391 resultados para buccal pumping
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of surface hydration state and application method on the microtensile bond strength of one-step self-etching adhesives systems to cut enamel.Materials and Methods: One hundred ninety-five bovine teeth were used. The enamel on the buccal side was flattened with 600-grit SiC paper. For the control group, 15 teeth received Adper Single Bond 2, applied according to manufacturer's recommendations. The other specimens were divided into three groups according to the adhesive system used: Futura Bond M (FM; Voco), Clearfil S-3 Bond (CS; Kuraray), and Optibond All in One (OA; Kerr). For each group, two hydration states were tested: D: blown dry with air; W: the excess of water was removed with absorbent paper. Two application methods were tested: P (passive): the adhesive was simply left on the surface; A (active): the adhesive was rubbed with an applicator point. A coat of Grandio composite resin (Voco) was applied on the surface. The teeth were sectioned to obtain enamel-resin sticks (1 x 1 mm), which underwent microtensile bond testing. The data in MPa were submitted to a three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 5%).Results: The ANOVA showed significant differences for application method and the type of adhesive, but not for hydration state. For the application method, the results of Tukey's test were: P: 31.46 (+/-7.09)a; A: 34.04 (+/-7.19)b. For the type of adhesive, the results were: OA: 31.29 (+/-7.05)a; CS: 32.28 (+/-7.14)a; FM: 34.68 (+/-7.17)b; different lower-case letters indicate statistically significant differences.Conclusion: Active application improved the bond strength to cut enamel. The adhesive Futurabond M showed the highest bond strength to cut enamel.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the micro-shear bond strength of 5 adhesive systems to enamel, one single-bottle acid-etch adhesive (O), two self-etching primers (P) and two all-in-one self-etching adhesives (S). Method: Sixty premolar enamel surfaces (buccal or lingual) were ground flat with 400- and 600-grit SiC papers and randomly divided into 5 groups (n=12), according to the adhesive system.. SB2 - Single Bond 2 (O); CSE - Clearfil SE Bond (P); ADS - AdheSE (P); PLP - Adper Prompt L-Pop (S); XE3 - Xeno III (S). Tygon tubing (inner diameter of 0.8mm) restricted the bonding area to obtain the resin composite (Z250) cylinders. After storage in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24h and thermocycling, micro-shear testing was performed (crosshead speed of 0.5mm/min). Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (a=5%). Samples were also subjected to stereomicroscopic and SEM evaluations after micro-shear testing. Mean bond strength values (MPa +/- SD) and the results of Tukey test were: SB2: 36.36(+/- 3.34)a; ADS: 33.03(+/- 7.83)a; XE3: 32.76(+/- 5.61)a; CSE: 30.61(+/- 6.68)a; PLP: 22.17(+/- 6.05)b. Groups with the same letter were not statistically different. It can be concluded that no significant difference was there between SB2, ADS, XE3 and CSE, in spite of different etching patterns of these adhesives. Only PLP presented statistically lower bond strengths compared with others. J Clin Pediatr Dent 35(3): 301-304, 2011
We derive the soliton matrices corresponding to an arbitrary number of higher-order normal zeros for the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem of arbitrary matrix dimension, thus giving the complete solution to the problem of higher-order solitons. Our soliton matrices explicitly give all higher-order multisoliton solutions to the nonlinear partial differential equations integrable through the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem. We have applied these general results to the three-wave interaction system, and derived new classes of higher-order soliton and two-soliton solutions, in complement to those from our previous publication [Stud. Appl. Math. 110, 297 (2003)], where only the elementary higher-order zeros were considered. The higher-order solitons corresponding to nonelementary zeros generically describe the simultaneous breakup of a pumping wave (u(3)) into the other two components (u(1) and u(2)) and merger of u(1) and u(2) waves into the pumping u(3) wave. The two-soliton solutions corresponding to two simple zeros generically describe the breakup of the pumping u(3) wave into the u(1) and u(2) components, and the reverse process. In the nongeneric cases, these two-soliton solutions could describe the elastic interaction of the u(1) and u(2) waves, thus reproducing previous results obtained by Zakharov and Manakov [Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 69, 1654 (1975)] and Kaup [Stud. Appl. Math. 55, 9 (1976)]. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper energy transfer in a dissipative mechanical system is analysed. Such system is composed of a linear and a nonlinear oscillator with a nonlinearizable cubic stiffness. Depending on initial conditions, we find energy transfer either from linear to nonlinear oscillator (energy pumping) or from nonlinear to linear. Such results are valid for two different potentials. However, under resonance and absence of external excitation, if the mass of the nonlinear oscillator is adequately small then the linear oscillator always loses energy. Our approach uses rigorous Regular Perturbation Theory. Besides, we have included the case of two linear oscillators under linear or cubic interactions. Comparisons with the earlier case are made. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se o estudo do desenvolvimento de um controlador não-tradicional baseado em um mecanismo de histerese com auto-ajuste para o controle de nível de líquido de um sistema de separação e bombeio submarino conhecido como VASPS. O controlador desenvolvido gera sinais enviados para a bomba centrífuga submersa para controlar o nível de líquido no tanque do separador, evitando que ele atinja valores muito baixos que poderiam danificar a bomba ou valores muito altos que reduziriam a eficiência da separação líquido/gás. Os sinais de controle gerados pelo controlador visam solicitar a bomba o mínimo possível de modo a evitar o seu desgaste e falhas prematuras. Nas simulações, o controlador desenvolvido foi testado sob grandes variações nas condições de operação, tais como golfadas, produzindo resultados bastante satisfatórios e promissores.
The primary excited state absorption processes relating to the (5)I(6) -> (5)I(7) 3 mu m laser transition in singly Ho(3+)-doped fluoride glass have been investigated in detail using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Selective laser excitation of the (5)I(6) and (5)I(7) energy levels established the occurrence of two excited state absorption transitions from these energy levels that compete with previously described energy transfer upconversion processes. The (5)I(7) -> (5)I(4) excited state absorption transition has peak cross sections at 1216 nm (sigma(esa)=2.8x10(-21) cm(2)), 1174 nm (sigma(esa)=1x10(-21) cm(2)), and 1134 nm (sigma(esa)=7.4x10(-22) cm(2)) which have a strong overlap with the (5)I(8) -> (5)I(6) ground state absorption. on the other hand, it was established that the excited state absorption transition (5)I(6) -> (5)S(2) had a weak overlap with ground state absorption. Using numerical solution of the rate equations, we show that Ho(3+)-doped fluoride fiber lasers employing pumping at 1100 nm rely on excited state absorption from the lowest excited state of Ho(3+) to maintain a population inversion and that energy transfer upconversion processes compete detrimentally with the excited state absorption processes in concentrated Ho(3+)-doped fluoride glass. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
INTRODUÇÃO: O lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) é uma doença inflamatória crônica caracterizada por manifestações clínicas variadas. Os poucos trabalhos existentes na literatura relatam uma prevalência entre 6,5% e 21% de acometimento bucal. OBJETIVO: Investigar os achados bucais e laboratoriais em pacientes com LES. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisados 155 pacientes com diagnóstico de LES, segundo critérios do American College of Rheumatology (ACR). O índice de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados (CPO-D) foi registrado e avaliou-se a necessidade de tratamento periodontal por meio do índice periodontal comunitário (IPC). Foram realizados esfregaços e biópsias das lesões e bordas laterais de língua para exames citopatológicos. Exames laboratoriais foram correlacionados com os achados bucais destes pacientes. RESULTADOS: Dos 155 pacientes, 94,1% eram mulheres. Altos níveis de anticorpos circulantes (FAN-Hep2) foram observados em todos os pacientes, sendo 41,9% positivos para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-DNA de fita dupla. O índice CPO-D médio correspondeu a 18,5 e de acordo com o IPC, 18% apresentaram bolsas periodontais de 4-5 mm e 5,9% de 6 mm ou mais. Foram biopsiadas oito lesões bucais, mas somente três casos foram considerados compatíveis com a indicação clínica de LES. Os principais sítios acometidos foram dorso de língua, mucosa jugal e lábios. A prevalência de candidíase correspondeu a 20,1% e a de leucoplasia pilosa oral a 3,7%. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com LES apresentam condição periodontal precária e baixa prevalência de lesões bucais e, além disso, a citopatologia mostrou-se importante no diagnóstico de infecções relacionadas com imunossupressão, como candidíase e leucoplasia pilosa oral.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O descarte indevido de resíduos industriais no solo tem causado danos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. A identificação e o diagnóstico de áreas contaminadas é um procedimento necessário afim de que seja possível tomar medidas de contenção da fonte poluidora e posterior remediação. As técnicas geofísicas podem auxiliar na caracterização do meio geológico, definição das dimensões da pluma de contaminação, seleção de pontos para locação de poços de monitoramento e de bombeamento. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação do método Eletromagnético Indutivo em uma área industrial contaminada por benzeno, tolueno, xileno (BTX) e dicloroetano. Os resultados indicam dois padrões de migração dos contaminantes em subsuperfície. Uma tendência de migração no plano horizontal até o nível de 15 m de profundidade e uma tendência de migração no plano vertical entre 15 e 60 m de profundidade. As tendências de migração divergentes estão condicionadas a densidade dos compostos que constituem a pluma de contaminação, ou seja, um intervalo LNAPL sobrenadante (BTX), sobreposto a um intervalo DNAPL (1,2 dicloroetano).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)