6 resultados para 334.3
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The Eastern Blue Ridge Province of the southern Appalachians contains, in part, remnants of an Ordovician accretionary wedge complex formed during subduction of an oceanic tract before mid-Ordovician accretion with Laurentia. The Eastern Blue Ridge Province consists of metapelite and amphibolite intruded by low-K plutons, high-temperature (T > 750 degrees C) Ordovician eclogite, and other high-pressure metamafic and meta-ultramatic rocks. Felsic plutons in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province are important time markers for regional-scale tectonics, deformation, and metamorphism. Plutons were thought to be related to either Taconian (Ordovician) or Acadian (Devonian-Silurian) tectonothermal events.We dated five plutonic or metaplutonic rocks to constrain pluton crystallization ages better and thus the timing of tectonism. The Persimmon Creek gneiss yielded a protolith crystallization age of 455.7 +/- 2.1 Ma, Chalk Mountain 377.7 +/- 2.5 Ma, Mt. Airy 334 +/- 3 Ma, Stone Mountain 335.6 +/- 1.0 Ma, and Rabun 335.1 +/- 2.8 Ma. The latter four plutons were thought to be part of the Acadian Spruce Pine Suite, but instead our new ages indicate that Alleghanian (Carboniferous-Permian) plutonism is widespread and voluminous in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province. The Chattahoochee fault, which was considered an Acadian structure, cuts the Rabun pluton and thus must have been active during the Alleghanian orogeny. The new ages indicate that Persimmon Creek crystallized less than 3 m.y. after zircon crystallization in Eastern Blue Ridge eclogite and is nearly synchronous with nearby high-grade metamorphism and migmatization. The three phases of plutonism in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province correspond with established metamorphic ages for each of the three major orogenic pulses along the western flank of the southern Appalachians.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The crystal structure of shikimate kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtSK) complexed with MgADP and shikimic acid (shikimate) has been determined at 2.3 Angstrom resolution, clearly revealing the amino acid residues involved in shikimate binding. In MtSK, the Glu61 strictly conserved in SK forms a hydrogen bond and salt-bridge with Arg58 and assists in positioning the guanidinium group of Arg58 for shikimate binding. The carboxyl group of shikimate interacts with Arg58, Gly81, and Arg136, and hydroxyl groups with Asp34 and Gly80. The crystal structure of MtSK-MgADP-shikimate will provide crucial information for elucidation of the mechanism of SK-catalyzed reaction and for the development of a new generation of drugs against tuberculosis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Stainless steel coatings obtained by High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) were characterized using optical (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe micro-analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), open-circuit potential (E-OC) measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarisation tests. Differences among coated steels were mainly related with the gun-substrate distance parameter (310 nm for samples A and B and 260 min for C and D). The open-circuit potential values measured for all the samples after 18 h of immersion in aerated and unstirred 3.4% NaCl solution were: - 0.334, - 0.360, - 0.379 and - 0.412 V vs. Ag/AgCl,KClsat. for samples A to D, respectively. For EIS measurements, Nyquist plots showed higher capacitive semi-circle for samples sprayed at longer distance, indicating higher corrosion resistance in NaCl solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais ovinos após o cultivo in vitro do córtex ovariano em várias concentrações de ácido 3-indol acético (IAA). O córtex ovariano foi dividido em fragmentos de aproximadamente 3×3mm. Um fragmento foi imediatamente fixado em Bouin (controle - dia 0) e os demais destinados ao cultivo por dois ou seis dias em meio essencial mínimo (MEM+) acrescido de 10, 40, 100, 500 ou 1000ng/ml de IAA. Após o cultivo in vitro, não houve variação entre folículos dos tratamentos e folículos-controle, exceto nos suplementados com 40ng/ml de IAA. Nestes observaram-se redução de folículos primordiais e aumento de folículos em desenvolvimento (P<0,05). em relação aos folículos do grupo-controle, houve redução de pré-antrais normais no cultivo de seis dias (P<0,05). Após dois dias de cultivo, a redução foi observada somente nos folículos suplementados com 500 ou 1000ng/ml de IAA. Folículos pré-antrais ovinos podem ser ativados in vitro com sucesso após o cultivo em MEM+ suplementado com 40ng/ml de IAA.