29 resultados para Collective memory
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally. © 2011 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.
The uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Web environments for creation, treatment and availability of information have supported the emergence of new social-cultural patterns represented by convergences in textual, image and audio languages. This paper describes and analyzes the National Archives Experience Digital Vaults as a digital publishing web environment and as a cultural heritage. It is a complex system - synthesizer of information design options at information setting, provides new aesthetic aspects, but specially enlarges the cognition of the subjects who interact with the environment. It also enlarges the institutional spaces that guard the collective memory beyond its role of keeping the physical patrimony collected there. Digital Vaults lies as a mix of guide and interactive catalogue to be dealt in a ludic way. The publishing design of the information held on the Archives is meant to facilitate access to knowledge. The documents are organized in a dynamic and not chronological way. They are not divided in fonds or distinct categories, but in controlled interaction of documents previously indexed and linked by the software. The software creates information design and view of documental content that can be considered a new paradigm in Information Science and are part of post-custodial regime, independent from physical spaces and institutions. Information professionals must be prepared to understand and work with the paradigmatic changes described and represented by the new hybrid digital environments; hence the importance of this paper. Cyberspace interactivity between user and the content provided by the environment design provide cooperation, collaboration and sharing knowledge actions, all features of networks, transforming culture globally.
This work seeks to develop an observation about the monumental historical heritage from the perspective of Information Science, and still draw a possible connection between the context of the monumental heritage and documents, focus on the archival (manuscripts), in the intention of justifying the inclusion of the latter together the first, among the units legally and socially understood as forms of representation of history, collective memory and identity. For this, we support in the literature in the fields of anthropology, history and architecture, to contextualize the monuments, and Information Science and Archival Science to understood documents and information, and set up a projection.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Este artigo propõe-se a refletir como as trajetórias pessoal e profissional de Helena Antipoff (1892-1974), aliadas às suas convicções de que a intervenção e transformação do real decorrem do conhecimento acumulado, da experiência e do desejo de ampliar o bem comum são elementos que vão construindo acervos pessoais, a partir dessa triangulação. Esta construção se funda mais nas práticas e ações do que na intenção de elaborar um acervo, mas termina por compor a construção de uma memória, articulada à formação do “Centro de Documentação e Pesquisa Helena Antipoff” – Ibirité-MG. Nascida na Rússia e tendo vivido no Brasil no período de 1929-1974, a educadora destacou-se por ações socialmente relevantes fundadas na organização do estudo e da pesquisa nos campos da psicologia, da educação e da educação rural, sendo estas duas últimas objetos de nossa pesquisa documental e análises.
Desde sua inauguração em 1888 até 1978, a Hospedaria de Imigrantes de São Paulo atuou na recepção, triagem e encaminhamento de aproximadamente 3,5 milhões de trabalhadores (imigrantes e migrantes internos) para diversos setores da agricultura paulista. Parte significativa da documentação produzida ou depositada nessa Instituição é composta por suportes como: livros de registro, fichas de identificação e listas de bordo. Sobre esses incidem interesses diversos. Por um lado, são fontes que revelam informações importantes sobre a memória (coletiva) da imigração para São Paulo ao passo que, por outro, expõem informações pessoais que podem ser consideradas de foro privado ou pertinentes a outro sentido da memória.
This work seeks to develop an observation about the monumental historical heritage from the perspective of Information Science, and still draw a possible connection between the context of the monumental heritage and documents, focus on the archival (manuscripts), in the intention of justifying the inclusion of the latter together the first, among the units legally and socially understood as forms of representation of history, collective memory and identity. For this, we support in the literature in the fields of anthropology, history and architecture, to contextualize the monuments, and Information Science and Archival Science to understood documents and information, and set up a projection.