77 resultados para 59.19(79.8)
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de pneumonia nosocomial nas autópsias em um hospital público universitário; identificar os fatores de risco relacionados à pneumonia nosocomial e os potenciais fatores prognósticos relacionados à ocorrência de pneumonia nosocomial fatal; e correlacionar os achados anatomopatológicos com a ocorrência de pneumonia nosocomial e/ou pneumonia aspirativa. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 199 pacientes autopsiados, maiores de 1 ano de idade, internados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista entre 1999 e 2006, cuja causa de morte (causa básica ou associada) foi pneumonia nosocomial. Testou-se a associação dos dados demográficos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos com os desfechos pneumonia nosocomial fatal e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. As variáveis significativas entraram na análise multivariada. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 59 ± 19 anos. A prevalência de pneumonia nosocomial em autópsias foi 29%, e essa foi a causa mortis de 22,6% dos pacientes autopsiados. A pneumonia nosocomial fatal correlacionou-se com os achados anatomopatológicos de alterações estruturais tabágicas (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-2,95; p = 0,02) e acometimento pulmonar bilateral (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-8,30; p = 0,01). Não houve associações significativas entre as variáveis e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. CONCLUSÕES: em nossa amostra, a pneumonia nosocomial teve prevalência elevada e foi responsável por quase 25% das mortes. A mortalidade é favorecida por alterações estruturais tabágicas e pneumonia bilateral. Esses achados corroboram os resultados de diversos estudos clínicos sobre pneumonia nosocomial.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The fixation and the bone ingrowth at the interface of porous cylindrical implants (total porosity of 37% and average pores diameter of 480 mu m) were compared in vivo to rough cylindrical implants (R-a = 5.3 mu m), both of commercially pure titanium, made by powder metallurgy. The implants were inserted into the tibias of 20 rabbits and the animals were sacrificed 4 and 8 weeks after surgery. The percentage of bone-implant contact observed in porous implant was significantly larger than in the rough ones for all of sacrifice periods, respectively, 57% vs. 46% after 4 weeks, and 59% vs. 50% after 8 weeks. The mechanical tests showed a significant increase in the shear strength of the porous implants for the two analyzed periods, 4 and 8 weeks (14 and 20 MPa), when compared with rough ones (4 and 13 MPa). These results suggest that porous implants improve the contact at the implant-bone interface and increase the fixation to the bone, improving the osseointegration. Thus, the porous implant might be an alternative to dental implant in less favorable conditions, and appear to be better fixed to bone, offering promising alternatives.
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou ensilados úmidos, sobre o consumo de nutrientes e o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento. O confinamento teve duração de 77 dias e foi dividido em dois períodos: no primeiro (35 dias), utilizou-se como volumoso capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), na proporção de 50:50 e, no segundo (42 dias), feno de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha), na proporção de 30:70. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em blocos, de acordo com o peso, conforme os tratamentos, que consistiram de diferentes fontes de alimento concentrado energético: silagem de grão úmido de milho; silagem de grão úmido de sorgo; grão seco de milho; e grão seco de sorgo. Os consumos de MS, em g/dia, em %PV e em PV0,75, não diferiram entre os animais alimentados com grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou úmidos, e capim-elefante cv. Napier, com média de 920,79 g/dia; 3,59% e 81,01 g/kg PV0,75. Os grãos de milho e de sorgo ensilados úmidos, quando comparados aos grãos secos, proporcionaram melhor ganho de peso (0,17 vs 0,13 e 0,19 vs 0,13 kg/dia), conversão (5,57 vs 6,37 e 5,05 vs 6,86) e eficiência alimentar (17,95 vs 15,69 e 19,79 vs 14,74). O uso de grãos de sorgo, secos e úmidos, em dietas à base de feno de capim-braquiária, resultou em maior ganho de peso, ao passo que o de grãos secos de sorgo promoveu melhor conversão alimentar. Na proporção volumoso:concentrado 50:50, os grãos de milho e sorgo ensilados proporcionaram melhores ganhos de peso, conversão e eficiência alimentar que os grãos secos. em dietas com maior participação de concentrado (proporção 30:70), fontes de maior degradabilidade (milho) influenciaram negativamente o ambiente ruminal, resultando em desempenho inferior.
In low-order streams, the high and variable water flow rates offer both advantages and disadvantages to the life cycle of fishes. Even closely related species living in similar habitats can show differences in life history patterns. Based on oocyte-size distributions, C. lauroi was classified into the fractional spawning type, and C. alipioi into the total spawning type. The absolute fecundity of C. lauroi ranged from 1,313 to 2,925 oocytes; in C. alipioi the absolute fecundity ranged from 2,213 to 25,550 oocytes. The nonparametric Spearman correlation test showed statistical significance between the gonadosomatic index and fecundity for both species. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. lauroi were: K = 0.68 yr -1, L ∞ = 8.7 cm, t max = 4.4 years, M= 1.62 yr -1, S = 19.79%, and for males: K = 0.78 yr -1, L ∞ = 6.9 cm, t max = 3.8 years, M = 1.89 yr -1, S = 15.11%. The growth parameters, natural mortality rate and survival rate for females of C. alipioi were: K = 0.90 yr -1, L ∞ = 12.2 cm, t max = 3.3 years, M = 1.81 yr -1, S = 16.37%, and for males: K = 0.76 yr -1, L ∞ = 10.1 cm, t max = 3.9 years, M = 1.71 yr -1, S = 18.10%.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Currently, responsible ownership of pets has been widely discussed. In the past, they were brought to our society and it is our duty nowadays to establish this relationship between man and animal. This study aimed at evaluating the level of knowledge of elderly dog owners about responsible ownership with emphasis on control of canine visceral leishmaniasis and at the same time make them aware of the precautions to be taken. An individual questionnaire on the subject was applied to 68 elderly people. They all belong to Nossa Senhora Aparecida Village, located on the suburb of Araçatuba-SP. Along with the interview, veterinary students advised them on the control of canine visceral leishmaniasis, the importance of sterilization in cats and dogs and the responsible ownership, with distribution of informative leaflets. Fecal samples from dogs were collected by the owners and they were sent to the Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at Odontology Faculty at Araçatuba UNESP to be processed through the Willis-Mollay technique. Anthelmintic were acquired in the project and donated for the treatment of animals tested positive. 56.25% (63/112) out of the total number of dogs examined were females, aged between one and ten years. Only 32.14% (36/112) had access to the streets, 90.18% (101/112) were not castrated and 58% (65/112) were mixed breed (SRD). Among the owners, 88.24% (60/68) did not know what zoonosis is and 14.71% (10/68) were not aware what leishmaniasis is. Regarding the researched animals, 62.50% (70/112) had ectoparasites (fleas and ticks). It was also observed that 67.86% (76/112) of dogs had been dewormed, but in 59.82% (36/112) of cases, the intervals between these processes were irregular. For females, 85.71% (54/63) had no prevention heat and it was noted that 19.51% (8 / 41) had already given birth, had dystocia. With these data we can confirm the lack of information by these elderly and the need to establish community awareness and continued programs.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los efectos de dosis de N y K2O, vía fertirrigación por goteo, y de la distancia entre plantas sobre la productividad del híbrido Shadow de sandía sin semillas. El experimento se realizó de agosto a octubre de 2008 en el Município de Tupã, SP, Brazil. Se avaluaran cuatro dosis de N + K2O (79,8 + 106,7, 106,4 + 142,2, 133,0 + 177,7, y 159,6 + 213,2 kg ha-1, respectivamente), y cuatro distancias entre plantas (0,5, 1,0, 1,5 y 2,0 m), en hileras espaciadas de 2,0 m. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de bloques al azar, en parcelas subdivididas, con tres repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas fueron: concentración foliar de N y K, peso medio de frutos, número de frutos y productividad total y comercial; y número de frutos en las clases de 3 a 5, 5 a 7, 7 a 9 kg y con más de 9 kg, por planta y por hectárea. Hubo efecto del factor dosis de N + K2O sobre la concentración foliar de K, y la productividad total y comercial de la sandía híbrido Shadow disminuyó linealmente con el aumento de la distancia entre plantas. Sin embargo, no hubo efecto significativo de la interacción ni efecto individual de los factores sobre las otras variables avaliadas.
Trinta gatas, saudáveis, foram submetidas à ovariectomia pela técnica convencional e por videolaparoscopia. Amostras de sangue foram obtidas com o objetivo de verificar a intensidade da resposta inflamatória por meio da análise das concentrações de proteinas de fase aguda e contagem de leucócitos antes e até 144 horas após procedimento cirúrgico. As proteínas que apresentaram aumento significativo 24 horas após a cirurgia foram: ceruloplasmina, hemopexina, haptoglobina e α1-glicoproteína ácida, 69,8%, 103,5%, 117,3% e 199,0%, respectivamente, para ovariectomia convencional, e 22,3%, 46,1%, 79,8% e 74,6%, respectivamente, para ovariectomia por videolaparoscopia. A resposta inflamatória foi mais evidente nas gatas submetidas à ovariectomia convencional. Os resultados mostram aumento e diminuição na concentração de proteínas de fase aguda e na contagem de leucócitos, podendo ser utilizados na avaliação da resposta inflamatória induzida por procedimentos cirúrgicos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
BACKGROUND: the objective of the present study was to determine the importance of the site of embryo transfer (upper or lower half endometrial cavity) on implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. METHODS: A total of 400 transfers guided by ultrasound were randomly assigned to two groups according to the distance between the uterine fundus and the catheter tip at the time of embryo placement. Group I (n=200) consisted of transfers corresponding to a distance of <50% of the endometrial cavity length (ECL), i.e. transfer in upper half of the cavity; and group II (n=200) consisted of transfers corresponding to a distance of greater than or equal to50%, of the ECL, i.e. transfer in lower half of cavity. The Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test and Fisher's exact test were used where appropriate. RESULTS: the general characteristics of the study population and the main transfer cycle characteristics had an equal distribution (P>0.05) between groups I and II. No significant difference in implantation or pregnancy rates was observed between groups I and II. CONCLUSION: the implantation or pregnancy rates were similar whether the embryos were deposited in the upper or lower half of the endometrial cavity.
Background: This study evaluated whether there is a relationship between the zona pellucida birefringence (ZP-BF) intensity and the nuclear (NM) and cytoplasmic (CM) in vitro maturation of human oocytes from stimulated cycles.Results: The ZP-BF was evaluated under an inverted microscope with a polarizing optical system and was scored as high/positive (when the ZP image presented a uniform and intense birefringence) or low/negative (when the image presented moderate and heterogeneous birefringence). CM was analyzed by evaluating the distribution of cortical granules (CGs) throughout the ooplasm by immunofluorescence staining. CM was classified as: complete, when CG was localized in the periphery; incomplete, when oocytes presented a cluster of CGs in the center; or in transition, when oocytes had both in clusters throughout cytoplasm and distributed in a layer in the cytoplasm periphery Nuclear maturation: From a total of 83 germinal vesicle (GV) stage oocytes, 58 of oocytes (69.9%) reached NM at the metaphase II stage. From these 58 oocytes matured in vitro, the high/positively scoring ZP-BF was presented in 82.7% of oocytes at the GV stage, in 75.8% of oocytes when at the metaphase I, and in 82.7% when oocytes reached MII. No relationship was observed between NM and ZP-BF positive/negative scores (P = 0.55). These variables had a low Pearson's correlation coefficient (r = 0.081). Cytoplasmic maturation: A total of 85 in vitro-matured MII oocytes were fixed for CM evaluation. Forty-nine oocytes of them (57.6%) showed the complete CM, 30 (61.2%) presented a high/positively scoring ZP-BF and 19 (38.8%) had a low/negatively scoring ZP-BF. From 36 oocytes (42.3%) with incomplete CM, 18 (50%) presented a high/positively scoring ZPBF and 18 (50%) had a low/negatively scoring ZP-BF. No relationship was observed between CM and ZP-BF positive/negative scores (P = 0.42). These variables had a low Pearson's correlation coefficient (r = 0.11).Conclusions: The current study demonstrated an absence of relationship between ZP-BF high/positive or low/negative score and nuclear and cytoplasmic in vitro maturation of oocytes from stimulation cycles.