25 resultados para Multiple structural breaks

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The presidency of Evo Morales, indigenous leader and who heads the party Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), opens a series of transformations in several dimensions. The changes in socio-economic and political power express the critic of long-term coloniality relations between a dominant white elite and an indigenous subordinate majority that deepens after national independence. Following this perspective, present in sectors of support to the government, the strategy of the MAS cannot follow the tradition of social revolutions that operated structural breaks in the mode of production and the state organization, but points to a new decolonizing revolution, cultural and political, articulating an indigenism of broad nature, flexible and open to popular social movements. This view is facing critics in sectors of the left that identify the renewal of capitalist modernization process initiated in 1952 under the leadership of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR), extending citizenship and democratizing access to the state for recognition of Indians as such. From this perspective, the transformations proposed by MAS tend to favor a system restoration by diversifying its economic and social base. From the contrast provided by these two lines of interpretation, we intend to analyze the structural possibilities of the strategy of the government of Evo Morales, taking as historical reference the transformations wrought by the nationalist revolution of 1952 and the neoliberal reforms initiated in 1980.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O gênero Gochnatia é comumente encontrado em diferentes fitofisionomias do Cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, crescendo desde ambientes mais abertos até áreas florestais mais fechadas. Aqui foram comparadas a anatomia foliar e alguns parâmetros ecofisiológicos de duas espécies do gênero Gochnatia, uma arbustiva (Gochnatia barrosii Cabrera) e a outra arbórea (Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera), ambas ocorrendo em área de cerradão na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP. Encontraram-se diferenças estruturais qualitativas entre as espécies, com G. barrosii apresentando folhas anfiestomáticas, com epiderme unisseriada e G. polymorpha apresentando folhas hipoestomáticas, com epiderme múltipla ou hipoderme, na face adaxial. Além disso, as folhas de G. barrosii apresentaram menores valores para a espessura dos tecidos (com exceção da epiderme na face abaxial) e da folha em relação a G. polymorpha. Foram observadas diferenças na assimilação de CO2 tanto em base de área quanto de massa seca foliar, além de diferenças na área foliar específica, sendo esta maior em G. barrosii. Apesar das folhas de G. barrosii possuírem estrutura bem menos escleromorfa do que as folhas de G. polymorpha, não foram encontradas diferenças na eficiência do uso de água. Os resultados sugerem que espécies de formas distintas de crescimento de um mesmo gênero possuem características foliares diferenciadas para lidar com as variações ambientais a que são submetidas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fluoride has been widely used in dentistry as a caries prophylactic agent. However, there has been some speculation that excess fluoride could cause an impact on genome integrity. In the current study, the potential DNA damage associated with exposure to fluoride was assessed in cells of blood, liver, kidney, thyroid gland and urinary bladder by the single cell gel (comet) assay. Male Wistar rats aging 75 days were distributed into seven groups: Groups 1 (control), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 received 0 (deionized water), 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mgF/Kg body weight from sodium fluoride (NaF), respectively, by gastrogavage. These groups were killed at 2 h after the administration of the fluoride doses. The level of DNA strand breaks did not increase in all organs evaluated and at all doses of NaF tested, as depicted by the mean tail moment. Taken together, our results suggest that oral exposure to NaF did not result in systemic genotoxic effect in multiple organs related to fluoride toxicity. Since DNA damage is an important step in events leading to carcinogenesis, this study represents a relevant contribution to the correct evaluation of the potential health risk associated with chemical exposure.


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According to the literature, the seeds of Chamaecrista lack pleurograms and have pitted testas aligned in vertical lines. Preliminary observations have revealed that these small structures consist of superficial alterations of the testa that are coloured differently to the rest of the seed coat and stand out as pits. However, no anatomical inspection has yet determined the precise composition of these pits. The present work examined the morphology, surface micromorphology, anatomy, and histochemistry of the seed coat of mature seeds of C. desvauxii var. latistipula, C. flexuosa, and C. nictitans var. patellaria in order to elucidate the structural nature of the seed coat pits. For this, seed coats were studied using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Structural modifications were examined in the seed coats of the studied species, and variations were noted in the mucilaginous layer, in the thickness of the palisade layer, and in the presence of larger hypodermic cells. Based on the anatomical features observed, and comparing these with published data on pleurograms in the Caesalpinioideae, it was determined that the structures referred to previously as tegumental pits on Chamaecrista seeds are actually small and numerous pleurograms, reported here for the first time. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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BaP1 is a 22.7-kD P-I-type zinc-dependent metalloproteinase isolated from the venom of the snake Bothrops asper, a medically relevant species in Central America. This enzyme exerts multiple tissue-damaging activities, including hemorrhage, myonecrosis, dermonecrosis, blistering, and edema. BaP1 is a single chain of 202 amino acids that shows highest sequence identity with metalloproteinases isolated front the venoms of snakes of the subfamily Crotalinae. It has six Cys residues involved in three disulfide bridges (Cys 117-Cys 197, Cys 159-Cys 181, Cys 157-Cys 164). It has the consensus sequence H(142)E(143)XXH(146)XXGXXH(152), as well as the sequence C164I165M166, which characterize the metzincin superfamily of metalloproteinases. The active-site cleft separates a major subdomain (residues 1-152), comprising four a-helices and a five-stranded beta-sheet, from the minor subdomain, which is formed by a single a-helix and several loops. The catalytic zinc ion is coordinated by the N-epsilon2 nitrogen atoms of His 142, His 146, and His 152, in addition to a solvent water molecule, which in turn is bound to Glu 143. Several conserved residues contribute to the formation of the hydrophobic pocket, and Met 166 serves as a hydrophobic base for the active-site groups. Sequence and structural comparisons of hemorrhagic and nonhemorrhagic P-I metalloproteinases from snake venoms revealed differences in several regions. In particular, the loop comprising residues 153 to 176 has marked structural differences between metalloproteinases with very different hemorrhagic activities. Because this region lies in close proximity to the active-site microenvironment, it may influence the interaction of these enzymes with physiologically relevant substrates in the extracellular matrix.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The biochemical and functional characterization of wasp venom toxins is an important prerequisite for the development of new tools both for the therapy of the toxic reactions due to envenomation caused by multiple stinging accidents and also for the diagnosis and therapy of allergic reactions caused by this type of venom. PLA(1) was purified from the venom of the neotropical social wasp Polybia paulista by using molecular exclusion and cation exchange chromatographies; its amino acid sequence was determined by using automated Edman degradation and compared to the sequences of other vespid venom PLA(1)'s. The enzyme exists as a 33,961.40 da protein, which was identified as a lipase of the GX class, liprotein lipase superfamily, pancreatic lipases (ab20.3) homologous family and RP2 sub-group of phospholipase. P. paulista PLA(1) is 53-82% identical to the phospholipases from wasp species from Northern Hemisphere. The use restrained-based modeling permitted to describe the 3-D structure of the enzyme, revealing that its molecule presents 23% alpha-helix, 28% beta-sheet and 49% coil. The protein structure has the alpha/beta fold common to many lipases; the core consists of a tightly packed beta-sheet constituted of six-stranded parallel and one anti-parallel beta-strand, surrounded by four alpha-helices. P. paulista PLA(1) exhibits direct hemolytic action against washed red blood cells with activity similar to the Cobra cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra. In addition to this, PLA(1) was immunoreactive to specific IgE from the sera of P. paulista-sensitive patients. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid reflections (HRs) involving substrate and layer planes (SL type) [Morelhao et al., Appl. Phys. Len. 73 (15), 2194 (1998)] observed in Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) grown InGaP/GaAs(001) structures were used as a three-dimensional probe to analyze structural properties of epitaxial layers. A set of (002) rocking curves (omega-scan) measured for each 15 degrees in the azimuthal plane was arranged in a pole diagram in phi for two samples with different layer thicknesses (#A -58 nm and #B - 370 nm) and this allowed us to infer the azimuthal epilayer homogeneity in both samples. Also, it was shown the occurrence of (1 (1) over bar3) HR detected even in the thinner layer sample. Mappings of the HR diffraction condition (omega:phi) allowed to observe the crystal truncation rod through the elongation of HR shape along the substrate secondary reflection streak which can indicate in-plane match of layer/substrate lattice parameters. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim