64 resultados para Farmer suicides

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A lógica fuzzy admite infinitos valores lógicos intermediários entre o falso e o verdadeiro. Com esse princípio, foi elaborado neste trabalho um sistema baseado em regras fuzzy, que indicam o índice de massa corporal de animais ruminantes com objetivo de obter o melhor momento para o abate. O sistema fuzzy desenvolvido teve como entradas as variáveis massa e altura, e a saída um novo índice de massa corporal, denominado Índice de Massa Corporal Fuzzy (IMC Fuzzy), que poderá servir como um sistema de detecção do momento de abate de bovinos, comparando-os entre si através das variáveis linguísticas )Muito BaixaM, ,BaixaB, ,MédiaM, ,AltaA e Muito AltaM. Para a demonstração e aplicação da utilização deste sistema fuzzy, foi feita uma análise de 147 vacas da raça Nelore, determinando os valores do IMC Fuzzy para cada animal e indicando a situação de massa corpórea de todo o rebanho. A validação realizada do sistema foi baseado em uma análise estatística, utilizando o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson 0,923, representando alta correlação positiva e indicando que o método proposto está adequado. Desta forma, o presente método possibilita a avaliação do rebanho, comparando cada animal do rebanho com seus pares do grupo, fornecendo desta forma um método quantitativo de tomada de decisão para o pecuarista. Também é possível concluir que o presente trabalho estabeleceu um método computacional baseado na lógica fuzzy capaz de imitar parte do raciocínio humano e interpretar o índice de massa corporal de qualquer tipo de espécie bovina e em qualquer região do País.


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In the poultry industry, the use of water with adequate physical, chemical and microbiological quality it is of fundamental importance. Since many birds have access to the same water source, quality problems will affect a great number of animals. The drinking water plays an important role in the transmission of some bacterial, viral and protozoan diseases that are among the most common poultry diseases. Important factors to prevent waterborne diseases in broiler production are the protection of supply sources, water disinfection and the quality control of microbiological, chemical and physical characteristics. Water is an essential nutrient for birds and therefore quality preservation is fundamental for good herd performance. The farmer may prevent many diseases in bird flocks by controlling the quality of the ingested water, will certainly result in decreased costs and increased profit, two essential aims of animal production nowadays.


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The polyculture among vegetables is an activity that to have good results, needs a proper planning. Although it often requires more labor, has several advantages over monoculture, among them is that polycultures are generally are more productive, provide with productivity of various plant constituents and a more balanced human diet, contribute to economic return, economic and yield stability, social benefits and farmer's direct participation in decision-making. The objective of this study was to evaluate agroeconomic indices of polycultures derived from the combination of two cultivars of lettuce with two cultivars of rocket in two cultures strip-intercropped with carrot cultivar 'Brasilia' through uni-multivariate approaches in semi-arid Brazil. The experimental design used was of randomized complete blocks with five replications and the treatments arranged in a factorial scheme of 2 x 2. The treatments consisted of the combination of two lettuce cultivars (Baba de Verao and Taina) with two rocket cultivars (Cultivada and Folha Larga) in two cultures associated with carrot cv. Brasilia. hi each block were grown plots with two lettuce cultivars and two rocket cultivars, and carrot in sole crop. In each system was determined the lettuce leaf yield, rocket green mass yield and carrot commercial yield. Agrieconomic indices such as operational cost, gross and net income, monetary advantage, rate of return, profit margin, land equivalent ratio and yield efficiency for DEA were used to measure the efficiency of intercropping systems. In the bicropping of lettuce and rocket associated with carrot cv. 'Brasilia', suggests the use of lettuce cultivar 'Taina' combined with rocket cultivars 'Cultivada' or 'Folha Larga'. It was observed significant effect of lettuce cultivars in the evaluation of polycultures of lettuce, carrot and rocket, with strong expression for the lettuce cultivar 'Taina'. Both uni- and multivariate approaches were effective in the discrimination of the best polycultures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O uso de cultivares selecionadas é uma das tecnologias de mais fácil adoção pelo agricultor, pois além de incrementar a produtividade, é um dos insumos de menor custo na produção agrícola. Assim, é fundamental obter informações sobre o desempenho de novas cultivares, nas mais diversas regiões de cultivo. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho avaliar o comportamento de cultivares de arroz de terras altas (Oryza sativa L.) (BRS Aroma, BRS Bonança, BRS Colosso, BRSMG Conai, BRSMG Curinga, BRS Soberana, BRS Talento e IAC 202), sob condições de sequeiro, na região de Cassilândia, MS. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A semeadura foi realizada em 30 de novembro de 2005, no espaçamento de 0,40 m entre linhas e 70 sementes viáveis por metro. As cultivares BRS Talento, IAC 202 e BRS Soberana apresentaram comportamento superior. As cultivares BRS Soberana, BRS Bonança, BRS Colosso, IAC 202 e BRS Talento apresentaram maior rendimento de grãos inteiros. É possível obterse boa produtividade (acima de 3.000 kg ha-1), na cultura do arroz de terras altas sob condições de sequeiro no município de Cassilândia, MS, desde que sejam utilizadas cultivares adequadas.


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The expansion of agrofuel crops challenges us to rethink policies, territories, human agency, and the paradigms used to explain them. In Brazil, policies supporting the expansion of agrofuel crops and the intensification of agrofuel production are reorganising rural land use and undermining some forms of participation in the capitalist and family modes of production. To reflect on this new reality, we study peasant movement reactions, proposals, and territorial disputes with agribusiness. Using the Pontal do Paranapanema region of São Paulo state as a case in point, the paper analyses territorial disputes between expanding sugarcane plantations and agrarian reform settlements as well as biodiesel production projects developed by the Landless Workers Movement (MST) and the Western São Paulo Federation of Settlement and Family Farmer Associations (FAAFOP). It also analyses the agrofuel policies of other peasant organisations, including Via Campesina. The production of agrofuels has changed the processes of land acquisition and use by both agribusiness and the peasantry, provoking new insights into the nature of territorial conflicts and thereby stimulating the need to revise perspectives on the agrarian question in Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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RACIONAL: O carcinoma basalóide escamoso ocorre com maior freqüência no trato aerodigestivo superior e raramente acomete o esôfago. OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos clínico-patológicos e os atributos imunoistoquímicos de um paciente com carcinoma basalóide escamoso do esôfago. RELATO do CASO: Dos 134 pacientes com câncer do esôfago atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Botucatu-Unesp, São Paulo, de 1990 a 1999, somente um paciente (0,74%) apresentou carcinoma basalóide escamoso do esôfago. Tratava-se de paciente masculino, 41 anos, branco, lavrador com disfagia, regurgitação e emagrecimento há três meses. Referia tabagismo e etilismo há muitos anos. O esofagograma e o exame endoscópico revelaram lesão vegetante no terço distal do esôfago. A biópsia demonstrou neoplasia intraepitelial de alto grau associada a blocos de células basalóides que infiltravam o cório da mucosa, caracterizando o carcinoma basalóide escamoso. Os marcadores imunoistoquímicos foram positivos para o antígeno carcinoembriônico e para citoceratinas de alto peso molecular. A tomografia computadorizada revelou múltiplas metástases nos pulmões, fígado, e nódulos linfáticos regionais, documentando a fase avançada de evolução da doença. O tratamento consistiu apenas na realização de gastrostomia. O paciente apresentou queda acentuada do estado geral e evoluiu para óbito com quadro de melena quatro meses após o diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: O carcinoma basalóide escamoso é uma forma rara e agressiva de câncer do esôfago e o prognóstico depende do estadiamento da lesão e das condições clínicas do paciente no momento do diagnóstico.


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A manutenção e/ou a ampliação da terra compõem o eixo central em torno do qual os produtores familiares organizam sua vida e seu trabalho. Este artigo analisa as estratégias desses produtores em relação à divisão de herança e à sucessão, e as formas que utilizam para aquisição de novas áreas. O levantamento das características das famílias e da propriedade foi realizado por meio de um questionário aplicado junto a 89 produtores familiares de três municípios da mesorregião de São José do Rio Preto (SP). Posteriormente foi entrevistado um terço dos produtores de cada município que havia respondido ao questionário. A análise das estratégias fundiárias mostrou uma grande diversidade na forma de partilhar a herança e de conduzir a sucessão, sendo que ambos os processos são apoiados, basicamente, em regras tradicionais, embora mantenham uma fachada de adequação às normas legais. Quanto às estratégias de aquisição de mais terras, observou-se que os produtores são capazes de organizar complexas formas de capitalização, centradas em maiores esforços no trabalho e na contenção de gastos, além da utilização de políticas públicas favoráveis e de práticas costumeiras. Os arranjos intra-familiares e as formas de cooperação ligadas ao parentesco mais amplo também se mostraram importantes para a ampliação da propriedade.


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Final plant population in maize crop was used as a basis to identify the technology level of a given farmer. Final population of 50,000 plants/hectare was considered as an indication of a high technology level farmer; 35,000 of a medium, and 20,000 of a low technology level farmer. These populations were artificially obtained for the hybrids HT-2X, BR-201, and BR-205 from small, medium and large seeds. The results showed the triple cross hybrid HT-2X to be the most indicated for low technology level regions, due to its lesser sensitivity to variations in seed size and also to its significant outyielding of the other two hybrids. The double cross hybrids BR-201 and BR-205 exhibited much higher sensitivity to variations in seed size so that if they have to be used in a low technology region, the most recommended procedure would be to make use of the largest possible seeds. In conclusion, genotype and seed size seem to be factors capable of compensating for plant population reductions in maize crops. The more prolific hybrids and the largess seeds are more indicated for low technology level regions.


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An outbreak of botulism was detected in goats in the semiarid region of Brazil. In a flock of 460 goats, 38 does were affected and 37 died. Kids and younger goats were not affected. The main clinical signs were flaccid tetraparesis leading to tetraplegia that was often accompanied by twisted neck, tongue paralysis, and muscle tremors. At the time of the visit, 4 out of 11 affected goats were recumbent. Ambulatory goats had uncoordinated and swaying gaits with hypometria and weakness, mainly of the hind limbs. Two recumbent and four ambulatory goats showed twisted neck. Two recumbent goats were euthanized and necropsied. Non-significant gross and histologic lesions were observed. Samples of the liver, gut and rumen content were collected from the two goats and examined for botulinum toxins using the mouse serum neutralization test. The three samples from one goat were positive for type C toxin. Marked osteophagia was observed when the goats had access to bones in the pasture, and the farmer mentioned that osteophagia was common among goats of the flock. A sample of the plant Hybantus ipecaconha, the most abundant forage available for the goats, contained 2800 mg/kg of Ca and 450 mg/kg of P. One soil sample contained 58.12 mg/kg of Ca and 2.02 mg/kg of P. It was concluded that in this outbreak, botulism was associated with osteophagia probably due to phosphorus deficiency. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different temperatures in the drying process on the amount and quality of essential oils of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) The leaves were harvested in the Demeter Farmer, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in december, 1997. The leaves were dried at 40°C, 60°C and 80°C, until establishment of the weights. The essential oil was extracted by destilation in Clevenger apparatus and analysed by GC-MS. Higher drying temperature sharply decreased the essential oil content (% v/w) from 1.0% (40°C) to 0.14% (60°C) and 0.12% (80°C). Higher drying temperatures also affected the composition, decreasing the contents of 1,8 cineol and citronelal until 80°C, and increasing the contents of menthol and neomenthol until 60°C.


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A theoretical model was developed in order to determine the optimal moment for substituting the sprayer and pressure regulator kit on a center pivot irrigation machine. The model is based on the hypothesis that pressure regulator and sprayer deterioration decrease irrigation uniformity. To compensate the deficit that happens at under irrigated areas, an increase on irrigation depth is required. The model considers: additional water consumption and energy costs, maintenance and labor costs, as well as yield losses associated with under or over irrigated areas. The sum of all these components is compared to buying and installing a new spray kit cost, allowing the farmer to decide the best moment to renovate the sprayer and pressure regulator kits on a center pivot irrigation machine based on economic criteria.


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Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) study entitled Suicide Trends in At-Risk Territories (START) is an international multisite initiative that aims to stimulate suicide research and prevention across different areas of the globe. A central component of the study is the development of registration systems for fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Aims: This paper provides an overview of the data collected on suicidal behaviors from the participating locations in the START study. Method: Descriptive statistics on the data are presented in terms of age, sex, and method. Results: Agreater proportion of suicide deaths occurred among males. In all areas except the Philippines more females than males engaged in nonfatal suicidal behaviors. Compared to Australia, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Hong Kong SAR, in the Pacific Islands suicide most often occurs in younger age groups. Results indicate notable variations between countries in choice of method. A greater proportion of suicides occurred by hanging in Pacific Islands, while inhalation of carbon monoxide, use of firearms, ingestion of chemicals and poisons, and drug overdose were the most frequent methods of choice in other areas. Conclusion: The information drawn from this study demonstrates the enormous variation in suicidal behavior across the areas involved in the START Study. Further research is needed to assess the reliability of the established data-recording systems for suicidal behaviors. The baseline data established in START may allow the development of suicide prevention initiatives sensitive to variation in the profile of suicide across different locations. © 2013 Hogrefe Publishing.