147 resultados para EXPERIMENTAL STUDY


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Purpose: To present a technique for filling facial folds by using autologous orbicularis oculi muscle, based on an experimental model. Methods: two studies are presented: (1) an experimental study using 15 albino guinea-pigs from which a strip of the sural triceps muscle was removed and implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of the dorsal area. The animals were sacrificed 7, 30 and 60 days after the implantation, and the material was histologically evaluated. And (2%) an interventional prospective clinical trial carried out on 20 patients referred to blepharoplasty surgery. They received autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle for filling facial folds. The results where evaluated by patients satisfaction and clinical exam. Results: the sural tricep muscle, when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue, resulted in fibrosis. The patients whom received autologous orbicularis muscle implanted for filling facial folds showed that the procedure can be successfully carried out. Conclusions: autologous preseptal orbicularis muscle is a good material for filling facial folds. Cicatricial tissue will be formed on its implantation site, filling the tissue gap that forms the folds on the skin.


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Aims: The objective of this study is to create an experimental model of intestinal endometriosis in pigs, which might allow better understanding of deep infiltrating endometriosis and development of new treatment techniques. As secondary objective, we intend to create endometrial implants accessible by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Study Design: Surgical experimental study in swine. Place and Duration of Study: This study was performed at the Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa do Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil, between January 2012 and December 2012. Methodology: Two sexually mature female minipigBR pigs underwent two laparotomies (each animal). The first laparotomy was performed to implant two fragments of autologous endometrium in the rectal wall. The second one was performed thirty days later to visualize, measure and obtain tissue of the site of the implants for histopathology study. A TRUS study was performed prior to the second surgery. The Institution’s Animal Utilization Study Committee approved the study. Results: In the first laparotomy a 5-cm segment of right uterine horn was resected. The endometrium was separated from the myometrium through sub-endometrial saline injection. Two endometrial fragments (1.0 x 2.0 cm) were dissected and sutured in the intra peritoneal anterior rectal wall of the animals. Thirty days later, all implants were identified during preoperative TRUS. “En-bloc” resection of the intestinal segment with the implants was performed during the second surgery. The autologous implants of endometrium invaded the muscular layer in one of the two animals. Conclusion: We demonstrated that the creation of an animal model of deep infiltrating endometriosis with intestinal involvement is feasible through a simple surgical technique. We believe that this model can be applied in experimental and clinical studies but further studies are necessary to refine the technique.


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CONTEXTO: A cirurgia videolaparoscópica (CVL) vem evoluindo como alternativa cirúrgica menos invasiva para o tratamento da doença aterosclerótica oclusiva aorto-ilíaca e do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. Poucos estudos avaliaram objetivamente a curva de aprendizado com essa técnica em cirurgia vascular. OBJETIVO: Avaliar objetivamente os tempos e a evolução de cada passo cirúrgico e demonstrar a exeqüibilidade dessa técnica. MÉTODOS: Entre outubro 2007 e janeiro de 2008, dois cirurgiões vasculares iniciantes na CVL operaram, após cursos e treinamentos, seis porcos consecutivos, com dissecção aórtica e interposição de um enxerto de dácron em um segmento da aorta infra-renal abdominal, com técnica totalmente laparoscópica. RESULTADOS: Todos os tempos cirúrgicos foram decrescentes ao longo do estudo, apresentando redução de 45,9% no tempo total de cirurgia, 85,8% no tempo de dissecção da aorta, 81,2% na exposição da aorta, 55,1% no clampeamento total, 71% na confecção da anastomose proximal e 64,9% na anastomose distal. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo mostrou que os resultados técnicos satisfatórios da CVL vascular ocorreram somente após longa curva de aprendizado, que foi decrescente ao longo do tempo, à medida que aumentou a experiência e vivência com os materiais e com a visão não-estereoscópica. Essa técnica pode ser realizada com perfeição por cirurgiões vasculares desde que façam cursos especializados, com treinamento em simuladores e animais, e desde que busquem constante aprimoramento a fim de conseguir resultados similares aos obtidos com a cirurgia convencional.


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O DEET (N, N-dietil-3-metilbenzamida) é hoje o repelente mais efetivo disponível, porém, seu uso pode apresentar importantes efeitos colaterais tópicos e sistêmicos. Alguns compostos botânicos, como a Andiroba (Carapa guianensis), têm demonstrado propriedades repelentes a um baixo custo e baixa toxicidade. Quatro voluntários hígidos submeteram seus antebraços recobertos com óleo de Andiroba a 100%, DEET 50% (controle positivo), óleo de soja refinado, óleo de Andiroba 15% e na ausência de produtos (controles negativos), diretamente a picadas de fêmeas saudáveis de Aedes sp. Foram aferidos os tempos da primeira e terceira picadas. Os resultados mostraram que a mediana da primeira picada nos antebraços sem produto foi 17.5s e a terceira picada, 40.0s. No óleo de soja, as picadas ocorreram em 60.0s e 101.5s. No óleo de Andiroba 100%, em 56.0s e 142.5s. Com Andiroba 15%, em 63.0s e 97.5s. Usando DEET 50% não houve picadas após 3600s na maioria dos experimentos (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). O óleo de Andiroba 100% comparado ao óleo de soja, antebraço sem produto e óleo de Andiroba 15%, mostrou discreta superioridade (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). Concluímos que o óleo puro de Andiroba apresenta efeito repelente discreto contra picada de Aedes sp., sendo significativamente inferior ao DEET 50%.


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Introduction: Head and neck cancers are linked to smoking. The most affected sites are the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. Experimental studies show epithelial lesions caused by cigarette smoke. Objectives: To investigate in rats the effects of acute cigarette smoke exposure on the mucosa of the tongue, pharynx and larynx.Material and method: Wistar rats were allocated into two groups of 20 animals: CG (control) receiving food and water ad libitum and TG (Tobacco) exposed to the smoke of 40 cigarettes/day for 60 days. Biopsy of their tongues, pharynxes and larynxes were subjected to histopathological, histomorphometric and immunohistochemical studies of protein p53 and ki-67.Result: The histological analysis of tongue from the Tobacco group revealed epithelial hyperplasia (90%), basal cell hyperplasia (95%) and mild to moderate dysplasia (85%). In pharynx showed basal cell hyperplasia (85%), dysplasia (25%) and vascular congestion (95%). In larynx showed basal cell hyperplasia (70%), epithelial hyperplasia (55%), congestion (100%) and inflammatory infiltrate (25%). Morphometric analysis revealed that keratin layer thickness was greater in the tobacco group. P53 immunoexpression was negative in both groups. Ki-67 immunoexpression was positive in basal cell nuclei but in parabasal cell nuclei it was positive only in the Tobacco group.Conclusions: The exposure of animals to cigarette smoke for 60 days resulted in benign lesions. The duration of exposure was not enough to cause the development cancer, as confirmed by the negative expression of p53 protein in all slides examined. Analysis of ki-67 expression showed intense epithelial proliferation in response to damage.


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A pon stimulation by contralateral, ipsilateral or bilateral noise, the medial olivocochlear efferent tract changes the amplitude of otoacoustic emissions relative to the tested ear, reducing or removing it; this resulted in a reduction/suppression effect of otoacoustic emissions. Differences in patterns of elimination/reduction of otoacoustic emissions between ears have been documented worldwide; there are, however, no Brazilian studies investigating the effect of lateral dominance.Aims: To compare the effect of the presence of deletion/reduction of otoacoustic emissions and their amplitude relative to lateral dominance in normal hearing adults.Methods: A clinical and experimental study. The sample comprised 75 individuals. The methodology was conventional - linear click intensity of 60 dB SPL; white noise was contralateral stimulation at 60 dB SPL.Description of results: There were no statistically significant differences between right and left ear results, in terms of asymmetry of the degree of otoacoustic emissions and the presence of suppression/reduction.Conclusion: There is no lateral dominance in the degree of otoacoustic emissions in the presence of suppression/reduction in the study population.


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Objective To evaluate the cardiorespiratory and behavioural effects of epidural xylazine (XYL) or clonidine (CLO) in horses.Study design Blinded, randomized experimental study.Twelve healthy Arabian yearling horses weighing 117-204 kg were randomly allocated into two groups: XYL (n = 6) and CLO (n = 6).Methods An epidural catheter was inserted and a facial arterial catheter was placed and the next day the horses were restrained in stocks. Baseline values for heart (HR) and respiratory (RR) rates, arterial pressure and behavioural responses were evaluated before (TO) and 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after epidural injection (T10-T120). The horses received 0.2 mg kg(-1) of XYL or 5 mu g kg(-1) CLO; adjusted to (3.4 + (body weight in kg x 0.013) mL with saline. Data were analysed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-way ANOVA with repeated measures, and one-way ANOVA followed by a Student-Newman-Keuls test or Fisher's exact test, as necessary. Significance was set at p <= 0.05.Results Sedation and ataxia were seen at T10, persisting until T120 in four and three horses, respectively, in XYL and all horses in CLO respectively. Two XYL and one CLO horses became recumbent at T45 and T25 respectively. Penile prolapse occurred in four of five males at T30 and T45, in the XYL and CLO groups, respectively, resolving by T120. Tail relaxation was present from T10 to T120 in all horses in XYL and in four horses in CLO. Head drop was observed from T20 to T60 and from T10 to T120 in XYL and CLO respectively. Respiratory rate decreased significantly only at T45 in the CLO group. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure remained stable.Conclusions and clinical relevance Epidural CLO and XYL produce similar cardiorespiratory and behavioural changes but neither would be safe to use clinically at the doses used in this study.


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Objective. To assess factors determining growth in a group of children between 3 months and 6 years old enrolled in a public municipal (i.e., government-supported, not private) day-care center, in comparison to a group of children with similar characteristics but who were not enrolled in the center. Methods. A quasi-experimental study was designed to observe 444 children aged 3 to 72 months from a low-income neighborhood in the city of Sorocaba, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Two groups were studied: 164 children enrolled in a local municipal day-care center (intervention group) and 280 not receiving care at the center (nonintervention, comparison group) but instead being cared for at home. Both groups were seen four times over a period of 16 months. At each observation session, the children's weight and height were measured. Information was also collected on the mother's sociodemographic characteristics and the illnesses she had suffered as well as the child's weight and other health characteristics at birth, the child's illnesses in the 15 days before each observation, and any hospitalizations. Results. The children in both groups were from low-income families, with 65% of the families having an average monthly income below US$ 100; 80% of the mothers had received 8 years of schooling or less. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that at the first observation (just before enrollment in the day-care center), birth weight was the only factor that explained the nutritional differences between the two groups. Subsequent analyses showed that being in day care was the factor that best explained the differences between the groups, especially in terms of the adequacy of weight for age, after controlling for birthweight, sex, age at the beginning of the study, and illnesses in the 15 days before an observation session. The nutritional impact of the intervention was significant as early as 3 months after being enrolled in day care. Conclusions. The nutritional benefits of the care provided at the center outweighed the negative effects sometimes seen in such centers, such as the greater morbidity that children in day-care centers often experience in comparison to children receiving care at home.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the host response of a human and a porcine derived acellular dermal tissue (ADT) implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of a rat model. Two subcutaneous pockets were surgically created along the dorsal midline of 25 rats (5 rats/group). The human ADT was placed superiorly and the porcine ADT, inferiorly. The animals were sacrificed at 07, 15, 30, 60 and 180 postoperative days (PO) and the ADTs and surrounding soft tissues were assessed for ultrastructural evaluation by transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructural findings were similar in both materials. Normal collagen and elastic fibers bundles were observed during all experimental moments, as well as macrophages presenting cytoplasmic enlargements digesting cellular portions after 15 PO. From 30 until 180 PO, vacuolar structures filled with an amorphous, electron-transparent substance, were present inside and outside the fibroblasts. Both human and porcine ADT showed similar pattern of ultrastructural response when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The porcine ADT appears as a good alternative to be used as a biomaterial.


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The pulsating combustion process has won interest in current research due to indications that its application in energy generation can offer several advantages, such as: fuel economy, reduced pollutants formation, increased rate of convective heat transfer and reduced investment, when compared with conventional techniques. An experimental study has been conducted with the objective of investigating the effects of combustion driven acoustic oscillations in the emission rates of combustion gases, especially carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. The experiments were conducted in a water-jacketed 1-m long by 25-cm internal diameter stainless steel vertical tube. The combustor operated with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in both oscillatory and non oscillatory conditions, under the same input conditions. Part of the reactant mixture was excited acoustically, before the burner exit, by a speaker positioned strategically. The burner was aligned with the chamber longitudinal axis and positioned at its bottom. The experiments were conducted for 0.16 g/s of LPG burning in stoichiometric equivalence ratio. The main conclusions were: a) the pulsating combustion process produces more uniform fuel/air profile than the non pulsating process, b) close to stoichiometric equivalence ratio the pulsating combustion process generates higher rates of NO x; c) the frequency has a strong influence in NO x emission, but the pressure amplitude has a weak influence; d) the presence of the acoustic field may change drastically the combustion gas emissions in diffusion flames, but in pre-mixed flames the influence is not as strong.


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The influence of soil drill rod length on the N value in the SPT-T test has been studied extensively by Mello (1971), Schmertmann & Palacios (1979), Odebrecht et al. (2002) and Cavalcante (2002). This paper presents an analysis of the Standard Penetration Test supplemented with torque measurement (SPT-T). A theoretical study of the resistance of the rod material to torsion and bending indicated that the shear stress caused by the rod self-weight represents less than 1% of that caused by the torsional moment. An experimental study with electric torquemeters attached to a horizontal rod system, as well as two field tests in the vertical direction, were also carried out to compare and substantiate the results. The purpose of these tests was to analyze changes along the length of the rod in response to successive increments at 1-meter intervals. Torque measurements were taken at each increment of the length to ascertain the accuracy of the theoretical data. The difference between the applied torque and the measured torque at the end of rod system was lower than the minimum scale of mechanical torquemeters used in practice.


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The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of studies that analyzed the effect of physical exercise on the peripheral levels of BDNF in elderly individuals. Method: We conducted a search in PsycINFO, Biological Abstracts, Pubmed, Web of Science, and Science Direct from 1990 to 2011, using the following keywords: physical exercise , physical activity , physical therapy , training , BDNF , neuroplasticity , neurotrophins , neuroplasticity proteins , aged , older , elderly The articles were considered for inclusion in the review if they were studies with elderly, assessed peripheral (serum and/or plasma) BDNF and evaluated an acute exercise or chronic exercise (training). Results: Five randomized controlled trial and one randomized non-controlled trial studies were analyzed. Five out of six studies reported a significantly higher BDNF response to aerobic acute exercise and to aerobic or strength training program in healthy elderly and elderly with different pathologies. Conclusion: It was not possible to establish a recommendation protocol for the type and intensity of physical exercise required to produce an increase in levels BDNF. However, physical exercise, particularly, moderate-intensity exercises seem to be more effective to promote increase the peripheral levels of BDNF in the elderly. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze histologically the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in combination with bisphosphonate on bone healing in surgically created critical size defects (CSD) in rat calvaria. One hundred Wistar female rats sham operated (sham) and ovariectomized (Ovx) were maintained untreated for 1 month to allow for the development of osteopenia in the Ovx animals. A CSD was made in the calvarium of each rat, and the animals were divided into five groups according to following treatments: (1) sham rats (control), (2) Ovx rats, (3) Ovx rats treated with LLLT, (4) Ovx rats treated with bisphosphonate, and (5) Ovx rats treated with bisphosphonate and LLLT. Groups 4 and 5 were irrigated with 1 ml of bisphosphonate, and groups 3 and 5 were submitted to LLLT (GaAlAs), 660 nm, 24 J, and 0.4285 W/cm2 on the CSD. Ten animals of each treatment were killed at 30 and 60 days. Histomorphometric assessments, using image analysis software, and histological analyses were performed. No defect was completely regenerated with the bone. Histometrically, it can be observed that groups 3 (37.49 ± 1.94%, 43.11 ± 2.39%) and 5 (35.05 ± 1.57%, 41.07 ± 1.89%) showed a significant bone neoformation when compared to groups 1 (16.81 ± 1.57%, 27.54 ± 1.49%), 2 (11.68 ± 0.98%, 22.51 ± 1.05%), and 4 (14.62 ± 1.70%, 25.67 ± 1.41%) in all experimental periods (P < 0.05). It was possible to conclude that the LLLT associated or not with bisphosphonate treatment was effective for stimulating bone formation in CSD in the calvaria of rats submitted to ovariectomy. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Ltd.


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Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) following the use of bisphosphonates has become of increased interest in the scientific community, due in particular to its as-yet-unsolved pathogenesis. An experimental model of ONJ was induced in normal male rats [alendronate (ALN); 1 mg/Kg/day; n = 10] and matched controls (saline solution; n = 10). After 60 days of drug treatment, all animals were subjected to extractions of the left first lower molars and were euthanized at 3 and 28 days postsurgery. The following analyses were performed: (i) descriptive and quantitative (scores) histological evaluation, (ii) stereometry of distal sockets and (iii) biochemical measurement of C-telopeptide cross-linked collagen type I (CTX) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP). The results showed that 28 days postsurgery the animals treated with ALN had areas of exposed and necrotic bone, associated with significant infection, especially in the interalveolar septum area and crestal regions, compared with controls. The levels of CTX, BALP and bone volume, as well as the degrees of inflammation and vascularization, were significantly reduced in these animals. Therefore, analysis of the data presented suggests that ALN therapy is associated with the development of osteonecrosis in the jaws of rodents after tooth extraction. © 2012 International Journal of Experimental Pathology.


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Predation is a primary driver of tadpole assemblages, and the activity rate is a good predictor of the tadpoles' tolerance for predation risk. The conflicting demands between activity and exposure to predation can generate suboptimal behaviours. Because morphological components, such as body colouration, may affect the activity of tadpoles, we predict that environmental features that enhance or match the tadpole colouration should affect their survival or activity rate in the presence of a predator. We tested this prediction experimentally by assessing the mortality rate of tadpoles of Rhinella schneideri and Eupemphix nattereri and the active time on two artificial background types: one bright-coloured and one black-coloured. We found no difference in tadpole mortality due to the background type. However, R. schneideri tadpoles were more active than E. nattereri tadpoles, and the activity of R. schneideri was reduced less in the presence of the predator than that of E. nattereri. Although the background colouration did not affect the tadpole mortality rate, it was a stimulus that elicited behavioural responses in the tadpoles, leading them to adjust their activity rate to the type of background colour. © 2013 Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italia.