597 resultados para Matemática (Primeiro Grau) Estudo e ensino

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC


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Ps-graduao em Educao para a Cincia - FC


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Here we present the introduction of a range of sciences experimental activities, designed and developed with a focus on the investigative methodology in an interdisciplinary context. The activities have as main theme water and covers topics of heat and temperature, density and states of matter. The relevance of this project is to promote the first contacts of children with Science in an attractive way, and correctly of the scientific point of view, respecting the cognitive level of each child, trying to stimulate the development of hypotheses, creativity and critical thinking, as well as the development of the narrative, descriptive language and drawing. We developed seven lesson plans that were applied in the year of 2012, during three weeks in a school for early childhood education in the city of Bauru. The activities were conducted with fifteen children aged four to six years old together with the teacher responsible for the group. As main contributions in the teaching learning process we cite: acquiring of new vocabulary, progress in the development of hypotheses, development of collective work, evolution of knowledge of the topics covered, and use of the acquired knowledge to new problems and situations


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Com o fenmeno da Revoluo Verde a partir da dcada de 1950, o campo brasileiro sofreu grandes modificaes como o incentivo a mecanizao pesada e o investimento em insumos agrcolas, como fertilizantes e agrotxicos. O processo de transformao politica e adoo do liberalismo pelo governo ditatorial incentivaram ainda mais a agricultura baseada no modelo da Revoluo Verde e tambm fez ocasionou grandes transformaes na educao. Com a redemocratizao, tanto a educao como o campo, passaram a ser discutidos intensamente, no governo e nos movimentos sociais. A partir da Constituio Brasileira de 1988, foi elaborada a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educao Nacional (LDBEN 9394/96) e seu artigo 28 dispe sobre a educao do campo. Porm, somente em 2002, as escolas do campo passaram a ter uma legislao especifica, reconhecendo as particularidades da educao para camponeses. Em 2008, o Governo do Estado de So Paulo lanou a Proposta Curricular com o objetivo de organizar o sistema educacional e, com isso, todas as escolas da rede estadual seguem o mesmo currculo e material didtico. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar os contedos do material didtico destinado ao 6 ano do Ensino Fundamental da disciplina de Cincias e avaliar se esses contedos atendem a perspectiva da educao do campo em uma comunidade no interior de So Paulo e elaborar uma proposta de material didtico complementar, embasado nos princpios da agroecologia. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa, realizada junto ao Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra MST, em que se constatou que o material do governo no apresenta nenhuma especificidade ou adequao para os estudantes e escolas do campo e apresenta um material que pode contribuir para a formao desses estudantes


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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During the last centuries, the human being have been considered the center of the universe. The man believed that nature was at his disposal. Appropriated their processes, their cycles changed, redefined their spaces. Today, when faced with an environmental crisis which threatens the planet life, including the human life, the Science Education can contribute to a reconstruction of man-nature relationship in other terms. The transformation of teaching practices in the school environment, to be reflective, it is still a process that challenges the vast majority of teachers. As has been indicated by Guerra (2004), among others, the traditional teaching of content delivery is still very strong and certainly more deeply embedded in ideas and activities of the teachers who focus on environmental education. With it, a theory and pedagogical discourses in critical-reflexive actions is still a major obstacle. Therefore, new proposals for education and continuing education activities need to be formulated and presented based on the characteristics and needs breathing. Therefore propose changes in the way of teaching, where there is more room for a theory and praxis alone or with a only scientific truth. The scenery of society requires that knowledge is constructed to interconnect all disciplines, joining theory and practice so we can understand the whole and their relations in an integrated manner. It was proposed here a way to build a school and applying theoretical and practical activities involving experimental and seeking to meet the principles of Environmental Education for the training of citizens aware and critical. At the same time cares to use textbooks very rich in its pedagogical character that are present in schools and often are, forgotten and unused by teachers. From this way, I chose to Experimentoteca, ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O artigo relata um dos resultados de um planejamento de curso feito em parceria com alunos de Licenciatura em Cincias Biolgicas, ao longo do curso de Didtica. Refora a crena de que a sala de aula de 3 grau local de criao e prtica, no apenas de discurso. O trabalho envolve vrias fases: apresentao da proposta, levantamento de expectativas e interesses, classificao e localizao das dificuldades, seleo de temas-comuns, realizao de tarefa-objetiva e confco do material didtico correspondente ao tem selecionado. Foram construdos com material simples, sete jogos didticos, para uso em aulas de Cincias, para escolas de 1 grau.


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The central focus of this paper is to establish that the Brazilian Education Programa to prepare professionals in Technical-Agricultural Schools is suffering a kind of marginalization which comes from two distinct perspectives: the intention to prepare professionals (being a branch of Technical Education) and the relationship to the countryside (a community space historically seen as peripheral in its relation to urban culture). The paper discusses from a historical and sociological point of view and using Oral History as methodological approach the experiences of Maths teachers in their daily struggles against some conceptions of other teachers (mainly those of technical areas) and against all the regular schooling system.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Educao Matemática - IGCE