31 resultados para Microbial Community

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Methylamine and sulfate are compounds commonly found in wastewaters. This study aimed to determine the methanogenic potential of anaerobic reactors containing these compounds and to correlate it with their microbial communities. Batch experiments were performed at different methylamine/sulfate ratios of 0.71, 1.26 and 2.18 (with respect to mass concentration). Control and experimental runs were inoculated with fragmented granular sludge. The maximum specific methane formation rates were approximately 2.3 mmol CH4 L-1 g TVS-1 day-1 for all conditions containing methylamine, regardless of sulfate addition. At the end of the experiment, total ammonium-N and methane formation were proportional to the initial concentrations of methylamine. In the presence of methylamine and sulfate, Firmicutes (46%), Deferribacteres (13%) and Proteobacteria (12%) were the predominant phyla of the Bacteria domain, while Spirochaetes (40%), Deferribacteres (17%) and Bacteroidetes (16%) predominated in the presence of methylamine only. There was no competition for methylamine between sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea.


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The degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was investigated under fermentativemethanogenic conditions for up to 60 days in the presence of anaerobic biomass from a full-scale UASB reactor. The low methane yields in the PCBs-spiked batch reactors suggested that the biomass had an inhibitory effect on the methanogenic community. Reactors containing PCBs and co-substrates (ethanol/ sodium formate) exhibited substantial PCB reductions from 0.7 to 0.2 mg mL-1 . For the Bacteria domain, the PCBs-spiked reactors were grouped with the PCB-free reactors with a similarity of 55 %, which suggested the selection of a specific population in the presence of PCBs. Three genera of bacteria were found exclusively in the PCB-spiked reactors and were identified using pyrosequencing analysis, Sedimentibacter, Tissierela and Fusibacter. Interestingly, the Sedimentibacter, which was previously correlated with the reductive dechlorination of PCBs, had the highest relative abundance in the RCS-PCB (7.4 %) and RCS-PCB-PF (12.4 %) reactors. Thus, the anaerobic sludge from the UASB reactor contains bacteria from the Firmicutes phylum that are capable of degrading PCBs.


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A compactação é um dos fatores mais agravantes para a qualidade do solo, porém o seu efeito na comunidade e atividade enzimática microbiana não tem sido suficientemente estudado. Seis níveis de compactação foram obtidos pela passagem de tratores com diferentes pesos em um Latossolo Vermelho, e a densidade final foi medida. Amostras de solo foram coletadas nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-20 cm, após a colheita do milho. O efeito da compactação foi evidente em todos os parâmetros estudados, mas nem sempre foi significativo. A contagem das bactérias totais reduziu significativamente em 22-30 %, e a das nitrificantes, em 38-41 %, no solo com maior densidade em relação ao controle. Contudo, a população de fungos aumentou de 55 a 86 %, e a das bactérias desnitrificantes, de 49 a 53 %. A atividade da desidrogenase diminuiu de 20 a 34 %; a da urease, de 44 a 46 %; e a da fosfatase, de 26 a 28 %. O conteúdo de matéria orgânica e o pH do solo diminuíram na camada 0-0,10 em relação à de 0,10-0,20 m e influíram possivelmente na redução das contagens microbianas exceto das bactérias desnitrificantes, e na atividade das enzimas, menos a da urease. Esses resultados indicam que a compactação do solo teve influência na comunidade de microrganismos aeróbios e na sua atividade. Esse efeito pode alterar a ciclagem de nutrientes e diminuir a produção da planta.


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Nine ruminally cannulated cows fed different energy sources were used to evaluate an avianderived polyclonal antibody preparation against specific ruminal bacteria and monensin on microbial community diversity. The experimental design was three Latin squares 3 x 3 distinguished by the main energy source in the diet [dry-ground corn grain, high moisture corn silage or citrus pulp]. Inside each Latin square, animals received one of the feed additives per period [control, monensin or polyclonal antibody preparation]. Each period lasted 21 days where 20 were used for treatments adaptation and the last one for sampling collection. Microbial diversity was evaluated by protozoa counts and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Polyclonal antibodies plus citrus pulp (CiPu) addition in the diet resulted in an increase of relative counting of Isotricha protozoa that indicates a possible effect on this ruminal ciliate population. In general lines, in the present experiment, it was not possible to assign that there was a pattern in the structures of amplification of Bacteria and Archaea communities of the ruminal content. Oral passive immunization is a technology that arises as an effective alternative for feed additive production. Further research is still necessary to better understand its mechanisms of action.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A microbiota do solo é de grande importância no desenvolvimento de culturas. Os métodos de controle, químico (brometo de metila) e físico (solarização), alteram essa microbiota. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o comportamento da comunidade de fungos em solo solarizado e fumigado (brometo de metila). O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com três tratamentos (solarização, brometo de metila e testemunha) e sete repetições. A comunidade de fungos do solo foi avaliada de forma quantitativa e qualitativa, em três momentos (antes, durante e após a solarização) com amostras coletadas de três profundidades (0-5; 10-15 e 20-25 cm). Durante a solarização ocorreu uma redução na comunidade de fungos do solo, em termos quantitativos, em todas as camadas amostradas. No entanto, essa diminuição foi mais significativa na camada superficial (0-5cm). em termos qualitativos, a solarização reduziu também o número de diferentes espécies de fungos do solo, mas na camada de 20-25 cm, essa diminuição foi a zero aos 56 dias de avaliação. A recolonização da microbiota do solo, em termos quantitativos, foi maior no tratamento com brometo de metila do que nos demais. Entretanto, esse aumento não foi o mesmo em termos qualitativos. Nos tratamentos solarizado e testemunha, o aumento na comunidade de fungos do solo foi acompanhado pela diversificação de espécies fúngicas.


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The microorganisms are essential components in the maintenance of the biological and physicochemical balance of the soil. They exert important function including the degradation of residues of plants and animals and the release of nutrients in the alimentary chain. This work had as objective to compare the microbiota of a soil under bush covering (SMS) and other cropped with vegetables (SHC), suppressive or not it Rhizoctonia solani. Total microbial community DNA was extracted of soils, amplification for PCR of the genes 16S rDNA, inserted into pGEM (R)-T cloning vector and sequencing of the genes of the ribosomal RNA. The analysis of the results demonstrated that this methodology was efficient for evaluation of bacteria in ground. In the bush soil suppressive the microorganisms more found belonged to the phyla of the Acidobacterias, Verrucomicrobia and Actinobacterias and in the soil cultivated with vegetables the biggest frequency was of organisms pertaining to the phyla of the Proteobacterias, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes.


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Objectives: To investigate if the participation of Atopobium vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. in the bacterial community of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is associated with distinct patterns of this condition. Methods: In this cross-sectional controlled study, 205 women with BV and 205 women with normal flora were included. Vaginal rinsing samples were obtained for measuring the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and bacterial sialidases. Real-time PCR was used to quantify the BV-associated bacteria and to estimate the total bacterial load using the 16S rRNA. Principal component analysis (PCA) using the measured parameters was performed to compare the BV samples with lower and higher loads of the species of interest. Results: Higher bacterial load (p<0.001), levels of interleukin 1-β (p<0.001) and sialidase activity (p<0.001) were associated with BV. Women with BV and higher relative loads of A vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. presented increased sialidase activity, but unchanged cytokine levels. PCA analysis did not indicate a different pattern of BV according to the loads of A vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. Conclusions: Greater participation of A vaginae, Megasphaera sp. and Leptotrichia sp. in vaginal bacterial community did not indicate a less severe form of BV; moreover, it was associated with increased sialidase activity.


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Background: How to maintain gut health is a goal for scientists throughout the world. Therefore, microbiota management models for testing probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics have been developed.Methods: The SHIME® model was used to study the effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus 1014 on the fermentation pattern of the colon microbiota. Initially, an inoculum prepared from human feces was introduced into the reactor vessels and stabilized over 2-wk using a culture medium. This stabilization period was followed by a 2-wk control period during which the microbiota was monitored. The microbiota was then subjected to a 4-wk treatment period by adding 5 mL of sterile peptone water with L. acidophilus CRL1014 at the concentration of 108 CFU/mL to vessel one (the stomach compartment). Plate counts, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) and ammonium analyses were carried out for monitoring of the microbial community from the colon compartments.Results: A significant increase (p < 0.01) in the Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. populations was observed during the treatment period. The DGGE obtained showed changes in the lactobacilli community from the colon compartments of the SHIME® reactor. The (SCFA) concentration increased (p < 0.01) during the treatment period, due mainly to significant increased levels of acetic, butyric, and propionic acids. However, ammonium concentrations decreased during the same period (p < 0.01).Conclusions: This study showed the beneficial influence of L. acidophilus CRL 1014 on microbial metabolism and lactobacilli community composition for improving human health. © 2013 Sivieri et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Microbial biofilms are responsible for a variety of microbial infections in different parts of the body, such as urinary tract infections, catheter infections, middle-ear infections, gingivitis, caries, periodontitis, orthopedic implants, and so on. The microbial biofilm cells have properties and gene expression patterns distinct from planktonic cells, including phenotypic variations in enzymic activity, cell wall composition and surface structure, which increase the resistance to antibiotics and other antimicrobial treatments. There is consequently an urgent need for new approaches to attack biofilm-associated microorganisms, and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) may be a promising candidate. aPDT involves the combination of a nontoxic dye and low-intensity visible light which, in the presence of oxygen, produces cytotoxic reactive oxygen species. It has been demonstrated that many biofilms are susceptible to aPDT, particularly in dental disease. This review will focus on aspects of aPDT that are designed to increase efficiency against biofilms modalities to enhance penetration of photosensitizer into biofilm, and a combination of aPDT with biofilm-disrupting agents. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd.


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Luminescent silica nanoparticles are frequently employed for biotechnology applications mainly because of their easy functionalization, photo-stability, and biocompatibility. Bifunctional silica nanoparticles (BSNPs) are described here as new efficient tools for investigating complex biological systems such as biofilms. Photoluminescence is brought about by the incorporation of a silylated ruthenium(II) complex. The surface properties of the silica particles were designed by reaction with amino-organosilanes, quaternary ammonium-organosilanes, carboxylate-organosilanes and hexamethyldisilazane. BSNPs were characterized extensively by DRIFT, 13C and 29Si solid state NMR, XPS, and photoluminescence. Zeta potential and contact angle measurements exhibited various surface properties (hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance and electric charge) according to the functional groups. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) measurements showed that the spatial distribution of these nanoparticles inside a biofilm of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 depends more on their hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics than on their size. CLSM observations using two nanosized particles (25 and 68 nm) suggest that narrow diffusion paths exist through the extracellular polymeric substances matrix. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV