334 resultados para Capacitance meters
Point positioning from GPS data can provide precision varying from 100 meters to a few millimeters at the level of 95% probability. To reach the best level of accuracy, users need proper equipment and software, as well as access capability to GPS products available at the International GPS Geodynamics Service. In this paper, the theory related to point positioning using GPS is presented as well as the results of an experiment conducted using data from the Brazilian Active Control System. The results show repeatability better than 5mm and 10mm for the N and E baseline components respectively, and 6mm + 4ppb (parts per billion) for the vertical. Comparison with SIRGAS campaign showed results at the same level of uncertainty as that of the stations used to tie the SIRGAS frame to ITRF94. Therefore, precise point positioning is a powerful tool to be used in applications requiring high level of precision, such as Geodynamics.
A CMOS audio-equalizer based on a parallel-array of 2nd-order bandpass-sections is presented and realized with triode transconductors. It has a programmable 12db-boost/cut on each of its three decade-bands, easily achieved through the linear dependence of gm on VDS. In accordance with a 0.8μm n-well double-metal fabrication process, a range of simulations supports theoretical analysis and circuit performance at different boost/cut scenarios. For VDD=3.3V, fullboosting stand-by prover consumption is 1.05mW. THD=-42.61dB@1Vpp and may be improved by balanced structures. Thermal- and I/f-noise spectral densities are 3.2μV/Hz12 and 18.2μV/Hz12@20Hz, respectively, for a dynamic range of 52.3dB@1Vpp. The equalizer effective area is 2.4mm2. The drawback of the existing transmission-zero due to the feedthrough-capacitance of a triode input-device is also addressed. The proposed topology can be extended to the design of more complex graphic-equalizers and hearing-aids.
In order to evaluate the use of shallow seismic technique to delineate geological and geotechnical features up to 40 meters depth in noisy urban areas covered with asphalt pavement, five survey lines were conducted in the metropolitan area of São Paulo City. The data were acquired using a 24-bit, 24-channel seismograph, 30 and 100 Hz geophones and a sledgehammer-plate system as seismic source. Seismic reflection data were recorded using a CMP (common mid point) acquisition method. The processing routine consisted of: prestack band-pass filtering (90-250 Hz); automatic gain control (AGC); muting (digital zeroin) of dead/noisy traces, ground roll, air-wave and refracted-wave; CMP sorting; velocity analyses; normal move-out corrections; residual static corrections; f-k filtering; CMP stacking. The near surface is geologically characterized by unconsolidated fill materials and Quaternary sediments with organic material overlying Tertiary sediments with the water table 2 to 5 m below the surface. The basement is composed of granite and gneiss. Reflections were observed from 40 milliseconds to 65 ms two-way traveltime and were related to the silt clay layer and fine sand layer contact of the Tertiary sediments and to the weathered basement. The CMP seismic-reflection technique has been shown to be useful for mapping the sedimentary layers and the bedrock of the São Paulo sedimentary basin for the purposes of shallow investigations related to engineering problems. In spite of the strong cultural noise observed in these urban areas and problems with planting geophones we verified that, with the proper equipment, field parameters and particularly great care in data collection and processing, we can overcome the adverse field conditions and to image reflections from layers as shallow as 20 meters.
In Brazil, garden and cut rose bushes are propagated through cuttings or grafting. The rootstocks used in most of the traditional areas of cultivation are not identified, being known just by the vulgar name. There is not any information in the literature on the morphologic characteristics, nor about the productivity of different cultivars on the rootstocks available in Brazil. The objective of this work was to characterize and determine productivity of nine rootstocks (Rosa multiflora 'Paulista'; R. multiflora 'Japones'; R. multiflora 'Iowa'; R. multiflora 'Kopmans'; R. indica 'Mayor'; R. indica x multiflora; R. sp. 'Natual Brier'; R. manetti and R. canina 'Inermis') grafted with 'Versilia' and 'Tineke' scions. Morphologic studies were undertaken to characterize branches of adult plants to determine shape and dimensions of the leaf; number of prickles/15 cm of stem; vigor of the stems; incidence of Diplocarpon rosae (blackspot) and coloration of the leaf. The productivity (number of commercial flowers/plant/month) was evaluated for 6 months (October, 2000 to March, 2001), in the city of Andradas, Minas Gerais State, located at 1251 meters above sea level. Since there was significant difference in just two months for both rootstocks, 'Tineke' and 'Versilia', no rootstocks could be considered inadequate. Nonetheless, in general, the rootstocks that showed a better performance with 'Tineke' were, R. multiflora 'Kopmans' and R. manetti and with 'Versilia', R. multiflora 'Kopmans' and Rosa sp. 'Natual Brier'.
Características estruturais da parede das artérias renal e femoral de coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
In the renal and femoral arteries of rabbit was verified that both vessels had walls structured by myostromal components, despite of their different distributive of blood, being the renal artery a visceral blood vessel and the femoral artery a parietal vessel. This wall pattern in these vessels concerned to presence of connective stromal elements (collagen and elastic fibres and lamellae) and smooth muscle cells coexisting with some equilibrium in the wall structure of the renal and femoral arteries, mainly in the medial layer architecture. An intimal folding pattern was verified around the vascular lumen, possibly related to capacitance of the both arteries regarding to variability of pressure levels in cardiac cycle. Furthermore, myostromal relations of connective elements and smooth muscle cells verified in the medial layer and the network formed by connective elements in the adventitial layer of these arteries contributed to maintenance of wall viscoelasticity properties of the vessels.
A quasi-sinusoidal linearly tunable OTA-C VCO built with triode-region transconductors is presented. Oscillation upon power-on is ensured by RHP poles associated with gate-drain capacitances of OTA input devices. Since the OTA nonlinearity stabilizes the amplitude, the oscillation frequency f0 is first-order independent of VDD, making the VCO adequate to mixed-mode designs. A range of simulations attests the theoretical analysis. As part of a DPLL, the VCO was prototyped on a 0.8μm CMOS process, occupying an area of 0.15mm2. Nominal f0 is 1MHz, with K VCo=8.4KHz/mV. Measured sensitivity to VDD is below 2.17, while phase noise is -86dBc at 100-KHz offset. The feasibility of the VCO for higher frequencies is verified by a redesign based on a 0.35μm CMOS process and VDD=3.3V, with a linear frequency-span of l3.2MHz - 61.5MHz.
This study was accomplished with the objective of knowing the seasonal distribution of the main species of parasites causes of branchial damages to the fish from fee-fishing at Guariba, State of São Paulo. This city is situated at 21 degrees 15'22'' S, 48 degrees 18'58'' W, in altitude 595 meters. This research was conducted between April, 1997 to March, 1999. From 408 fishes examined, 29.1% of them were infested by the protozoans e metazoans. Leporinus macrocephalus showed the highest parasitism by Trichodina sp., although Piaractus mesopotamicus and Cyprinus carpio were also parasited. Piscinoodinium pillulare infestation were found in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio e Colossoma macropomum. Monogenetics metazoan have largely been observed in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio, C. macropomum e cross-bred tambacu. The incidence of this parasite was elevated in the summer for L. macrocephalus, spring for P. mesopotamicus and C. macropomum, and both seasons for cross-bred tambacu. Lernaea cyprinacea copepodes were observed in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio and cross- breeding tambacu, in spite of the fact that C. carpio has demonstrated high parasitism of adult form. The fish L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and C. carpio were sponged intensely by Dolops carvalhoi, in situation of high population density. Piaractus mesopotamicus was considered the species more parasited by myxosporídeos, that were also observed in L. macrocephalus and cross-breeding tambacu.
Polyfluorenes are promising materials for the emitting layer of polymer light emitting devices (PLEDs) with blue emission. In this work, we report on PLEDs fabricated with Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of a polyfluorene derivative, namely poly(9,9-di-hexylfluorenediyl vinylene-alt-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (PDHF-PV). Y-type LB films were transferred onto ITO substrates at a surface pressure of 35 mN m-1 and with dipping speed of 3 mm min -1. A thin aluminum layer was evaporated on top of the LB film, thus yielding a sandwich structure (ITO/PDHF-PV(LB)/Al). Current-voltage (I vs V) measurements indicate that the device displays a classical behavior of a rectifying diode. The threshold value is approximately 5 V, and the onset for visible light emission occurs at ca. 10 V. From the a.c. electrical responses we infer that the active layer has a typical behavior of PLEDs where the real component of ac conductivity obeys a power-law with the frequency. Cole-Cole plots (Im(Z) vs. Re(Z)) for the device exhibit a series of semicircles, the diameter of which decreases with increasing forward bias. This PLED structure is modeled by a parallel resistance and capacitance combination, representing the dominant mechanisms of charge transport and polarization in the organic layer, in series with a resistance representing the ITO contact. Overall, the results presented here demonstrate the feasibility of LEDs made with LB films of PDHF-PV.
This paper discusses the utilization of Virtual Instrumentation to the implementation and evaluation of different power definitions, so that classical formulations and new definitions can be compared without the necessity of acquiring different power meters or analyzers. Accordingly, the definitions of IEEE Standard 1459-2000 for the measurement of power quantities under distorted and unbalanced situations, have been digitally implemented. Thus, several power and power factor components related to the decomposition of the measured voltage and current signals have been obtained. The proposed PC-based Virtual Instrument uses a high performance acquisition board and isolated sensors and transducers. All digital algorithms and routines have been implemented by means of a graphical development system. Regarding to the implementation of STD 1459, this paper also proposes several different algorithms to the required decompositions of voltage, current and power components. © 2005 IEEE.
The paper shows an alternative methodology to calculate transmission line parameters per unit length and to apply it in a three-phase line with a vertical symmetry plane. This procedure is derived from a general procedure where the modal transformation matrix of the line is required. In this paper, the unknown modal transformation matrix requested by general procedure is substituted by Clarke's matrix. With the substitution that is shown in the paper, the transmission line parameters can be obtained starting from impedances measured in one terminal of the line. First, the article shows the classical methodology to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters by using Carson and Pollaczeck's equations for representing the ground effect and Bessel's functions to represent the skin effect. After that, a new procedure is shown to calculate frequency dependent transmission line parameters directly from currents and voltages of an existing line. Then, this procedure is applied in a non-transposed three-phase transmission line whose parameters have been previously calculated by using the classical methodology. Finally, the results obtained by using the new procedure and by using the classical methodology are compared. The article shows simulation results for typical frequency spectra of switching transients (10 Hz to 10 kHz). Results have shown that procedure has © 2006 IEEE.
This paper is aiming to evaluate the effects of different levels of the aluminum on the growth of the Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla shoots cultivated in vitro. Evaluations were carried out on pH and chemicals modifications of the culture medium by Geochem program, polyamines contents (putrescine, espermidine e espermine) and acid phosphatase ativity on the shoots. The trial had a totally randomized design with four treatments and four replicates. The treatments were: 0.0, 6.75,13.50 and 27 mg.L -1 of AlCl 3.6H 2. Evaluations were carried out on the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th and 28th day of culture. The addition of the aluminium, in all concentrations, affected the culture medium ionic equilibrium, the morphology of the shoots, reduced the pH on the medium, induced an increase in polyamines content and higher acid phosphatase activity.
Since Ranzini suggested supplementing the SPT test with measurement of the torque required to turn the split spoon sampler after driving, many Brazilian engineers have been using this in the design of pile foundations. This paper presents a study of the rod length influence in the torque measurement. A theoretical study of material resistance considering torsion and bending in a thin wall tubular steel shaft was performed. It makes possible to conclude that the shearing tension caused by the proper weight represents less than 1% of the shearing tension caused by the turning moment. In addition, an experimental study was done with electric torquemeters fixed in a horizontal rod system. The tests were being carried out to analyze rods of one meter to twenty meters in length and the measurements were collected at the ends of each rod length verifying the efficiency data. As a result, it is possible to verify that the torque difference through rod length is lower than minimum scales of mechanical torquemeters that are used on practical engineering. Also a fact to be considered is a big torque loss for values under 20 N.m of applied torque. This way, the SPT-T is not adequate to low consistency soil. Copyright ASCE 2007.
An analysis of the active pixel sensor (APS), considering the doping profiles of the photodiode in an APS fabricated in a 0.18 μm standard CMOS technology, is presented. A simple and accurate model for the junction capacitance of the photodiode is proposed. An analytic expression for the output voltage of the APS obtained with this capacitance model is in good agreement with measurements and is more accurate than the models used previously. A different mode of operation for the APS based on the dc level of the output is suggested. This new mode has better low-light-level sensitivity than the conventional APS operating mode, and it has a slower temporal response to the change of the incident light power. At 1μW/cm2 and lower levels of light, the measured signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of this new mode is more than 10 dB higher than the SNR of previously reported APS circuits. Also, with an output SNR of about 10 dB, the proposed dc level is capable of detecting light powers as low as 20 nW/cm2, which is about 30 times lower than the light power detected in recent reports by other groups. © 2007 IEEE.
The energy efficiency of buildings should be a goal at the pre-design phase, though the importance of the design variables is often neglected even during the design process. Highlighting the relevance of these design variables, this research studies the relationships of building location variables with the electrical energy consumption of residential units. The following building design parameters are considered: orientation, story height and sky view factor (SVF). The consideration of the SVF as a location variable contributes to the originality of this research. Data of electrical energy consumption and users' profiles were collected and several variables were considered for the development of an Artificial Neural Network model. This model allows the determination of the relative importance of each variable. The results show that the apartments' orientation is the most important design variable for the energy consumption, although the story height and the sky view factor play a fundamental role in that consumption too. We pointed out that building heights above twenty-four meters do not optimize the energy efficiency of the apartments and also that an increasing SVF can influence the energy consumption of an apartment according to their orientation.
In this article, the authors measure throughput of sonic diamond microtubes and micronozzles that can work as passive gas flow controllers and flow meters under choking conditions. The behavior of the outlet pressure through the microdevices using an experimental setup with constant volume and constant temperature was determined in order to obtain the critical throughput, the critical mass flow rate, and the discharge coefficients of the diamond sonic microdevices. © 2007 American Vacuum Society.