321 resultados para Organização da Informação e do Conhecimento


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Este estudo analisa o periódico Educação Física - Revista de Esporte e Saúde, objetivando levantar algumas questões sobre a produção de conhecimento e a organização profissional do campo Educação Física no Brasil. Como metodologia de trabalho utilizou-se a análise do discurso tendo como fonte primária o próprio periódico. Gerada em séculos anteriores por ginastas, desportistas, educadores, filósofos, militares, médicos, entre outros, a educação física está pronta para dar os seus primeiros passos no século XX


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Constituem a obra capítulos derivados de diferentes perspectivas acerca do tema da televisão digital terrestre, compondo um panorama prismático de diversos aspectos integrantes da inovação a partir das plataformas já existentes e da problemática da implantação, abarcando tópicos distintos componentes da implantação e manutenção do novo sistema - autores na sociedade tecnológica, diversidade cultural e política de informação, educação e participação por meio da interatividade, produção de conteúdos audiovisuais, regulação e políticas de educação, mobilidade e democracia, modelos de negócio, a viabilidade da interatividade, cenários e desafios para as emissoras públicas, a implantação no Brasil e na Espanha, a convergência com instituições educacionais, gestão de conteúdos narrativos, democracia digital, a implantação no Pará e a atuação de emissoras em cada estado, a transição do sinal analógico para o digital, a repercussão midiática sobre a implantação e as controvérsias e desinformações sobre o apagão digital.


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The research universe of knowledge organization requires a consistent theoretical conception that promotes an effective application of its tools. In this sense, a dialogical basis is established among the theoretical principles of Cutter’s Subject Cataloguing, Kaiser’s Systematic Indexing and Ranganathan’s Faceted Classification, as a basis for a theoretical timeline of the epistemology of knowledge organization. It is possible to conclude that those three theoretical approaches can be organized in a chronological and conceptual row, showing the growing importance of facets in knowledge organization theory.


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Considering knowledge organization and representation as a theoretical line used by Information Science to face the subject approach to information, in a dialogical relation with subject cataloguing, indexing and “analyse documentaire”, this article carries out a domain-analysis of Scire journal (1995-2010) in order to identify the scientific production in the mentionned theoretical lines as well as their relationships. Scire constitutes an environment where members of the different paradigms have found an space to relate each other.


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Introduction: Studies about human cognition represent a relevant perspective in information science, considering the subjective actions of information professionals and dialogic process that should permeate the activity of subjects dealing with the organization and representation of information. Objective: Explore the approach of the cognitive perspective in information science and their new settings by contemporary needs of information to reflect on the process of meeting the professional information through the social reality that permeates the contexts of information. Methodology: Reflection on theoretical aspects that deal with the cognitive development to discuss the implications of the cognitive approach in information science and its evolution in the scope of the representation and processing of information. Results: Research in Information Science must consider issues of cognitive and social order that underlie information processing and the process of knowing the information professional as knowledge structures must be explained from the social context of knowing subjects. Conclusions: There is a need to investigate the process of knowing the information professional in the bias of socio-cognitive approach, targeting new elements for the understanding of the relationship information (cognitive manifestations) and its implications on the social dimension.


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The concept of ontoloy as a tool for knowledge organization and representation, which is not yet stable, is analyzed in two spanish journals of information science, namely “Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento” and “Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación”, both published by the University of Zaragoza. The term "ontology" and its variations were searched in the fields of title, keywords and abstract. A corpus of eighteen articles was obtained. The approaches to ontologies were classified into four categories of analysis: conceptualization, comparison, application and new applications. It was observed that the way which the concept of ontologies is treated in both periodicals is in consonance with their editorial policies. The term ontology is suffering a process of meta-terminologization, from the field of philosophy towards information science, a fact that deserves further and more vertical studies.


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An axiological discussion is drawn from the analysis of the three codes of ethics in archives developed by the Association of Brazilian Archivists (AAB), the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the Society of American Archivists (SAA), presenting a framework of ethical values for the activities related to the organization and representation of knowledge, thus contributing to the theoretical framework underlying the social issues in Archival science.


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In the organizational context culture and communication are fundamental to the processes of appropriation, sharing, generation and use of knowledge. However, in organizations, it is evident that there is little awareness about the influence of information culture and informational communication in the scope of knowledge management. In this perspective and considering the theoretical context, we analyze the influence of culture and communication in the construction of knowledge in an organizational context. This study presents a qualitative research covering national literature focusing theoretical literature published about this thematic. Analyzing this literature we have verified that without an appropriate information culture and an appropriate information communication favoring the organizational processes, hardly the managers would reach the purpose of stimulating knowledge creation within the organization's environment. In conclusion we consider that culture and communication are the foundations for the effectiveness of activities that occur within the context of knowledge management.


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Universities produce large volume of scientific knowledge; however, much of this knowledge is not properly systematic and socialized, causing losses to the development of Science and society. Therefore, there is the need to apply methods, techniques and tools that facilitate the systematization and sharing the knowledge generated in this context. In this perspective, a study aimed at developing a model of the knowledge management representing the specific area of Information Science (IS) of the Sao Paulo State University [Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)]. For this, a qualitative study was developed, descriptive and exploratory, consisting in five steps: started with the theoretical foundation about the thematic, defined the appropriate methodology, comprising characterization of the area of CI Unesp; collecting and analysis of information about the generation, socialization, ownership and communication of scientific knowledge in this environment. As a result of the study, it was possible to develop a model of scientific knowledge management. This model represents the elements involved in the dynamics of scientific knowledge, serving as a starting point for the planning and execution of future actions for the management of scientific knowledge. The study also presents an initial diagnosis on the state of art of scientific knowledge in the academic community of CI from Unesp.


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Considering that knowledge representation consists in a constant decision-making and that its products must be reliable, this paper highlights the existence of ethical problems in this context with undeniable damage to the user. Thefore, from a theorethical excerpt of the international literature regarding the ethical aspects involved in knowledge organization and representation, this study gets to the reflection of: a) the biases in knowledge representation; and b) non-neutrality of its processes, instruments and products, as subsidies to the outlining of possible ethical problems regarding the user as well as the role of information professional.


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The present work is to analyze the importance of exchanging knowledge and technological innovation in Business Condominium Square Capital installed in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (SP). The condominium corporate Capital Square is the new result of the productive rearrangements that allow the reproduction of capital. This new production space, endowed with infrastructure and sophisticated logistics is able to enable the development of companies installed there in addition to promoting the advancement of technological innovation in the region because of its relations with laboratories, universities and research centers. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of this new form of organization of space activities corresponding to the logic of exchange of knowledge and technological innovation. The logical location of innovation services have similar aspects to economic activities in general, which is distinguished due to the intangible nature of services of high added value through the strategic role of information, the nature of services and because there are services whose logic operation is beyond the economic, but also scientific. The project includes the study in an integrated environment, which allows to evaluate, under various aspects, the importance of established companies and infrastructure available that enable the advancement of skills and knowledge exchange in Capital Square Condo


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)