199 resultados para Equipes gestoras


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Objective: to analyze the importance of physical therapy in the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Methodology: integrative literature review, guided by the research question << What is the importance of physical therapy in the FHS? >>. The survey was conducted in the Virtual Health Library and in the website Google Scholar in November and December 2012. The inclusion criteria were: fully available scientific study, published between 2007 and 2012, with free access, and having at least one of the DeCS selected in the title. Results: we found out that the importance of physical therapist’s action at the FHS has been recognized both by professionals included in the teams and users of health care units, showing that, by means of the physical therapist’s preventive and clinical action, the costs and demands in the tertiary care can be reduced. Conclusion: the population and the professionals recognize the physical therapist’s positive impact on the FHS.


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Introduction: Baseball is a Sport disputed by two teams composed at least by nine players which compete between themselves in a game of six innings in the amateur game, for children up to 10 years old. Objective: The objective is to compare the movement degrees of the shoulder joint between the dominant and the non dominant shoulder. Methods: Eleven male subjects were assessed (8,63 ± 0,67 years old) whom practiced baseball at the Nikkey Club of the city of Marília – SP. All of the subjects were assessed by the same examiner, whom measured the range of motion (ROM) of both glenohumeral joint. The Student t test was used for the comparison of the shoulders, with level of significance of 5% (p≤0,05). Results: The subjects presented significant differences on the external rotation movement (p= 0,014) between the dominant shoulder (63,63 ± 12,92°) and the non dominant shoulder (55,45 ± 16,27°), and in the internal rotation movement (p= 0,001) between the dominant shoulder (32,90 ± 5,68°) and the non dominant shoulder (40,72 ± 5,74°). Conclusion: The results obtained in this study, on the experimental conditions utilized, allow us to conclude that the practice of baseball influence the range of motion of external rotation and internal rotation of the dominant shoulder, with increased external rotation, and a decreased internal rotation, provoking instability of the shoulder joint.


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A Política Nacional de Atenção Oncológica almeja o acesso e atendimento integral além de uma maior efetividade e efi ciência no controle do câncer. Assim, diversas ações, serviços e profi ssionais são exigidos para dar a assistência necessária. A respeito da atuação da Terapia Ocupacional, nota-se que a profi ssão não é especifi cada, e não tem a atuação regulamentada. Sendo assim, o objetivo principal do presente estudo foi identifi car a inserção, atuação e ampliação do campo de trabalho da Terapia Ocupacional no Estado de São Paulo para a área oncológica em contexto hospitalar, tomando por base as Políticas Públicas de Atenção Oncológica. Visou também identifi car os Centros de Assistência de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia do Estado de São Paulo que possuem o terapeuta ocupacional como parte da equipe. Para tanto, foi realizada: identifi cação dos Centros de Alta Complexidade em Oncologia do Estado de São Paulo cadastrados no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde, por meio de dados fornecidos pelo INCA e do site ofi cial do Ministério da Saúde; mapeamento da inserção do terapeuta ocupacional nesses locais e aplicação de questionário aos profi ssionais, para caracterizar os serviços e ações desenvolvidas pela Terapia Ocupacional em oncologia. O estudo do tipo qualitativo descritivo constatou a existência de diferentes possibilidades assistenciais em oncologia, tendo em vista as demandas e organização dos hospitais. Quanto à inserção e ampliação do campo de trabalho, verifi cou-se que nem todos os CACONs contam com os serviços e ações da Terapia Ocupacional, o que sugere que ainda não há efetivamente a incorporação desse profi ssional nas equipes multiprofi ssionais desses centros.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study aimed to analyze coping strategies used by Young soccer athletes during the competition period. 172 male soccer athletes of 8 teams participating in Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior 2013, aged between 15 and 20 years old, most of high school education took part in the study. As instrument it was used the Brazilian version of the Ways of Coping Scale. Therefore, a contact was made with teams, where they had permission or not to apply and then day and time were scheduled to data collection, this was made in order to preserve the teams performance. Given that, most of the data were collected during the rest period of the teams, that is, when there was a long interval between one match and another. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and frequency through the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for Windows. The collected data suggests that most athletes use the coping strategy problem-focused, because it had the highest average, while emotion-focused coping strategy was the factor with lowest average. The results indicate that athletes have a higher emotional control and aiming to solving the stressful situation at the own problem


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In the last twenty years, and more expressively in the past decade, the search for improvement in the organ transplantation system has contributed to the achievement of positive results in the Brazilian statistics related to the survival of transplanted individuals. However, for a transplantation to be performed, a number of phases must be followed by professionals working in organ search services. The phase that generates the greatest tension is undoubtedly that of family interviews, as it involves both the feelings of relatives who are facing a recent loss and those of interviewers who need to know how to deal with families at this time. The goal of this study was to apprehend perceptions of professionals working for an Organ Search Organization concerning interviews with relatives of potential donors. The qualitative methodology was used by adopting the Collective Subject Discourse for data organization. Interviews were conducted with six staff members of an organ search service whose experience as interviewers comprised from eight to fourteen years of work. It was possible to apprehend the professionals’ perceptions of family interviews and identify facilitating and hindering factors in this phase of the donation process. Such factors mainly involve: contact with the teams assisting patients, the difficult moment that families are experiencing and the teams’ as well as the institution’s preparation for rendering this type of service. The balance between the offer of and demand for organs in Brazil will only be achieved by means of an efficient and effective structure in transplantation organ search services and increased donation consent rates to be obtained by adequate communication between interviewers and relatives


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Along of the Brazilian territory is to encourage a lot of self-management communities, seeking a new way of social organization through of cultural practices and economic antagonistic logic of the capitalist system. These communities create a lifestyle which we are not used in the context of modern life, they are focused to a greater preservation of nature, to an economy based on spiritualization and cultural exchange. The peculiarity of these communities is to offer the same structure as a modern city, electricity, clothing, basic sanitation, food among others, which the state already offers, but with alternative ways.For a more specific study was selected community-Porangaba Future Vision, São Paulo. Through this case of study, it is thought to enable a better understanding of how it is possible within a country emerge a community that creates its own structure encompassed by cultural practices and economic characteristics and finally understanding what are the effects on the geographic area


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A motivação pode ser considerada um dos mais importantes combustíveis do ser humano, e seu estudo é importante principalmente na compreensão da influência da motivação sobre o desempenho esportivo e o bem-estar dos atletas. Ela pode ser caracterizada por fatores pessoais (motivação intrínseca) e ambientais (motivação extrínseca). Dentre os fatores motivacionais, o técnico tem grande importância pois, na maioria das vezes, partirão destes o incentivo que poderá influenciar diretamente nos atletas um comportamento motivado. No caso de estar desmotivado, um esportista não desempenhará ou desempenhará mal sua tarefa. Por isso, 22 atletas de handebol masculino, categoria adulto, das equipes SEME Rio Claro e Handebol Itu, responderam um questionário, onde buscava-se investigar a falta de motivação e pensamentos de abandono. Foram encontrados resultados que corroboram com a literatura, nos quais as causas da desmotivação estão relacionadas, principalmente, às dificuldades de relacionamento com o técnico, monotonia dos treinamentos, decepção das expectativas, sentimento de isolamento diante da equipe técnica e carência de reforços positivos pelos resultados conseguidos. Esses mesmos motivos, além de outros, como lesões, são causas do abandono esportivo. Porém, os resultados obtidos sugerem que os atletas pesquisados, mesmo os que se mostraram desmotivados, não apresentaram, em sua maioria, propensão a parar de praticar handebol, mostrando que falta de motivação e pensamentos de abandono do esporte podem estar presentes entre atletas, em maior ou menor grau. Ainda que não se intensifiquem a ponto de resultar em abandono.


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This descriptive study aimed to investigate what changes of emotional states more sensitive to internal and external influences and to investigate the motivating factors and stressors in basketball players of a Regional Championship of the Interior . Study subjects were 56 (fifty - six) athletes, members of 05 (five) highest ranked teams in the competition. As a measuring tool used the Frester ‟sP sychicLoad Test (1972, apud SAMULSKI, CHAGAS, 1992) . Data analys used descriptive statistics. The findings showed that the facts considered as motivators during the competition were: the audience, the fact of constantly thinking on achieving the desirable aims, and the establishment of very high aims; the stressful factors were: disagreements and conflicts with the coach, partners or family, bad sleeping the night before the competition, excessive nervousness and to be prejudiced by the referees . Therefore, we can conclude: the facts that influence the interest can be of motivating or stressful order , depending on the personal and situational perception; most athletes characterized the competiti ve sport as more stressful than motivating, and this assessment influenced by constant pressure of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that athletes suffers during the competitive environment


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La mission de ce rapport se trouvée dans un projet major de mise en place de la TPM dans l’usine de Biotechnologie à Huningue. Le même sera utilisé comme pilote pour les autres sites de l’entreprise. Le but spécifique de ma mission au sein de Novartis, était d’identifier les activités principales des équipes de maintenance, étudier la façon de travailler et la manière comment ils étaient renseignées dans leurs Ordres de Travail (OT). Ensuite, proposer un standard de flux de travail et façon de renseigner les OT et ainsi organiser la façon de travailler et pouvoir planifier les activités de maintenance, ayant une bonne base de données pour faire les indicateurs


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Based on the theoretical concepts about events, public relations and leadership, this work was developed with the aim of presenting in practical way the role of Public Relations professional in organizing events, checking his role as articulator of public interest in the cultivation of relationships. With definitions and characterization this study proposes legitimize the powers of the Public Relations event management. Beside this, the study aims to emphasize the exercise of leadership in management teams as one of the main points in the development of an event. So, the case of study develops a field research on the work of the infrastructure committee of the Southeast Intercom 2013


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Atualmente a busca da mulher pelo esporte vem crescendo, juntamente com o seu desempenho e a participação em competições. No futebol de campo não é diferente e a adesão das mulheres, ou seja, o número de atletas do sexo feminino vem se tornado expressivo nos últimos anos. A motivação é o combustível para o atleta, seja ele homem ou mulher, independente da modalidade. Por isso não pode prescindir dela. “É através desse que o atleta vai conseguir empenhar-se, dedicar-se e até superar obstáculos dentro do meio esportivo” (MARQUES, 2003, p.99). A motivação é a totalidade daqueles fatores, que determinam a atualização de formas de comportamento dirigido a um determinado objetivo e é caracterizada como um processo ativo, intencional e dirigido a uma meta, o qual depende da interação de fatores pessoais (intrínsecos) e ambientais (extrínsecos). (SAMULSKI, 2002). Contudo o objetivo do presente estudo é verificar o quão importante e influente é o trabalho motivacional na preparação de equipes de futebol feminino para competições. Diante do exposto, estudaremos, no meio de uma revisão de literatura, a importância da motivação em atletas de equipes de futebol feminino


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This present paper aims to identify the main response techniques for coastal and fluvial environments and analyze impacts on the application of these techniques. The literature review allowed us to understand since the establishment of first environmental sensitivity index map, in coastal and fluvial environment, until the possible impacts generated by the application of cleanup techniques in both environments. Studies related to freshwater environment are less common compared to coastal environment. For both environments the same techniques may be employed, as well as containment and recovery, or removal of oil in the affected areas. The most serious environmental impacts generated are due to the poor choice of technique to be applied or the lack of training of the cleaning crews. In Deepwater Horizon accident, Gulf of Mexico, 2010, application of dispersants, resulted in a mixture of oil and dispersing 52 times more toxic than the oil itself. In Brazil, the technique of vegetation removal by the cleaning staff in the accident on the river Guaecá, 2004, resulted in unnecessary elimination of vegetation, increasing the volume of waste. It was concluded that the freshwater environment often suffer more impacts by applying the techniques, once is necessary to access the banks, which normally have more vegetation and organisms than shoreline of coastal environment