78 resultados para Invisible

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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We show that by introducing appropriate local Z(N)(Ngreater than or equal to13) symmetries in electroweak models it is possible to implement an automatic Peccei-Quinn symmetry, at the same time keeping the axion protected against gravitational effects. Although we consider here only an extension of the standard model and a particular 3-3-1 model, the strategy can be used in any kind of electroweak model. An interesting feature of this 3-3-1 model is that if we add (i) right-handed neutrinos, (ii) the conservation of the total lepton number, and (iii) a Z(2) symmetry, the Z(13) and the chiral Peccei-Quinn U(1)P-Q symmetries are both accidental symmetries in the sense that they are not imposed on the Lagrangian but are just a consequence of the particle content of the model, its gauge invariance, renormalizability, and Lorentz invariance. In addition, this model has no domain wall problem.


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We show that Peccei-Quinn and lepton number symmetries can be a natural outcome in a 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos after imposing a Z(11)circle timesZ(2) symmetry. This symmetry is suitably accommodated in this model when we augment its spectrum by including merely one singlet scalar field. We work out the breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry, yielding the axion, and study the phenomenological consequences. The main result of this work is that the solution to the strong CP problem can be implemented in a natural way, implying an invisible axion phenomenologically unconstrained, free of domain wall formation, and constituting a good candidate for the cold dark matter.


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We show that by imposing local Z(13)circle timesZ(3) symmetries in an SU(2)circle timesU(1) electroweak model we can implement an invisible axion in such a way that (i) the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the classical Lagrangian, and (ii) the axion is protected from semiclassical gravitational effects. In order to be able to implement such a large discrete symmetry, and at the same time allow a general mixing in each charge sector, we introduce right-handed neutrinos and enlarge the scalar sector of the model. The domain wall problem is briefly considered.


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By introducing local Z(N) symmetries with N=11,13 in two 3-3-1 models, it is possible to implement an automatic Peccei-Quinn symmetry, keeping the axion protected against gravitational effects at the same time. Both models have a Z(2) domain wall problem and the neutrinos are strictly Dirac particles.


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Given its weak coupling to bottom quarks and tau leptons, the Higgs boson may predominantly decay into invisible particles like gravitinos, neutralinos, or gravitons. We consider the manifestation of such an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in weak boson fusion at the CERN LHC. Distinctive kinematic distributions of the two quark jets of the signal as compared to Zjj and Wjj backgrounds allow to restrict the Higgs branching ratio to 'invisible' final states to some 13% with 10 fb(-1) of data, provided events with two energetic forward jets of high dijet invariant mass and with substantial missing transverse momentum can be triggered efficiently. It is also possible to discover these particles with masses up to 480 GeV in weak boson fusion, at the 5 sigma level, provided their invisible branching ratio is close to 100%. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we implement the spontaneous breaking of lepton number in version II of the 3-3-1 models and study their phenomenological consequences. The main result of this work is that our majoron is invisible even though it belongs to a triplet representation by the 3-3-1 symmetry.


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We show that in any invisible axion model due to the effects of effective nonrenormalizable interactions related to an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn, grand unification or even the Planck scale, active neutrinos necessarily acquire masses in the sub-eV range. Moreover, if sterile neutrinos are also included and if appropriate cyclic Z(N) symmetries are imposed, it is possible that some of these neutrinos are heavy while others are light.


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Este ensaio aborda a poética de Harryette Mullen, poetisa afro-americana cuja obra questiona os limites que moldam as expectativas pela inteligibilidade acessível na literatura afro-americana. Os poemas de Mullen exploram as bordas da inteligibilidade, avançando para além das expectativas por uma forma visível/ Rev. Let., São Paulo, v.52, n.1, p.101-120, jan./jun. 2012. 119 inteligível de linguagem que abarcaria a experiência da negritude. Argumenta-se que a escrita na poesia de Mullen funciona como um processo de miscigenação ao jogar com a ilegibilidade da negritude, para além de uma linha visível de distinção entre o que é ou que deveria ser considerado como parte apropriada da negritude, o que possibilita novas formas de reflexão sobre a poesia como um instrumento politicamente significativo para se repensar o papel da poetisa e do poeta negros no espaço da diáspora negra.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Relating the surface of a translated text to discourse is one of the focuses in the connection between Translation Studies and African- -American literature. In this respect, “Invisible Man”, by Ralph Ellison, and its Brazilian translation, by Márcia Serra, present themselves as material for analyzing contexts which evoke a sense of community and racial identity. Therefore, this paper centers precisely upon nuances in meaning of the linguistic displays of bonding and race. It could be noticed that these aspects were less marked in the translation, whereas the integrationist project featured in the novel was to a certain extent rewritten in words that called forth a sense of racial dichotomy. Thus, the translation displays at once the non-racialized perspective peculiar to the Brazilian view of race and assumptions in regard to the perspective of the African-American Other on race relations.


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This essay addresses the poetics of Harryette Mullen, an awarded African-American female poet whose work questions the boundaries that shape the expectations for accessible intelligibility in African-American literature. Mullen’s poems skirt the edges of intelligibility by going beyond the expectations for a visible/intelligible form of language that would embrace the experience of blackness. I argue that writing in Mullen’s poetry works as process of miscegenation by playing on the illegibility of blackness, beyond a visible line of distinction between what is or should be considered part of blackness itself, which engages new forms of reflection on poetry as a politically meaningful tool for rethinking the role of the black (female) poet within the black diaspora.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os sistemas de telecomunicações emitem radiofreqüência, uma radiação eletromagnética invisível. Telefones celulares transmitem microondas (450900 MHz no sistema analógico e 1,82,2 GHz no sistema digital), muito próximo à orelha do usuário. Esta energia é absorvida pela pele, orelha interna, nervo vestibulococlear e superfície do lobo temporal. OBJETIVO: Revisar a literatura sobre influência dos telefones celulares na audição e equilíbrio. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Revisão sistemática. METODOLOGIA: Foram pesquisados artigos nas bases Lilacs e Medline sobre a influência dos telefones celulares nos sistemas auditivo e vestibular, publicados de 2000 a 2005, e também materiais veiculados na Internet. RESULTADOS: Os estudos sobre radiação do telefone celular e risco de neurinoma do acústico apresentam resultados contraditórios. Alguns autores não encontram maior probabilidade de aparecimento do tumor nos usuários de celulares, enquanto outros relatam que a utilização de telefones analógicos por 10 anos ou mais aumenta o risco para o tumor. A exposição aguda às microondas emitidas pelo celular não influencia a atividade das células ciliadas externas da cóclea, in vivo e in vitro, a condução elétrica no nervo coclear, nem a fisiologia do sistema vestibular em humanos. As próteses auditivas analógicas são mais suscetíveis à interferência eletromagnética dos telefones celulares digitais. CONCLUSÃO: Não há comprovação de lesão cocleovestibular pelos telefones celulares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)