38 resultados para First Presbyterian Church of Flint.

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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PURPOSE: To assess the effects of the elevation of the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) on the value of the 1st temporal derivative of the ventricular pressure (dP/dt). METHODS: Nineteen anesthetized dogs were studied. The dogs were mechanically ventilated and underwent thoracotomy with parasympathetic nervous system block. The LVEDP was controlled with the use of a perfusion circuit connected to the left atrium and adjusted to the height of a reservoir. The elevation of the LVEDP was achieved by a sudden increase in the height of a reservoir filled with blood. Continuous recordings of the electrocardiogram, the aortic and ventricular pressures and the dP/dt were performed. RESULTS: Elevation of the LVEDP did not result in any variation of the heart rate (167±16.0bpm, before the procedure; 167±15.5bpm, after the procedure). All the other variables assessed, including systolic blood pressure (128±18.3mmHg and 150±21.5mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (98±16.9mmHg and 115±19.8mmHg), LVEDP (5.5±2.49 and 9.3±3.60mmHg), and dP/dt (4,855 ± 1,082 mmHg/s and 5,149±1,242mmHg/s) showed significant increases following the expansion of the ventricular cavity. Although the elevation of the dP/dt was statistically significant, 6 dogs curiously showed a decrease in the values of dP/dt. CONCLUSION: Sudden elevation of the LVEDP resulted in increased values of dP/dt; however, in some dogs, this response was not uniform.


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To identify early metabolic abnormalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus, we measured insulin secretion, sensitivity to insulin, and hepatic insulin extraction in 48 healthy normal glucose-tolerant Brazilians, first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients (FH+). Each individual was matched for sex, age, weight, and body fat distribution with a person without history of type 2 diabetes (FH-). Both groups were submitted to a hyperglycemic clamp procedure (180 mg/dl). Insulin release was evaluated in its two phases. The first was calculated as the sum of plasma insulin at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 min after the beginning of glucose infusion, and the second as the mean plasma insulin level in the third hour of the clamp procedure. Insulin sensitivity index (ISI) was the mean glucose infusion rate in the third hour of the clamp experiment divided by the mean plasma insulin concentration during the same period of time. Hepatic insulin extraction was determined under fasting conditions and in the third hour of the clamp procedure as the ratio between C-peptide and plasma insulin levels. FH+ individuals did not differ from FH- individuals in terms of the following parameters [median (range)]: a) first-phase insulin secretion, 174 (116-221) vs 207 (108-277) µU/ml, b) second-phase insulin secretion, 64 (41-86) vs 53 (37-83) µU/ml, and c) ISI, 14.8 (9.0-20.8) vs 16.8 (9.0-27.0) mg kg-1 min-1/µU ml-1. Hepatic insulin extraction in FH+ subjects was similar to that of FH- ones at basal conditions (median, 0.27 vs 0.27 ng/µU) and during glucose infusion (0.15 vs 0.15 ng/µU). Normal glucose-tolerant Brazilian FH+ individuals well-matched with FH- ones did not show defects of insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, or hepatic insulin extraction as tested by hyperglycemic clamp procedures.


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Tick paralysis (TP) is a rare disease with rapid progression and potential fatal evolution. Immediately after the diagnosis, removal of all ticks from the body of the patient is mandatory. The present study reports for the first time a human case of the disease in Brazil. The patient had loss of muscle strength, decreased reflexes and marked palpebral ptosis. Six hours after removal of the last tick, the ptosis improved and on the following day, the patient had near total regression of the symptoms. This report emphasizes the possible presence of similar cases that should be promptly diagnosed and quickly treated. A new induction pattern for TP in humans associated with immature stages of ticks is also presented.


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Background: Leishmaniasis is one of the most important vector-borne diseases of humans. This parasitic disease can be caused by many species of Leishmania. In humans, different species of the parasite are associated with different forms of the disease, cutaneous and visceral. Among domesticated animals, dogs are the most important species in the epidemiology of this disease. Leishmania chagasi, an important zoonosis, is well established as the agent of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. The disease is endemic in north, northeast, midwest and southeast, and is transmitted to mammals by hematophagous insects such as the Lutzomyia longipalpis. In 2008, our research group has diagnosed a case of canine leishmaniasis in the municipality of Uruguaiana and subsequently there were several cases in the city and the neighbor municipality of Sao Borja. Most Brazilian states are endemic for leishmaniasis, with the exception of Rio Grande do Sul. In southern Brazil, the reports of humans and dogs infected by Leishmania spp. are the source of endemic area in the country. Therefore, the aim of this study is register the first clinical case of canine visceral leishmaniasis in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS.Case: In october 2010, a veterinary clinic of Santa Maria received a canine, female, Doberman, with two years of age. The animal had severe skin lesions on the head and limbs, pale mucous membranes, and enlarged lymph nodes. According to the owner, the animal showed progressive weight loss and anorexia for more than five days. During the clinical examination the blood was collected for hemogram and cytology of lymph nodes was performed by puncture aspiration with a fine needle. In the erythrogram, it was observed a decrease in the total number of erythrocytes (2.8 x 10(6)/mu L), hematocrit (21%), hemoglobin (6.8 g/dL) and platelets (98 x 10(3)/mu L). In the leucogram, any alteration was observed. The cytology of lymph nodes showed amastigotes forms, suggestive of the Leishmania spp. Based on this finding; we performed the blood collection for PCR, to confirm parasitism and to determine the species of Leishmania. At the molecular test was used PCR-specific for L. chagasi, and the result was positive.Discussion: This is the first autochthonous clinical case in the central region of the RS, non-endemic area for leishmaniasis. In serological studies of visceral leishmaniasis it was diagnosed in five asymptomatic dogs in the municipalities of Santa Maria, Julio de Castilhos and Itaara, however not confirmed by molecular analysis. In the municipalities of Cruz Alta and Uruguaiana cases of L. chagasi have been reported in dogs which previously resided in Leishmania sp. endemic areas. The municipality of Sao Borja had the first record of L. longipalpis in the RS during the leishmaniasis outbreak in 2008-2009. In the central region of the RS vector has not been found, but because in this first autochthonous case dog in Santa Maria believe that the parasite is present and/or doing other insect transmission of leishmaniasis. Clinical signs associated with hematologic and coagulation disorders observed in the canine are commonly described in symptomatic dogs in endemic regions. This case of autochthonous leishmaniasis reinforces the idea of the vector presence in Santa Maria, center of the RS. We believe that canine leishmaniasis is an emerging disease in the southern region of Brazil.


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First zoeal stages of the grapsinid Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803) and the sesarminid Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), are described and illustrated. Grapsinae zoeae can be distinguished from the other grapsid larvae by the absence of lateral spines on the carapace and the reduction of the antennal exopod to a small seta. A key to the first zoeal stage of the Brazilian coast Grapsidae is provided.


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This study describes the first zoeal stage of Cronius ruber and Cronius tumidulus. The zoeae can be distinguished using the setation of the cephalic appendages and the lateral process on the abdominal somite.


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The tegus increase in body mass after hatching until early autumn, when the energy intake becomes gradually reduced. Resting rates of oxygen consumption in winter drop to 20% of the values in the active season (Vo(2)=0.0636 ml g(-1) h(-1)) and are nearly temperature insensitive over the range of 17-25degreesC (Q(10)=1.55). During dormancy, plasma glucose levels are 60% lower than those in active animals, while total protein, total lipids and beta-hydroxybutyrate are elevated by 24%, 43% and 113%, respectively. In addition, a significant depletion of liver carbohydrate (50%) and of fat deposited in the visceral fat bodies (24%) and in the tail (25%) and a slight loss of skeletal muscle protein (14%) were measured halfway through the inactive period. Otherwise, glycogen content is increased 4-fold in the brain and 2.3-fold in the heart of dormant lizards, declining by the onset of arousal. During early arousal, the young tegus are still anorexic, although Vo(2) is significantly greater than winter rates. The fat deposits analysed are further reduced (62% and 45%, respectively) and there is a large decrease in tail muscle protein (50%) together with a significant increase in glycogen (2-3-fold) and an increase in plasma glucose (40%), which suggests a role for gluconeogenesis as a supplementary energy source in arousing animals. No change is detectable in citrate synthase activity, but beta-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase activities are strongly affected by season, reaching a Mold and 5-fold increase in the liver tissue of winter and arousing animals, respectively, and becoming reduced by half in skeletal muscle and heart of winter animals compared with late fall or spring active individuals. From hatching to late autumn, the increase of the fat body mass relatively to body mass is disproportionate (b=1.44), and the mass exponent changes significantly to close to 1.0 during the fasting period. The concomitant shift in the Vo(2) mass exponent in early autumn (b=0.75) to values significantly greater than 1.0 in late autumn and during winter dormancy indicates an allometric effect on the degree of metabolic depression related to the size of the fat stores and suggests greater energy conservation in the smaller young.


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The D0 Collaboration presents first evidence for the production of single top quarks at the Fermilab Tevatron < p(p)over bar > collider. Using a 0.9 fb(-1) dataset, we apply a multivariate analysis to separate signal from background and measure sigma(< p(p)over bar >-> tb+X,tqb+X)=4.9 +/- 1.4 pb. The probability to measure a cross section at this value or higher in the absence of a signal is 0.035%, corresponding to a 3.4 standard deviation significance. We use the cross section measurement to directly determine the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element that describes the Wtb coupling and find 0.68


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Informações sobre o ciclo reprodutivo de espécies exploradas pela pesca são imprescindíveis para o seu manejo adequado. O tamanho de início da atividade reprodutiva do Pinirampus pirinampu (Spix, 1829) foi determinado. Os exemplares foram capturados em setembro, outubro e dezembro de 1997 e fevereiro e março de 1998. O estádio de desenvolvimento gonadal foi identificado macroscopicamente. O índice gonadossomático médio (IGS), calculado mensalmente, foi utilizado como indicador da época de desova. Para determinação do comprimento da primeira maturação gonadal agruparam-se, separadamente, machos e fêmeas por classes de comprimento em imaturos e adultos. Os resultados referentes aos indivíduos adultos foram lançados em gráficos e a mediana correspondeu à estimativa do comprimento no qual 50% dos indivíduos atingem a maturidade (L50). Foi também determinado o L100, estimativa do comprimento em que todos os indivíduos estão aptos à reprodução. Machos e fêmeas em processo de maturação gonadal foram encontrados a partir de outubro, com maior freqüência em fevereiro, e, somente a partir deste mês, foram encontrados indivíduos com gônadas esvaziadas. O índice gonadossomático mostrou que a partir de setembro inicia-se o processo de desenvolvimento gonadal, com seu valor máximo em fevereiro. O L50 para fêmeas foi 574 mm e para machos foi 536 mm. O L100 para fêmeas foi 590 mm e para os machos, 580 mm.


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Six cattle that had earlier exposure to Dermatobia hominis were infested experimentally with first-instar larvae of the parasite. Skin biopsies taken at intervals were studied in wax and in plastic sections. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used to detect the presence and localization of host immunoglobulins (Igs) G and M and antigens of first and second instar larvae of Dermatobia hominis. The larvae penetrated actively through the skin and migrated towards the subcutaneous tissues. The great numbers of eosinophils suggest that they are the most important cell in mediating damage to D.hominis larvae. The immunoglobulins bound only to dead or moulting larvae in which access to binding sites may have been altered. This could represent a morphological manifestation of a mechanism that protects larvae from the host immune response. Large amounts of soluble antigens detected along the fistulous tract may be important in the maintenance of this tract by disturbing the normal cicatrization process.


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The first cytogenetic analysis of fireflies from Brazilian fauna was carried out in this work. The investigation of two species of the subfamily Lampyrinae, Aspisoma maculatum and Photinus sp. (aff. pyralis), showed the diploid number 2n = 19 and an X0 sex determination system in males. These observations are similar to those already described for all the Lampyrinae species previously studied. In contrast, Bicellonycha lividipennis (Photurinae) revealed the karyotype 2n = 16 + neoXY, which has not yet been registered for any firefly species. The neoXY sex determination system encountered in this species probably arose through fusion between an ancestral X sex chromosome, belonging to the X0 system, and an autosomal element. This event also reduced the diploid number from 2n = 19, which is more frequent in the family Lampyridae, to 2n = 18 in B. lividipennis. The analysis of meiotic cells showed that the neoXY sexual bivalent of B. lividipennis exhibited a prominent terminal chiasma, indicating that the sex chromosomes are not wholly differentiated and still retain a region of homology. A review of the cytogenetic data known for the family Lampyridae was also documented in this work, as well as a discussion on the main trends of chromosomal evolution that seem to have occurred in this group.


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Mazama bororo was described from a few captive specimens in Brazil by cytogenetic and morphological characters. These specimens supposedly originated in the Southern Atlantic Forest; however, no wild population has been reported. This study was initiated in 1998 to investigate the presence of this species in forest remnants of the Paranapiacaba mountain range, south São Paulo State, Brazil. Five specimens were captured between 2000 and 2002. Cytogenetic analysis from blood samples confirmed its specific identification, documenting the first population of small red brocket deer at the Intervales State Park.


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Two concentrated solutions of NiBr2 have been examined by x-ray diffraction. The Fourier transformed scattering data indicate inner complex formation between Ni2 + and Br- ions. Average numbers of bonded bromide ions per nickel atom have been determined for each solution and the reliability of the complexation numbers as well as of the other structural parameters has been critically examined. © 1985 American Institute of Physics.