7 resultados para Centro de Recursos Educativos
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
En tant que précurseur d'une modalité d'institution building au Brésil, Alberto Torres sceptique quant à l'habileté et à la possibilité d'action d'autres agents a planifié l'Etat comme constructeur de la Nation et comme organisateur de la société brésilienne, celle-ci selon lui considérant en cours le processus de transplantation qui l'aurait initiée.
Em fevereiro e outubro de 1998, na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da UNESP no município de Selvíria-MS (latitude 20° 22' S, longitude 51° 22' W, altitude 335 m), foi constatada a presença de mosca branca em mamoeiro cultivar Baixinho de Santa Amália, plantado no interior de um telado com malha de 2 x 2 mm. Essa área fazia parte de um experimento visando determinar o efeito do cultivo em ambiente protegido sobre o desenvolvimento das plantas, a produção de frutos e a ocorrência do mosaico do mamoeiro. Nas duas ocasiões os insetos foram enviados ao Centro de Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia (CENARGEN) da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) para identificação. Na primeira infestação o material foi identificado como Trialeurodes sp. e na infestação de outubro como Bemisia tabaci biótipo B . Nos dois casos havia grande quantidade de ninfas nas folhas maduras e de adultos nas folhas novas. Para Trialeurodes sp. foi realizada uma contagem de ninfas em dezoito folhas, em cinco áreas de 1 cm² por folha, distribuídas ao acaso, encontrando-se a média de 7,6 ninfas por cm². Como conseqüência da presença das duas espécies, o único dano observado foi um intenso desenvolvimento de fumagina recobrindo completamente a superfície das folhas, que acabaram por secar e cair. A infestação de B. tabaci biótipo B foi controlada pela presença de larvas e adultos do coccinelídeo Delphastus pusillus (LeConte) que alimentavam-se vorazmente das ninfas presentes.
The nature of labor in advanced economies has presented a significant change lately. The technological process has resulted in the reduction of labor without content and the expansion of labor with higher qualification or schooling, a phenomenon that can be discussed by turning to Keynes and Marx. As far as Keynes is concerned, his foresight was that technological progress would generate a huge reduction of labor time and the expansion of leisure time. Since this did not occur, the failure may be attributed to the fact of having worked with opposition between labor without content and leisure. Thus, it was not possible to capture the historical changes in labor and man's relationship with it. Marx's viewpoint is completely different, because his opposition takes place between labor without content and activity labor, the latter impregnated with content and essential to the development of individualities. Therefore, present reality has a greater identification with Marx and presents major challenges to capitalism and its critique.
Over the past five decades several different interpretative traditions have taken on the task of trying to explain the origin of industrialists in Brazil and to analyze their behavior pattern from a business perspective, as well as in response to the country's biggest political issues. Although this is a stimulating subject, considering the important role to be played by these social actors in weaving the fabric of capitalist modernization in 20th century Brazil, not much of substance has been written about it, in contrast with, for instance, research about the working class. This paper makes a brief assessment of what we believe to be one of the most significant among the possible variables for interpreting the experience of the industrialist class, which demands the complexity inherent to the topic as a counterpoint to the simplified generalization which is recurrent in most writings about this subject.
This paper examines how the reinvigoration of the exceptional American historical experience appears as a solution to some of the leading neoconservatives, considering Nathan Glazer and Irving Kristol as emblematic, regarding the fall of the American empire, beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, after its rise during the Cold War, the so-called 25 glorious years. We note that the arguments of these authors is rooted in the revival of reactionary rhetoric as an antidote to the decadence of American virtue supposedly caused by Communism, by the counterculture movement and the alleged perverse effect of the welfare state.