evaluate the effects of each initiator on NK activity. All groups submitted to initiation only, initiation plus promotion, or promotion only, developed significantly more preneoplastic lesions than the untreated control group. The main target organs for tumor development in the initiated animals n ere the liver and the colon, irrespective of treatment with 2-AAF or PB. NK cell activity was not affected bal exposure to genotoxic carcinogens after initiation, at the 4th week. Treatments only with PB or 2-AAF did not change NK cell activity, However, decreased NK cell activity was registered in the group only initiated with DMBDD and in the group given DMBDD+2-AAF. This late depression of NK cell activity at the 30th week could be related to the production of suppressing molecules by the tumor cells.


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Strains of mice with maximal and minimal acute inflammatory responsiveness (AIRmax and AIRmin, respectively) were developed through selective breeding based on their high- or low-acute inflammatory responsiveness. Previous reports have shown that AIRmax mice are more resistant to the development of a variety of tumours than AIRmin mice, including spontaneous metastasis of murine melanoma. Natural killer activity is involved in immunosurveillance against tumour development, so we analysed the number and activity of natural killer cells (CD49b(+)), T-lymphocyte subsets and in vitro cytokine production by spleen cells of normal AIRmax and AIRmin mice. Analysis of lymphocyte subsets by flow cytometry showed that AIRmax mice had a higher relative number of CD49b(+) cells than AIRmin mice, as well as cytolytic activity against Yac.1 target cells. The number of CD3(+) CD8(+) cells was also higher in AIRmax mice. These findings were associated with the ability of spleen cells from AIRmax mice in vitro to produce higher levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-12p40 and interferon-gamma but not the anti-inflammatory interleukin-10. Taken together, our data suggest that the selective breeding to achieve the AIRmax and AIRmin strains was able to polarize the genes associated with cytotoxic activity, which can be responsible for the antitumour resistance observed in AIRmax mice.


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The natural killer (NK) activity and lethality were evaluated in swiss mice experimentally infected with street rabies virus and submitted to immunomodulation by P. acnes (formerly Corynebacterium parvum). The infected animals were sacrificed at different times and spleen non-adherent cells were obtained through ficoll-hypaque gradient and depletion of glass-adherent cells. Immunosuppression was observed in rabies virus infected mice correlated with lower NK activity in clinically ill animals. Higher NK activity and percentual of survival were observed in the group submitted to P. acnes. The increased survival correlated with higher NK activity induced by P. acnes suggests a protective role of this natural barrier against rabies virus infection in mice. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To study the 'in vivo' importance of vitamin D on the natural killer (NK) activity, rats were submitted to privational rickets induced by a diet deficient in vitamin D and phosphorus (D-P-). Thirty days after the beginning of treatment the animals showed low body weight, changes in the bone development, and decreased levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-3 (25-OH D-3). NK activity, evaluated using a cytotoxicity assay against Cr-51-labeled Yac.1 target cells, was not modified by the rickets-inducing treatment during the first 30 days. Following a long-term treatment (60 days) the rachitic rats (D-P-) exhibited higher NK activity than control animals (D + P +) (P < 0.05). on the other hand, D - P + animals showed higher cytotoxic activity than D - P - and D + P + groups. Feed replacement to the rachitic rats by a complete diet (D - P - /D + P +) led to a partial recuperation of growth, bone development, and 25-OH D-3 scrum. levels. The NK activity was also influenced by vitamin D intake, decreasing after treatment. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade de células natural killer na paracoccidioidomicose experimental do hamster, 80 hamsters foram infectados por via intratesticular com Paracoccidioides brasiliensis e sacrificados após 24h, 48h, 96h, 1, 2, 4, 8 e 11 semanas de infecção. Como controle foram avaliados 40 hamsters normais, não infectados. Os animais foram submetidos ao estudo da atividade citotóxica de células NK pela técnica de single-cell assay e da resposta imune humoral pelas técnicas de imunodifusão dupla e Elisa. A produção do fator inibidor da migração de macrófagos em presença de Phytohemaglutinina e antígeno de P. brasiliensis e a histopatologia das lesões foram estudadas após 1,4, 8e 11 semanas de infecção. Os animais infectados, quando comparados aos controles, apresentaram níveis de atividade NK significativamente elevados durante as 4 primeiras semanas de infecção, havendo diminuição dessa atividade a partir da 8ª semana. Foi observada correlação inversa entre atividade NK e níveis de anticorpos específicos e, associação entre diminuição da atividade NK, depressão de resposta imune celular e aumento da extensão das lesões histopatológicas. Os resultados sugerem que após ativação inicial, as células NK são incapazes de controlar a disseminação do fungo pelos tecidos. A depressão da atividade NK na fase tardia da infecção parece estar relacionada com os distúrbios imunorregulatórios associados à paracoccidioidomicose.


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Kala-azar is the visceral form of leishmaniasis and it is caused by intracellular parasites from the complex Leishmania donovani. Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) infected with Leishmania donovani develop a disease very similar to human Kala-azar. There is conspicuous hipergammaglobulinaemia and their T cells do not respond to stimulation with parasite antigens. We used this experimental model to evaluate the natural killer (NK) activity during the initial phase of the disease. Outbred hamsters infected by intravenous route with 5.106 amastigotes of L. donovani 1S showed a concurrent increase in the spleen weight and in the spleen cell number. Using the single cell assay we detected a significant increase in the percentage of NK effector cells on the 4th day of infection. Imprints from spleen and liver showed at days 14 and 28 a significant increase in the parasite burden. These results show that the increased NK activity in the beginning of the infection was not able to restrain the progression of the disease in this experimental model.


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Natural killer (NK) cell activity was evaluated after the initiation and promotion steps in a medium-term multi-organ bioassay for carcinogenesis. NK cell activity was assessed in vitro by Cr51 release assay at the 4th and 30th weeks of the experiment. Male Wistar rats were sequentially initiated with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN drinking water), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU i.p.), dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine (DHPN drinking water) and N,N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH s.c.) at subcarcinogenic doses for 4 weeks (DMBDD initiation). One group was evaluated at the 4th week and the other was maintained without any further treatment until the 30th week. Two initiated groups were exposed through the diet to 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) or phenobarbital (PB), from the 6th until the 30th week. Five additional groups were studied to evaluate the effects of each initiator on NK activity. All groups submitted to initiation only, initiation plus promotion, or promotion only, developed significantly more preneoplastic lesions than the untreated control group. The main target organs for tumor development in the initiated animals were the liver and the colon, irrespective of treatment with 2-AAF or PB. NK cell activity was not affected by exposure to genotoxic carcinogens after initiation, at the 4th week. Treatments only with PB or 2-AAF did not change NK cell activity. However, decreased NK cell activity was registered in the group only initiated with DMBDD and in the group given DMBDD+2-AAF. This late depression of NK cell activity at the 30th week could be related to the production of suppressing molecules by the tumor cells.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)