56 resultados para E3 ligase

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion ability of eucalyptus lumber from three tillage systems, using adhesives: resorcinol formaldehyde and two adhesives in water emulsion based on vinyl poly-acetate. The management systems were characterized by three strata, the stratum one (E1) characterized by wood from coppice and 70 months of age, the stratum two (E2) characterized by wood and retirement age of 166 months and stratum three (E3), also characterized by retirement at 70 months of age. The wood was derived from a random mixture of the first two sawn logs, each three feet from the base, which comprised three treatments on the adhesive used. We evaluated the shear strength by compression tests and the percentage of wood failure in the glue line. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that the adhesion had satisfactory performance with all the resins used, and the average values of shear strength of the glue line were shown to be equivalent to the shear strength of solid wood only for the samples which adhered with 'Wonderbond' adhesive and also provide higher values for wood failure (97.64%). The highest density present in the wood of the second stratum (E2) influenced only sticking with the resorcinol formaldehyde resin. For polyvinyl acetate (Cascorez 2590), shear values decreased in the third management condition (E3).


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Para o sucesso do plantio direto há necessidade de que a cultura antecessora à principal seja boa produtora e mantenedora de cobertura vegetal. O milheto tem-se constituído em boa opção de cultivo no outono/inverno para rotação com soja, porém não há estudos avaliando o efeito do sistema na qualidade das sementes. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito de três épocas de semeadura e cinco manejos com ceifas do milheto sobre a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja cultivada em sucessão, por plantio direto, na mesma área, por três ciclos de rotação (1999/2000; 2001/2002 e 2002/2003). As épocas de semeadura constituíram três experimentos (E1, E2 e E3), em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos (M1 = ceifa a cada florescimento e retirada da massa vegetal; M2 = ceifa a cada florescimento e permanência da massa vegetal; M3 = ceifa no florescimento e retirada da massa vegetal; M4 = ceifa no florescimento e permanência da massa vegetal e M5 = sem ceifa até a produção de grãos, quando foi cortada a panícula, permanecendo o restante da massa vegetal), e quatro repetições. Os experimentos de milheto foram semeados em 1999: E1 = 05/03, E2 = 25/03 e E3 = 19/04; em 2001 = E1 = 17/04, E2 = 07/05 e E3 = 27/05, e em 2002: E1 = 25/04, E2 = 15/05 e E3. = 05/06. em cada ciclo de rotação, a soja foi implantada nos três experimentos na mesma data após o manejo final do milheto com dessecação química; as colheitas foram realizadas na mesma data, também. As sementes de soja, cv. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-48, foram avaliadas quanto ao tamanho, massa de 100 sementes, teor de água, germinação e vigor. Sementes de soja com melhor qualidade fisiológica foram obtidas, nos três ciclos de sucessão, quando cultivada após a primeira época de semeadura do milheto, independentemente do manejo com ceifas do milheto, cujo efeito foi pouco evidente.


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No Estado de São Paulo, restrições do regime de chuvas no período de outono-inverno e temperaturas elevadas limitam a produção e a manutenção de cobertura no solo, tornando importante estudar alternativas para a implantação eficaz do Sistema Plantio Direto nesse Estado, especialmente para produção de fitomassa e manejo adequado para maior persistência da palha, em quantidade suficiente para melhoria da qualidade física e da matéria orgânica do solo. O experimento, conduzido em Nitossolo Vermelho distroférrico, na Fazenda Experimental Lageado-FCA-UNESP-Botucatu, teve por objetivo estudar no sistema plantio direto as prováveis alterações de alguns atributos físicos e das frações húmicas do solo com a utilização do milheto, verificando sua resposta, em três épocas de semeadura e sob cinco manejos dos resíduos, após cinco anos de estabelecida essa sucessão. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram representadas por três épocas de semeadura da cultura do milheto: época 1 (E1), época 2 (E2) e época 3 (E3). As subparcelas foram representadas por manejos da ceifa da fitomassa, sendo: manejo 1 (M1) - ceifa a cada florescimento e retirada da fitomassa; manejo 2 (M2) - ceifa a cada florescimento e permanência da fitomassa; manejo 3 (M3) - ceifa apenas no primeiro florescimento e retirada da fitomassa; manejo 4 (M4) - ceifa apenas no primeiro florescimento e permanência da fitomassa; e manejo 5 (M5) - livre crescimento. Foram coletadas amostras de solo com estrutura indeformada para realização das análises físicas, para as quais as profundidades amostradas foram: 0-0,05, 0,05-0,10 e 0,10-0,20 m. Para fracionamento químico da matéria orgânica, as profundidades foram de 0-0,05 e 0,05-0,10 m. em relação às culturas, avaliou-se a produtividade da soja, e para o milheto, a quantidade de matéria seca produzida pela parte aérea e a percentagem de fitomassa em cobertura deixada sobre o solo. A produtividade de matéria seca do milheto decresceu na ordem E1 > E2 > E3. A densidade do solo, a macroporosidade, a microporosidade e a porosidade total variaram com a época de semeadura do milheto. A adição contínua de fitomassa com ceifa a cada florescimento e permanência da cobertura proporcionou maior incremento nas frações menos estáveis da matéria orgânica (ácido húmico e ácido fúlvico). Recomenda-se, diante das condições edafoclimáticas estudadas, a semeadura do milheto na segunda e terceira épocas com ceifa apenas no primeiro florescimento, sempre se utilizando da permanência da fitomassa, para obter melhor cobertura, qualidade física do solo (menor densidade do solo, maior porosidade total) e maior produtividade para soja.


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TNF microsatellite and HLA class II polymorphisms were studied in 28 recently diagnosed Brazilian patients presenting type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and in 120 healthy controls. TNFa-e and HLA-DRB1/DQB1 alleles were identified using sets of sequence-specific primers. Compared to controls, the DRB1* 03 and DQBI*02 allele groups, TNFa1 allele, and the TNFa4-b5-c1-d4-e3 and TNFa10-b5-c1-d4-e3 haplotypes were overrepresented in patients. TNF microsatellite together with HLA polymorphisms is associated with type 1 diabetes in Brazilian patients, corroborating the participation of the MHC genes in disease susceptibility.


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The evolutionary origin of beetle bioluminescence is enigmatic. Previously, weak luciferase activity was found in the non-bioluminescent larvae of Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), but the detailed tissular origin and identity of the luciferase-like enzyme remained unknown. Using a closely related giant mealworm, Zophobas morio, here we show that the luciferase-like enzyme is located in the Malpighi tubules. cDNA cloning of this luciferase like enzyme, showed that it is a short AMP-ligase with weak luciferase activity which diverged long ago from beetle luciferases. The results indicate that the potential for bioluminescence in AMP-ligases is very ancient and provide a first reasonable protoluciferase model to investigate the origin and evolution of beetle luciferases.


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The effect of changes in the bulk dielectric constant on the DNA torsional properties was evaluated from plasmid circularization reactions. In these reactions, pUC18 previously linearized by EcoRI digestion was recircularized with T4 DNA ligase. The bulk dielectric constant of the reaction medium was decreased by the addition of different concentrations of neutral solutes: ethylene glycol, glycerol, sorbitol, and sucrose, or increased by the addition of glycine. The topoisomers generated by the ligase reaction were resolved by agarose-gel electrophoresis. The DNA twist energy parameter (K), which is an apparent torsional constant, was determined by linearization of the Gaussian topoisomers' distribution. It was observed that the twist energy parameter for the given solutes is almost linearly dependent on the bulk dielectric constant. In the reaction buffer, the twist energy parameter was determined to be 1100 +/- 100. By decreasing the dielectric constant to 74 with the addition of sorbitol, the value of the parameter reaches K = 900 +/- 100, whereas the addition of ethylene glycol leads to kappa = 400 +/- 50. Upon addition of glycine, which resulted in a dielectric constant equal to 91, the value of the twist energy parameter increased to K 1750 +/- 100. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals.


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We point out that determination of the MNS matrix element \U-e3\ = s(13) in long-baseline nu(mu) --> nu(e) neutrino oscillation experiments suffers from large intrinsic uncertainty due to the unknown CP violating phase delta and sign of Deltam(13)(2). We propose a new strategy for accurate determination of theta(13); tune the beam energy at the oscillation maximum and do the measurement both in neutrino and antineutrino channels. We show that it automatically resolves the problem of parameter ambiguities which involves delta, theta(13), and the sign of Deltam(13)(2). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present work aims at defining the panicle and spikelet maturity of Avena strigosa Schreb. Four experiments were carried out under field conditions during 1989 (E1 and E2) and 1990 (E3 and E4) in Botucatu county, São Paulo State, Brazil. The sowings were made in 04.19.89 (E1) and 06.18.89 (E2). Maturity of panicle was evaluated by weekly (E1) or biweekly harvests (E2) beginning at total emergence of the panicle. In E3 and E4, sowing was made in 06.04.90 and each experiment had a single harvest date (E3 = 11.01.90 and E4 = 11.07.90). After harvest, the spikelets with similar stage of development were grouped and evaluated. Based on dry matter accumulation and germination percentage of the seeds, it was observed that the maturity of the seeds in the panicle was reached at 28 and 35 days after total emergence of the panicle in the April sowing, and between 24.5 and 28 days in the June sowing. During this period a few percentage of panicles not yet yellow became all yellow, the cariopsis at semi-hard stage became hard and moisture of the seeds dropped from 32% to 12%. The maturity of the seeds in the spikelet was reached when the glumes changed their color from yellowish to yellow, the lemma and palea changed from yellow with black strips to black, the cariopsis changed from farinaceous stage to semi-hard and the moisture content of the seeds changed from 40% to 25%.


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Eleven 6-[omega-arylalkenyl]-5,6-dihydro-alpha-pyrones, cryptomoscatones D2, E1, E2, E3 and F1 and cryptopyranmoscatones A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B4, in addition to goniothalamin and cryptofolione, were isolated from branch and stem bark of Cryotocarya moschata, Lauraceae. Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pereira, GR, Leporace, G, Chagas, DV, Furtado, LFL, Praxedes, J, and Batista, LA. Influence of hip external rotation on hip adductor and rectus femoris myoelectric activity during a dynamic parallel squat. J Strength Cond Res 24(10): 27492754, 2010-This study sought to compare the myoelectric activity of the hip adductors (HAs) and rectus femoris (RF) when the hip was in a neutral position or externally rotated by 30 degrees or 50 degrees (H0, H30, and H50, respectively) during a parallel squat. Ten healthy subjects performed 10 repetitions of squats in each of the 3 hip positions and the myoelectric activities of the HAs and RF were recorded. The signal was then divided into categories representing concentric (C) and eccentric (E) contractions in the following ranges of motion: 0-30 degrees (C1 and E1), 30-60 degrees (C2 and E2), and 60-90 degrees (C3 and E3) of knee flexion. From those signals, an root mean square (RMS) value for each range of motion in each hip position was obtained. All values were normalized to those obtained during maximum voluntary isometric contraction. We found that HAs showed a significant increase in myoelectric activity during C3 and E3 in the H30 and H50 positions, as compared with H0. Meanwhile, RF activity did not significantly differ between hip positions. Both muscles showed higher activation during 60-90 degrees (C3 and E3) of knee flexion, as compared with 0-30 degrees (C1 and E1) and 30-60 degrees (C2 and E2). The results suggest that if the aim is to increase HA activity despite the low percentage of muscle activation, squats should be performed with 30 degrees of external rotation and at least 90 degrees of knee flexion.


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The authors looked for the verification of the fatigue of retentive clasps utilized on the removable partial denture. According to this, it was idealized and built on assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasp for a pattern tooth, manufactured on cobalt-chromium which has all the preparation normally utilized to the correct confection of this type of prosthesis. It was utilized three different commercial alloys based on cobalt-chromium: L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent; L3-Duracron. It was utilized the T clasp of Roach, with was tested upon three different proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7;E2-2.0 and E3-2.3 and was casted through two casting techniques: F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene. The clasps were tested on the machine, which allowed the reading of the number of insertion and removal cycles made until fatigue appeared. The obtained results were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) L3 (Duracrom) obtained the best results followed by L1 (Biosil) and finally L3 (Steldent); b) among the analyzed thickness, the best results were obtained by E3, followed by E2 and after this E1; c) form the casting techniques, F2 gave us the best results.


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The authors tested the T clasp of Roach in three differents proportions among width and thickness: E1-1.7; E2-2.0 and E3-2.3, with a constant length of 15 mm. These clasps were casted with three cobalt-chromium alloys (L1-Biosil; L2-Steldent and L3-Duracrom), through two casting techniques (F1-oxygen-gas and F2-oxygen-acetylene). The fatigue of the clasps were verified by using and assay machine, that through movements, simulate the insertion and removal of the clasps for a pattern which were obtained from a premolar, prepared in a surveyor. This machine detect the fatigue of the clasps and count the number of cycles of insertion and removal realized. The obtained results of the interaction between the analysed factors, were submitted to the statistic analysis and the authors concluded that: a) the interaction of factors, Alloy x Thickness, Alloy x Casting Technique and Thickness x Casting Technique did not change the order of effects that the factors showed separately but gave rise to effects of different magnitude for any observed sense; b) the simultaneous interaction of the factors Alloy x Thickness x Casting Technique confirmed the superiority of the L3 alloy, the thickness E3 and the F2 casting technique.